• Published 7th Apr 2013
  • 1,060 Views, 42 Comments

Kingdom Come - Redback Spino

A long-history era of history is revealed, old allies are called upon, and a fallen king is rising. And it all started with the death of a single pony.

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And I Beheld a Beast Coming Out of the Sea. Upon Its Head was a Crown

The grove was bathed in a low light as the Alicorn Amulet glowed around Blueblood’s neck. The unicorn looked about as the air began to ripple and shimmer like a gas.

“Now what are you doing?”

The Voice from inside the amulet replied, “Just a simple cloaking spell. We don’t want to go attracting attention to our little gathering, now do we?”

“I suppose not,” Blueblood replied with a shrug. “But how long is this gonna take? I’d rather not be out here all night waiting for these other bearers to show up.”

“Patience,” said the Voice, “the Amulets have to seek out their most appropriate bearers in all of Equestria and beyond. Depending on who they find, that could take hours.”

Blueblood groaned quietly, but said nothing in reply. He paced back and forth as time passed.

Five minutes.

Ten minutes.

Thirty minutes.

Finally, after forty minutes of waiting, an orb of blinding yellow light appeared in the grove, growing larger and larger until Blueblood could have comfortably stood inside it. Or somepony larger…

“So who’s this?” Blueblood asked, walking around the translucent bubble.

“The potential Bearer of the Element of Deception,” the Voice replied. “The Element has chosen them, but now they must accept it.”

The unicorn sat down outside the bubble, staring at the tall, silhouetted figure inside. So, who’s it gonna be?

When she opened her eyes, Queen Chrysalis found herself engulfed in blackness. Above, below, and on all sides was nothing but a dark void. She could not even feel any surface beneath her gnarled hooves.

“Where am I?” she shouted, “Who did this?! Who dares imprison the Queen of the Chrysalis Hive?!”

“Not a prison. An invitation.”

The changeling queen wheeled around on the spot as she heard the voice echo through the void. “Who’s there?! Answer me!”

Right on cue, a tiny prick of light appeared in the far distance of the blackness. As it approached, Chrysalis covered her eyes with a forehoof against the sudden glare.

“Turn down that light, you glow-worm!” Chrysalis growled at the light. The light obeyed, dimming until the changeling could look safely at it.

Hovering before her was a tiny yellow jewel, no bigger than an apple. It was carved in the shape of a snakes head, mouth open in a vicious snarl.

“Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Kingdom,” the voice spoke again, “You have been chosen.”

“Chosen?” Chrysalis echoed, a curious eyebrow raised, “For what, exactly?”

“You are the queen of the Chrysalis Hive, correct?”

She smirked. “Hmm, yes indeed. I am the Queen and mother of the Changelings.”

“And as a changeling, your powers of deception and disguise are unparalleled, correct?” the voice asked.

“There is no changeling of the Chrysalis Hive, or any other changeling hive, greater than I!” she replied. “But then again, you seem to already know that. Just who, or what, are you?”

The yellow jewel floated around her in a slow circled. “That is not important now. What matters is that your particular skills are required. Your ability to trick anypony to obeying your will is of great value.”

Chrysalis turned away from the jewel with a disdainful chuckle. “Oh? And just why do you think I would help you? I don’t even know who or what you are!”

“Because I can make it worth your while.”

She looked over her shoulder at the jewel with a frown. Where is this speck of light going with this?

“Speak, Queen Chrysalis, what is it you desire the most?”

Chrysalis hesitated before answering. Just what was it that I want above all else? Power? Feh, I already have that, I have a whole kingdom of me own, with thousands of fiercely loyal subjects. And in terms of magic I was already powerful beyond compare. Under the right conditions, even the Equestrian Princesses themselves would…

That was it. That was what she wanted most.

“I see,” The Voice said, breaking the silence. “You desire revenge against those who have wronged you.”

