• Published 29th Jan 2013
  • 8,263 Views, 378 Comments

Melting Snow - Storm butt

Life isn't interesting for Caramel, as nothing interesting ever happens. Friends were rare. By that he means rarely a reality. He had adjusted to this routine and reached a somewhat comfortable spot in life. Then along came Big Macintosh.

  • ...


Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. It belongs to The Hub, Hasbro, Studio B, and Lauren Faust. I do not own any of these characters in any way or how, nor do I claim ownership to the pony franchise. These characters are simply my toys.

"How exactly… are you supposed to do this?”

Melting Snow
Chapter 11: Horseshoes

The falling of snow around his body made the large steed feel as though the hope of an early spring had been a false one. No trace of Ponyville’s melting snow had been left on the farmland of Sweet Apple Acres, as if it was all a distant memory by this point. While the snow itself hadn’t yet begun piling up quite yet, it still seemed to confirm that winter itself was going to stick around for a while longer.

The sky itself wasn’t exactly dark just yet, but it was still past the warm light of morning and was on a quick road to mid evening. It had a slight orange tint to it behind the snow clouds, a sign on a day getting ready to hang up its hat. The red steed found himself shuddering silently as he began to rub his hooves together, flicking his tail to knock out the several drops of water that had collected in it. The brief warmth of the previous week seemed to be a distant memory at this point.

Big Macintosh couldn’t help but sigh, wondering just how stressful Winter Wrap up was going to be for the small town of Ponyville this year. While he himself hadn’t experienced the effects of working under such weather, it wasn’t exactly uncommon for several ponies to become sick during the process and need to go home.

He looked down at his own hooves, which kept impatiently drawing circles in the thin sheet of snow under him. His body fidgeted every few moments as he bit his lip, a single thought coming to him mind as his eyes glazed over.

Big Macintosh really missed Caramel...

“Big Mac?”

The stallion blinked, slowly turning his head around as he looked inside the small orange chicken coop, staring blankly at the small yellow filly, her own pink scarf wrapped firmly around her neck as she stared back at him. The sight of her brought his head out of the clouds at the very least.

“Hmm?” The steed responded, focusing his attention on his younger sister and removing it from the icy world around him.

The filly sighed, looking down as she began to tap her hoof on the hardwood floor. She seemed to be mumbling something under her breath; however the steed didn’t manage to catch it over the constant noise of chicken’s around her. He paused a moment when her eyes met his again before raising a brow and tilting his head in question.

“Say that again, Sugar Cube.” The steed spoke, bringing a hoof up to his ear in an attempt to hear her more clearly.

Apple Bloom sighed, beginning to fiddle with her bow as she spoke. “C-Could ya… let me stand on yer back to get the last eggs?” She questioned, her cheeks blushing gently. “Ah forgot ta grab the ladder before we went out.”

Big Macintosh remained silent for a moment, watching his little sister avert her gaze from his own. She didn’t look at him again until he slowly stood up, taking a moment to stretch his tired legs.

The steed dropped his head as he walked into the small room. He held out his hoof to pick up his sister, plopping her on his back in one swoop. He could feel her hooves dig into his back as she attempted to steady herself… she was a lot bigger than he last remembered.

“Any reason ya didn’t wanna just go and get it?” The steed questioned the filly wobbling on his back as she struggled to reach out her hoof to collect the eggs from the chickens placed higher up in the coop. Big Macintosh tapped his hoof with mild impatience, wondering in the back of his mind why he was so antsy.

He could almost hear Apple Bloom bite her own tongue as he body froze. She reached back her hoof with no egg in it. Big Macintosh looked at her the best he could from the current angle he was positioned at, noticing that she was quietly running her hoof through her mane.

“Everypony’s actin’... weird all week.” She stated, turning to look at her brother with a mildly worried expression on her face.

“Every time yer in the room things get real quiet… A-And AJ woke me up yelling at ya a couple days ago… she never yells at us…” The filly mumbled, her body slowly sinking until she was laying on her brother’s back, much in a similar way Caramel had done weeks ago.

“Apple Bloom… Ah…” Big Macintosh trailed off, looking at the confusion in his sister’s eyes. She began to shake her head, as if trying to shake off the feeling itself. “It ain’t anythin’ ya did, ya know that, right Sugar Cube?”

“Ah know!” Apple Bloom’s voice raised a tad higher than she expected it to as she looked at her brother. “Ah just… Ah don’t get it…” She spoke softly as she pulled gently on her bright pink bow. “A-Apples never fight… never!”

“Everypony acts weird when Ah’m in the room and ya aren’t now…” The yellow filly began pressing her hooves nervously on Big Macintosh’s rough back, tugging gently on the fur as if to keep her grounded. “Granny Smith always asks me if ya walked ta get me from school with that stallion…”

“Caramel?” Big Macintosh questioned, already knowing the pony in mind. Well it was true, Granny Smith had been trying her best to make sure she kept tabs on her grandson’s love life at the currently moment… maybe she was concerned that Apple Bloom might see something she didn’t approve of.

The steed looked at the yellow filly before he held his breath, realizing Apple Bloom was suddenly struggling to keep on his back as he shifted his weight from one hoof, his hoof tapping as his mind drifted to Caramel. He could feel his cheeks flush as he realized just how antsy he was at the thought of the stallion.

Apple Bloom nodded her head, sighing loudly in a bag of frustration and annoyance at the situation before she steadied herself on the steed's spine. “Everypony keeps actin’ weird when they talk ‘bout him… he seemed nice, did he do somethin’ bad?”

Big Macintosh found his head shaking before Apple Bloom had even finished. No, Caramel hadn’t done anything wrong, even in his family’s eyes he couldn’t be responsible for starting this chaotic downward spiral.

“Ah’m sorry Sugar Cube…” The steed spoke, reaching back his hoof to gently rub his hoof over his sister’s cheek. “We ain’t tryin’ ta make ya feel so out of the loop… It ain’t fair ta ya.”

“Ya look really happy when Caramel visits…” Apple bloom stated with a curious expression on her face, looking into the emerald eyes of her brother. “Is Caramel your best friend…?” She mumbled, pressing her snout to Big Mac’s solidly built back.

Big Macintosh took a deep breath as he looked away from the yellow filly, removing his hoof from her cheek as he exhaled that breath. “Caramel is just…” He paused a moment, holding his tongue as he thought about his next words.

“Caramel’s just… special to me…” Big Macintosh settled on, biting down on his lip. “L-Look, Ah don’t want ya ta worry ‘bout me.” He stated in an attempt to quickly change the subject, letting the quiet clucking of chickens fill his mind for a few moments. “Me and Granny are just havin’ a little disagreement… AJ is just kind of caught in the middle of it… It’ll blow over eventually…” He spoke, a tad bit of hope in his tone. “Why don’t ya let me finish yer chores, didn’t ya say that yer friends wanted ta go play before dinner?”

Apple Bloom seemed a little irritated at how her brother seemed to dodge the subject of Caramel. She sighed audibly as she nodded, carefully sliding off of her brothers body, landing with a wobble as she quickly straightened out her legs, flicking her tail.

“Ah don’t get grown ups…” She mumbled quietly as she turned away from her brother, a little of her usual self in her tone as she tightened her scarf and headed out of the coop.

It wasn’t before Big Mac had collected even a single egg that he heard his name be called by that same young filly voice. It didn’t sound frantic not distressed, so he didn’t rush in grabbing the egg his hoof was headed towards and plopping it in his bucket.

The steed set the bucket down gently, making sure to calm the chicken he had just stolen from with a gentle pet before he poked his head out of the coop once more, his hooves crunching on snow instead of the creaking wood. He glanced at his sister in question as she looked to him.

