• Published 9th Apr 2013
  • 400 Views, 2 Comments

Tech support: Troubleshooting is Magic - DrZed

Zed Gemfire, Royal Guard and part-time mad inventor, and his adventures in Ponyville

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Celestia's mission

Perhaps I should give you some back story first.

I grew up in a little town on the Imbrum coast. I was given the name Zed because of a 'Z' shaped birthmark behind my left ear.

My father is an earth pony named Steam Wheels, a mechanic for the Northwest Railroad. My mother a unicorn named Dawn Star, a gem trader and geologist. I got my daddy's size, My mom's magic, and a strange mishmash of both their talents.

As a foal I had lots of exposure to machinery watching my Dad work, as well as spending a lot of time helping my Mom hunt for gems. I took to it readily and was taking apart toasters and tinkering with 'My first Magitech kit' at an early age.

Eventually, I had built a Fire Ruby powered steam engine, and that's where I got my Cutie mark, A blue hexagonal gem on a gear. Other foals, and some adults considered me a bit of a mad scientist, and I never argued.

I heard it all... 'strange', 'weird', 'Something's not right with that foal'. whatever, I amused myself with my gadgets and gizmos.

My particular affinity attracted the attention of Celestia's school for Gifted Unicorns, and I jumped at the chance.

I studied under Gyro Gearloose, The great earth pony engineer, as well as Crystal Spark, Magitech Theorist, both known for their roles in building Ponyville's hydroelectric dam.

My graduating thesis involved airship engines, applying Solar Sapphires as Celestial batteries, reducing the weight and increasing the efficiency dramatically.

After graduating, I was brought in to the Royal Guard as a Combat Engineer Petty Officer because of my skills.

After serving for three years under Captain Harbinger, taking some scars, some broken bones, I had made a good name for myself.

Then, after a particularly tough mission, where I almost lost my left eye, my unit was called into Canterlot Castle.

Meeting Celestia and Luna up close for the first time was quite the experience.

I remember entering the throne room, flanked by my squadmates all dressed to the nines, looking up and seeing the huge banners with Celestia's sun hanging from the ceiling.

Celestia, sitting resplendent in her gilded throne, Luna in another beautiful throne to one side.

"Presenting Squad Phoenix-Sigma!" called the guardponies on either side of the doors.

Nobleponies and Canterlot Elite on both sides of the room tapped their hooves as we approached the dais.

Celestia rose from her place and stepped before us. She smiled warmly and I could feel the gentle warmth of Her Sun on my face.

"My little ponies, I am pleased to see you before me. Tales of your bravery have reached me. Captain Harbinger tells me you all helped rescue many ponies from a Diamond Dogs slave camp. For that we present you with the Solar Cross." She nodded to a steward with a wooden box who called names as we filed across and Celestia pinned the medals to our uniform shirts with her magic.

Finally my name was called, and I stepped up, but Celestia paused, "Second Lieutenant Gemfire, Captain Armor tells me you were pivotal in the rescue attempt."

"I couldn't have done it by myself, your majesty."

"Perhaps not, but not just any pony would willingly face off against an Alpha dog."

"I did what I needed to do, your majesty, I distracted them long enough for the rest of my squad to empty the cages, then I teleported out."

Luna steps forward, drawing along side her royal sister, "From the reports you did more than that. Something about a cave in, sealing yourself in with half the pack."

"Yes your majesty, It seemed to be the most efficient way to distract as many dogs as possible."

Luna turns and paces slowly around me, eyeing me up and down, "Resourceful, quick to adapt, self-sacrificing. How did you teleport out through a wall of rubble?"

I grin sheepishly, "That was an experiment... A successful one thankfully. I used a charged Solar Sapphire I brought with me as a light. I left it behind at the entrance to the cages. I used my 'Crystal Hunter' spell and teleported right to it." I smile, "You could say I followed the sun."

Celestia's smiling gaze upon me seemed to brighten even more.

Luna's eyes widen slightly, "Impressive. " her eyes traced the along the long healing scar that runs across my nose and down my left cheek. "I see you decided to keep the marks you got from the Alpha."

I nodded, somberly, "That was something I never want to forget, your Highness. Rocktooth The Obsidian is a legend among his kind."

Luna nods, "Well meet, Zed Gemfire." She smiles, then takes her seat upon the dais. If I didn't know any better, I would have thought I saw her wink at me.

Celestia pins the medal to my chest, then looks over to the steward, who brings forth a smaller case, "For your efforts above and beyond the call of duty, You are awarded the Lunar Crescent. For being wounded in the line of duty, You are awarded the Purple Heart. You have also been promoted to Lieutenant."

More hooftapping in the crowd, as she places the new medals, then leans forward and speaks softly in my ear. "You have done well my heroic pony."

