• Published 17th Mar 2013
  • 4,641 Views, 80 Comments

Welcome To The World - Sweet Tale

Jason and Sarah enlist the help of their off-world friends.

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Chapter 3

The horrible feel of weightlessness came back as the three of us were teleported to Canterlot. I held onto my wife as the world around us transpired into one full of vibrant colours and magical creatures. A sound of white noise filled my ears as we travelled between worlds and soon enough, the noise dimmed and it was replaced with audible gasps.

"Now there my subjects, I am certain that my sister has instructed you not to question. Correct?" I heard Celestia say. Lifting my head from Sarah's shoulder, I looked up to see Luna, Haywick and around four to five ponies all staring at me. The moment I made eye contact with them, their facial expressions turned into fear.

My wife's eyes were shut tight. "Sarah...honey." She cracked open one of her eyes to look at me. "Look." She turned her view to where I was staring and I could feel her tense up immediately. "It's OK. It's alright. They're here to help." I said in a calming manner. Sarah wriggled out of my grasp and started to take in her surroundings; admiring the suitable décor of the throne room.

"It's...it's so beautiful..." she whispered. I watched as she continued observing every possible thing she could lay her eyes on - from the tapestries to the stain glass decorations. "I can't...believe..." She turned back to me with her mouth agape. "When you told me you went to Equestria...I...I thought you were pulling my leg."

"I wouldn't lie about this." I slung my arm around her shoulder. "Come on, let's get you off the floor." Using my arm placed under her armpit, I helped her to her feet, being careful not to aggravate her pain further. "How are you feeling?"

"Better. Pain is there but it's not as bad now." With my help, she lead me over to Celestia, who was watching her every movement. "What do you want me to do?" she asked.

Smiling, Celestia looked over to the group of medical staff and they rushed over with a gurney. "Please get into bed for me." She brought a hoof to her chin, pondering something. "Will you require assistance?"

"I got this. Just like at home." I said. Following our normal routine, Sarah placed her backside just on the edge of the bed. Normally I would be able to lift her up but this bed had wheels. "Um..." I looked at one of the doctors who was still a bit fearful of us. "Could you please hold the bed still whilst I lift her up?"

"Oh...um..." The doctor, a light green unicorn, placed his hooves on the bed and pushed it against me. "Is...is that OK?"

"That's perfect." I put one of my hands under Sarah's right knee and my other arm around her back. "On three. One...two...three." I lifted her knee and carefully guided her onto the bed into a seated position. She lay back against the pillows and breathed a sigh of relief. "Hopefully that's the last I have to do that..."

That earned me a smack on the head.

"Alright. Buster and Baker on each side of the gurney." Haywick instructed his team. "Gears, head down to the medical bay and inform them of our upcoming arrival." He turned to the last member of this team. "Finally, Steams, I need you to make sure that everypony stays calm if they see Sarah or Jason. Given your field of expertise, I am certain you'll be able to handle it."

The chocolate brown Pegasus saluted. "You can count on me." She sped off out of the castle at breakneck speed.

"So...what's her profession?" I asked curiously.

"Psychatrist and therapy. Mostly mental health."

"Ahhh...I see. So she can calm ponies down if they get freaked out by yours truly."

"Exactly." Luna replied. "Can we please move on? You know, the reason why we are here?" she continued, concerned.

"Right, right, right..." I held onto my wife's hand as the gurney was pushed along by two of the doctors. Through the throne room doors we went, catching the eyes of various guards. They remained steadfast but their eyes clearly showed confusion and a tinge of fear.

"How are the pains, Sarah?" asked Celestia, who was walking alongside the gurney.

Sarah still had her hand on her enlarged stomach, patting it softly. "It wants out, I know that. Doesn't hurt as much as...hng...it used to." she said through a strained voice.

We continued on through a long corridor which was decorated with a variety of vases and paintings. Each one had an illustration of a pony on it - very similar to a portrait of the President or a member of the Royal Family. "Who are these ponies?"

