• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,441 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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Late Night Adventure

Chapter 11 – Late Night Escape

Michelle made several trips taking my boxes from my apartment to hers. She was such a hard worker I felt bad just staying in my apartment watching her work. But as a pony I was limited to what I could do, especially since I was only one for such a short time. The fact that I couldn’t use magic yet also hindered things. Still, I tried to help by pulling boxes with my mouth closer towards the door for Michelle. Even though she scolded me for what she thought would damage my teeth, deep down I think she was grateful for the help.

It was strange to see the boxes slowly disappear from my apartment, making the space look more open with each trip Michelle made. Finally Michelle returned from her last trip in the evening as she collapsed on the couch. The poor girl looked like she was about to pass out if she lifted one more box.

“Ok,” Michelle said and she tried catching her breath, “I think I’m done for now moving things. Did you pack the things you need for tonight in your bag?”

“Yes I did. Thanks again for helping me pack.”

“No need to thank me. Anyway I’ll gather the rest of the things later. Now, how about supper?”

“That sounds good.”

“Do ponies like pizza,” Michelle said as she took out her cell phone.

“I think so, providing there’s no meat. I can’t believe I’m saying that though. I used to love things like chicken or ham, but now I’m not really interested in them.”

“Do you feel any other changes, other than being a pony and not liking meat of course?”

“None that I know of. I guess I haven’t explored the new me entirely to see if anything else changed.”

“Ok then, I’ll order a regular pizza. Does that sound good?”

“Sounds like a plan.”

She ordered the pizza and later I hid in the bathroom while she answered the door. I’m not sure that the pizza delivery person would be happy to see a living cartoon pony. Or maybe this person would. Still, I wasn’t going to take any chances. Once Michelle gave me the all clear, we were free to sit down and eat. As we talked and ate, I couldn’t help but notice two things. First was the fact that I was having my last meal in my old apartment. The other was that despite the insanity of the last few days Michelle treated me like I was the same even though clearly I was not.

With supper over, we spent the hours talking, just like old times. We knew that we were stalling for time until Michelle felt it safe to take me to her apartment. Nevertheless it was nice to just talk for a while to take my thoughts away for a while from my life as a pony.

Finally Michelle looked at her watch and announced, “Ok Julie, it’s midnight so the chances of meeting many people will be minimal. Are you ready to go?”

“I guess”, I said as I got up out of the couch.

Michelle opened the door and waited for me to exit. For a moment I stopped and looked back at the apartment. It was strange seeing the placed that I lived reduced to a pile of boxes and some remaining pieces of furniture. But I knew there was no going back to me old life now, not with what I was. I could only go on to my new life, and Michelle was there to give me a new start. With a heavy sigh I walked out the door and followed Michelle into the unknown.

The trip between my apartment door and the elevator which normally took only a few minutes felt like a tense eternity. There was a fear with every door I passed that someone would exit and see me there. I felt less like the pretty pony I became and more like some monster that would be hunted if discovered. Thankfully I made it to the elevator with success and waited as we made our descent to the first floor. There was still the fear that the doors would open to let another in, but there was no issue as we made it to the bottom floor.

We made a quick jaunt out to the dimly lit parking space. There were others there, but because of the darkness no one seemed to notice. To them I just liked like the shadow of some big dog. Finally we made it to Michelle’s car, a third of the journey done.

“Alright Julie, you hop in the back and stretch out on the seat while I buckle you in. You’ll need to stay as low as possible so you’re not seen, ok?”

I nodded as I got strapped in. Then Michelle placed the box of my essential things in the passenger seat and drove away from the apartment building. The ride lasted a few minutes as we sped through the city. Thankfully there were only a few cars on the road along with Michelle and with the exception of a few pesky red lights the trip went smooth. Finally we made it to her apartment building, a place that looked fairly similar to where I used to live.

“Ok,” Michelle said unbuckling the various seat belts around me, “We’re here. All we need to do is get into the door and turn right down the one hall. My apartment and yours now is at the end of the hall.”

I followed her as we crossed the parking area, making out way into the lit foyer of the apartment complex. Then as if to not prolong the wait, I took off in a gallop towards Michelle’s apartment.

“Whoa Julie! Slow down. I have to get there to let you in.”

She finally caught up to me as she unlocked the door. As I set my hooves in her apartment I knew I was home free. The last thing I remember is climbing up on the couch and then falling asleep after a day of adventure.

Author's Note:

Was it that easy for Julie to escape? Maybe and maybe not.