• Published 21st Feb 2013
  • 789 Views, 3 Comments

The Family Appreciation Day Fiasco - ngrey651

Rainbow Dash's daughter doesn't get along with her mom at all, but the Family Appreciation Day Weekend can change all that...or make things infintely worse. Meanwhile, Shinedown T. Mare, local police officer, wants to adopt a half-Changelin

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The Family Appreciation Day Fiasco

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
My Son, The Crime Fighter:
The Family Appreciation Fiasco

Family Appreciation Weekend. A time to be grateful and joyous for the little blessings that all are given with the mere existence of…a family.

Unfortunately, not everyone was such a bastion of pure-heartedness.

"By Celestia's mane, that is the FOULEST music I've EVER heard!" Rarity screeched as she slammed the door shut to her daughter's room, Precious holding a hoof over her head as she headbanged to "Sanders Mathers", aka "S&M", an anthropomorphized artist with a penchant for making fun of EVERYONE and being incapable of singing without throwing in a gratuitous amount of swear words.

"Where did she get that CD from again?" Twilight asked, everyone sitting downstairs in Rarity's design room, sipping on ciders, juices and other respective drinks.

"Pinkie Pie sent it to her as a present. She called it "payback time"." Rarity scowled as Pinkie giggled madly, almost spitting out her lemonade. "I resent this. The concerts I made her attend were GOOD!"

"Not everyone enjoys classical music…" Twilight remarked.

"Classical? No, no, I was always a "Queen" fan myself." Rarity insisted as she put a hoof to her head and swooned. "Oh, Freddy Mercury…taken too soon! Taken too SOON!"

"Yeah, cuz after all, it isn't like OUR music was half as foul as the stuff the kids today are listening to!" Pinkie spoke up. "With such fine, upstanding hits like "Jamie's Got A Gun", "Dude Looks Like A Lady"…"

"Now hold on, that's not the same thing-" Rarity began to say.

"Or maybe "Stacey's Mom"? Or were you thinking of "Timothy", perhaps?" Shinedown asked as everyone but Pinkie Pie flinched.

"Oh, why'dja have to bring up "Timothy"?" Rainbow Dash groaned as she held her head in her hooves. "Everyone in Equestria is trying to forget that bobby little tune about cannibalism ever EXISTED! And to think, it was the most overplayed song on the radio for YEARS before we realized this!"

"We are a rather dumb species." Brainy said bluntly.

"I always thought that song was about a donkey." Pinkie Pie remarked, scratching her head.

"…case in point." Twilight's son spoke again, just as icily as Pinkie Pie put a spoon onto the front of her muzzle after breathing upon it, only for it to fall off. She sighed, then got an idea, taking TWO spoons and putting them over her eyes, using her lids to keep them in place as she made funny faces at Jack N' Box, who laughed uproariously at his mother.

"Woooooh! Ph38r my ultimate power! Ph38r teh me!" She cackled.

"Oh, I wish I had a camera." Fluttershy chuckled, tossing a look back at Marzipan, who was smoking outside of the house, making her groan.

"Me too, but for different reasons." Rainbow Dash said, already planning on ways this could somehow get leaked onto "Ponytube". "Wait." She blinked, looking left and right. "Where's Drizzy? She said she'd be back by now!"

"Why isn't she here?" Shinedown asked.

"She's with Cheerilee and Soarin, remember? They went to go take care of "something important"." Twilight told him.

Rainbow Dash cringed a bit. "Yeah, I…I just thought she'd…she'd be back by now." She muttered as Shinedown sat next to Squirt, rubbing his chin as he looked at Rainbow Dash's quiet, sad look shining from her eyes and Pinkie Pie and Jack N' Box's chuckling faces. The contrast couldn't have been harsher and yet he saw the same problem in both parents…neither one was really connecting to their child…

And as for the ones who were honestly TRYING, well…

"Come on, sweetie, you need to drink your milk. It helps build strong bones." Fluttershy said, pushing the milk forward as Jellybean raised her muzzle up in the air, "harrumphing" as she turned away from her mother, arms folded across her chest.

