• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 27th


Just a reader. No, I'm not a brony, nor do I hate bronies. I'm just a guy who likes to read good stories.


Clockwork Chronicles cancellation notice. · 8:49pm Mar 17th, 2018

Moved from the actual story to comply with site rules.

As anyone who follows me, or has favorited any of my other stories, already knows, this, and all of my other stories, are cancelled. And unfortunately, as this is my first story, this is both the least planned out story, and the one with the least I remember. I'm sorry.


Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey cancellation "Chapter" · 8:47pm Mar 17th, 2018

As the mods have stated, apparently having an inline cancellation notice isn't allowed. This seems a bit illogical to me, but I can see the point of not allowing any "non-story" chapters.

So, here's what the chapter would have said.

So. This is a thing.

By now, I'm sure most of you have forgotten this story existed. I wouldn't blame you for it.

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Sorry to disappoint everyone. · 5:47am Mar 17th, 2018

This is going to get shared across all of my stories, but I figure everyone who decided to follow me deserves to hear it first.

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Rejoice! · 12:11pm Jun 10th, 2015

Chapter 1 of On A Falling Star's re-write is live!


Hey, remember that blog post about a re-write for On A Falling Star? · 11:37pm Jun 5th, 2015

Yeah, that's happening. As penance for the delay's this will cause, however, I have good news! Once all 5 current chapters have been re-written, Chapter 6 will go live! Rejoice!

Report Ash19256 · 356 views ·

Hey, I'm not dead · 1:51am Jun 1st, 2015

Hello there. Sorry about the distinct lack of chapters. I'm busy with school, and combined with other commitments, it's taking a lot of time away from writing. Can't really give an ETA on the next chapter, so assume that it's not gonna drop till some time in June.

Report Ash19256 · 254 views ·

Re-write of On A Falling Star · 8:13pm Dec 15th, 2014

Yep. This is indeed a thing I am doing. I plan to make the story flow a bit better, make it less dense to anyone who isn't a fan of spaceflight, maybe make the Kerbals a bit less two dimensional, etc.

Report Ash19256 · 334 views ·

Possible upcoming retcon for On A Falling Star · 3:18am Oct 22nd, 2014

Hello everyone. I suppose you realize that I have been very spotty about my updates to my stories lately. This is mostly due to school having started back up a while ago for me, and in between that, games, bus shenanigans, and me trying to deal with irritation and lack of sleep, I have had very little time to write, and when I do have time to write, my muse has not even shown hide or hair of itself. However, this is not a blog to explain why there have been a lack of updates. This is a blog to

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Random Ramblings and Explanations · 5:33am Oct 12th, 2014

Hello everyone. I suspect you have been wondering what has happened to me. In short, school. Spelled out in a longer fashion, I am currently in high school, and therefore am not able to regularly update. Combined with the fact that my muse strikes at random, and often highly inopportune moments, and this means my update schedule makes most other authors look orderly. So, in summary, please don't expect rapid and repeated updates.

Report Ash19256 · 276 views ·

Current design of the KEV-100 Falling Star from my KSP Crossover · 1:50am Mar 2nd, 2014

Name: KEV-100 Falling Star

Type: Grand Idea-class Kerbal Exploration Vessel, serial number 100

Length: 2.2 kilometers from front of heatshield to aft of Habitation Module

Max. Width: 0.25 kilometers

Crew: 75 kerbals

Commanding Officers: Commander Jebediah Kerman commands the Flight teams, Lieutenant Commander Bob Kerman commands the Engineering teams, and Chief Scientist Bill Kerman commands the Science teams.

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Report Ash19256 · 385 views ·