Apple Bloom simply lifted her hoof, pointing out into the distance, which Mac quickly followed with his eyes, realizing she was pointing in the direction of the pathway that led back to town. His eyes took a moment to adjust beyond the few flakes of snow before his eyes before he did indeed notice a pony walking towards the farm.

Big Macintosh didn’t realize his heart was suddenly beating faster until it registered in his mind that the stallion in the distance had a distinct tan colored coat. He managed to keep his face expressionless as he realized Apple Bloom was looking at him.

“Ah uh…” The red steed began before looking at the other. “W-Wait here a jiffy..."

He didn’t bother to watch his sister’s reaction as he began walking in the direction of the other, feeling a smile creep up on his face unexpectedly as he sped up his step ever so slightly. The sight of Caramel warmed his heart, it felt as though it was the best thing to happen him all week. He could see Caramel notice him, lifting his hoof in a nervous wave before walking towards him as well. It was a near straight shot; the only thing in his way was a stray bucket that he almost felt necessary to jump over.

The closer the stallion got, the more he realized that Caramel’s lips were moving ever so slightly… as if he was speaking to himself. His eyes were also darting every few moments, closing a few moments as he shook his head, widening as he smiled gently. He squirmed in place, the rattling of plastic audible from his saddle bags.

“Erm… Sugar Cube?” The steed questioned, getting close enough so the other was in earshot before he began speaking. He watched at the other jumped, appearing to snap out of a daze before looking up at the other with a nervous smile on his face.

“M-Mac… good to see you…” Caramel spoke as his smile grew. He was constantly shifting weight from one hoof to the next, a little jitterier than his usual self. He looked down a moment, mouthing something once more that looked to be the same words over and over. His eyes glanced towards the barn, as if attempting to grasp a few more seconds to rehearse whatever he was mumbling.

“Somethin’ wrong?” The red pony spoke to the other in a soft voice. He wasn’t really sure how to talk to him at this moment… he didn’t seem distressed, just nervous… but he was still smiling.

“O-Oh… yeah…” Caramel spoke, looking at the other with a brief moment of determination as he flicked his tail. “T-There’s this… Erm… place in Ponyville…” He spoke with a nod of his head as his eyes began to brighten. “It’s a restaurant… It’s a little fancy… W-Well not too fancy… I-It just opened this week, so it’ll be a little crowded, but Sage ate there with his co-workers for a meeting and said it was really good so I just…” Caramel rambled on briefly before pausing with a shake of his head. “No, that isn’t what I wanna talk about…”

Big Macintosh continued to stare at the other with mild confusion on his face that he didn’t feel the need to hold back, because he honestly had no idea what Caramel was trying to get across at this point.

“Do you think that… we could go there… t-tonight?” The stallion questioned him, holding his breath as he finished his words. “I-I’ll pay, promise.”

“Ah… guess… Gotta tell my family Ah won’t be here t’night though.” Big Macintosh spoke to the other slowly, still trying to process in his head why Caramel was so jittery about asking something like…

The steed could feel the other suddenly press his lips against his lips. It was both unexpected and a tad heart-warming to the stallion, at least enough to make him jump. It was a little too rough for comfort, but the inexperience was a little charming to the older. He couldn’t help but feel his cheeks blush as it happened… and before he could even kiss back, the stallion pulled away with a happy giggle.

“I-It’s a date then!” He said in a joyful tone.

“O-Oh…” The steed mumbled to himself, feeling a tad silly for not actually noticing he was being asked out until this very moment. He placed a hoof to his nose to feel the spot where Caramel had kissed him, hoping that his blush didn't stand out in this snowfall. “A-Ah guess it is…”

The earth pony blinked at the other, feeling his chest tighten at the unusual boldness that his friend had in him today. He hadn’t actually been able to see Caramel since their said their farewells the previous week, for he had been far too busy dealing with both his family and giving everything enough time to settle down before he went to see Caramel.

“S-So, d-do you wanna leave now… I could come back in a little while and…” Caramel began, but before he could get any further the steed cut him off.

“Now’s fine… just gotta go and get some things from the house…” He smiled gently at the other, reaching out his hoof to ruffle his mane. “Don’t wanna go on our date unprepared…” He spoke softly.

The steed couldn't contain his smile seeing Caramel's face light up pink over that. Saying the word "date" like this felt odd on his tongue referring to a stallion, but the release his heart gave as Caramel's own features seemed to warm and flush against the cold, white snow reassured Mac that this was what he wanted.

“Be back soon.” The steed spoke before turning away from the other, letting his hoof fall from the mane.


Big Macintosh couldn't help but glimpse over to the tan stallion hiking beside him every few moments, the winter wonderland they were currently trudging through caused Caramel to stand out even more than usual to him. His hooves nearly tripped over themselves a few times simply because he couldn't help but stare longer than needed at his...

The steed actually did manage to pull his gaze away at that thought, unsure of how to complete that train of thought. He decided to shake the feeling off, gazing away from Caramel for a change as he watched the tree's become more and scarcer the further they walked. He hadn't seen an apple tree in quite some time, most trees currently being pine or oak as they trotted down the snowy pathway marked only by the small blades of grass poking up near the edges of the road.

The red earth pony looked straight ahead of him, spotting the first signs of civilization through the quickly darkening skies, sighing quietly to himself, not realizing until this very moment just how eager he was to get off of the farm. Strange, he usually felt quite the opposite when coming to town.

He picked up his pace ever so slightly; making sure Caramel could still keep up as they passed a normal home, its hay covered roof dripping with a small pile of snow. The steed looked ahead with a small smile, happy to see the large Celestia statue and fountain before them as they quickly entered the town square of Ponyville.

"Erm..." Caramel's voice was smaller than usual as he suddenly spoke, pulling Big Macintosh's gaze away from the outside world and back to the two's small little bubble. He watched Caramel look at him, try to form words before he slowed his pace down, Big Macintosh soon following him. "D-Did I come at a bad time? T-To ask you out I mean..." He questioned with a gentle frown on his face.

Big Macintosh looked questionably at the other, tilting his head slightly to the side, his lips forming a frown as he shook his head, answering Caramel with a simple "Nope.", shaking his head back and forth, feeling his mane whip around.

Caramel walked slowly, sighing audibly as he flicked his tail in mild frustration, letting a soft whinny loose from his lips. "O-Okay..." He answered, nodding to himself. Perhaps he was trying to assure himself of something, whatever it was he seemed to be keeping it to himself. "That's good..."

"Ah was actually real happy ta see ya." The steed grinned at the other, taking a step closer to him as he leaned his head down to look more directly in the other's eyes. "Took everythin' Ah had ta keep from runnin' ta ya."

The stallion's eyes shot to the steed's in a moment of brief excitement that he soon forced down, making sure he didn't seem to anxious to get such a positive answer. He forced himself to look out of those eyes, knowing he would only start blushing again if he looked into them for too long. He however couldn't help but give a pleased grin.

"That's good..." He mumbled quietly, shifting weight from hoof to hoof, altering his course slightly, taking a right turn, the other following quickly as he led the way down a row of shops and restaurants. "I was real worried about it because I know you said that we should wait for things to cool down before doing anything together, and I wasn't sure if a week was enough... I know that your family'll take some time to get used to anything..." He rambled on, speaking quickly as he did so, forcing himself to stop before he had changed topics completely.

"They ain't used to it yet." The steed answered with a forced, dry chuckle, followed by a frown. "Ah don't think anypony's mad at ya though, or me... Granny's just kinda upset by the whole thing in general..."

Caramel nodded in understanding, not able to keep a slightly disappointing expression from fading onto his face. He was actually hoping he could visit Big Macintosh a little closer to his house in the near future instead of hoping the other was outside. "What... did you end up telling them?" He questioned.

"Ah told em that it wasn't any of their business." Big Macintosh answered with little emotion in his tone. "When they complained Ah told them that if Ah was happy havin' a... special somepony it didn't matter..."

