• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen Mar 30th, 2022


Author of that writing guide and some stories too.


Fifteen · 7:58am May 27th, 2012

All the cool authors write blogs to go with their chapter updates, so here's me jumping on that bandwagon.

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Another Story · 7:23pm May 13th, 2012

Below lies the revision of a drabble I wrote a few weeks ago. Writing-wise, its main purpose was to exercise some "Tell, Don't Show" because I'm a loose canon author who doesn't play by the rules.

Forced Evolution

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Story Time! · 7:40pm Apr 28th, 2012

I've been thinking a bit about abbreviated summaries of stories and how they're sometimes not a bad medium for telling stories themselves. Some story ideas work better if you don't give them enough time to wear out their welcome.

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New Page Layout · 9:15pm Apr 2nd, 2012

I really like the new "Featured Stories" module, so seeing as I only have four fics at the moment, I decided to use it instead of the "Latest Stories" box. Was it a good idea?

I uploaded a new story – I Dream of Daisies, which was my fourth-place-winning /fic/ Write-Off entry. It's basically about Dash meeting a dream-raiding psychologist pony. You should read it if you like Dash/dreams/my writing/ponies/everything good about the world.

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End Game · 7:44pm Mar 15th, 2012

And that's the Dragonia arc of Long Distance finished! I hope you enjoyed it.

There will be one more arc, and then we'll be done. It's not going to be as short as this arc was, so don't worry, this fic's still got some mileage left in it. We're definitely steamrolling towards the end, though, and I do hope I can deliver some exciting and satisfying resolutions to the story's dangling plot threads.

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New Long Distance chapters inbound · 4:57am Mar 2nd, 2012

The first drafts of the next three chapters are now complete and undergoing proofreading/editing/reviewing. Major changes will be made to them before release if I deem it necessary. If you'd like to help with the editing process, drop me a PM and I'll send you the GDoc links.

I apologise for the long wait that you've had and the slightly shorter wait that you're going to have before the new chapters surface, but now that I've got a bit of a buffer, things should run more smoothly.

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Updort · 7:06pm Feb 19th, 2012

Hey there. Things have been busy IRL, but I've managed to make progress on Long Distance behind the scenes. I'm trying an experimental chapter-writing technique, and that's been slowing me down somewhat. Rest assured that I should have the first draft of the next chapter ready in a few days' time, and then y'all will be able to read it just as soon as my reviewer has helped me make it suck less.

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/fic/ Write-Off · 9:23am Jan 25th, 2012

I entered Ponychan's /fic/ Write-Off this past weekend, along with eighteen other writers. All the stories are finished, and we're looking for votes. Read them here, and vote here. Don't feel obligated to read all of them before voting, though - just give an N/A rating to whatever you don't read.

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Tumblr · 8:48pm Dec 27th, 2011

I got one because I am a massive hipster.

Also I will try to get Long Distance Chapter 10 out by the end of the year, but no promises. Here's an excerpt so long (subject to change):

Sibwashie stood on the edge of a great cliff, looking out at the plains of inland Zebrica. The veld was sporadically dotted by low, wide trees, and herds of elephants, rhinos and wildebeest roamed around in the long grass.

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Attention Authors · 9:30pm Nov 25th, 2011

Hey, I'm talking to you guys - the ones who are tracking "The Humanification Bureau". I have an announcement to make.

If you're a fanfic author and my story has inspired you to the degree that you want to write a spin-off, please do. I am giving everyone permission to write fanfics of my fanfic of a fanfic. It would be hypocritical not to.

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