“I do,” she replied. Head lowered, she muttered aloud, the hatred audible in her every word. “Twice now, those precious little ponies of Equestria have foiled me. And always present, that blasted Twilight Sparkle.”

She spat out the unicorn’s name like it was a bad fruit. “I always like to say that I want Equestria for my own, but truth be told, taking over that blight of a nation is more trouble than it’s worth! What I truly want is much simpler.”

“And that would be what, exactly?”

“I want to see Twilight Sparkle pay. The unicorn who has foiled my plans twice too many times already. Whatever my plans to expand my kingdom, she always interferes. I would give anything to see her suffer for what she has done to me!” Her angry words echoed through the black voice, leaving nothing but her angry growls and hisses as Chrysalis fought to keep her rage in check.

“That can be arranged.”

She raised her head to stare at the jewel again. “And just how? You’re nothing but a floating gemstone!”

“Maybe,” it replied. “But there are many others who seek revenge against Equestria, against the Elements of Harmony. Against Twilight Sparkle.”

A light gleamed in Chrysalis’ eye. A faint glimmer of hope and malicious glee. “Oh really? And just who might these be?”

“That is not certain right now. But if you claim your place among them, and become one of the Elements of Dissonance, you will have your wish. Equestria will fall. And Twilight Sparkle will suffer mightily at your hoof.”

“You can promise me this?” she asked, with all the eagerness of a schoolfilly.

“Yes. When the time comes, Twilight Sparkle will suffer greater than anypony else.”

For the first time since she and her changelings had been imprisoned in their own castle, Chrysalis smiled. “Well, how can I say no to that? Count me in.”

The yellow bubble of light faded away into nothingness, leaving Blueblood to stare in shock at the creature that appeared before him.

Queen Chrysalis turned around to face him, her confused look turning into a wry grin. “Well well, I haven’t seen you in a while.”

“YOU!" Blueblood all but shrieked. “You’re that… that monster from the royal wedding a few months ago! What are you doing here?!”

“I could ask you the same thing. Clearly, we’re here for the same reason,” she replied, tapping the iron band that wrapped around the base of her neck, the yellow snakes-head jewel fixed into the centre as a pendant.

The Alicorn Amulet glowed around Blueblood’s neck. “Prince Blueblood, allow me to introduce Queen Chrysalis of the Changeling Hives. The Element of Deception. Queen Chrysalis, this young unicorn is the Element of Greed, Prince Blueblood.”

Chrysalis eyed Blueblood’s amulet with curiosity. “I suppose the whole talking-amulet thing takes some getting used to, eh?”
Blueblood nervously nodded. “Erm… yes, rather.”

“So, do tell, exactly who is the disembodied voice then?”

“You’ll find out soon enough, Chrysalis,” the voice replied. “Once all the Elements of Dissonance are gathered, I can be free once more.”

“Um, excuse me…. Uh, Amulet. Can we talk for a moment?”


Blueblood gave a quick grin at Chrysalis’ direction before hurrying over to the far end of the grove.

“Is there something wrong, Blueblood?”

“Too right there is!” The prince snapped. “In case you haven’t noticed, that… thing is the queen of the Changelings!”

“And unparalleled in the art of deception, I know. Why, is that a problem?”

“Yes, it is! I don’t know if you’re aware, but not too long ago Equestria was practically at war with the Changelings! And now you want me to work alongside their queen?! Are you out of your mind?!!”

The Voice chuckled a moment before answering. “I thought you wanted to see the Princesses put in their place. To see them humbled and brought down low.”

“Well… yes, I do, but…”

“Well, so does she,” the Voice interrupted. “She said so to me herself, she does not want to take over Equestria anymore, she simply wants to see the Princesses, and in particular the Elements of Harmony, suffer.”

Blueblood cast a wary eye in her direction. “Yes, well… can we trust her? You said yourself, she’s a master at deception.”

The Voice responded, “Well you must remember, with me around your neck you yourself hold magical power to rival even the Princesses. If she ever betrays us, you can always… get rid of her.”