"Uh-uh." She insisted. "I want CHOCOLATE milk, mom!"

"But honey, Twilight doesn't have any…well how about I go run down to the store?" Fluttershy tentatively asked.

"Yeah, you do that." Jellybean insisted as Squirt looked over at Shinedown, seeing him angrily glare over at Jellybean before giving Fluttershy a single, pleading, "Don't do this" look. She just looked back at him, giving him a resigned smile before walking off and out the door to the library.

None of them really know what… He thought to himself before finally turning to Squirt. "Squirt…today I want to introduce you to the very training techniques that I finally mastered." He told him. "Today we head out to the Everfree Forest."

Everyone else immediately looked over in his direction, eyes widening. "Are you crazy? Taking a little kid in there?!" Rainbow Dash asked, eyes widening.

"I've made the trip a dozen times before, I'll be fine. And he'll be with me, so HE'LL be fine. Squirt needs to learn how to defend himself, doesn't he?" Shinedown reasoned, waving a hoof in the air.

"He IS pathetic." Brainy commented.

"Well I was going to go with "scrawny", maybe…" Appletini remarked. "His body structure IS rather lacking."

"He is a total IDIOT. He looks like the kind of pony who'd trip over his own feet."

"BRAINY!" Twilight shouted. "Don't talk to people like that!"

"I'm just being honest, mom. It IS one of the Elements of Harmony, after all." Brainy remarked with a wry smile.

"Son, y'all are in need of a real SPANKIN'." Applejack growled as she slapped a hoof on the table. "And if I were yer momma, I'd GIVE yeh one right here 'n now!"

"IIII think me and mom better get going." Appletini said, quickly dragging Applejack away. "We promised Big Mac and Bookworm we'd go pick up some extra buckets for making cider anyhow!"

"And I think believe I should get going as well. I promised Precious I would take her to a charming dance club that Ms. Diamond Tiara's opened up. Imagine, OUR Tiara actually being a flourishing entrepreneur!"

"Yeah, imagine…take care." Rainbow Dash said quietly as all of them left the room. "…ugh." She muttered, shaking her head back and forth. "So much obsession with what her KID wants, Precious has her mom wrapped around her hoof, but you better believe this…my mom and dad never paid that much attention to me. I had to be strong, I grew up on GUTS, and I grew up just GREAT!" She insisted, looking around at the parents left here in Twilight's room.

"…" Shinedown looked like he was about to say something. "Dash, I'm not so sure that kind of attitude is really-"

"Word to the wise, Shiney. Your little snip remarks I see brewing in your mouth won't sit well with the big dog." Rainbow Dash said threateningly, raising an eyebrow up as her tone became low and harsh, Shinedown nervously looking away, inwardly groaning.

No…none of them really knew what he needed…did they?

… "No, no, no! Pally, get away from Peter right now! Stop biting him!" Drizzila yelled out, waving her hooves in the air as she shooed an Emperor Penguin male away from another in the cave she and Cheerilee were in at the moment, dozens of penguins all around all crying out and squealing in different pitches. "BAD Pally! BAD penguin!" She cried out, spanking it a little on its little black and white behind. "I just can't control-AGH!"

She let out a high-pitched squeal as she raced over to ANOTHER male, who was smacking the crap out of a different male, who was badly bleeding. Cheerilee took hold of the bleeder and began wrapping a bandage around its left wing as Drizzila shook the penguin in the air, glaring balefully at it. "You're a bad, BAD penguin, Porky! A bad, bad! PENGUIN! Shame on you!" She cried out.

"Don't slap that penguin, Drizzy. It's not their fault, really." Cheerilee insisted as she shook her head back and forth, the enormous reflecting pool behind the small stubby little rock she was sitting on casting dancing aquamarine light from the small holes in the ceiling which filtered in sunlight from the skies above.

