> The Art of the Test > by jtylerg > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Strange Awakening > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Where was I? Why was it so dark in there? The last thing I remembered was waking up and finding a strange pony standing over me. She was white with teal stripes, and a matching teal and black mane. Through the darkness of the night I could make out a mark on her flank. The mark of a strange blue oval. What could it possibly mean? Looking up through the thick blackness I saw something marked on the wall in front of me. Something oddly familiar... Could it possibly be what I thought it was? Well, I mean, it would make sense... But that still doesn't explain what it all meant. My eyes adjusted and my speculations were confirmed, the marking was definitely the same as the mark on the mysterious mares flank. It was the same blue oval, which still seemed unbelievably cryptic to me. What special talent could a blue oval possibly represent? Perhaps it was a zero? No, no... that doesn't make sense either. I stared long and hard at the symbol before I noticed a large name underneath it. That name was Aperture Laboratories. Lights snapped on overhead, illuminating the cavernous room in which I stood. The entire area was empty and bare, except for a single pony who stood in front of me... The same pony which had taken me from Ponyville. Her dazzling Black and teal mane draped over her face, and she held a sinister yet joyous grin upon her face. “You are wondering what my cutie mark means aren't you?” The eccentic pony asked in a flat, metallic voice which stunned me greatly. “Well wouldn't it be a shame to allow you to wonder so hopelessly? If you must know, I do indeed have a very special talent.” “A talent for testing.” ------------------------------------------- I continued to stare the madmare who stood before me. She seemed so calm, yet so threatening at the same time. It was mostly chilling voice in which she spoke that really made me worry. Her voice was laced with more steel than the walls around me. Never in my life had I heard a voice sound so... Robotic. “I'm so GLaD you could make it... we have a lot of testing to do.” “What do you mean 'testing'? I bet if Rainbow Dash was here she could put you in your place!” I yelled at her. “You know, I have been many things... A giant program of artificial intelligence, a sweet assistant named Caroline, and even a potato... But you know what? Out of all of those things I really feel the most powerful as a pony.” She said flatly. “Hey! What are you talking about? Do you know who you are talking to you... You crazy pony! I'm Scootaloo, and I'm stronger than you!” I screamed at her. “Oh how it breaks my heart to see such deception in a filly as yourself... I didn't want to have to resort to this but I guess I have to. Such a shame really... Oh well, have fun with the neurotoxin.” With those words she trotted away and left through a huge door, slamming it shut behind her. I rushed over toward the door and tried desperately to open it, but it was useless. The door was much to heavy for a filly like me to force open. I had no choice but to sit in the room, alone and helpless as I awaited my doom. My head was spinning and my body was aching. The gas that filled the air had finally stated to get to me, and my vision was blacking out. My muscles were weak and unable to hold me any longer, causing me to fall pitifully to the cold, steel floor. This was then end, I thought, I will never see Apple Bloom or Sweetie Belle again... ---------------------------------- I awoke trapped in a small glass chamber, accompanied by only a bed and toilet. Smooth, calming music filled the room as if trying to fill me with a false sense of security... But all it truly managed to do was irritate me even more. Where was it coming from?! Why wouldn't it stop?! I noticed a small object under the bed, and upon further investigation realized that it was a radio. Kneeling down I pulled it out from underneath and grasped it between my hooves. In a sudden fit of rage I slammed it on the ground, trying my best to rid my brain of the infernal tune. It shattered, shooting sparks from the internal electronics. Oh thank goodness... “Hello and welcome to the Aperture Science computer testing center. We hope your brief detention in the relaxation vault has been a pleasant one. Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the test proper. Before we start however, keep in mind that although fun and learning are the primary goals of all enrichment center activities... Serious injuries may occur. For your own safety, and the safety of others, please refrain from......” The voice that echoed throughout the room cut out suddenly, leaving only broken gibberish. The person speaking over the intercom had been the pony I had met earlier, I could tell by the voice. I had no idea what was going on, and quite frankly I was scared. My thoughts were soon broken though as the voice came back over the intercom. “The portal will open in 3...2....1” --------------------------------------- Suddenly, something orange had appeared on the wall in front of me. It seemed to be a window of some sort, bordered by a strange orange glow. Then again, it also seemed like the wall had just disintegrated before my very eyes. Whatever it was, it was my only way out of here. Stepping through the strange opening I found myself on the opposite side of the room. Gasps of astonishment couldn't be contained as I stood in awe of what just happened. It was like I had teleported by simply stepping through that hole! Turning around, I saw a similar hole as the one in the glass room but instead it was blue. Strange. Continuing to walk across the room I found myself in front of a door which slid open as if on command as I got near. This place was so cool! Still though... I had a bad feeling about it. Passing through the door I found myself in another room that had only one thing in it. A big red button. This seemed simple enough, just press the button and the door would open. Ha, I thought to myself, this is gonna be a breeze! I strutted over to the button and stood on it, causing the door to the next room slide open. Well that was easy... I thought as I jumped off of the button and walked toward the door, ready to get out of there. All of a sudden the door slammed shut, making me jump in surprise. Apparently just pressing the button wasn't enough, but as far as I could see there wasn't anything else in the room. Pacing around I came up with an idea. Maybe the button was just a distraction and there was another way out of here... I could always try to fly up to the ceiling and escape through an air conditioning duct, oh wait, I was an awful flier. I almost didn't notice the shadow which had just engulfed me, getting bigger and bigger. Fast. I glanced upward and saw something falling right toward me! Using my quick reflexes I jumped out of the way, barely dodging the falling object and nearly escaping death. Examining the thing that fell I realized that it was a box of some sort, and that's when it clicked. This was what I needed to use. It took me a while but I finally managed to push the box onto the button and you know what? The door stayed open! Pride filled me as I dashed through the door and into the next room, congratulating myself on a job well done. I hadn't noticed the slippery orange gel on the floor as I entered the next room, and my carelessness almost cost me everything. The moment my hooves came in contact with the substance I began to slide faster and faster. Wind blew through my mane as I shot forward at what felt like supersonic speeds. Thinking back, I actually kind of enjoyed it. That was the only time I had ever managed to come anywhere near Rainbow's speeds. The moment of fun was short lived though, as I soon find myself being shot up a ramp and across a huge chasm. I glanced down for a moment and realized that I was so high up that I couldn't even see the floor. Huge mistake. I freaked out, flailing my limbs around violently, trying to grab onto an invisible something. Oh no, oh no, on no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oooooooohhhhh nnnnnnnnoooooooooo! I wish I could fly! Oh no! Why cant I fly?! It's all over... I'm helpless These stupid wings are worthless.. Suddenly, I stopped feeling myself flying through the air. My eyes were shut tightly so I had no idea what was going on. Had I fallen down the pit and died? No, I felt perfectly alive.... Cautiously I opened my eyes, and what I saw caused a wave of relief to wash over me. I had made it to the other side safely! I must have not felt the impact of the landing in the heat of the moment. At least I was safe! Now I just had to be more careful... “What you just experienced was the effects of specialty Aperture Science Propulsion Gel, designed to reduce friction, therefore causing any man... or pony... to speed up the moment they come in contact with it. Kind of like a sciency slip and slide!” The voice boomed throughout the room. “Now I think you have earned a break, please enter the next room where I have prepared a delicious cake for you.” > The Holographic Baker of Insanity Cakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next room was utterly consumed by darkness, making it nearly impossible to navigate. The voice had said something about cake... Was that just a key word for something more sinister? I wouldn't have doubted it given the circumstances that I was in. I proceeded with caution, carefully putting one hoof in front of the other. Soon, a small light came into view, shining down upon a delicious looking chocolate cake. “Go on, eat it. It's all yours.” The allure of the cake was too much, even for me. I was starving, and I needed something to eat quickly. My mouth watered as the smell wafted toward me, drawing me closer and closer to its deliciousness. Then, as I was about to dig in, the world dropped out from under me. I was plummeting downward through complete darkness, the sheer wind causing my eyes to water immensely. I continued to fall for what seemed like minutes, then, without