The steed blew air out of his nose in mild frustration, however it was soon ripped away as he heard Caramel giggle unexpectedly. He glanced over with a baffled expression on his face before he saw the excited expression the other was holding. He could see the other's cheeks glow rose in the light of the falling snow around them as he managed to force back how nervous he was just from being called the steed's "Special Somepony".

He noticed Caramel glance at him, his expression turning from a joyful grin to a sheepish one. He seemed to be trying his best to bottle up his emotions at the moment. He looked at Big Macintosh quickly before glancing straight ahead, waving working both himself and Big Macintosh a few stray ponies walking around "W-We're here..." He near whispered, slowing his pace down.

Big Macintosh glanced forward, spotting a sign sticking out not far in front of them saying simply "Hay and Oats". The place itself didn't look all that fancy, for it was wedged in between two other buildings with less than a foot separating them. It had a fresh coat of dark blue paint, a large "Grand Opening" sticker visible on one of the front windows.

When the steed looked down, he realized they had already trotted up to the door, and Caramel was walking quickly past him, forcing him to stop suddenly, leaving an awkward track in the snow that dragged several inches. He watched as Caramel trotted over to the door, opening it before looking at Big Macintosh with a nervous expression but excited and joyful eyes. He held the door open for the steed, nodding his head inward for him to go into.

Big Macintosh smiled gently at the other, feeling himself blush with a grin on his face as Caramel looked away from him. "M-Mac, you're blushing..." He mumbled quietly with an undeniable smile. "Y-You don't normally do that..."

The steed chuckled, walking forward slowly before stopping next to Caramel, reaching up his hoof to ruffle his mane gently. He could see Caramel glance at him with a happy smile... however that smile soon faded as he looked around them, eyes spotting a stray unicorn in the crowd pass within a few feet of them, giving them a passing glance.

Caramel looked down, then back up at Big Mac's lips, his breath getting caught in his throat before he looked down again, looking into the street as he watched the faceless ponies pass. He tried to hold his breath as long as he could, bottle up anything he was feeling at the moment. He could feel his belly tighten as he closed his eyes for a good five seconds, waiting for the feeling to pass.

"Let's go Sugar Cube..." The steed spoke with a slight stutter in his voice, trying to snap Caramel out of whatever came over him in that moment.

Caramel nodded, smiling steadily as he turned to walk forward, not wanting Big Mac to see his slightly pained expression. He began looking around the room for the first time in an attempt to take his mind off of the ponies around them. The walls were a shade of dark blue, much like the outside of the building. The tables and chairs were all polished wood, most looking to be brand new. The smell of the place gave off a scent of freshly cut grass and burnt hay, the two mixing to make a decent yet not overbearing scent for the tan stallion.

Caramel glanced over as a green stallion suddenly entered into the corner of his eye, heading straight towards them with a small smile on his face. He was wearing a solid black vest, even from a distance Caramel could tell it appeared to be a little tight one him, holding the green pony's belly firmly with little room for adjustment, giving the pony a noticeably chubby figure. A necktie was around his neck, a little hastily tied together, but it's black and grey stripes fit well with the rest of his outfit. With a few more pieces could be made into a dashing looking suit. But by no means was it overly fancy or overdressed for a place like this, so the stallion simply assumed it was something all the waiter’s had to wear.

“Just two.” The tan stallion spoke as clearly as he could manage, turning his head to nod to the steed behind him.

The waiter nodded, giving the two of them a mildly forced smile, turning around and expecting the two to follow, which they did. They were led past groups of families and couples eating their dinners, chatting and giggling and laughing as they
Were absorbed in their own lives, only some glancing at the two of them as they trotted past.

Caramel looked away from them and down to the hardwood floors that clicked whenever he set a hoof down. He could feel his forehead begin to sweat as he tried his best to keep a blank expression.

“Here we are gentlecolts!” The stallion spoke with a cheery voice, taking a set of menu’s from his back, setting them on a average sized booth next to a window that looked out into Ponyville’s shopping center, which was now only beginning to only be lit by scattered lights in the buildings around them.

Big Macintosh walked past Caramel, flicking his tail against the other to get him to life his head before trotting over to the booth. He assured himself that Caramel lifted his head before sliding into the booth, only realizing half way to sitting down that his chest rammed up against the table. He gave an awkward grunt, trying to give the table a shove forward before realizing it was bolted to the floor.

"Um..." Caramel spoke as he looked to Big Macintosh, knowing full well that there was no way Big Macintosh was going to be able to squeeze himself in and out of there. His tail began drifting itself between his legs as he glanced to the waiter, avoiding eye contact. "D-Do you think we could... G-Get a table...?" He asked. "One that... isn't bolted to the floor?"

The green unicorn nodded, his forehead giving off noticeable beads of sweat before he used his magic to grab the menu's once more, trotting along quickly as Big Macintosh managed to stand up once more, taking a moment to scratch him mane sheepishly before walking along, not bothering to look at the awkward glances they were more than likely getting from anypony looking at them.

He followed the waiter along with Caramel, this time being thankful for a table with movable chairs, which he quickly snagged the one at the end, watching Caramel slide into his own chair in front of him, setting his saddle bags down next to him as he began giving the steed a mildly embarrassed glance.

“You two gentlecolts waiting for your marefriends tonight?” The green stallion asked in a questionable tone, obviously trying to make typical light conversation that he must have been doing the entire night, judging by his almost bored tone.

That question caught the steed off guard as he instantly looked away from the waiter, looking to Caramel as that was said. He began watching the younger’s expression grow diffident as his words became plainly caught in his throat. He began to stare at the table without actually looking at it, unsure of how to answer that question as he felt his face warm up. He buried his face into his scarf in a vain attempt to hide his nervous stuttering that wouldn't make any sounds.

“Nope.” Was the first and only word emerging from the steed’s mouth as he looked to the waiter with a blank expression on his face, trying his best to hide his annoyance, which thankfully was easier than trying to hide emotions from Caramel at this point.

“Oh… Erm…” The waiter spoke, his tone near apologetic as he watched Caramel seem to shrink. “I-In that case, what can I get you two to drink?”

“Cider’s fine…” Caramel mumbled quietly, glancing away from the pony as his newfound bravery seemed to fade. He could hear Big Macintosh answer the same thing, the hoofsteps of the waiter fading quickly. He could hear Big Macintosh sigh as he was out of earshot, out of the corner of his eye he watched him remove and carefully fold his scarf, setting it next to him.

“S-Sorry…” Caramel began to speak his piece, forcing himself to look at Big Macintosh again. “I-I kind of froze up there…” He wasn’t quite ready to remove his own scarf yet, part of him wanting to still wanted to disguise most of his face behind it as he yanked on one of the ends near his hoof.

“No worry Sugar Cube.” The steed spoke with his usual understanding tone. His face was a solid stone, but his words sounded compassionate to the other. “Ain’t like Ah gave him a speech or anythin’... 'Sides, it ain't none of his business in the first place...." He paused, looking into Caramel's eyes a moment. "Are ya... alright Caramel?"

The tan coated stallion looked at the other with a perplexed look on his face. "W-Well... I-I just got over a cold today... w-well not entirely, but I argued with a Sage enough until he let me go see you s-since it's been so long and I r-really missed you..."

"That ain't what Ah'm talkin' 'bout." Big Macintosh cut off the other's ramblings.

Caramel looked at Big Mac briefly before dipping his head, peaking around the room in quick glances. “Do you think anypony is staring at us?” He questioned in a small voice, not bothering to answer the steed's question and instead chose to ask his own.

“Why would they do that?” The steed asked as he tilted his head, giving the other a strange look that Caramel couldn’t help but feel silly over as he looked away from him.

