• Published 4th Feb 2012
  • 1,199 Views, 9 Comments

The Art of the Test - jtylerg

Scootaloo gets thrown into Aperture.

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The Resounding Words of an Idol

I was paralyzed by dread as I lay helplessly in the corner awaiting my doom for the third time today. Again, I felt useless and weak against this overwhelming situation. What would Rainbow Dash do in this situation? WAIT. That's it! Rainbow Dash wouldn't sit here like a coward and neither will I!

The surge of adrenaline that shot through me was enough to pull myself off the ground and rush at the thing that was apparently called a “turret”. I pushed myself harder and harder, going as fast as I could go... But then... The turret opened fire, shooting a massive and unavoidable barrage of bullets at me.

I guess this really is the end... I'm sorry I failed you Rainbow Dash

Memories flashed through my already rushing thoughts, most of them fearful and dark. One, however, was a memory of something that Rainbow had told me a long time ago.

“Never give up kid! No matter what, keep on trying! You might not become as awesome as me, but you can come pretty close!”

You're wrong Dash, I WILL become even better than you! I'm Scootaloo and I should NOT keep dwelling on the thought that I'm useless. This is the end... But not for me. This turret is going DOWN.

Despite the treacherous situation of bullets flying around me, I began to smile. With a sudden leap I jumped onto the wall beside me and launched off, straight at the turret. The bullets trailed behind me as I spun through the air. I was faster than it! I was almost there. I stuck out a hoof and prepared for impact.

The collision was harsh, but not for me. The turret flew backwards, screaming in agony... well, that is, if machines can feel agony. I had defeated it, and I felt pretty darn good about myself.

“Thanks Dash.” I whispered to the empty, dark room.

“You m-monsterrrr.” The sparking piece of scrap metal shrieked from across the room.

I almost felt bad for it, but then I remembered that it had tried to Kill me and I didn't feel bad anymore. Anyways, I trotted across the room and through the door on the other side.

This room was tiny, but brightly lit. To be honest, it was a nice change of scenery from the drab darkness that I had been in recently. In the middle of the room was some kind of...claw? No... it wasn't a claw, it looked more like a gun.

“I see my turret didn't kill you... that's suchhhhh a relief.” the disembodied voice sounded sarcastic, “Now that you are alive and well we can begin our next test. The Portal gun. Go on, take it.”

I was wary as I moved toward the gun, after all, the last time I had been told to take something I had fallen through the floor. This time though, it didn't seem to be the case... The floor seemed perfectly stable. Soon, I grasped it between my hooves and the metallic sounding mare began to speak again.

“This gun is more valuable than the lives of everyone in your town back home, please do be careful with it... unless you want another dose of that amazing neurotoxin. Now for some quick safety instructions: Do not look directly at the operational end of the device, do not shoot the device at another living being, and do not operate while in water. That is all, now aim the gun at the wall and press the blue button.”

I aimed the gun at the wall and fired, causing an oval shape that I had seen earlier to form... but it seemed to be closed.

“Good, now fired the other button at another wall.”

I did as I was told and shot toward the opposite wall, causing another hole to open up, this time surrounded by orange... and not closed. I turned around to face the blue one that had previously been closed to find it had opened as well.

“Now step through the portal.”

Once again, I did as I was told and found myself on the other side of the room where I had shot the orange one. It all made sense to me now, yet it still made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Going in one of these “portals” would send me out of the other one, simple enough... But it still didn't seem possible at all...

“You know... you remind me a lot of her, but in pony form. Her name was Chell and she was the last wielder of this gun.”