• Published 8th Mar 2013
  • 7,838 Views, 107 Comments

Roses and Rainbows - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash and her friends find a some pony special.

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Life as a Wonderbolt

Being a Wonderbolt was wonderful in her eyes. She loved the stunts, the excitement, the fans, and the adrenaline rush. It was all so awesome to her. She loved the travel and how the fans would go wild over her. It caused her to become arrogant and cocky again. She didn't even think about her friends while she was away. All she seemed to care about was being in the spot light. The center of attention.

They continued to write letters to each other for a few months. Rainbow Dash was beginning to feel guilty that she was keeping Soarin' waiting for so long. They hadn't seen each other in such a long time and she felt like she didn't deserve him any longer. She couldn't help but feel that she was somewhat afraid of being in a long term relationship. Besides, there was a big part of her that enjoyed being free, but at the same time she couldn't help but acknowledge that her time spent with Soarin' was very special and magical. Her emotions were conflicting and driving her crazy. She sent him a long, emotional letter stating that she didn't want him waiting around for her and that she felt it would be best for the both of them if they weren't in a relationship anymore. She figured a pony like Soarin' wouldn't have a hard time finding another mare. She also told him not to write back in response. Rainbow sent the letter.

A few weeks went by and she put all her focus on being the best Wonderbolt she could possibly be. She hadn't thought about Soarin' too much.

Currently, she was staying at a hotel not too far from Ponyville. She was lying in bed with her front legs behind her head trying to relax after a show. She was starting to drift off to sleep when she heard a knock at the door. She rolled out of bed and trotted over to the door. She peeked through the spy hole in the door and saw it was Soarin'. She thought about why he would be here and then it hit her. She went back to her bed and reached into her bag and got out the necklace. She walked back over and opened the door. She held out her hoof and said, "Hey Soarin' I know you came back for this. I'm sorry I didn't think to send it back in that letter."

Soarin' looked at her hoof and then looked back into her eyes.

Rainbow Dash gave a nervous little grin and extended her hoof out even further.

Soarin' finally spoke, "Dash that necklace was a special gift for you and for you only." Soarin' put his hoof against hers and pushed it back. "I want you to keep it."

Rainbow Dash looked nervously around and said, "Oh, thanks. That's really nice of you. So why did you stop by here anyway?"

Soarin' scratched the back of his head with his hoof and said, "Hey Dash I got your letter and I'm really sorry you’re going through so much pressure. I understand this is all really difficult for you, but I want you to know that I'm more than willing to wait for you no matter how long you're away from home. I have come across a lot of mares in my time, but I swear I haven't found one as lovely as you."

Rainbow shut her eyes tightly at the words he had just spoken. Two tears trickled down her face. She opened her eyes back up and said, "Soarin' I'm so sorry I wasted your time. I just don't think I'm the right pony for you. I'm not really cut out for this relationship stuff. Find some pony else please and forget about me. I've got to go now." Rainbow quickly shut the door and leaned against the back of the door. She slowly slid her back down the door and sat down on the ground. She put her hooves to her head and listened as each hoof step outside her door grew fainter and fainter. The deed had been done. She thought that doing this would be the best decision, but now everything felt wrong.

Soarin' left the building with his head hanging low. He knew that being a Wonderbolt wasn't all fun and good times and he had almost hoped that she didn't become one, but he realized this was her dream and ultimate passion, even if it was driving her crazy. He wanted nothing more than to see her again, but he had to let her go. It was her wish to be left alone and he had to just let it be. Trying to get her back again would probably only make matters worse. She had a lot of issues going on and he knew that it would take her a long time to get things sorted out. Heck, he had emotional issues of his own to deal with. He just hoped that she would be ok. A part of him really wanted to wait for her to see if she'd try to come back, but another part of him was really determined to find his special mate. Soarin' really wasn't a pony known for his patience anyway.

