• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 401 Views, 2 Comments

Tech support: Troubleshooting is Magic - DrZed

Zed Gemfire, Royal Guard and part-time mad inventor, and his adventures in Ponyville

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Pants, Trains, and Floating Cities

After Breakfast, I head to my room and pack up my kit.

I packed light. One saddlebag: A change of shirts, my goggles, some of my favorite gems, including a large solar sapphire, my current idea book, a couple gadgets, some blank scrolls, quill and ink..

That reminds me.

I scratched out a brief message for Mom and Dad, letting them know about my new assignment, rank and what it was like meeting Celestia and Luna.
Mom will be thrilled her boy isn't parked on the front lines of border disputes anymore.
Dad will probably brag about me over cider with the boys.

My orders are to be on the train to Ponyville at 1100 hours. The rest of my gear will arrive by a cargo train the next day. I am issued a tool harness and a basic set of tools, which is loaded into a second saddlebag.

I wander through the districts of Canterlot, spending the time looking at the sights, marveling at the buildings and decorations. Suddenly a cultured voice breaks through my reverie.

"I say, good sir!"

I glance around and behold a suited unicorn stallion, all white with well coiffed blue mane, mustache and tail, approaching me, followed closely by a lithe slim pink maned unicorn mare "I thought it was you. I must say, Good show against those ruffian dogs!"

"Thank you, Sir." I nod to him and smile.

"Fancy Pants, At your service." He glances over my kit, "Preparing for another heroic adventure?" His companion remains silent, smiling and watching me over his back.

"I don't know if you could call it that. Actually I have been assigned to assist with the rebuilding in Ponyville after the Parasprite Disaster."

"Oh dreadful business that!" He frowns slightly, he glances over at the mare, "Fleur dear, Perhaps we should contribute to the effort?"

She rears up and leans on his back, "Perhaps we should hold a charity auction in their favor?"

Fancy Stamps a hoof, "Jolly good! It shall be done!" He smiles back at me, "Sir Zed, is it? Would you be able to attend?"

I shake my head, "Actually I am due on the train in..." I glance at a nearby clock tower, "half an hour."

"Oh well I shan't be keeping you from your duty." He steps closer, "Just to let you know, one of the ponies you rescued was my dear niece. For that I am in your debt good sir." He smiles and bows.

"It is my duty, you don't need... "

"Nonsense!" he cuts me off. "A hero deserves a proper reward. Allow me this indulgence."

I nod, "Thank you sir."

Fancy grins, "I remember my days in the guard well..."

Fleur taps him on the shoulder, "Fancy darling, the gentlecolt has to go, If you start reminiscing he will be late. As will we to the Soiree."

"Oh, Well then, Carry on, Lieutenant Gemfire" he gives me a grin and a salute, and he and Fleur continue on their way.

A small smirk crosses my face, It's been said that every good stallion has a strong mare. I start heading toward the train station, I should have just enough time to check my saddle bags and hop the train.


I settle into my bench just as the whistle blows and the car shudders as the train begins rolling along the tracks.

I look around around and mainly see unicorns and earth ponies. Most pegasi seem to prefer making it under their own wing power, and I assume leaping from the Canterlot heights would allow most of them to glide for a long way before even needing to put any effort into flying...

Glancing out the window, I spot the floating city of Cloudsdale, elegant pillar and cloud architecture, with waterfalls pouring off the heights, dissipating in a chromatic spray. A bright smile crosses my face as I gaze at one of the wonders of Equestria.

Shortly thereafter the train start passing through a series of long curved tunnels as it descends the mountain that Canterlot resides upon. I lean back and take a deep breath, relaxing into the plush bench...

... and wake as the train shudders to a stop at Ponyville station.

Murphy’s law of Combat #62: Never stand when you can sit, Never sit when you can lie down, Never stay awake when you can sleep.

Grinning to myself, I rise and stretch before leaving the train, whereupon I skid to a halt.

I glance around in shock, Much of the station looks like bites have been taken out it. Stepping carefully to avoid holes in the planking, I head back to the cargo car and retrieve my saddlebags. Looks like I have my work cut out for me...