"But they're never gonna be able to swim in sync for the performance I've been planning on all week if they don't work together! And how can they do that when I've got three nursing injured wings, two picking fights every ten minutes…" Drizzy began to recite as Cheerilee held up a hoof.

"Drizzila. Think hard. What do all of the penguins who've been in fights have in common?" She asked, her voice as calm and supportive as always, Drizzy stopping for a moment as she scratched her head.

"Well…I…" She mumbled. "…Porky, Peter, Pally, Paul, Percy, Perry-oh. OH!" She gasped. "All of the guys! They're all guys, right?"

"Yes. They're just fighting for the right to be "alpha male". It's mating season in their natural habitat, and their deeply-ingrained instincts are rising up in them, they feel the need to fight over who gets the women."

"Aww, thanks Ms. Cheerilee." Drizzy said, hugging Ms. Cheerilee tightly as she nuzzled her head against the maroon-furred pony's neck. "I owe you so much! You've been such a great help to me these past few weeks."

"Aw, it's the least I can do. I'm always happy to help out a student, besides, I enjoy working with animals AND children." Cheerilee told her as they walked outside of the cave, the penguins following after, Shinedown and Squirt catching their eye as they headed into the forest. "Hey, you two! You'll be at the Family Appreciation Day ceremony at the school tomorrow, won't you? Drizzy's worked up something really special!"

"Wouldn't miss it for anything, Chewy." Shinedown chuckled as Cheerilee blushed, Drizzy looking back at her.

"Chewy? Your nickname is "Chewy"?"

"I used to have to wear braces, all my "r's" came out sounding funny."

"So you were "Cheewiwee"?" Drizzy laughed.

"Yeah, Cheewiwee!" Ms. Cheerilee chuckled back, the two walking off as Squirt sighed a bit.

"Mrs. Dash is gonna be mad when she sees those two together, isn't she?"

"Rainbow Dash doesn't do that." Shinedown said as he shook his mohawked head back and forth. "She bottles up her innermost feelings. She's like a dam. Bit by bit the water builds up and up against a failing wall until finally it all comes pouring out and she can't suppress it anymore. She's the Element of LOYALTY, not "Self-Control"."

Finally they reached the back of the large statue of Nightmare Moon, Shinedown putting his hooves to it and pushing it to the side as a doorway slid open. He and Squirt descended down into musty darkness, as more and more of the light began to fade away and the roughly-hewn-from-the-rock stairway began to become less and less visible.

"I can't see where we're going." Squirt said nervously, a faint whine in his voice before he felt Shinedown very gently lift him up.

"Wrap your arms around my chest." He said, Squirt doing so as Shinedown carried him piggyback-style down the stairway, Squirt nuzzling his head against his adopted father's neck. He closed his eyes, taking in deep breaths before he realized they were actually in an enormous underground roo, of some kind, all hewn from the ground around them. Ornate ritualistic statues were stationed at sections all over the room, with ancient text carved in a circle all around the two. Shinedown helped Squirt down as he felt the small bumps formed by the text in the ground, an awed look in his eye as he regarded the tiny little sparkling bits of mica in the text, making the whole room's floor slightly shine.

"Here, you'll learn." Shinedown said as he stood up on his back legs, concentrating and letting out a long "hoooo" of a breath as he spread his arms out. "Val yan ilor!" He cried out, the runes in the ground lighting up like a million fireflies, the specks of mica rising through the air a little as flaming torches swung out from the walls. "Welcome to the Training Citadel of the Trinity of Inner Strength." He informed Squirt. "Here, you'll learn the Sanguine Condition just as I did."

