• Published 22nd Apr 2013
  • 13,278 Views, 473 Comments

The Flower Blooms Twice - Tatsurou

An indeterminate injury leads a Crusader to discover a secret about herself, one that will change her world forever...or not.

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Chapter 5

"Daring foals of mystery
Champions of right
Swoop out of the shadows
Fillies own the night
Somewhere some villain’s scheme
Is going straight to hell
When there's trouble you call FDW
Let's get Dangerous
Cutie Mark Crusaders Superheroes, Yay!
Cloud of smoke and they appear
Masters of Surprise
Who's the cunning minds behind
That shadowy disguise
Nopony knows for sure
And nopony's gonna tell! Here comes...
When there's trouble you call FDW
Let's get Dangerous
Better watch out you bad colts!

"Sweetie!" Apple Bloom hissed.

"What?' Sweetie Belle asked, snapped out of her singing.

"We are supposed to be sneaking here. That's kind of the point to the disguises."


Apple Bloom facehoofed. "Singing at the top of your voice hardly helps with sneaking."

"Oh." Sweetie hung her head. "I'm sorry."

Scootaloo nudged Sweetie to lift her head. "Hey, I liked your song."

Sweetie Belle perked up, although her expression was invisible under the Mare-Do-Well outfit. "Sometimes, some crimes-"

"SWEETIE!" Apple Bloom snapped.

"Sorry!" Sweetie Belle replied, a laugh in her voice.

Apple Bloom rolled her eyes. "Let's focus on getting up to Rainbow Dash's cloud house. And no more talking. Or singing. Or humming. Or duck calls. Or wolf whistles. Or mummified cat juggling." She paused, blinking as she turned to Scootaloo. "Where did you get the mummified cats from, anyway?"


Apple Bloom stared at Scootaloo for a time, then sighed. "Let's get to the rescue mission already."

The three friends slowly slunk silently around town, seeking their way into the sky. They quickly discovered that the Changelings had actually chosen a rather good spot for imprisoning Rainbow Dash, as there was no easy way - beyond flying - to reach her house and, unfortunately for the would be heroes, none of them could fly. Eventually, they managed to scale the Town Hall and get onto a cloud near there. Unfortunately, that left them a good distance from Rainbow's house.

Glancing around, Apple Bloom took stock of their situation. Well, she thought silently, ain't this a fix. We made it up into the sky, but now we've got no way to make it over to Rainbow's. Ain't that just great. Queen Chrysalis is getting ready to mount a full scale invasion of Equestria, all of Ponyville is counting on us - even if they don't know it - and we're screwed on the first obstacle. What are we supposed to-

Her musings were interrupted as something knocked into the cloud, sending it spinning and flying across the sky to the accompaniment of a shouted, "My bad!"

The three friends clung to the cloud as it flipped end over end before smashing into Rainbow's house, the cloud they were on dispersing as they dropped to the cloud floor beneath them. They saw that the door was unlocked, and stepped inside.

Rainbow's house was, strangely, a study in contrasts. From the outside, the opulent palisades and rainbow waterfall all but screamed 'super rich', or at the very least, 'child of super wealthy family'. Inside, however, it was almost Spartan in its furnishings. What was there was comfortable and sturdy, the sort of thing one could see being passed down through 17 generations before it even needed maintenance, but nothing was even slightly showy. What dishes there were were well made but plain in appearance. Despite the size of the house, only 4 rooms showed any signs of frequent - or even recent - activity. Most of the walls, however, were plastered with photos.

Of course, there were several posters of the Wonderbolts, which was to be expected, even a few with autographs. As far as personal pictures went though, the balance was strange. There was one picture of a young Rainbow Dash with her parents, all three with happy smiles on their faces as they cuddled together. There was another of the three of them, posed together in finery, Rainbow Dash looking a little older and upset. Beyond that, the only pictures of a young Rainbow Dash was of her alone, with Fluttershy, or with Gilda. More recent pictures were of her with all her friends, although predominant were pictures of her with Scootaloo, or her with Twilight Sparkle, especially of the time since Twilight grew wings.

The three friends searched around, looking for something out of place, anything that could tell them where Rainbow was being held. However, since this was the first time any of them had been at Rainbow's house, this was akin to finding a needle in a haystack when the needle was made of hay colored wood. Scootaloo, however, found something that seemed out of place, and kept gesturing to a blank wall.