Luna pointed her wing to the left to a painting of a pony wearing a very large pointy hat with bells hanging from it. "This is Starswirl the Bearded - one of the most important ponies in the history of magic. But that is a story for another time. Quickly now!" Turning right, we came to a large set of double doors which were opened by a couple of guards. "Be careful n...what is this?"

All of us were a bit confused as we saw that the interior of the medical centre was shielded by something white. There was an opening which gave us a path to walk down. Poking it with my hand, I felt the texture of it - smooth, almost like silk. "Feels like a bed sheet. Is this place normally--"

"Come on! This way!" came the voice of Steams, the psychiatrist, who appeared at the end of the passage way. "I put this up so nopony could see you!" she whispered.

"Good job Steams. Right everypony, be gentle now." instructed Haywick. Following Haywick, we slowly guided the gurney down the silk passage. Looking at my wife, she showed a pained expression and grunted slightly.

"It'll be over soon...just hold on for me." I whispered to her. Planting a kiss on her cheek, we stopped as we had reached another set of double doors.

"Buster, Baker. Lead Miss Sarah into the ward. Steams, I want you to be at her side to quell any fears she may have. Gears, fetch the examination equipment and the sterilised gowns." Haywick ordered. "Princesses, you are more than welcome to observe but I am afraid Mr Jason, I will have to ask you to wait outside for me."

"WHAT?!" Sarah started to be led away into the ward with the doors closing behind her. I tried to go in after her but I was stopped by Celestia placing her wing in front of me. "Get out of the way! I need to be there!"

"Jason stop!" I kept on pushing and pushing but the wing wouldn't budge. Using both wings together, Celestia pulled me close to her and leant her head on my shoulder. "Jason...listen to me." The way she spoke to me got me to calm down. I stopped thrashing at the furry embrace and let my arms fall to my sides. I watched as Haywick went into the ward and the doors closed again. "This is just an examination. Dr Haywick and his team are taking notes and deciding what the best course of action will be."

"B-but...I want to be there. I need to...I don't want to miss it..." I said through ragged breaths.

"And you won't." Luna added. "We would never allow you to miss the birth of your first child. We will let the doctors finish their examination and then you can see your wife again."

Celestia folded her wings back to their normal position. I sighed heavily and sat down on the floor next to the ward doors. Looking up, I smiled at the both of them. "Alright. Thanks."

"Are you...coming with us? We were going to go somewhere to wait." Celestia asked, confused.

"No." I patted the doors. "I'm staying right here."

"Jason...they know what they are doing. Nothing will go wrong." Luna reassured me.

"And I believe you." I closed my eyes, breathing slowly. "I want to be as close to her as possible. And if this is as far as I can get...then I'm waiting here."

"We understand." Celestia said. "I will send someone to check on you on regular intervals." She walked over to me and leant her head down so she was face to face with me. "Try not to worry. This will be the greatest day of your life." I nodded slowly, only to be met with something soft on my forehead. I watched as the Princesses walked away and left me to myself. Only one thing was on my mind right now.

"Did she just kiss my forehead?"

Day had turned to dusk. The sun was setting over the hills of Canterlot and the residents of the capital were returning home and putting their hooves up for the night. Stalls were being packed up, shops were being locked. The hustle and bustle of the city was slowly becoming quieter and quieter.

But one noise was getting louder. This was the noise of a rhythmic beat - like a drum. Maybe on of the members of the orchestra was getting some more practice? Maybe it was something cleaning the dust out of a rug.

No. This noise was in the castle. This noise was making everypony nervous. This noise was heading straight for the throne room.

And it did. The throne room doors opened to reveal a VERY angry pony stomping the life out the floor beneath her. Her hoofsteps echoed throughout the large hall. "Can't believe I'm back here again..."

"HALT!" A Pegasus guard descended in front of the seething pony and pointed his spear at her. "How did you get in here?"

"The doorway? It was ajar..." she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh those stupid...who are you and what business do you have here?"