“Y-Y’know…” Caramel spoke in a small voice. “W-We’re both stallions… a-and we’re here all alone…” His belly started to turn as he tried his best to steady his voice. He tightened his grip on the end of his scarf, pulling and crumbling the end in his hooves, unable to actually call what they were doing here what it was. “Maybe we should have gone to some place more low key… M-Maybe the park or m-maybe even m-my hou-"

The steed reached out his hoof gently, grasping Caramel’s stray hoof that was left exposed on the table. The other jumped at the warmth suddenly covering his hoof, looking back to the stallion instead of away into the crowd of ponies in the restaurant. He wanted to pull that hoof away, worried the waiter might come back any moment... but blank look the steed was giving him distracted him just enough to put those thoughts in the back of his mind.

“This is our date.” The steed said, tugging gently on his hoof while keeping his face void of emotion, but forcing emphasis on that last word. “Ain’t nopony out there care ‘bout what we’re doin’, they’re all wound up in their own dates, and if they do care they ain’t gonna matter in the end.”

There was a brief moment of silence, one that allowed the public eye themselves to talk mindlessly in between their conversation, not a sentence being finished before another one started. The muscles in his leg tightened slightly in the hoof Mac was holding as an older pony passed by them, glancing at them briefly with no real opinion visible on his face.

"Ya ain't got nothin' ta worry 'bout Sugar Cube." Big Macintosh spoke to him, glancing from the passing pony to Caramel, a smile coming onto his face as he nodded to the other. "Ain't nopony who matters gonna care if one of us get's the sudden urge ta actually look like we're enjoyin' ourselves." He reached out his hoof slowly, gripping onto Caramel's scarf and pulling it down to reveal his friend's hidden face. He dragged it into the other's lap before taking a nice long look at his face.

His cheeks were still red, which Big Macintosh smiled at, dragging his hoof slowly over Caramel's smooth face, feeling the other both tense and relax at the touch of the other as he dragged it under his chin. His fur was soft, much softer than the steed's which had been through plenty of mangling throughout the years. He could feel his chest tighten as he looked down at Caramel, forcing the other to look up at him.

"Yer so cute... ya shouldn't hide yet face..." He spoke, his tone giving off a warmth and joy that he didn't normally show. He could feel the reddening glow of his own cheeks reach Caramel's eyesight, for his expression changed quickly into embarrassment.


The steed's eyes widened as he realized what he said. He didn't betray any emotion but that, biting the inside of his cheek as his eyes focused on Caramel.

"Ah... Ah ain't never said that ta ya before out loud, 'ave Ah?" He asked the other with a forced chuckle in an attempt to hide his mild embarrassment. He took his hoof off of Caramel's cheek almost reluctantly as he placed behind his head, scratching his orange mane as he returned to a blank expression, cheeks still blushing. "Ya are though... cute Ah mean... Is it alright if Ah call ya that... Ah really don't know how two stallions talk on a date..." He mumbled as he looked down into his hooves.

Caramel quickly nodded, eyes wide as he looked into Big Macintosh's own. He looked down, squirming uncomfortably as he bit into his lip. He drug his hoof away from Big Mac's own, beginning to fiddle with his own as he stuttered something under his breath.

"Come again, Sugar Cube?" He could hear the steed ask him, causing him to wince as he bit into his lip.

"Y...Y-You're..." He began, forcing himself to look into Big Macintosh's eyes as he spoke, squirming uneasily in his seat. "You look... you look really... amazing... with your body... a-and muscles..." He shut his eyes tightly, feeling like an idiot.

"Thank ya kindly, Caramel." The steed responded with a sincere smile on his face.

There was a silence between the two of them. Caramel looked down at his scarf, wondering just how odd it would seem if he tied it around his face as he felt his cheeks warm up. At least Big Mac didn't laugh at him for saying something so odd...

Two mugs slapped down between the two stallions, causing Caramel to jump and for Big Macintosh to snap back into reality, both looking at the previous green stallion greeting them with your drinks.

"Here's your cider, are the two of you ready to place your order?"

Big Macintosh glanced to Caramel, the stallion returning the gaze with a similar questioning one. They both looked down at the menu they hadn't even cracked yet. Caramel soon began realizing he still wasn't ready to speak like a properly educated pony at this point in time.

"I... think we need a minute..." Big Macintosh answered the waiter.

"N-No!" Caramel quickly spoke up, a tad louder than needed as he began to quickly shake his head, his mane swaying side to side. "I-I'm ready, s-sorry" He spoke quickly, opening up the menu and scanning it as quickly as possible.

Big Macintosh stared as Caramel looked through the menu before he cracked open his own, eyes laying down upon the first row of items, each listed under the salad section. His eyes moved over to the waiter, noticing his mild annoyance yet forced smile he kept plastered on his face.

"Potato and hay salad." Big Macintosh spoke to the unicorn with his normal poker face, looking him directly in his golden eyes. "And no butter on the potato's, Ah never liked the taste of that stuff."

Caramel set down the menu quickly as the other began wrapping up his order. He looked directly at the waiter as well, unable to look in his eyes with the same emotionless expression the steed gave however. "Erm... S-Same... except with butter..."

The waiter nodded quickly, writing all this down on a small note sheet, quill in a magical grasp. He finished the words as he trotted off to the next table, leaving the two stallions alone again.

As Caramel looked back to Big Macintosh, he could feel his heart beating violently in his chest. He looked down into his cider, quickly taking it with shaky hooves as he brought it to his lips. He sipped it quietly, bringing it away from his lips with a small gasp, the alcohol a little stronger than he was prepared for.

"Little strong?" Big Macintosh questioned Caramel with a tilt of his head, pulling the wooden mug away from his own lips. "Ah gotta admit... yer the last pony Ah'd think of when Ah think drinkin'"

Caramel looked into his drink again, licking his lips as the flavor of the drink sunk in. He shook his head at Big Macintosh's words, his heart beat slowing down to a more normal rate as casual conversation began to return. "I've had stronger drinks a few times... Sage brings home some wines now and again, but I only really like the sweeter ones... I really like cider though, it's sweet but doesn't get you all that tipsy..."

"Ah think our cider tastes better than this..." Big Macintosh spoke quietly as he took a sip, frowning into his drink as he swung the mug back and forth a little to watch the liquid swish around. "This stuff's pretty good though, little sweet though..."

"I just like the apple flavor." Caramel answered, beginning to take another swig of the drink before he felt a tickle in his throat, one that caused him to cough suddenly. A small splash of the liquid accidentally fell out, landing directly on Caramel's chest. He managed to save move of the liquid at the very least, which he managed to sit down as he coughed again, his eyes involuntary watering.

The stallion began to feel his hooves around in mild panic as the liquid seeped into his fur, his eyes scanned for a nearby napkin quickly before he felt a hoof push up against his chest. He moved his eyes downward as he watched a small napkin soak with the liquid, a large red hoof forcing the object to move in circles around his chest.

"Ya sure yer doin' alright there Sugar Cube?" Big Macintosh asked, setting down the wet napkin and swiping up another before his eyes passed over Caramel's with little emotion as he tried to soak up most of the liquid before it could settle into the other's fur. He could feel the other's chest tighten up at his touch, feel his heart beat increase.

"Oh... I uh..." Caramel spoke, biting into his lip as he glanced down at his saddle bags with only half his attention set on them. "I-I forgot to take my medicine a little while ago... s-sorry, it's my fault..."

"Ya gotta take better care of yerself. Just cause yer enjoyin' yerself don't mean ya can put yer health ta the side." Big Macintosh glanced into Caramel's darting eyes, the tan coated face of the other growing sheepish with color as he was lectured. He must have sounded a lot like Sage in that moment, for Caramel looked away from him briefly, lifting his hooves to grab Big Mac's, pulling the napkin away slowly.