Rainbow started to feel empty inside. Ever since she broke up with Soarin' she had been feeling awfully lonely. She tried to fill her life by dating other stallions, but all those dates didn't end up working out and nothing felt right within her. Every stallion she saw seemed to have one motive. Who can be the first to get in bed with a Wonderbolt? She became grumpy and a bit snappy at her team mates. It was getting harder and harder trying to keep up with them. She was deprived of her cloud naps and was constantly on the go.

She did her best to suppress her feelings again. Those feelings of love and affection and the desire to be loved and to give love back. She forced herself to become angry whenever those kinds of thoughts would enter her mind. She felt that if she wasn't the best at what she did, then she would lower herself worth. It was all about being the best. Her pride in her accomplishments was still enormous. Ever since she was a filly, she always struggled with the idea that she needed to be the very best. She knew she had some issues to work on in her life, but instead of talking to some pony about them she would isolate herself from everyone else. She even refused to read her fan mail.

Years went by and Rainbow continued to tour with the Wonderbolts wherever they went.

She was currently staying in a hotel in a city far away from Ponyville. She stared out the window and watched the rain drops stream down the window pane. She put her hoof to the glass and stared at her reflection. She felt so empty inside and her eyes looked sad. She sighed out loud.

Her mind began to wander and she went back to when she was a filly again. That same memory playing over and over in her mind. That question she asked her father. "How will I know if he's the one?" She remembered her father leaning over and whispering, "Your heart will tell you sweetie and you'll know, you'll just know." Tears trickled down her face at the memories of her former lover.

Was this what being a top notch Wonderbolt was like? Constantly touring. Never getting any time to yourself. It was exhausting being the best. She was drained both physically and mentally.

She stared at a picture of all five of her friends together. "When I grow even older and look back on my life, am I really going to care how many awards and trophies I have? Am I really going to brag that I had the most fans? Or am I going to remember the good times spent with friends and the wonderful memories of spending time with my some pony special. Is this really the most important thing in life to me?"

Rainbow gently rocked herself back and forth on the edge of her bed. She put her hooves to her forehead in frustration and depression. She then threw her body against the pillows. The warmth coming from them reminded her of when Soarin' used to hold her, except it didn't feel magical or special.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door. "Miss Rainbow Dash. You have a special message," the voice outside her door said.

"A special message?" Rainbow thought to herself. She had already gotten a pile of fan mail today. Whatever kind of message being sent to her at this hour, it must be very special. It was an unrealistic idea, but she hoped that the letter would be from Soarin'. Rainbow Dash opened the door and took the envelope from the mail mare and shut the door. She hopped onto the bed and opened the letter.

"Dear Rainbow Dash, Good gravy girl, we have been trying to contact you for years now, but you never respond to our letters. We miss you so much in Ponyville and want nothing more than to see you again. How the hay are you anyway? Is being a Wonderbolt everything you dreamed of? You wouldn't believe this, but we all have a some pony special! In fact, they are the same stallions from that Hearts and Hooves Day when the Princess asked us to try to find a date for fun. We all thought she put some kind of magical love spell on us, but she claims she didn't. Isn't that hilarious? Anyway, if you have the time, please write back to me, or even better, stop by and give me a surprise visit. Love you sugar cube.....Yours truly, Applejack.

Rainbow put the letter aside and looked out the window. She loved all of her friends, but Applejack was a special friend. Applejack was the pony who she could relate to the most. Rainbow banged her head against the glass. "Had it really been years since I had seen my friends?" she thought to herself. Life seemed to be going past her too fast, and she wasn't enjoying the experience.

She went over to her saddle bag and did something she only did when she felt incredibly depressed, she took out the one picture that she had saved of her and Soarin' together. It was her most favorite picture of them. The picture was of them together kissing in the rain. Rainbow laid down on the floor and curled herself up into a ball. She held the picture close to her heart and sobbed uncontrollably. The sadness and the crying exhausted her and she fell asleep there on the floor.