I remain still but inwardly I am flabbergasted, "Thank you your majesty."


The Ceremony ended, we filed out, shared a drink with Captain Harbinger, who presented me with my new stripes in his office.

"Zed, you're bucking crazy. We're gonna miss you."

"Huh? Where am I going?"

"I don't know, but the princesses themselves requested you be reassigned. The papers came in yesterday. You are to meet Celestia in the Solarium."

"I don't even... wow... I'm gonna miss you guys."

"Don't worry about us. I'll keep these guys in line, you go be the big bucking hero."

I salute, "Yes sir."

We leave the office, and Harbinger barks out, "Phoenix Squad! Atten-Shun!"

The squad forms up in seconds. Two long rows of statue stiff royal guards, all eyes on the captain.

"Allright Hellions, One of us has been called by our glorious Princess. Z is going on to bigger and better things. So the rest of you are gonna have to take up his slack. But first... we need to give him a proper send off."

The entire squad start stomping their hooves in rhythm. Harbinger joins them.
"SQUAD! Present Arms!"

Long lines of spears angle forward from both lines of troops, the tips meeting in the center forming a tall 'A' shape.

"Who are we?!"

In unison, matching the stomping, the voices of the guards rise in a unified shout. "HELLIONS!!!"

Harbinger grins, "SAAAH-LUTE!"

Standing tall I begin walking down the corridor of spears. I look back and forth to each of my squadmates, each with a huge smile on their faces, as I pass, the spearpoints dip down to horizontal. At the same time each starts chanting.

"Z!... Z!... Z!... Z!..."

I pick up speed, joining in the rhythm as I reach a canter, finally breaking into a gallop.

I clear the lines, sliding to a stop at the end of the barracks, facing my brothers in arms.

The chanting stops, and everypony goes silent.

I rear in triumph with a bellow, "HELLIONS!!!!!!" and bring my hooves down in a hard stomp, matched by all of them roaring with a deep unified "HOOAH!"


I approach the Solarium, One of the many rooms of the Princess's suite, a smile on my face, hooves echoing off the polished floors.

The guards at either side of the door nod and open them to let me through.

I am awed. The marble floors gleam, reflecting the splendor of the candlelit chandeliers illuminating the room, A fountain in the center sounds like bells chiming as the clear water splashes into the ivory pool. Raised planters on each side of the room contain rare breeds of plants, some I don't even recognize.

Celestia is by one of the wide windows overlooking the rolling fields lit by Luna's moon.
She smiles, "Join me on the balcony, Lieutenant." She opens the doors out and steps gracefully outside.

I follow her, approaching, and stopping at a respectful distance, dropping to at ease.

She turns her head toward a small town in the distance, nestled in the valley between the tall mountains "See those lights?"

"Yes your majesty."

"That is Ponyville, home to the bearers of the elements of Harmony. Since I have sent my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle there, it has been nearly destroyed twice, once by an Ursa Minor, recently by a swarm of magically altered Parasprites... The town is still recovering from the unusual damage. The town borders on the Everfree Forest, where wild magical creatures live... They as a group faced down an adult dragon. Twilight herself was turned to stone by a cockatrice, but was rescued by another of the bearers. Another time the bearers were threatened by a Hydra, but were able to escape... narrowly."

"Your majesty?"

"I am concerned for the safety of the bearers. My sister and I also see the need for ponies who's talents would strongly help the town with recovering from the damage recently caused by the Parasprites."

I nodded quietly, "Permission to speak, your majesty?"

Celestia turns her head and looks at me. "Granted, Lieutenant. You may call me Celestia. If I may call you Zed."

I blinked. "Your... Celestia?"

She smiles softly and nods. She did as she always does, contain a tremendous amount of magic in her, I could see her glow clearly, despite the darkness

"You are posting me in Ponyville as part of a 'Repair Corps' dispatch because you've noticed the element bearers have proven to be... a 'weirdness magnet'? And... my talents as a mechanic, magetech, and training as a soldier put me in a unique position where I can both protect and serve... in the background, so to speak?"

She smiles serenely, "Luna was right. You are quick to understand. Your have proven yourself ready and eager to place yourself into the middle of chaotic and strange situations, yet can find a way through. I need a pony who's able to think on their hooves. Willing to take a risk to protect what's important."

I nod, looking down at the small town, "I understand, Celestia. and I accept." I look up at her with a smile.

"Follow me Zed, I have some letters for you to read so you can get up to speed."

Author's Note:

This is my second attempt at a story here, The first ended shortly after it began.
Zed has been an OC that's been bouncing around in my skull for several years, in several incarnations.
Feel free to poke at my grammar fails and ask questions. :)