• Member Since 17th Jun, 2013
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If violence is the only language you know, don't be surprised when someone talks back.


Something in the works. · 3:19am May 15th, 2023

Hey, all. Been quiet. Been busy. Think I got something.

Working on two stories, one will be a rewrite of Pompeii, the second one will be a crossover. That's all I really want to say. Crossover one will be out first, if I get around to writing the first chapter, I need to read a specific book first to complete my research.

Report CaptainExtremis · 82 views · #update

Pomepii summary · 12:06am Apr 20th, 2023

Okay, a “quick” synopsis of how I planned Pompeii to go:

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Report CaptainExtremis · 129 views · #rambling

News about Pompeii · 10:25pm Apr 15th, 2023

Fun fact I bet you didn’t know: there actually is a seventh Element of Harmony. I am its Bearer, and it is called: Bad News.

...And just like that, I’ve reached for a joke so hard, some poor stand-up comedian just got a stomach ulcer. It wasn’t even that good, jesus. But yes, in all seriousness, I’ve done some thinking and I’ve decided, though it pains me to do so, that I’m canceling work on Pompeii.

In its current form, that is.

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I apologize for the radio silence · 10:37pm Apr 12th, 2023

Hey, all. Like I said in the title, sorry for not posting anything in, like, 3 years. I just lost interest for awhile, but I've got some motivation. I might not actually post any stories or chapters, but I figured I should at least post a little update for, like, the 5 people who are actually watching me.

That's all, peace :twilightsmile:


The Joys of Having ADHD · 3:13am Sep 6th, 2020

  1. Technically, I'm borderline ADD, but at this point idk anymore.
  2. That's sarcasm, if you couldn't tell.

So I haven't posted a new chapter for Pompeii. I worked at it over the summer, but ultimately, the third chapter is stuck in development hell. At least for now.

This is because I am currently hyperfixating on something else. No, I will not elaborate.

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Summer update · 9:51pm Jun 19th, 2020

Now that spring classes are over, I'm going to try (keyword: try) to get more work done on Pompeii (I think I've written myself into a corner with HMHS, so that's not being worked on anytime soon). Of course, it's been hard bc seasonal depression has kicked in already, but I'm going to try and get another chapter out before mid-July, and if not then, by the end of the summer. It should be easy with the pandemic, but also, it really won't be.

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Valentine's fic coming up · 5:10am Feb 10th, 2020

Hey all!

Wanted to do a very small, quick'n'dirty update post: I'm thinking of posting a new oneshot on Valentine's Day, or close enough for it to count as a Valentine's Day story. Yup. That's it. No, uh...nothing else.

ofc, as a Valentine's Day fic, y'all know what's gonna be in it.

Hint: b o n i n g c a r t o o n p o n e s


Update post: Pompeii · 2:56am Feb 5th, 2020

Pompeii's second chapter is fully written! All that I need to do now is reread and edit it as best I can. It will be up either tomorrow or Wednesday at the earliest!

Report CaptainExtremis · 226 views · #update #pompeii

Pompeii Chapter 2 = 85% complete! · 8:19pm Nov 9th, 2019

Yeah, remember how my last blog post said I was about 42% of the way through writing chapter 2???? So that was a lie.

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qwik update · 3:04am Oct 20th, 2019

Pompeii: Chapter 2 ~ about...42% done??? give or take????? I've been all over the place, fam, ngl. I just watched the series finale bc I decided to put it off so I could cry up at school so I could disguise it as a minor breakdown and I am deceased.

Will have better cover art for it either by next Saturday or Halloween. Promise.