"I got it..." He mumbled quietly, rubbing his chest for another ten seconds as he looked away from Big Macintosh. There was a silence between them that neither enjoyed, for it seemed tense, cold almost. He could feel his damp fur as he finally removed the napkin, deciding it was close enough to dry as he leaned over, quickly opening his saddle bag and snatching a half filled bottle from it.

"Ah'm sorry, Sugar Cube." Big Mac spoke quietly to the other as he watched him fiddle with the cap for a moment. "Didn't mean ta lecture ya there... Ah'm just worried 'bout yer health..."

Caramel shook his head at the other's words as he quickly plopped a pill in his mouth, swallowing hard and finishing with a gasp, taking a quick sip of cider, setting it down gently as he coughed once more, sounding much less dry compared to before. "No... you're right..." He spoke between coughing fits. "I just got so caught up in what we were doing that I didn't think about it..."

Big Macintosh rested his face on his hoof, looking into the Crystal Blue eyes Caramel refused to look at him with. "Ah ain't mad at ya..." Was all he stated, a small frown on his face as he shook his head ever so slightly. "Didn't mean ta talk ta ya like Apple Bloom or something... big brother reflex."

The stallion leaned over, letting his medicine bottle fall into his saddle bag before he strapped it shut. He sat back up, managing to look at Big Macintosh with a forced smile on his lips. "I recognized it as that... Sage does the same thing if he finds out I skipped a pill because I overslept or something... He yells like that a lot when I do something stupid..."

Big Macintosh bit into his lip as he shot his eyesight away. Being seen as a comparison to Caramel's brother was honestly not the best feeling in the world for him, especially considering what they were doing at this very moment.

Caramel began to rest his face on his hoof, his forced smile soon revealing a frown as he became briefly lost in his own thoughts. He swallowed his own saliva, feeling the lump force itself down his throat as he sighed audibly. "Sorry, I'm being a downer, aren't I?" He questioned the steed as he looked down into his mug. "I don't think about things before I say them sometimes... I-I'm being a nervous wreck..."

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh spoke as he watched Caramel's face flush at his own bluntness. He could tell quickly that was a rather bad thing to say in this moment, for Caramel looked away from him with a red face, squirming in place as he took quick drink of cider, perhaps to simply grow more distant from the situation.

"A-Ah like that though!" The steed spoke, a little louder than he meant to, for several ponies glanced towards them with questionable looks. He quickly settled back down, growing antsy as he waited for things to settle down a bit. He began to rub his hooves together with mild nerves as he opened his mouth. "Y-Ya... Ah mean... Ya wouldn't be ya if... well if ya were always so calm and collected... Ah like ya when yer more... ya..." The stuttering steed pulled on his mane in annoyance with the situation. "Sorry... ain't used ta... explainin' why Ah like somepony."

"I-It's okay..." Caramel spoke quietly as he tugged on a stray clump of dry fur on his chest, his blush fading, but still remaining on his face. "I... like the way you are too..."

Big Macintosh smiled at him once more, seeming to regain face as his emotions settled down. He must have thought the date was back on whatever track it had previously if the two were complimenting each other once more. "Thank ya, Sugar Cube."

There was a brief moment of dead air between the two, and Caramel for one was thankful he didn't have to speak any further on that subject as he heard a gentle hum of magic from behind him.

He turned to the source of the sound, watching as the same waiter as before brought out two plates full of food with his magic, setting them down quickly in between the two stallions, the potato's on Caramel's plate looking a little more yellow and butter filled than the steeds.

"Here's your plate boys!" The green unicorn spoke cheerfully before nodding his head as he looked from stallion to stallion. "Anything else I can do for you two gentlecolts? Any refills?"

"No thanks." Big Macintosh spoke with a polite smile to the stallion, giving him a nod before watching him turn around and trot off to his duties. He turned back to Caramel, who was sitting quietly and patiently in place, squirming around a bit in place as he swallowed hard, eyes staring at the dinner with noticeably wide eyes.

"Don't let me stop ya from chowin' down Sugar Cube." Big Macintosh spoke to his date, to which Caramel didn't even bother glancing at him before grabbing a fork from next to him with his hoof as he began stabbing a large amount of lettuce leaves and stuffing them into his mouth.

The vegetables at least tasted fresh and crisp from what Caramel could tell as he chewed on them. He was already stabbing his fork into a large potato slice before he glanced over, watching Big Mac plot a potato slice half as big into his mouth, chewing slowly as he let the fork in his hoof relax a moment. He swallowed the slice before looking at the other with questionable green eyes. "Somethin' wrong Cara?"

The stallion looked back with wide eyes of his own. "N-N-" He would have continued if he didn't realize food was already in his mouth, to which he quickly shut and chewed quickly, feeling like a pig as he tried to cover his blush by resting his face on his hoof. He swallowed a little too much food at once, having to take a swig of his cider in order to get it all down quickly. All during this process he could feel Big Macintosh's eyes bore into him.

"Nothing..." He spoke softly when he finally managed to get a word in, fiddling with fork by stabbing it into several things on his plate, pulling them out of each . "J-Just... a-ate a little too much food in one bite..."

Big Macintosh stared at Caramel for a few minutes longer, but shrugged it off as him just not feeling his best tonight before he continued eating.

The fidgety stallion took another sip of his cider, hoping the alcohol would stop him from squirming uncomfortably ever time Big Macintosh looked at him with his mouth full of food.

It was only halfway through his meal did Caramel realize his belly was still rumbling uncomfortably loud for how much he had already eaten. He briefly considered if it was possible his belly had a portal to a food dimension in it and was stealing all the food he had eaten. He watched Big Mac glance to him at the sound of the rumbling when his mind finally ripped itself out of his fantasies.

"Ya sure ya got enough ta eat there?" The steed questioned him with a glance at the lessening food on his date's plate. He looked down at his own plate, realizing it hadn't even reached the halfway point like Caramel's had. He watched Caramel look away with an unusually forced smile and sweat on his forehead as he did so.

The steed looked down once more. "Ya... want some of my food?" He questioned the stallion in front of him, lifting his plate a little to offer it to the younger if he so wanted.

"N-No, I don't need it..." Caramel responded quickly, shaking his head as he quickly stuffed a fork full of leaves into his mouth, starting directly down into his own plate as he quickly chewed his food, not sure if he was even tasting his food anymore he chewed it so quickly. He decided to just pray that his belly would keep quiet for a little while longer.

Big Macintosh decided to eat the rest of his meal like he normally did, silently, which honestly wasn't that long because in a few bites he could feel his belly argue with him to stop eating. He frowned slightly as he licked his lips, pushing his plate away as he set down his fork, patting down on his rough stomach with a happy sigh, glancing over to the other who still seemed ta be awkwardly pacing himself.

"Y-You're done?" Caramel questioned him with both eyebrows raised at he looked at the other's plate, which was barely over half empty. He could feel his belly growl again, which he blushed at as he squirmed in his chair. He began to take another bite, chewing the leaves half heartily with a small frown.

"Farmer's gotta learn ta conserve food, we like ta eat slow so we get full quicker..." Big Macintosh spoke as he scratched his ears with a free hoof, beginning to look down at Caramel's dish that was quickly thinning. "Ya uh... ya sure ya ain't want any of mine?"

"I'm good..." Caramel mumbled quietly as he grasped his cider mug in hoof, taking a final sip quickly. "Y-You're bigger than me... are you sure you don't need more?"

"Y-Yeah... but Ah really ain't all that hungry anymore..." Big Macintosh began to look down, fiddling with his hooves a moment as he stared at his full plate, unable to come up with a good reason for why he wasn't all that hungry. He began to eye Caramel as he knew the stallion was avoiding his eye contact. He watched as Caramel covered his mouth with his upper leg, his coughs beginning to sound thick and wet. "Ya should eat more anyway, ya ain't lookin' so hot."