“Hmm, I suppose that’s true,” The unicorn smirked evilly. “Alright, I suppose if she and I are working to the same ends, I can trust her for now.”

He turned back around and re-entered the circle, a cheerful smile plastered on his face. “Well then, Queen Chrysalis, if you and I are to be working together, then I suppose a bit of common courtesy is in order. Hello, and welcome to our little group!”

He extended a forehoof out, and Chrysalis took it in a brisk hoofshake. Both unicorn and changeling smiled at eachother, neither taking all that much effort to hide their true feelings for the other.

“Well, I’m glad that’s settled,” the Voice said. “Because I sense that our next ally is about to… Oh, now this is interesting…”

Blueblood looked quizzically at the Amulet. “What? What’s wrong?

“Well, we have good news and bad news concerning this new member of our group,” it replied. “The bad news is that this particular person is, quite literally, but a fragment of his former power. Blueblood, if you don’t mind, could I use your magic to help him along a bit?”

He shrugged. “I suppose so… So what’s the good news?”

“Well, as it turns out, this new Bearer will almost certainly join us without question. It is somepony I knew a long time ago. An old student of mine, in fact, and one of the few alive today who still remembers how things used to be.”

“What do you mean, used to be?” Chrysalis asked.

“Well, it’s a long story, one for another less busy time, but let us just say that there is a time long ago that has been all but erased from all knowledge.”

“Erased? But how?”

“By force, my dear Blueblood,” the Voice said, a hint of anger in its tone. “By the blessed Princesses.”

Far, far away, in the frozen lands north of Equestria, there stood the now proud and mighty Crystal Empire. The massive metropolis stood as a beacon of warmth and hope in the icy wastelands beyond the Crystal Mountains. But east of this bustling city was the continental coastline, where the land met the vast waters of Eternity’s Crossing.

About a mile or so from this coastline, an orb of strange brownish light flew out over the windswept waters. Seabirds swooped out of the orb’s way as it zoomed through the sky, until coming to an abrupt halt just above the sea. Floating in place for a moment, it then zoomed straight downwards into the waters.

Down, down, down it went, into the deep darkness of the sea, leaving a trail of bubbles in its wake. All manner of marine animals rushed to get out of its way as it sped towards the sea floor.

Finally, it stopped just inches above the floor of the ocean, hovering in place. Below it, embedded inbetween two rocks, was a single solitary horn. Black at its base, it curved wickedly upwards like the blade of a knife to its blood-red point. The brown orb lowered down until the horn was inside of it. A small brown jewel flickered into reality as the orb expanded to fit the entire horn inside of it. The jewel was carved in the shape of a spider, poised to strike.

As the jewel touched the tip of the horn, threads of light began to emanate from inside the jewel, travelling down the horn to the base. They wrapped around the horn like a great cocoon of shimmering lights. Gradually, bit by bit, the cocoon expanded as a body formed inside. From the base of the horn grew a skull, from which a spine extended. Limbs formed and were joined together by ligaments and stretches of muscle. Pink flesh grew outwards and covered the bones, and dark grey fur sprouted up all over it. A mane and tail of long black hair emerged. Long pointed fans grew inside the mouth, as large eyeballs filled the sockets in the skull. As they formed, and eyelids formed over them, the sclera darkened into a vivid electric green, and the irises turned red as blood.

Bands of iron grew from the sides of the spider-shaped gemstone, which wrapped themselves around the unicorn’s neck. As they fastened at the back, there was a jolt of energy from the jewel that coursed through the stallion’s entire body.
Slowly, slowly, he opened his eyes again, and a cruel, malicious smile grew upon his lips as he heard a voice he had not heard for thousands of years.

“King Sombra, mightiest of all tyrants, true ruler of the Crystal Empire… My most faithful student. Time to get up. There is work to be done.”

Bearer of the Element of Cruelty: Found