warning I slammed into some sort of fluffy material. Laughter echoed through the shadows. I knew that laugh, I had heard it a million times back in Ponyville. I hated that stupid, annoying laugh.... but now I found it welcoming. Maybe it meant I didn't have to be alone in this anymore! Pinkie Pie had to be around there somewhere! I found her standing around a corner, giggling at nothing in particular, but I didn't think anything of it. That was typical pinkie pie, doing unexplainable things. Maybe she was afraid and was using her technique of giggling at the ghosties? For some reason though, she hadn't taken any notice to me... even though I stood a few feet away. “Ummm... Pinkie Pie? What are you doing here?” She slowly turned to face me and I saw a sight that I myself had never seen, but had heard Rainbow Dash talk about once. Pinkie's eyes were dilated and she had a huge, overly-exaggerated grin on her face. I remembered Dash telling me about a time she had seen Pinkie like this, when she thought she was unwanted by her friends. Insanity seemed to have gripped the usually happy Pinkie once again, and this time I was the only possible victim. “Oh, Heya Scootaloo! Whatcha doing here? Are we having a party!?” Typical Pinkie Pie, well typical insane Pinkie Pie... “Oh, um no Pinkie... We aren't having a party.” I said softly, treading lightly on my words. Her hair went straight, as it normally did when she became saddened. “But... I was promised a party. They pinkie promised me...” She paused, rage building in her eyes. “NO ONE BREAKS A PINKIE PROMISEEEEEEEEEE!” She lunged at me, trying desperately to grab me and do Celestia knows what to me. Luckily, I do have agility, so I managed to avoid her and start running the opposite way. The corridors were confusing and dark, but I couldn't stop running... Not even for a single moment. I heard her thundering behind me, chasing me in a game of madness. Then, out of nowhere, the floor stopped and I began to fall. Falling down holes in this place had become very common, and it seemed almost unavoidable. At the very least, I had gotten away from Pinkie and I felt a bit safer, even as I skyrocketed to my death. Yeah, an angry Pinkie Pie is even scarier than knowing you are about to die. Obviously, I lived. The bottom of the pit was a room padded with cotton, much like the last room I had fallen into. Despite the safe landing I was still stunned from the impact, and it was nearly impossible to stand quite yet. Something else caught my eye though, something that looked like a red light. Adjusting my eyes and focusing on whatever it was in front of me I began to see the sleek outline of what looked like a robot. A red light was emitting from what seemed to be an eye in the middle of it. It had three metal bars sprouting from the bottom which acted as legs for it to stand on. “Hologram test complete. Subject copes well in situations involving hatred of close friends. Note taken. Next test, Deploying turrets.” The machine in front of me began to glow a darker red than before. Panels opened up on the sides revealing a pair of machine guns. Fear engulfed my body as I lay in the corner trembling. I always tried to be brave, but now was not one of those times. The guns loaded their ammo with a slight click sound and then the monster in front of me spoke. “Hello...?” > The Resounding Words of an Idol > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was paralyzed by dread as I lay helplessly in the corner awaiting my doom for the third time today. Again, I felt useless and weak against this overwhelming situation. What would Rainbow Dash do in this situation? WAIT. That's it! Rainbow Dash wouldn't sit here like a coward and neither will I! The surge of adrenaline that shot through me was enough to pull myself off the ground and rush at the thing that was apparently called a “turret”. I pushed myself harder and harder, going as fast as I could go... But then... The turret opened fire, shooting a massive and unavoidable barrage of bullets at me. I guess this really is the end... I'm sorry I failed you Rainbow Dash Memories flashed through my already rushing thoughts, most of them fearful and dark. One, however, was a memory of something that Rainbow had told me a long time ago. “Never give up kid! No matter what, keep on trying! You might not become as awesome as me, but you can come pretty close!” You're wrong Dash, I WILL become even better than you! I'm Scootaloo and I should NOT keep dwelling on the thought that I'm useless. This is the end... But not for me. This turret is going DOWN. Despite the treacherous situation of bullets flying around me, I began to smile. With a sudden leap I jumped onto the wall beside me and launched off, straight at the turret. The bullets trailed behind me as I spun through the air. I was faster than it! I was almost there. I stuck out a hoof and prepared for impact. The collision was harsh, but not for me. The turret flew backwards, screaming in agony... well, that is, if machines can feel agony. I had defeated it, and I felt pretty darn good about