"It's just a cough." The stallion stated, not sure if he should be annoyed at the steed for his badgering, or happy that he was being cared for. "It'll only turn into a cold or something, it's happened before..." He began to frown as he looked down into his plate. "A-And... I don't wanna eat too much..." He spoke quietly as his hoof covered his belly, his gaze looking anywhere but Big Macintosh as he squeezed the fat, the lump feeling bigger than usual. "D-Do normal ponies eat as little as you do?" He questioned.

"Ah don't... Really pay attention come ta think of it." He murmured as he looked down, running his hoof over his own stomach, feeling very little body fat. "Apple Blooms eats a lot... but she's still growin' up, so Ah really don't mind as long as it ain't anythin' bad."

"I should have gotten one without butter..." Caramel murmured, stabbing his fork down as he avoided the remaining potato's. "Sage is always telling me I should eat healthier, since I'm already sick as it is..." He squeezed his belly once more, unable to keep his face out of a frown as he scooted closer to the table, hoping Big Mac wouldn't look where he was touching. "I only really like fruit though... I can only think of a hoof full of vegetables I like... I should probably try to look better now that Ah have a... Special Somepony..." He paused before those last two words, as if he were unsure of saying them.

"Ya... Ya don't look all that bad..." Big Macintosh spoke, unsure if he should voice his full opinions of Caramel's body at this moment, needless to say the simple thought did manage to make him a tad antsy. "Ah mean... Ah like how ya look." He realized his words were becoming quieter as he spoke. His mind became briefly distracted by a certain mental image that he couldn't even begin to put into words.

Caramel looked to him with mild interest in his eyes that he couldn't seem to openly ask about, for he bit down on his lip, whenever he did try to open his mouth nothing managed to come out. The sight of Caramel in this moment cause Big Macintosh to feel a tad flustered.

"Sugar Cube, ya look gre-" He began to try and speak, but stopped short as he watched a familiar unicorn in a vest trot up, slapping down a piece of parchment with a set of scribbles underneath it, all totaling up to a reasonable 17 bits.

"O-Oh..." Caramel spoke, eyes unhooking from Big Macintosh as he looked down at the piece of paper. "H-Hang on, I'll get the money..." He spoke quickly, fumbling around in his saddle bags as he yanked out a heavy looking bag. He pushed his plate aside briefly, dumping out a good number of bits as he began to count them up.

Big Macintosh began to stack both his and Caramel's plates as neatly as possible, making sure to put all the silverware on his own plate while sliding Caramel's near empty one under his. He glanced to his own plate, all the small sliced potato's that had lost their steam long ago looking almost sad to be uneaten. All he could think about was how annoyingly difficult it was to speak his thoughts clearly to his own date.

He heard a loud jingling of bits as the waiter snatched them up with his magic, grabbing the plates and mugs before setting them comfortably on his back before he gave them thanks, his head dipping politely before trotting off for the final time with a polite smile plastered onto his face.

When the steed looked back to Caramel, his eyes managed to catch the second half of a sigh from the other, who began to massage his neck as he looked to the steed with a small smile. "T-That was... fun." He spoke with a grin on his face. "S-Should we go? It's starting to get late..."

Big Macintosh nodded to the other, watching as he hopped out of his seat, stretching his legs as he snatched his scarf, a yawn being interrupted by a cough that actually managed to make the steed wince it sounded so loud. He quickly snatched up his own scarf, looking at the ponies around them as he began to impatiently tap his hoof against the ground, wishing they would stop staring like it was a show or something.

Caramel let his tail flick a few times as he tried to clear his throat of whatever kept causing him to cough the way he did. They trotted past many ponies, most wrapped up in their dates. It seemed to stick out in Big Macintosh's mind that most families with younger foals had already cleared out, this becoming obvious why as the steed glanced out into the darkened street, lit only by the few places still open.

Big Macintosh looked ahead, watching Caramel hold the door open for him once more. He smiled at him, however not before giving another rough sounding cough. Big Macintosh tried his best to keep his mouth shut for the time being as he walked past Caramel, giving him a nod of thanks as he passed.

When the steed stepped outside, he was greeted by a great deal of snow under his hooves, to which he lifted one in order to examine closely as he shivered without warning, feeling small specks of snow cover his spine. He trotted forward a few more steps, hearing a quiet gasp from behind him.

"I-It snowed a lot..." Caramel mumbled as the steed looked back to him. He was shivering as well at the sudden and unexpected cold air around them. He winced, making a rather feminine sounding noise as a suddenly gust of cold air whipped against his body. He used his teeth to tug against his scarf, tightening it the best he could as he stepped up next to the stallion.

The steed's eyes slowly drew themselves away from the other as he began to examine the street around them. It was near barren, and the way back to his home seemed to grow dark by lack of lit up shop windows. Not many ponies were in sight, at least not ones close enough to examine closely.

"Do we uh..." Caramel's voice brought Big Macintosh back to reality as he looked back into the other's eyes, his face blank as he examined Caramel's face, which kept darting his eyesight away. "Do we uh... go home now... s-sorry, I really don't know what I'm supposed to do..." He admitted with a chuckle that was accompanied by a forced smile. "I s-should know that, shouldn't I... sorry, I've made this whole thing really awkward, haven't I?"

"No, it's fine... Ah had fun." Big Macintosh slowly lifted his hoof as he shook his head. He watched Caramel stare questionably as his hoof before it plopped against his forehead with a quiet thud. He looked at the emotionless steed in confusion before he watched his blank face turn into a frowning one.

"Yer warm."

The stallion glanced away from the other. "I-It's only a little cold... I've had a bunch before... I can just go home and rest a little."

"Sage ain't home t'night, right?" Big Macintosh spoke, not waiting for an answer as he stared into the other's eyes and began speaking. "Ya've been like this all night, and it's only been gettin' worse..." He paused briefly, looking down as he let himself get lost in thought for a brief moment. "My house is half as close ta here... It's gonna be a blizzard before ya get home if it keeps snowin' like this."

"But... But I..." The suddenly cold gust of air forced Caramel to shiver visibly. He bit down on his teeth to keep them from chattering. "Your family is... y'know..."

"Ah don't want ya out in the cold. They'd be more upset if ah ended up sleepin' at yer place... at least at my house they'll know we won't do anythin' indecent." Big Macintosh stated, trying to make the last bit a joke, however it came off much more serious than he expected. "Granny's probably in bed by now, and if AJ's up Ah can deal with 'er."

Caramel looked down, a small frown on his face as he began to question the stallion before him, "Will they... be angry with you?"

"Ah ain't sure... but they won't be too upset if ah just give ya a cup of tea and we sit on the couch a while." Big Macintosh nodded to the other, reaching out his hoof and rubbing the other's neck gently. "Ah ain't takin' no fer an answer..." He murmured as he glanced towards the sky, able to spot heavy snow clouds despite the darkness. "We can get ya home when the snow passes if ya want."

The tan stallion tapped his hoof uncomfortably on the crunching snow. He finally sighed after a good ten seconds of waiting, nodding his head in defeat, feeling his face suddenly be pushed against Big Macintosh's warm chest as the hoof rubbing his neck pulled him in for a hug. It was brief, but the steed managed to keep his grip loose, his muscles relaxed as he buried his nose into his chocolate-covered mane.

"Ya wanna ride on my back again, Sugar Cube?" He questioned the other as he pulled away. "We can go faster... plus yer feelin' a little chilly..."

Caramel's mind instantly thought back to the first time this occurred as his heart began to race. "I... I uh... d-do you want too?"

The steed laughed at the other, a blush clearly entering his face as his white freckles began to blend in with his fur. "Well, it isn't the most awful mode of transportation... it's kinda nice if Ah gotta admit it... so is that a yes?"

