• Published 5th Apr 2013
  • 2,444 Views, 117 Comments

I, Little Pony - Lux

A girl, a wish, and life that would never be the same

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The New Normal

Chapter 10 – The New Normal

I awoke the next day, hoping that my wish had come true, that I would be back to being a human. And guess what? That’s right, I was still a pony, but I think you knew that already dear reader. Part of me wasn’t really that surprised. After all, I didn’t expect the fact that I would become a unicorn in the first place, so how could I expect that I’d turn back to a human? In that moment I realized that this was, for better or worse, my new normal and no amount of wishing would reset things back to when I was human. The best I could do was to accept the changes and try to adapt to the human world around me.
After getting ready and having breakfast, Michelle came over with some boxes to begin packing my stuff.

“Well, I can see you’re still a pony,” she said.

“Yep, still am. What, you expected me to be a human again.”

“I don’t know, I guess a little.”

“Yeah, I didn’t know if I’d wake up as a pony or a human.”

“Oh well, pony or human you’re still my friend. Now, let’s get you packing.”

It’s funny how much stuff you acquire over a lifetime until you have to move it. Thankfully I had this same apartment when I moved for college, so there was no need to move things in and out of dorm rooms. But over the years things seemed to multiply. Most of the stuff I needed although there was much more that I just had for fun. The trick was what I needed keep now that I would be moving into Michelle’s apartment and what I could afford to get rid of.

First were the clothes. That was the easy part.

“Are you sure you want to get rid of all this,” Michelle asked, “You have some really nice clothes.”

“Yeah, I know, but I can’t wear any of them as a pony. Besides that, ponies don’t wear clothes except formal occasions. So, if you or your other friends want any of these, be my guess. I think that they’ll fit you. But let me select a few things to box up for me, you know, just in case I become a human again.”

Michelle squealed with the delight of a kid on Christmas day seeing all those clothes that were now hers.

“Oh thank you Julie! This is better than any shopping day. Don’t worry, if you need some of these back I’ll let you share.”
With my selected clothes boxed and the rest left for Michelle to come back and take, we moved through the rest of the apartment with a surprising ease. Michelle seemed to have a photographic memory when it came to what stuff she had like for the kitchen and cleaning, which allowed us to easily separate things into what to take to the apartment and what to sell. It was funny how some of the things that I owned I took for granted would now be gone from my life. Even stranger was the fact that things I used to have an attachment to no longer mattered much.

Finally we got to the multicolored issue in the room: my pony collection. I could tell that Michelle was more than willing to just box them up and forget about them. I wasn’t ready to get rid of them yet though.

“Come on Michelle. You know how much I like my collection.”

“Look Julie, you know I love you and that I’m happy to take you into my apartment, but don’t you think your pony collection is a little much?”

Saying that reminded of when my parents found out that I liked MLP. They would drop hints like, ‘You know some little girl would love what you have,” or “Don’t you have another collection you want to display?” What they were really saying was, “Julie, you’re a young woman and shouldn’t be playing with things meant for little girls.” But I stuck to keeping them, just as I tried with Michelle.

“What’s a matter Michelle? Are you afraid someone might see you’re a closet brony?”

“Ok, I admit, the show seems nice, but I can’t just rush head long into this like you did. And yes some might think it’s a little weird seeing pastel ponies in my apartment, no offense.”

“None taken. Really you can say you have a roommate and she’s interested in MLP. That’s not lying.”

“I still don’t know.”

“Ok, let’s compromise. If I can keep half of the pony things that I own, will that satisfy you?”

“I guess that works,” Michelle.

It was easier said than done. Everything I owned had its own charm to it. Eventually though I relented and gave up the things I could live without. With the last thing taken care of, we divided my apartment into what goes into Michelle’s place and what goes to be sold.

“Ok, so now that my apartment is pretty much packed, what do I do now?”

“Now I’m going to start moving these boxes you want to my apartment. You can just relax for now as I’ll be back for another load. I want you rested for tonight.”


“Yes, tonight I’m going to get you to my apartment.”