myself. “Thanks Dash.” I whispered to the empty, dark room. “You m-monsterrrr.” The sparking piece of scrap metal shrieked from across the room. I almost felt bad for it, but then I remembered that it had tried to Kill me and I didn't feel bad anymore. Anyways, I trotted across the room and through the door on the other side. This room was tiny, but brightly lit. To be honest, it was a nice change of scenery from the drab darkness that I had been in recently. In the middle of the room was some kind of...claw? No... it wasn't a claw, it looked more like a gun. “I see my turret didn't kill you... that's suchhhhh a relief.” the disembodied voice sounded sarcastic, “Now that you are alive and well we can begin our next test. The Portal gun. Go on, take it.” I was wary as I moved toward the gun, after all, the last time I had been told to take something I had fallen through the floor. This time though, it didn't seem to be the case... The floor seemed perfectly stable. Soon, I grasped it between my hooves and the metallic sounding mare began to speak again. “This gun is more valuable than the lives of everyone in your town back home, please do be careful with it... unless you want another dose of that amazing neurotoxin. Now for some quick safety instructions: Do not look directly at the operational end of the device, do not shoot the device at another living being, and do not operate while in water. That is all, now aim the gun at the wall and press the blue button.” I aimed the gun at the wall and fired, causing an oval shape that I had seen earlier to form... but it seemed to be closed. “Good, now fired the other button at another wall.” I did as I was told and shot toward the opposite wall, causing another hole to open up, this time surrounded by orange... and not closed. I turned around to face the blue one that had previously been closed to find it had opened as well. “Now step through the portal.” Once again, I did as I was told and found myself on the other side of the room where I had shot the orange one. It all made sense to me now, yet it still made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Going in one of these “portals” would send me out of the other one, simple enough... But it still didn't seem possible at all... “You know... you remind me a lot of her, but in pony form. Her name was Chell and she was the last wielder of this gun.” > Overcoming an Obtained fear and... A Birthday Present? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked through the door where I wound myself in a large room, above me was a ledge that was really high up. If I was powerful enough to use my wings I could easily fly up to it, but that wasn't the case. There was a door up there though, I could see it, so that must be where I need to go... To my left was a deep hole, and due to my recent experiences with holes in this place, I was afraid of it. Okay... so I need to find a way to get up there, but there isn't anything in this room except for that hole... I began to look around for some sort of object that I could use, but found nothing. Nothing except a single word written on the wall. Momentum. Where had I heard that word before? I KNOW that I have heard it somewhere before. Wait, I think I remember a lesson on something called momentum in class a while back... Miss Cheerilee had mentioned something about the amount of force produced from falling or moving fast. Rainbow Dash had said something about it when I asked her how she did some of her tricks too.... Wait, falling... That must mean... I gulped. I'm not an ignorant pony, so I knew what had to be done... I just didn't want to admit it. Until I was able to fly I had hoped to stay as far away from heights as possible, but now that seemed impossible. Slowly, I walked to the ledge, still holding the portal gun between my hooves. I fired a blue portal onto the floor at the bottom of the hole and then fired the orange on on the wall opposite the exit. I gulped and closed my eyes as I looked down the hole... It was a long way down. I would have to aim perfectly, and if I didn't well... No more Scootaloo. I would just have to get over my fear... and if I didn't, well then I would be trapped here forever. I thought to myself. With that final thought, I leaped. The wind blew through my mane as I raced downward in utter fear. The portal was coming closer and closer... Oh Celestia please let this work... It did work! I blasted through the portal and found myself hurled over the room below me, and next thing I knew, I was standing in front of the exit door. I had done it! I wasn't so bad at this after all. Well, onward to the next room. ------------------------------ “You know, your sense of time must really be messed up down here. Truth is, yesterday was your birthday... I just thought I should mention that... as a matter of fact, I have a surprise for you, please continue to test while I get everything... set up.” Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to add this in before it passed submission. I hope you enjoy, and there will be more to come soon!