Caramel found himself nodding awfully fast, he almost wanted to refuse simply because he seemed to eager, but Big Macintosh thankfully just chuckled at the enjoyment in his eyes.

"Hop on, Caramel." He spoke to the other, bending his legs as he felt Caramel climb up onto his back. His muscles were tense at first, but they soon relaxed once a muzzle was pressed into the back of his neck. The steed couldn't help but grin happily, his heart beating fast as Caramel's cool body was warmed by him.

Big Macintosh let his lips smile wide every time he glanced back to the special somepony resting on his back. He nodded his head in contentment once Caramel finally seemed settled. And with that, he was off.


Big Macintosh could feel the beginnings of a large yawn reach the back of his throat as he paused briefly in his step, lifting his large hoof to his mouth as he began to shake his head, attempting to shake off his exhaustion by jostling himself awake.

He could feel Caramel shift on his back, tightening his hold around the steed's neck as he scooted his body forward, his warm breath tickling its way down the red earth pony's spine. He couldn't help but hold his breath, keeping his face as emotionless as possible as the younger stallion scooted up his body, his body suddenly becoming warm near his face.

"We almost there?" Caramel questioned, his voice sounding groggy, perhaps he had briefly fallen asleep during the steed's brisk walk.

The earth pony simply nodded his head, squinting his eyes in the darkness as the trees around them began to thin out into a large clearing where the Apple Family laid residence. A single light was on in the window, and that was for the kitchen, perhaps somepony was getting a glass of water or a late night snack.

The steed looked upward towards the sky, watching the snowfall become steadily thicker. He let a whinny out of his lips as he trotted slowly, making sure not to jostle his date around too much now that they seemed to be out of the clearing in terms of the snowfall around them.

A brief gust of wind caused Caramel to cling to him a tad tighter, shivering against his back.

"Ya holdin' up okay there, Sugar Cube?" The steed turned his head to glance into the other's half closed blue eyes, watching him nod slowly, a frown painted onto his face as he breathed out a breath of cloudy air in a near pant. His cheeks were a tad pink, but nothing to worry about just yet.

The steed turned his head back, ears flattening as he heard Caramel cough against his back, giving out a nervous apology that simply sounded tired. He needed rest more than anything right now, that much was obvious.

Big Macintosh picked up his pace a tad bit as he trotted past both the boarded up chicken coop and empty pig pen, approaching the door to the house as quickly as he could without disturbing the steed on his back. He let his hooves sink into the slowly but steadily deepening snow as he approached the front of his house, pausing a moment as he glanced back to the stallion.

"Mind hoppin' off?" He asked in a gentle tone to the other, giving a forced smile. "Ah know Ah said Ah'd take care of AJ and Granny, but Ah don't feel like explain' why Ah got a stallion on my back..."

"Oh... uh... okay..." Caramel spoke in a shaky tone, his body sliding off of the steed's, having to lean up against him a moment as he let the feeling in his legs return. His body was still warm to the touch, but having Caramel lean up against him made it a tad harder for the large stallion to keep a straight face.

"A-Ah'll just open the door now..." The stuttering steed put bluntly, stepping forward almost the moment Caramel stood up properly. He quickly latched his hoof to the doorknob, thankful that somepony had left it unlocked until he came home as he slid it open, glancing down as his hooves clicked against the hardwood floors, Caramel soon following him in.

The steed was greeted quickly by a large fuzz ball racing down the stairs towards him, soon wrapping itself between his legs, luckily not letting out its usual yapping bark as it stared warily at the strange pony in its master's home.

"Winona, what are ya doin' out of AJ's room?" The steed questioned the nervous dog as it continued to stare at Caramel intently, taking a few steps forward as it pressed its nose up against Caramel's hoof. He could hear Caramel giggle quietly, lifting his hoof to pet the small dog, who soon began to lick at the hoof petting him.

"Some attack dog..." Caramel mumbled quietly as he sat down right where he was standing, beginning to fondle the happy mutt's face, staring into her large black eyes as she continued to try and lick the giggling stallion. Big Macintosh stared down as Caramel spoke to it quietly in a high pitched voice, his hooves running back and forth through the thick brown and white fur. He pulled gently on her collar to keep her from attacking his face with her vicious licks.

As Big Macintosh let a smile come onto his face at the thought that Caramel seemed much better around animals he didn't know compared to ponies, he could hear a gentle creaking from up the stairs. As his eyes glanced upward with a blank expression returning to his face, he could spot an orange mare standing at the top of the stairs, her mane in a ruffled mess as she rubbed one of her green eyes gently.

"What's he doin' here?" She questioned, eyes glancing over to Caramel, who soon stared straight up the stairs at Applejack, eyes wide as if he were caught with his hoof in a cookie jar. He pushed Winona back a few feet, the dog beginning to walk around in circles, looking at all the ponies around her.

Big Macintosh could watch Caramel move away from his slightly as he forced himself to his hooves, his legs bumping against him as he realized he was blocked from stepping away any further.

"A-Applejack... B-Big Mac and I were... H-He wanted me to come here and..." The tan stallion paused, eyes looking anywhere but the orange mare who had begun to trot up towards the two of them. "N-No... not like..." He trailed off, unable to finish his words as a cough came over him, causing him to need a gasp of air a moment later. He stared at the dog once more, not wanting to look at either of the ponies near him.

"Why are ya even up?" The mildly annoyed steed interrupted Caramel as he spoke to his sister. "Ya look like ya've been asleep for hours..."

"Ah was..." Applejack groaned as she trotted down the steps with a stern expression forced upon her face as she looked from her brother to his date. "Winona always gotta get so excited whenever that darn door opens... Now why in Celestia's name did ya bring Caramel here?"

The steed let out a sigh as he glanced over to the over. "Ah'll make ya some tea ta calm ya down a little, Sugar Cube..." He spoke quietly as he leaned over. "Ya can wait in the livin' room if ya want, we usually keep the window's shut in there durin' winter..."

Caramel nodded his head as Big Macintosh took a few steps backwards, letting Caramel pass him towards the direction of the living room. He glanced back behind him a moment, able to meet Applejack's gaze for a brief moment before turning back, trotting with a slight misstep in the darkness before landing on the couch. He began to cough again, but this time managed to cover his mouth to keep it quieter than usual.

Big Macintosh trotted forward, walking straight past his sister as he walked over to the kitchen and to the cupboards, opening one and grasping the tea kettle in his hooves, lowering it towards the sink as he began to fill it up with warm water, silently letting his thoughts wander to what flavor he would feed the girls when they became ill... was it green, or something sweeter? Caramel would probably like something a little sweeter...

"Mac!" Applejack's quiet snapping tone brought the steed back to reality. He glanced back at his sister, giving her a mildly confused expression as her face became annoyed at just how distant his thoughts were from what she considered to be an important matter.

He tilted his head in question towards her, watching her plop her hoof against her face with a frustrated sigh on her lips. "Why in land sakes did ya bring him here?" She asked in a demanding voice. "Granny's gonna throw a fit... She's already upset with ya as it is..."

"It got cold." The steed stated as he rolled his eyes at what he assumed was supposed to make him worried, bringing the kettle over to the stove before clinking it down against the metal, lifting his hoof to flick on the flame in order to boil the water. "Granny's been like that all week, Ah can just explain ta her what Ah told ya, she'd understand..."

"Ah ain't so sure 'bout that." Applejack spoke as she quickly trotted up to her brother, her face only a foot from his as her eyes began to look worried once more. "Apple Bloom kinda... said she saw Caramel kiss ya out in the fields..."

Big Macintosh swallowed the saliva in his mouth as his sister spoke, trying his best to keep a blank face at those words. The tone of voice that the orange mare made when she spoke made him tighten the muscles in his hooves. She spoke with disbelief, like it wasn't even possible that the steed could work up the stomach to kiss Caramel again. His eyes began to focus on the kettle, watching the red hot plate it was sitting on begin to cause it to wobble and shake in place. He rubbed his tired eyes, sighing loudly.