"This is it." Soarin said as he brushed aside some shrubbery, helping Drizzy and Cheerilee through with their penguins as they found themselves at the edge of an enormous lake, the sun casting its gentle rays down, reflected in the clear surface. It's glow shone brightly off the surface of the lake like a little quilt of pure light as Drizzy blinked in surprise, momentarily caught off guard at the sheer, quiet beauty of it all as the penguins all slipped in, one after another. "Your mother proposed to me here, truth be told. I thought it'd be nice to let your penguins do their training here just as I trained MYSELF to ask your mother to marry me."

He rubbed the back of his neck, smiling wistfully. "Heh. I got down on bent knee so many times, rain or shine, I caught ten colds…but this is my "lucky lake" now. Everything good that ever happened in my life happened here. Here I got met the rest of the Wonderbolts. It was here that I proposed…here was the day Dash told me she was pregnant with you…"

"This means a lot to us both, Squirt." Shinedown said as he put a hoof on Squirt's shoulder. "The Trinity of Inner Strength are Luna's teachings, different from the Elements of Harmony. Not all can master the Elements. But few can master the Sanguine Condition…you, though…you've got the gift. I can tell."

"You can do great things with them." Soarin' said as he gestured back at the penguins. "Go on, baby. Show me your routine…"

"Let's get started!"

… the little red schoolhouse of Ponyville had grown somewhat in the years. It could now fit a considerably larger amount of students…about fifty, six or so as opposed to the thirty that had been previously BARELY able to squeeze in. The sunny flag of Princess Celestia flew overhead as everyone pledged allegiance on the soft green grass outside the schoolhouse, Cheerilee clearing her throat as she stood before the crowd of parents and onlookers.

Family Appreciation Day had finally arrived, and now it was time for the many children and their parents to work together in harmony to show their individual skills.

"First off, we have the lovely Pinkie Pie and her talented son, Jack N' Box, who have decided to do a presentation in honor of our new Changeling student, Squirt!"

Squirt nervously walked up with the two as Jack N' Box began setting up a couple boxes of cooking ingredients and a large mixing bowl, as well as getting out several utensils which he pulled out of his hat. Along with a rabbit, several large colorful strings of flags, a couple dozen pigeons, two loaves of bread, three fishes…

"I read that the Changeling kingdom is undergoing SERIOUS hunger issues." Pinkie Pie said solemnly as she bowed her head. "One in seven Changeling kids will go to bed hungry every night. And I know why! Look at this!" She said, holding up a scrawny little plain yellow cupcake. "It's so TINY! I would be hungry too!"

"We're gonna take care of THIS problem." Jack N' Box said dramatically, putting on a pair of sunglasses as Shinedown looked left and right. Could he hear the "Terminator" music playing as Jack 'N Box began to pour in cake mix into the mixing bowl with some eggs and some milk, Pinkie Pie holding up a whisk and taking the bowl as she began to stir and whip…

And stir and whip…


"Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip-whip-stir! Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip-whip-stir!"

Everyone began to follow the increasingly rapid motions of her frenzied arm as Squirt, sensing danger approaching, quickly ducked under the chair he was in, Pinkie Pie's voice growing as loud and hysterical as Willy Wonka describing his AMAZING new candy.

"Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip-whip-stir! Stir, whip, stir, whip, whip-whip-stir-WAH!"

SPLORK! The batter went flying EVERYWHERE, covering everybody as Precious was grabbed and held up in front of Drizzy, who was just plain faster than her. Precious immediately let out a shrieking cry of rage as Appletini ducked for cover along with Jellybean, Brainy trying and failing to suppress his snorting laughter as Precious began beating the CRAP out of Drizzy, only to stop when she realized-

"Hey, this tastes pretty good." She said, licking some of the batter off her lips as Precious did the same, everyone tasting themselves and happily doing some kitten-esque self-cleaning as Pinkie Pie nodded in approval.

