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Chapter 1: Bedlam's Beginning.

Draw Phase, Turn 1

Strife Way was a long and winding cliff-side road. Despite her eternally crossed-eyes, Derpy navigated the road flawlessly. The wall-eyed post mistress never really had problems with her vision. Only one bad thing came out of having her eyes, bullying. Derpy had always been ostracized in school, just because one of her eyes wasn't as focused as the other. Dash had never joined in on the bullying. She didn't see Derpy as a freak or a weirdo. Dash saw Derpy as different, and different was pretty cool in Dash's mind.

The car followed the road as it turned left. The cliff-side slowly seemed to move and Derpy was shocked by what it revealed. Extending from the rock-face, almost perfectly level with the road, was a colossal stone arch. The beauty of this natural wonder was lost on Dash, who had fallen asleep almost an hour ago. Derpy continued to drive. The road turned once more, this time onto the arch, and abruptly stopped at a gate.

A man stepped out of the security booth and walked over to the car as it pulled up to the gate. Derpy rolled down the window and smiled at the man. He snickered to himself and Derpy's smile became a frown. Her eyes were more than likely the source of humor, they usually were.

“Heh, oh... er... I... I'm so sorry miss, that was very rude and insensitive of me!” The guard stuttered his genuine apology. “um, may I see you invitation?”

Derpy reached over and shook Dash awake. “He wants to see your invitation Dash.” She said to the half awake duelist.

“Oh, yeah... just a...” she paused to yawn. “just a moment.” Dash reached into her pocket and handed the somewhat crumpled letter to the guard, “there you go.”

The guard examined the letter briefly and then went and opened the gate. “Welcome to Bedlam's End.” He said as they passed the security booth.

Past the gate was the main building. It rather normal looking office building like structure, but behind it was a fairly large dome like facility. Derpy followed some signs, that stated where the guest parking was, and brought the vehicle to a stop in one of the spaces. Dash and Derpy both got out of the car and stretched their limbs, the drive had taken almost three hours.

“We should probably head inside, it's almost ten.” Derpy said as she glanced at her watch. Punctuality was important to the postal worker. Late mail was out of the question, the same went for arrival at social gatherings and the like. “For some one named Dash, you're pretty slow!” She joked.

The two entered the building, where they were confronted by an unusual man. The skinny man was at least six and a half feet tall, had slicked-back tanish grey hair, a loosely fitting brown suit, and Dash could swear that one of his pupils was smaller than the other.

“Well hello there!” he stretched the words as he spoke, “You must be Rainbow Dash! How very nice to meet you! I am Cedric Discord, creator of Duel Monsters, and founder of the Discard Corporation!” He then seemed to notice Derpy for the first time. His eyes fixed themselves on Derpy's and he leaned in, “oh my, what beautiful eyes you have. I simply love them... Well on to business then!” He pulled his gaze away from the blushing postal worker. “You're both here for the tournament, no doubt. Very well, follow me then.” His voice changed to a more official tone. Dash and Derpy looked at each other, and then followed.

He lead them to a large room with a conference table in the center. “Feel free to sit anywhere. The table, the floor, or you can even stand! Everyone has there own way of doing things. It's like a form of... organized chaos. Hua ha ha ha!” He abruptly stopped laughing, then said, “Take your pick. I'll return shortly.” and walked out of the room.

Both Derpy and Dash were unsure of what to do, they just stood there for a few moments. Dash finally noticed that there were other guests in the room. 'They must be duelists' she thought as she went to go introduce herself. Derpy decided to just go and sit at the table. As she was approaching the group, she noticed two of them arguing about something. She decided to listen in.

“No, no, no! You've got it all wrong! The deck doesn't work like that!” Stated the girl with purple hair. “You're supposed to remove cards to power up Golden Homunculus!”

The slightly older, silvery haired, girl argued, “Trixie thinks that removing cards to power up D. D. Dynamite is more effective! Wiping out Trixie’s opponent’s life points in one move is far more efficient!”

The two continued to argue vigorously. Finally, the purple haired girl let out a yell of frustration and stormed off. The silver haired girl now wore a smug, victorious, smile upon her face. Her argument had been cool and resolute, her voice never increasing in volume, and her face never showing even a hint of anger.

She turned to Rainbow Dash and herself, “Trixie apologizes, she was only demonstrating her knowledge of removal strategies.” She spoke in the third person as though she were her own narrator. Which, of course, she isn't. That happens to be my job.

