New story submitted. · 10:28pm Dec 29th, 2013
I've submitted a new crossover story! No idea how it'll be received, but we'll see!
A courier by trade who writes stories. Welcomes feedback and/or constructive criticism.
I've submitted a new crossover story! No idea how it'll be received, but we'll see!
Final warning, there are spoilers for the latest episode, so don't read if you haven't watched.
So yeah, I thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Season Four has been off to a great start and it certainly hasn't lost its momentum yet.
Awaiting approval.
Most ponies fake at least some of their social interactions. I feel like I fake them all. My name is Big Macintosh, and I figured out at an early age that I was... different. Nopony knows just how different, though. Nopony can ever know what I really am. Or what I do.
A parody of the television series Dexter.
I apologize for the two blog posts in one day, but I wanted some opinions on something. So I got this idea for a story about Big Macintosh. It's supposed to be a dark comedy, and a parody of the show Dexter (a serious tone, but the subject matter it covers is meant to be humorous). It's not a style of writing I've ever really done before, and I can't decide whether or not to pursue it, so I figure I'll share part of the first chapter with those of you who read my blog and see if you think
I'm aiming to post the next chapter of Neither Created Nor Destroyed tomorrow evening.
Also, how was everyone's Thanksgiving?
Well actually, since it's for a story that's already published, would that technically make them post-readers? Regardless, I'm aiming to submit one of my stories, The World Famous Flim Flam Brothers' Spectacular Travelling Menagerie, to Equestria Daily, but not until I've polished it. Like a lot. Grammar, I've got covered, but what I could use are some objective opinions
Chapter Nine of Neither Created Nor Destroyed is now up, and Equestria's losses continue to accumulate. It took a while because I have a lot of information to organize over several chapters, but I finally felt confident enough in this one to release it.
The next chapter of Neither Created Nor Destroyed will be posted tomorrow.
The Apple Family Lemonade (Does Not Contain Somethings) stand gets a visit from a shady character claiming to be a health inspector. Meanwhile, the Flim Flam Brothers assert their legal ownership of the word "apple".
(new chapter will be published tomorrow)
Still working on a new chapter of Equested Development. Think I'm finally getting over my writer's block with that story. Cranky and Drift will be next. For the seventeen of you following Neither Created Nor Destroyed, I've got a backlog of unpublished chapters, the reason being that the story has gotten to a point where many things are happening at once, and I want to make sure that I organize everything in the best way possible, but progress continues!