• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2022


Author of that writing guide and some stories too.


Ficsficsfics · 6:40am Oct 1st, 2011

So I finally started reading Paradise recently and HOLY CRAP is it awesome. You should read it right now if you haven't already; to be honest I'm not entirely certain why I'm typing up this blog instead of reading more of it. It's probably so that I can feel like I'm actually doing something. Even though the something I should be doing is my Accounting. But forget that, right? I can always do it later...

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What the hay? · 5:50pm Sep 24th, 2011

You know, fillies and gentlecolts, before I got into this pony thing I wouldn't touch fanfiction with a ten-foot pole. Sure, I read through Repercussions of Evil, Full-Life Consequences and My Immortal (that was quite a feat, I've gotta tell you) in a pilgrimage to become more at-one with the lulz, but I never thought that any fanfic about any property ever was worthy of my attention.

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