The female unicorn shook with rage as she thought about why she was here. Her yellow mane would have caught fire at the very moment if she continued raging but in a split second, she stopped. A smile adorned her face as she stared at the guard.

"My name is Summer Breeze and the happiest day of my life has been ruined." She got right into the guard's face and glared at him with a stare that could kill a pony at fifty meters. "THE PRINCESS! WHERE IS SHE?!"

Had it been one hour? Or five? I didn't know anymore. The only thing that had changed was that it was dark outside. Even with this white sheet covering my presence, I could still see the sunlight disappearing. I hadn't moved from the spot I was in. If anything was going to happen to Sarah, I was gonna know about it.

"Come on...why is it taking so long..." I said as I put my head in my hands. Tiredness was starting to consume me. I rubbed my eyes to try and wake myself up.

"Excuse me...are you Jason?"

I knew that voice. I slowly pulled my hands away from my face and looked up to see none other than Twilight Sparkle. Sorry...PRINCESS Twilight Sparkle. "Y-yeah...I...wow, it's really you." Even though she was now a Princess, she wasn't wearing a crown or a robe. She was just herself...only with the addition of two feathery appendages.

Twilight smiled and sat herself down next to me. "The Princess told me you might need some support during this."

"Oh they did?" I looked up at the door and sighed. "I just wish I could be in there right now. Just wish I could speed up time just to get in there faster..."

"No, don't do that! I remember the time when--"

"Future Twilight?" She stopped talking and chuckled, nodding slightly. "Celestia told me about it." Probably best she doesn't know the truth. "She talks a lot about you, you know?"

"She...she does?" Twilight asked, seemingly surprised.

"Of course! Personal student, Element of Harmony, saved the world from Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis and Sombra and NOW is a Princess after finishing a spell that Starswirl could never finish. What's not to talk about?" I finished with a laugh.

A blush grew on her face as I spoke. "I guess there is a lot..."

"You know...giving what Celestia says about you, I'm surprised you're not freaking out around me. You know, new species, alien and different planet and whatnot?" I asked.

"The Princesses already told me everything about you. Remember last time you were here?" she asked with a wink.

"I..." When she burst in. "Ohhhh, of course, I remember." We both shared a laugh which quickly died down. I returned to staring at the door.

"You're worrying aren't you?" Twilight asked.

"Course I am...my wife's in there and I have no idea what's going on..."

I felt Twilight place one of her hooves on my shoulder. "I can't imagine everything that's going through your mind right now but please trust the Princesses and myself when we say that she'll be fine."

"I know that...I do." I turned to face the lavender Princess again. "It's just...what if something does? And I don't mean the examination. I mean about the birth. We're in a world full of magic and god knows how many miles from home. What if something happens to the baby?"

"This is what you need to stop worrying about. Try and think of the positives! You're going to be a father! A child who will grow up taking after you. Just think of how you'll feel when he or she learns how to walk, how to speak, when they go to school. Think of all the good times that are going to happen."

"A year from now, it could talk. Two to three years...it can walk. Five years and it'll be in school. Happens so fast doesn't it?" I said slowly, earning a smile from Twilight.

A pregnant pause was held between us before Twilight broke it. "Have you thought of a name?"

"Well, if it's a boy, we're going to name it G--"


I shot to my feet as Sarah's screams sounded through the door. "SARAH?!" I started banging on the locked doors. "SARAH, ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!"

The door unlocked and Haywick held it ajar with his magic. "Jason, will you calm down?!" I stopped banging but I could still hear Sarah's cries.

"What is happening in there? What did you do?!" I shouted.

"Jason..." He opened the doors slowly to reveal Sarah clutching her stomach in agony. "It's time for you to become a parent."

Author's Note:

And once again, I have a huge delay in updating. Well...I blame a meet I went to yesterday. Being awake for 21 hours straight does a number on you, especially around 50-60 other bronies.

Enjoy this chapter as the next one is going to be the last!