As the others came over, Scootaloo managed to convey her message. Apparently, based on the dimensions of the house, there should have been a room right there...but there wasn't. Apple Bloom looked at the wall for a time. Closing her eyes, she slipped into her magic as best she could, hoping it would work, then opened them. The wall was now a sheet of undulating green fire to her eyes, an illusion of substance. Without fear, she leapt through the wall.

The room on the other side was still unused, but beginning to be furnished, giving the impression of being under construction. There was a cloud bed and a dresser half assembled, with a set of sheets off to the side. However, attention to the room itself was detracted by the presence of four Changelings crowded around a cocoon, slowly turning to face the intruders.

Apple Bloom lunged forward quickly. Spinning, she bucked the first one right at the base of the horn with both hind hooves, knocking it out like a light. The second fell as Sweetie Belle leaped through the illusory wall, slamming into it and sending it tumbling against the half constructed armoire, which collapsed on top of it. Scootaloo took out the third, leaping down from above and bringing her forehooves together on either side of its horn, causing a brief short out of its nervous system and total black out.

The fourth Changeling braced for combat, its eyes glowing as it tried to make emergency contact with the swarm. Apple Bloom wasn't about to allow that. She leapt forward and...for some reason found her mouth wrapped around the horn, teeth sinking in. The Changeling fell to the ground, eyes glazed, a goofy grin on its face as it twitched spasmodically.

Apple Bloom stepped back, unsure what she had just done, but she could tell that all four Changelings were completely unconscious. Turning to the cocoon, she extended her Changeling horn, hoping she knew what she was doing. As she touched her horn to the cocoon, green light sparked. Dragging her horn down the side, a slit opened, spilling a good amount of green fluid and an unconscious Rainbow Dash. Apple Bloom quickly hid her horn as Rainbow began to stir.

Rainbow Dash looked up into Apple Bloom's face. "Mare-Do-Well?" she said, sounding confused. "Twilight, you said it was my turn to wear the costume..." She slipped back into unconsciousness.

The three filly friends looked at each other in confusion. None of them were quite sure why Rainbow Dash would want to wear a costume except on Nightmare Night. Besides, didn't the Mare-Do-Well costume upset Rainbow rather severely when it was first created? Why would she want to take turns with Twilight wearing it?

Shaking her head, Apple Bloom gestured to the sheets. Between the three of them, they wrapped Rainbow up in the sheets and began dragging her along, looking for a way to get her safely to the ground. Quite by accident, Sweetie Belle discovered that Rainbow's bedroom window looked directly into Twilight's bedroom window at the Pony Oaks Library.

"Well, this could be useful," Scootaloo muttered, unsure exactly how.

"I've got an idea," Apple Bloom said, undoing her ribbon and handing it to Sweetie Belle. Bending over, she reached for the sheets with her teeth.

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Sweetie asked, concerned.

Apple Bloom couldn't help but smile as the costume hid her Changeling transformation. "Eeyup!" she said, grabbing the sheets in her teeth. Spinning around rapidly, she hurled Rainbow through the window, sending her flying straight into Twilight's bedroom to land on her bed, the sheets unrolling as she landed. Apple Bloom quickly retied her ribbon, and the three friends made their way back into the library by the simple expedient of jumping into a nearby upper branch and climbing down to the opposite window.

As they got out of the outfits, Scootaloo glanced over. "I don't remember Rainbow's house being so close to the library," she muttered.

"It is a cloud house," Sweetie said. "Maybe she moved it to shorten the commute."

Apple Bloom shook her head. Something about that didn't seem right, but she couldn't put her hoof on what. "Well, we'd better get back downstairs."

The three friends went downstairs, where they found Spike sitting in front of the basement door, looking frustrated. Apple Bloom's magic sight confirmed he wasn't a Changeling. "Hey Spike, what's wrong?" she asked.

Spike smiled. "Well, the good news is that Rainbow Dash is back safe and sound, somehow." Scootaloo grinned widely at his statement, despite her role in those events. "Unfortunately, she was covered in a weird green goop, so Twilight took her up to the bathroom to clean her off...which means we likely won't see either of them for at least 2 hours."

Sweetie Belle blinked. "Even Rarity doesn't take that long to shower. Why couldn't Twilight just use magic to clean Rainbow up?"

Spike blinked, seemed to realize something, then turned his head away, coughing uncomfortably.

"Well, I'm getting kinda hungry," Apple Bloom said. "What's there to eat around here?"

Spike shook his head. "I'm afraid that Twilight wound up eating everything that was set up for tea while she was pacing back and forth worrying about Rainbow, and I was supposed to go shopping after the tea party. So much for that now."