"Just give me five minutes alone with the population of the Changeling kindom and all the necessary ingredients for some cupcakes and the problem will be gone FOREVER!" She said cheerily, plopping down the cake batter she had into little cupcake molders and putting it into a nearby easy-bake oven, which popped out cupcakes a few minutes later. She handed one to Squirt, smiling down at him as he nibbled at it. "These aren't just baked goods. They're baked AWESOMES." She insisted. "I put all of my heart and soul into these. And my "secret ingredient". Love!"


"That and my body weight in sugar."


"Y'know the word "rural" is really…really hard to say?" Brainy muttered as he hiccupped a bit, flopping down next to his passed-out mother, a half-eaten third cupcake in his hoof. "…rurrrraaaall…"

"Too…many…cupcakes…" Jellybean sobbed. "…never thought…I'd ever say that…"

"…what am I?" Jack N' Box whispered, looking at himself in the reflection of the easy bake oven, speaking slowly. "We are all MONKEYS!"

Well, needless to say, it took about an hour before everyone finally staggered over to the back of the schoolhouse, where Ms. Cheerilee and Soarin' had dragged out an enormous…SOMETHING…covered in a shroud of some kind. Everyone looked in surprise at each other as Drizzy grinned broadly, striding up to the tank and yanking the cloth out. THWOOP!

Down it came, revealing an enormous tank filled with penguins, all of whom were swimming in perfect synchronization. Soarin' helped Drizzy up onto his shoulders as Rainbow Dash visibly flinched, everyone looking on in awe as Cheerilee and Drizzy raised their hooves up slightly into the air, the penguins rising as one out of the waters.

Higher…higher…then they lowered the hooves, only to point them dramatically UP, as the penguins SOARED out of the water, splashing back down with a PLORK as water went flying through the air in shining droplets. The two swung their arms back and forth as if directing a majestic symphony of avian perfection, the penguins moving perfectly in synch with their trainer's movements, diving, dipping, sweeping, all for an awed audience.

A moment later, the big finale came as the two spun their bodies around, ending in a dramatic sweep as they faced the crowd, the penguins leaping out of the tank in a V-Shape, landing expertly on the ground and doing a dramatic bow with Cheerilee and Drizzilla, as the crowd of parents and kids went positively NUTS over this display, cheering and whistling in surprise and amazement.

"That was freakin' WICKED!" Appletini proclaimed.

"I MUST say, first rate job, Drizzy!" Jack N' Box laughed.

"Simple amazing how perfectly they moved, as if utterly made one with you." Brainy complimented. "Not…disappointing." He decided.

"Wow, coming from you that's like saying "Oh baby, will you marry me"?" Precious said as she rolled her eyes. "…I guess it wasn't really that bad. I thought it was gonna be a lot worse."

"Yeah, I thought this would end in disaster for sure." Spike admitted to Twilight as he held a hand over his mouth to mumble his concerns…right before Drizzy immediately glomped Cheerilee in the biggest hug of her life, everyone whipping their head in her direction.

"Oh, THANK you, Ms. Cheerilee! I-I don't know what to say, you've just been so amazing, and I…I LOVE you!"

You couldn't have rehearsed it any better. Every single person there responded in surprise, shock and horror, some actually going "Uh…ohhhh" as they turned to look at Rainbow Dash, who appeared so totally blindsided by this that she looked like somebody had just smacked her in the face, her mouth slightly hung open, her expression slightly hurt, but her eyes filled ever-so-briefly with a flash of complete and outright FURY

"UGGGGHHH.." Shinedown mumbled, slapping his face with his hoof. "Oh no. OHHH no."

June 22rd, 1:02 PM, Sparkle Land

"HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!" Trixie was laughing hysterically as she rolled on the ground outside of the Sparkle Show Extravaganza facility, slapping her hoof against the floor and howling madly, Shinedown frowning visibly down at her as Squirt looked over at the other kids, who were all chatting it up with the cast of the Sparkle Show, eager to watch the next showing…and eagerly waiting for Drizzy to inevitably show up. Precious already had three cruel witticisms lined up in her head. "Are you serious? She actually-HA-HA-HA-HA! I mean, really? Right in front of Rainbow Crash?! Tee-hee-hee-HA-HA-HA-HA!"

