• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,440 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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If Wishers We're Ponies

Chapter 3 – If Wishers were Ponies

Ok, so now that I bored you with my life’s story and my obsession, let’s talk about the moment you’ve been waiting for, how I became a pony. Now, I have to tell you that I did not plan to have this happen to me. Sure, I liked My Little Pony, but if anyone came up to me and said, “Julie, you’re going to become a pony,” I would have run away so fast. Because really you’d be crazy to believe that could happen. It would be like something out of a horror movie, one of those werewolf ones. I could just picture it now, a poster saying “Night of the Werepony” where a girl gets bit by a pony and transforms into one when the moon is full! Yeah, that kind of crazy.

Even though I imagined what life would be like as a pony, I still didn’t think I would ever become one. I knew that when it came down to things, I was watching a cartoon and I was in my life as a human, and there was no way that the two could ever cross. The only thing that could bridge the gap were the plush animals and toys that filled my apartment, but even those I knew were not real. They couldn’t laugh or talk or share secrets or anything a living creature could. But every time I watched an episode or participated into a role playing event, I would wonder what life would be like as my pony I created.
You may think I’m crazy, but consider a few things first. Is it crazy to imagine and dream about things, even those we know would never come true? When we were kids we used to do this a lot, making spaceships and castles out of cardboard boxes, pretending we were knights or pirates or princesses, and even talking with imaginary friends. But something happened where our imagination was seen as a bad thing. People would put labels on imagination like “childish” or “immature.” And so most of us lived our dull grey lives until we learned that imagination isn’t something as bad as we were told. I guess that’s why I liked My Little Pony as it showed a world full of joy and surprises.

Anyway, for the while I lived a double life. There was the majority of my life where I spent at my job and doing other things like meeting my boyfriend or occasionally shopping or going to the movies. Yet when I turned on that computer and began to write, draw, or role play, I was Quill Flourish, my happy little pony. Only a few close friends and my boyfriend knew about this other side of me, and that’s how I wanted it. That way no one would think of me odd that I liked a cartoon, because in the end I was more than just a brony. My boyfriend, Mark, at first thought it was strange. He even laughed when I told him I liked My Little Pony like I was telling him a joke. But to his credit he stuck with me and my little obsession.

Now comes the part that you were all waiting for: how I became a pony. That is why you stuck with me all this time, right? Well, it was a dark and stormy night. I know cliché right? But it really happened like that. I was at home after an ok day at work. I got there late and my boss was mad at me for that. Then I spilled a pot of coffee, broke a dessert dish and got yelled at by the most obnoxious customer who was rudely on his cell phone like I was his personal servant. By the end of the day I was happy to be out of there. I needed some comfort so I tried meeting Mark, but he was busy during the evening. I don’t blame him. He works really hard and sometimes can’t meet me. Adding to the misery was the rain. It stormed all day, soaking me every time I went from my car to a place and back. I would have yelled at the Pegasus pony who made such lousy weather, but of course I knew they weren’t on Earth.

So there I was, sitting at my computer, staring at the latest picture I made of Quill Flourish. There she was my unicorn alter ego, relaxing in a flowery meadow with a book and a smile on her face. It was like a complete opposite to my life at that time. My mind was so fixated on the character that I began to daydream of me as her frolicking with other ponies in town, maybe singing those catchy songs randomly. That’s when I said it, something simple that I really didn’t mean to say. It came from the bottom of my heart and deep within my mind. It was:

“I wish I was you sometimes, Quill Flourish.”

That’s right, no special magical phrase or anything else. Just a simple sentence, a little halfhearted wish, but that’s all it took really. Of course I didn’t know it at the time. After saying that, nothing really happened. No sudden change, no blacking out, nothing. I felt perfectly normal the rest of the night, unaware of what was to happen. I often wonder what I would do differently if I knew that I was going to be spending my last night as a human. Would I talk to someone or go somewhere? I can’t really say. In hindsight it was just another night and as I closed my eyes nothing was telling me otherwise.
How wrong I was!