"Well," Sweetie Belle said, "in that case, we're going to hit Sugar Cube Corner. I've got some money for milkshakes."

"But what about the Changelings?" Spike asked, worried.

Scootaloo chuckled. "Don't worry, Spike. We'll be fine. Besides, it's not like any of us are going somewhere alone, right?"

Smiling, Apple Bloom waved. "Later Spike." The three friends headed out of the library, struggling not to whoop for joy over their first successful super hero endeavor.

Seeming to realize something, Scootaloo gasped and turned to look at her flank. Finding it still blank, she sighed in disappointment. "That would have been an awesome Cutie Mark," she mumbled under her breath.

Sweetie glanced at her own flank, seeing it still blank as well. "Aww..."

Apple Bloom started to glance at herself, then stopped. "Heh," she said, rubbing the back of her head. "Forgot I don't need to do that anymore."

Scootaloo blinked at her. "You forgot you already had your Cutie Mark?" she said disbelievingly.

"Considering everything else going on, can ya blame-" Apple Bloom clutched her head as a scream of rage and frustration echoed in her mind.

WHAT DO YOU MEAN RAINBOW DASH ESCAPED!? Chrysalis voice echoed. Apple Bloom struggled to maintain her equilibrium as she tapped into the hive mind again.

Three unidentified entities entered the domicile, defeated the guards, and retrieved Rainbow Dash, a hesitant Changeling voice replied.

Chrysalis began cursing again, and Apple Bloom once more learned the meaning of several words that somepony Granny Smith's age was too young to hear. What are the positions of the Element Bearers? Chrysalis demanded.

Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are currently doing a fly over of the Everfree Forest. Applejack and Rarity are at Sweet Apple Acres. Twilight and Rainbow are in the library, though Rainbow is still weak. The Elements themselves are locked up in the display case in the library.

Chrysalis' voice became excited. They are divided and unarmed! This is the best chance we will get. Begin the assaults - ALL of them - NOW!

"Get down!" Apple Bloom said aloud, pulling Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to the ground. As she did, a good half of the ponies around Ponyville dropped their disguises, revealing Changeling agents. Every cellar entrance in the town burst open as the swarm of Changelings poured into the sky, practically blotting out the sun with their numbers.

Scootaloo stared up. "There must be hundreds," she whispered in awe and a bit of fear.

"427," Apple Bloom replied, "including Queen Chrysalis and the hundred that had replaced ponies around town."

"And..." Sweetie began, "how many ponies does that leave to fight?"

"Including us, infants, and elders?" Apple Bloom asked. "Around 100."

Scootaloo slumped. "In other words, we're screwed."

"Maybe," Apple Bloom said. Then she stood up. "But we aren't going down without a fight. C'mon!" She charged towards the nearest clump of Changelings, her friends following close behind her.

The vicious charge took the group totally off guard, and several were bowled over and knocked out by strikes to the horns, eyes, or throats. As Scootaloo faced off against one, she tilted her head curiously. "Say, do Changelings have nads?" she asked it.

As it covered an area on its lower body, she spun, delivering a hind hoof kick to each eye before spinning all the way around to forcefully strike the base of the horn from the side. She glanced towards the spot where the Changeling had been covering itself. "So that's where they are. I'll keep that in mind."

The three friends did their best to fight off the Changelings, and their fight gave a few other ponies ideas on how to fight back as well. However, it was only a matter of time before they would be swarmed under. Then Apple Bloom got distracted as she picked up more swarm chatter.

My Queen! Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy have been captured. The pink one was unable to use her more unpredictable capabilities while flying her copter, and Fluttershy went down taking a shot meant for her friend.

Chrysalis! Applejack and Rarity are captured! The mud assault weakened Rarity's resolve, and our agent disguised as her big brother caused Applejack to lower her guard at a critical moment.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash are weakened and captured.

Apple Bloom staggered back as she heard the reports of the capture of the Element Bearers, especially regarding both her older siblings. A stray bolt of magic flew right at her, aimed at her heart.

"APPLE BLOOM!" Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo cried out, catching her attention.

Apple Bloom's ribbon suddenly glowed a pale pink, and the blast of magic was sucked into it. It was blasted off her head, to land on the ground, burning green for a short time before turning brown. Apple Bloom reverted to her Changeling form.

As Changelings began to surround her, she heard what she was certain would be her death sentence. My Queen, this is High General Coin. We have a rogue.