"Why did you have to act like such a namby in front of everyone?" Precious asked Drizzy as she nervously poked her head out from behind a garbage can. She'd tried to sneak into the amusement park without them seeing her. In fact, she'd actually been planning on speaking from inside of the garbage can for the rest of the week until she stopped feeling so darn stupid. "Your mom HATES wussies."

"Oh shut up!" Drizzy snapped quickly as Jack N' Box chuckled madly, Jellybean shaking her head back and forth.

"You've got a worse relationship with your mom than I do with my dad. Thanks!" She said cheerily. "Now I'm not bottom of the barrel anymore!"

"That's because you ate everything in between it and you!" Drizzy snapped back.

"Oh gee, another fat joke. Took you all day to think that one up, huh? At least I actually love my mom!" Jellybean caustically replied.

"Oh Ms. Cheerilee! I love you, I looove you! That's all I want to say!" Jack N' Box cackled. "If you love her so much, why don't you marry her? I heard it's legal in Station Square!"

"I don't suppose you have any kind of "repairing relationships" potions." Shinedown asked his sister as Trixie wiped some tears away, shaking her head back and forth.

"I've got love potions, potions to clear away zits, potions to clean your drains and lots and LOTS of flash bangs. Nothing to help that poor schmuck say her real feelings." Trixie insisted. "BUUUUT…" She waved a hoof in the air as Drizzila finally jumped into the trash can and mumbled "Go away" at Appletini when he knocked, deciding to stay in there for the rest of her life.

"But what?"

"Girls will open up to each other in a way they'll NEVER open up to men. I'll go talk to Rainbow Dash and see what she's really thinking…and then the Great and Powerful Trixie will think up a dazzlingly brilliant plan to solve all of this." Trixie decided, grinning triumphantly at Shinedown and Squirt.


"What do you want, Trixie?" Rainbow Dash muttered balefully, sitting atop a cloud over by the schoolhouse, muttering baleful things under her breath and tossing little chunks of cloud up into the air, only to have them fall back down around her. Her eyes were narrowed, her muscles tense, she was clearly very, VERY furious. "The "Big Dog" doesn't have time for small talk with the queen b-"

"Let's face it, our parents never spent enough time with us." Trixie said bluntly as Rainbow Dash stiffened a bit. "My mom was my favorite, but she went and died. And my dad's emotions consist of being cheery, being cheery and being MORE cheery. In short, I could get more emotional bonding from a blow-up doll of my father than I ever do the few times I ever see him, at least I'd be able to HUG the doll."


"And your daughter clearly feels you're doing to her what your parents did to you. You aren't really connecting, obviously." Trixie said.

"She's being cruel." Rainbow Dash snapped back, whipping her head over the clouds to glare down at Trixie. "You know what THAT treatment is like, Beatrix."

"She's just a kid…" Trixie began, trying to ignore that little jab before an idea began to form. Rainbow Dash was hurt, yes, but she was also clearly jealous. She was turning green with envy.

"She said she loves Ms. Cheerilee! She should…y'know! Be…telling that to…other people. Like…like me. For instance." Rainbow Dash mumbled as she folded her arms over her chest and turned away from Trixie.

"…hmm." Trixie rubbed her chin. An idea was forming. "Y'know…Rainbow Dash…I think the Great and Powerful Trixie might have JUST the solution to this." She insisted, waving a hoof in the air.

…Ms. Cheerilee had been quite happy to come live on Big Mac's farm and set up a little wooden house on some of its finest acres. As happy as Applejack and her friends were to set up a little dinner that Rainbow Dash just HAPPENED to be invited too along with the rest of her dear friends and their children. Applejack led them through a long hallway towards the dining room, past framed portrait after portrait of her buddies and their families, Rainbow Dash sniffing the air as she walked alongside Soarin'.