"She was gonna find out eventually..." The steed mumbled quietly, looking down at his hooves as he turned back to the cupboard, grabbing both a mug and a green tea bag quickly, flicking off the burner as he began to pour the tea into the cup, sighing audibly as he watched the water fill and brown. "It ain't gonna hurt Apple Bloom ta know that her brother kissed a stallion..."

"Granny seems ta think it will." Applejack looked more and more frustrated at her brother by the moment, her hooves squirming impatiently on the floor as she took a few steps in place, watching her brother do every action so calmly seemed to make her even more impatient. "She kept trying ta tell Apple Bloom that she was seein' things..."

Big Macintosh sighed with little patience in his voice. "Ah ain't gonna stop Granny from doin' what she thinks is right... long as Caramel don't get mixed up in the middle of it, Ah don't care. Ah'll talk ta Apple Bloom tomorrow mornin'..."

"Land sake..." Applejack bit her lip as she glanced way from her brother. She turned to look into the living room, unable to spot Caramel's body from this angle. She turned around a moment, pacing back in forth before pausing a moment only to drag her hoof nervously across the hardwood flooring under her hooves.

"Ah don't get why ya insist on gettin' working up 'bout this..." Big Macintosh mumbled under his breath, frowning at his sister's actions. He began to stir the tea in silence, feeling the steam reach out and grasp at his hoof.

"Ah don't want Granny ta yell at ya anymore..." Applejack finally sat down with a sigh at the kitchen table, resting her head on her hoof as she closed her weary eyes. "Ah don't see why ya gotta bring yer coltfriend here ta plow him."

"Ah ain't plowing' him!" Big Macintosh finally snapped at the mare, his expression turning from blank to annoyed as he glared at her. "Look, the only reason he's here is because he's sick, Ah don't want him ta be home all alone t'night if he's runnin' a fever... and it took a lot less time ta get here than it did ta his place." The steed raised his hoof, pointing it out the window as he looked to the heavily falling snow. "Ah ain't lettin' him walk 'round in that stuff fer longer than he needs ta."

The steed's expression quickly softened as he watched Applejack stare at him with a surprised expression on her face. He looked down, shocked at the tone of his voice, but also not prepared to take any of it back just yet. He swallowed hard, feeling the lump in his throat shrink as he nodded his head.

"Ah..." He spoke softly under his breath, letting his voice raise before he looked back to his sister. "Ah'd appreciate it if ya can trust me fer one night not ta buck my coltfriend with my whole family in the house."

Applejack continued to stare at him, a little shocked at how easily and boldly he was able to state those few sentences. She looked down at her hooves with a deep frown on her lips before she closed her eyes, brow furrowing as she slid off of the chair, her hooves slapping against the floors as she shook her head.

"Ya actually care 'bout him..."

The steed raised a brow at this statement, but chose not to question further.

"Fine... Ah'll trust ya... but don't come cryin' ta me when Granny loses it." She spoke as she trotted quickly, not wanting to look back at her brother as she trotted out of the kitchen, the sound of hoofsteps trotting up the stairs soon faded, leaving Big Macintosh in his own silence.

The steed blinked a few times, managing to snap himself out of whatever brief daze he was in as he swiped up the full mug in his hoof and grabbing a small dish from above the mugs, setting the tea on top as he picked up the dish with his teeth, trotting towards the living room quickly.

He could see Caramel glance over with a tired smile on his lips as the steed approached. The stallion carefully set the mug on the coffee table before the couch before plopping himself down close to Caramel, reaching out his hooves as lifting up the mug with a sigh, blowing away the steam as he held it out to Caramel, who quickly took it in his hooves and began sipping.

"Ya doin' alright?" The steed asked as he brushed away some of Caramel's mane from his eyes. "Need anythin' else?"

"Sage is gonna wonder where I'm at..." Caramel mumbled between sips, frowning into his drink as he stared at his own reflection, beginning to cough as he turned his head away from both Big Macintosh and the drink. "Plus Applejack is mad at us..." He managed to get out as his cough ended.

The steed groaned silently as he reached his hoof behind Caramel's neck, pulling the other closer to his own body in what felt like a half hug as a muzzle buried itself into Caramel's mane, warm breath trickling up and down his right ear. He wanted to squirm at the mildly ticklish feeling, but part of him feared the other would stop if he did, so he tried his best to keep still.

"Ya worry a lot..." The steed sighed, his warm breath causing his spine to tingle. The other's hoof began to rub his shoulder roughly, trying to keep his body warm as he took a nervous sip of tea. It was unusual for the steed to be so touchy-feely... but Caramel wasn't about to complain.

"M-Mac..." The stallion tried to speak before the red pony's other leg wrapped around his front, tightening his hold as he was embraced in a gentle yet firm hug, his warmth seeming to cover the stallion's entire body. "W-What's... this for?"

"Ah wanted ta give ya a goodnight kiss..." The steed mumbled into his ear, his hug tightening for a moment longer before loosening. "But if Ah happen ta get sick ya'd only blame yerself... A-Ah kinda like this better though... It feels nice ta hug ya."

"O-Oh..." Caramel spoke, taking another sip of his tea as he tried to calm his nerves, a little sad as the front leg removed itself from his body; however that disappointment was short lasted as he was pulled closer to the steed with the remaining hoof. "That... so?"

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh nodded as he pressed his cheek against Caramel's ear. "Ah had fun t'night... even if it was a little odd... Just wanted ya ta know that." The steed whispered in his ear before pulling back, voice rising as he continued speaking. "After ya finish yer tea, Ah'll make sure yer nice and comfy in my bed."

"Where... where are you gonna sleep?" Caramel questioned, a gentle blush on his face as he held his breath at the images that ran through his head of being on Big Macintosh's bed.

"Probably the couch... if ya get worse Ah could just sleep on the floor, take a few blankets and..."

Caramel looked to the other with worry on his face. "N-No, I shouldn't sleep in your bed... I should sleep here; it's your house and all... I'm fine really..." He near begged, guilt rushing through his belly at the thought of Big Macintosh sleeping on the floor for his expense.

"Nope." Big Macintosh put his hoof down against Caramel's chest. "Ya get my bed, Ah get the couch, settled."

"But I..."

"Settled." The steed ordered the other with a stern, emotionless look in his eyes. Those eyes bore into Caramel's body long enough for him to look down, nodding his head with a frown on his face as he sighed. The steed really wasn't good at taking no as an answer when he was worried about a pony.

“That's better." The stallion could feel his mane be ruffled as the words mumbled into his ears with a deceptively warm voice. "C'mon Sugar Cube... let's go ta bed..."

Caramel felt like he should resist further, perhaps question if it was worth it to stay up until the snowfall passed and it was safe to travel home… however he really didn’t want too. He much preferred at this moment to let himself fall into Big Macintosh’s trap of a warm bed and blankets. Despite the worry in his mind that everything would break into chaos once morning broke, he couldn’t help but put that worry in the back of his mind. His heart was still pounding, his head light both from sickness and from Big Macintosh’s affection.

Caramel looked up into Big Macintosh’s eyes, nodding his head in agreement to his offer of sleep. He could see the steed lower his head as he was earned an unexpected yet gentle kiss on his cheek, his firm lips gentle like his hug, which only caused his face to flush further to the point where he couldn’t blame it on his fever. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath through his nose as the other pulled away.

Just for now… he wanted to pretend everything was perfect.

Author's Note:

And it's finally out, you people have been wanting them to get together for months, and here is a LONG ASS DATE just for you! I hope you understood why this took so long to get out, both school starting and the length has really pushed this back much further than I expected.