Dash extended her hand and introduced herself, “Nice to meet you Trixie. I'm-”

“Rainbow Dash, yes, Trixie has heard of you.” She cut in, “Trixie looks forward to testing your skills against her's. Now if you'll excuse Trixie, she wishes to introduce herself to the other guests.” She walked off towards a green and white haired woman.

Just as Dash turned to go sit at the table, the main doors opened, and two regal figures entered. The first was a tall, blonde man, with almost statuesque facial features. As he walked in he gave an arrogant smile towards a group of women, but they were more interested in the figure behind him.

The second person, a female, approached the man and said, “Do not make a fool of thine self, Blueblood. See yon table? Sit there, remain in thine seat until we tell thou to rise. Are we understood?” The man nodded nervously and went to take his seat. The female then turned to the crowd and said, “We are Princess Luna, that is mine cousin Edward Blueblood. We are here to partake in this tournament, and we ask that thee treat us, not as royalty, but as thou would treat thine peers.” with that, she sat down at the table and took out her deck, checking to make sure everything was in order.

Dash was surprised to say the least. The princess of Equestria, playing in a duel monsters tournament? That wasn't something that happened every day. She decided to shrug it off and find some kind of social interaction.


Derpy was sitting at the table flipping through here deck. She wondered if she even stood a chance against the seasoned duelists? She knew her deck was strong, but her skills weren't. Derpy stopped when she arrived at her extra deck. Gemini decks weren't known for synchro summoning, but she had figured it out. She looked at her favorite card, Power Tool Dragon. Once she got this out, it was almost impossible to get rid of. A smile formed on her face as she remembered the look on Dash's face the first time she used this against her.

Derpy's thoughts were interrupted by a polite cough. She turned her head and saw a blue haired girl standing next to her. The girl introduced herself, “Hi there, I'm Cassidy Raindrops.” She extended her hand and said, “Nice to meet you.”

The postal worker replied, “I'm Derpy Hooves, nice to meet you too.” and shook the girl's hand.

Raindrops took a seat next to Derpy. Across the table Luna and Blueblood also took their seats. After a few moments everyone started to take seats. Dash sat next to Derpy, Trixie took her's, and was soon followed by a red haired man wielding a laptop, and many other people that haven't been introduced also took their seats. As soon as everyone was seated Discord entered the room.

He was wearing his trademark grin as he said, “Welcome, welcome everyone! I'm so glad that you could all attend!” His joyous voice resonated throughout the room before becoming business like, “Now, I'm sure you're all well aware of why you're here. Before I start the tournament, I would like to go over the rules.” He took out a sheet of paper from his jacket and unfolded it. He also produced a pair of spectacles, put them on, “First rule: The rules are basic duel monsters rules. Second rule: Refer to first rule. Well, now that we have that out of the way, onto the tournament. It will work like this. There are sixteen contestants. Only one duel will take place at any given time. And finally, these will not be matches. There will be no two out of three or anything like it, only one winner and one loser per duel.” He lowered his spectacles and grinned, “Now let's begin, shall we?” Discord crumpled up the paper and tossed it to one side. He then began walking down the hall behind him, “Would you kindly follow me everyone?” They did.

He led them through the hall until they reached a pair of large doors. “Welcome to our state of the art dueling facility!” Discord said as he opened the door.

They were now in the large dome from before. Bleachers lined the facility's perimeter, but the center was empty. The emptiness was in the shape of a large rectangle and had twenty smaller rectangle detailing on the floor. On each of the short sides of the rectangle were stands of some kind. Everyone seemed highly curious about this arena, for that's what it seemed to be, but then Discord spoke once more.

“Now for our first duel! The combatants will be...” he paused and thought for a moment, “ Ah, yes! Miss Rainbow Dash versus Master Edward Blueblood! Now both of you take your positions on either side of the arena.” Dash went left and Blueblood went right.

Blueblood had that same arrogant smile on his face as he said, “A peasant dueling me? The poor fool stands no chance. I have only the rarest and most powerful cards in my deck!”

Dash only said, “Shut up and let's play!”

“Very well. Now place your decks on the proper space of the field. Power on!” Cedric Discord announced.

There was an audible whiring noise as the lights turned on and some kind of rainbow like wave washed over the bottom of the emptiness.

“Now, begin the duel! Blueblood will make the first move!” And so he did.

“But of course! I draw!” He looked at the card, then back at his hand before saying, “I summon my Panther Warrior, in attack position!”

Panther Warrior, Attack: 2000

Both player gasped as the monster came to life before their eyes.

“Hua ha ha ha ha! This is our new hologram dueling arena. It projects the duel in a more realistic fashion!” Explained Discord, a sinister grin forming along his face.

End Phase, Turn 1