"Something DOES smell good." She admitted as they sat down at the enormous table that Big Mac and Applejack had set up, Trixie and Shinedown bringing in plate after plate of food as Cheerilee and Rainbow Dash sat next to each other, Drizzy in between her mother and her father as Applejack set down a plate of rolls, Shinedown noticing there was a bruise around her wrist.

"What happened?" He asked as Applejack nervously smiled.

"Ah, it's nothing big. Some big jerk grabbed my wrist too hard."

"Another mugging?" Shinedown asked, raising an eyebrow up, a suspicious tone rising along with it. "That same guy from before?"

"Some folks just don't know when to quit." Applejack chuckled nervously as she rubbed her hooves together. "Well, let's not all jes' sit here with our tummies a'rumblin' and all! Let's git diggin' in!"

"Well, um…er…" Drizzy smiled over at her as she looked down at the apple pie before them. "This IS a very nice pie." She said as she began chewing on it. "You can really taste the apples!"

"Girl, that's my pride 'n joy of ALL mah cookin', be able tah taste the apples."

"So how do you like THEM apples?" Rainbow Dash asked as she pointed at a small batch of caramel apples in the middle of the table, Drizzy taking a bite of one and eagerly chewing.

"Mmmmm! These are GREAT!" She remarked, Trixie giving a clever wink to Shinedown. So far, so good. "How do you get them to be so juicy?"

"I took a risk and let 'em soak up a bit more water n' usual. Hope ya don't mind, Ms. Cheerilee, I know ya prefer the granny green-"

"CHEERILEE?!" Rainbow Dash groaned, slamming her head down onto the table. "Cheerilee, Cheerilee, Cheerilee! That's all YOU ever talk about!" She snapped over at Drizzila. "Well ya know what? I think she WILL mind, cuz if somebody isn't careful with their apples, they'll just go SPLAT all over like…like this!" She grabbed one of the apples and launched it against the wall, the thing splattering into a pulp before their eyes.

"Dash, please-" Soarin' began to say.

"SAVE YOURSELVES!" Marzipan cried out in terror, diving out the nearby window, landing, unfortunately, in cow manure that had been piled up in an open septic tank.

"And while we're on the subject of apples, look at this wallpaper! All reds! So! Totally! BORING!" Rainbow Dash proclaimed, grabbing a chunk of the wallpaper and ripping it off. "Throw some BLUES in here or something! Or some greens! Aren't some apples green?"

"Holy crud, your mom's going insane. Always thought it'd be YOUR mother for the looney bin." Brainy admitted to Jack N' Box.

"Always thought Dash would end up in prison, not the loony bin." He admitted in agreement.

"And this hanging lamp! It couldn't hold a mare's weight!"

"AHHH! No! I spent thirty five bits on-" Applejack began to cry out before the hanging lamp went soaring through the air as Rainbow Dash hovered overhead.

"And while we're at it, y'know what this place needs? A way for unicorns to get in! Get some windows in the roof or something! In fact!" Rainbow Dash went on, her tone becoming harsher and more angry with every single passing minute.

"For the love of Celestia, tell your mom what you told Ms. Cheerilee, fast!" Trixie insisted to Drizzy, shaking her chair. "Or she'll kill us all!"

"Tell her what you tell your stupid penguins every day!" Appletini admitted. "Mostly cuz I'm quickly running out of house!"

"Just TELL her!"

"TELL her!"

"MOM." Drizzy finally proclaimed, Rainbow Dash lowering her fist from the roof, turning to face her daughter as everyone leaned in, eyes widening as even Marzipan climbed up to the window to see what was about to happen.



"Ohhhhh dear." Cheerilee murmured as Soarin' sighed, walking over to Marzipan.

"Got any room out there?" He asked.

"Come on." Marzipan said sympathetically as Soarin' turned to the others.

"Save yourselves!"