• Published 12th Feb 2013
  • 3,234 Views, 72 Comments

Revelations of the Past - Mr101

[Prequel to Lost.] Two years after the events of ‘Lost’ Twilight discovers a tome detailing a different account on how King Sombra was defeated.

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Chapter V - War

Revelations of the past

Chapter V: War.

Fleet Wing flew as fast as he could; clinging to his neck wrapped in his front leg was Songflower. She hadn’t opened her eyes once since leaving her home town from fear. Fleet Wing held her tighter to him cursing under his breath. He was going to make sure she was safe no matter what happened, as he came closer and closer to the capital he became more and more aware of his own personal fatigue. He didn’t even notice his altitude was slowly decreasing as he flew over the city walls, as he came closer to the palace he was only a few meters off the ground and a massing of guards was forming confused as to why the captain was on his own and carrying a filly, though some had suspicions.

Fleet Wing landed on the ground hard and collapsed onto his side still clinging to Songflower, guards rushed over to help him onto his hooves. A female guard who Fleet Wing recognised as lieutenant Star Blast and his second in command took Songflower from his grasp and gently held her. Fleet Wing allowed her to do so because Star Blast was a mother of two, as he stood up he looked up to see the Emperor and Empress descending the stairs of the palace a look of concern on their faces followed by Ink Quill.

“Captain Fleet Wing, what happened are you alright? Where are the rest of your soldiers?” Krustallos asked him.

“Dead…there all dead my lord.” Fleet Wing answered softly.

“What do you mean dead, how?”

“We were attacked…by King Sombra’s army.” Fleet Wing raised his head wearily.

Krustallos and Amemond looked at him in disbelief along with the other guards, each one not wanting it to be true.

“That’s not all my Lord…Dark Light…he was accompanied by...” Fleet Wing paused for a moment lowering his head reliving the shock of his men cut down in mere seconds.

“By what Captain!?” Krustallos shouted.

“Please Fleet Wing…what was accompanying him…” Amemond asked with a softly seeing Fleet Wing flinch at her husband’s tone.

“A monster…it walked on two legs and could control the shadows and lightning…it cut them down in seconds, but it allowed me to go free.” Fleet Wing choked back a sob. “Why me…I should have been able to save them but I failed.”

“Guards, take Captain Fleet Wing and the young filly to the infirmary. They need to be looked after.” Amemond ordered.

The surrounding guards saluted as some of them helped Song Flower and the sobbing Fleet Wing towards the infirmary leaving a few behind, Krustallos turned to the rest of the remaining guards.

“Send messages to all our outposts and towns at the far corners of the Empire and alert them to the invasion and to report back immediately, we need to know where we have been hit, how large an army we are dealing with and more importantly. We need to know what the hell it is Sombra has created!”

The few guards saluted and took off to the barracks in order to send messenger birds to the outposts and towns near the borders of the Empire, as they left Krustallos turned to Ink Quill.

“Master Ink Quill, contact your rulers. Tell them what is going on and that I need their help as soon as possible.”

“Of course your highness.” Ink Quill bowed and took off to his quarters to write a message to Celestia and Luna.

Krustallos took a few steps forwards looking towards the horizon lost in thought; he felt the hoof of his wife on his shoulder and turned to her. She gave him a reassuring smile to which he returned it before returning his gaze back to the horizon.

‘Sombra you fool…what have you done…’

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

A line of unicorn soldiers numbering only about twenty five were behind a makeshift blockade made of furniture, benches and whatever could be used firing magic beams into the oncoming shadow. Behind the line of soldiers was another fifteen hurriedly trying to guide the fleeing civilians to transportation out of the town, an armoured Pegasi on top a building cried out raising his hoof into the air looking towards the shadow, he turned to a soldier beside him with a nod then to the barricade.


Along the rooftops of several homes, dozens of earth and pegasi ponies aimed their crossbows towards the shadows which were beginning to form into the shapes of ponies. He then suddenly lowered his hoof quickly pointing to the approaching ponies, the soldier next to him turned to the crossbow ponies and screamed.


The sounds of crossbows being fired filled the air as the enchanted bolts screamed towards the shadows, as the bolts came closer and closer to their targets the bolts began to glow as the enchantments kicked in. Several explosions filled the air as the bolts detonated one after the other; bodies of ponies some of them missing their limbs flew in several directions as cries of sudden pain rang out, the advancing army burst through the smoke getting closer and closer to the barricade more of them being cut down by the bolts of magic being fired from the unicorns. The solider raised his hoof up and lowered it again.

“FIRE!” He shouted again.

Again the sounds of crossbow bolts screeched through the air towards the advancing ponies before once again detonating sending more bodies and limbs off in different directions, as more and more ponies burst through the shadows the pegasi soldier became more worried as his eyes widened at the sheer number of soldiers charging them.

“FIRE AT WILL!” He cried out.

The ponies using crossbows began to fire rapidly as quickly as they could, their determined front now cracking under the sheer size of the army still heading towards them. Explosions and cries rang out as bolts of steel and magic shot into the army, despite this effort more and more ponies kept charging towards them. This made most of the soldiers lose their resolve and backup in fear.

“WE’RE NOT EVEN MAKING A DENT!” One cried out dropping his crossbow in panic.


Almost upon them, the army cried out raising their swords up ready to strike as the barricade came closer and closer. The pegasi drew his own sword ready to go down fighting, just as he was about to issue an order there was an explosion directly in front of the barricade that sent several parts of it into the air as well as taking out a few of the unicorns behind it. His eyes widened at the sudden attack looking around for the source, nodding to his second in command he drew his sword.


He was cut off suddenly; the unicorn standing beside him felt a splash on her face turning to where here commanding officer was she fell back in shock and fear. Were he had been standing was a bipedal creature holding a now bloodied sword standing over the headless body of her commanding officer, it slowly turned to face her and begun to advance. She scrambled back to her hooves and drew her sword charging at the creature, it easily blocked the attack grabbing the unicorn by the horn and hoisting her into the air. She struggled to break free, the grip on her horn tightened. She could feel her magic energy being drained from it and she cried out in pain, panting as she struggled to remain conscious she gave a look to her left seeing the barricade being overrun by the advancing army cutting down any in their way. She felt tears form in her eyes when she heard the screams of the civilians behind her knowing that they had been overrun as well and gritted her teeth hearing their pleas for mercy go unanswered.

She looked up at the creature holding her by the horn and stared into its eyes, her eyes widened once more as she fixated on them. They were cold and empty, she could see a great darkness behind them as well as a great magical power, but for some reason she could see something else but wasn’t sure what it was. She cried out in pain as it threw her to the ground roughly her armour clanging loudly as she struggled to stand up but collapsed again, the creature slowly advanced towards her a twisted smirk on its face.

“Why…why are you doing this?” she said coughing up a little blood.

She got her reply in the form of the creature raising a hand up and shooting a large chain of lightning bolts into her, she screamed in agony as she writhed about violently. Eventually the lightning stopped and smoke rose from her charred body, wincing in pain she struggled to lift her head and slowly began to shakily. She heard the creature let out a dark chuckle.

“Persistent...aren’t we.” Malaskaar said coldly.

“G-go to Tartarus…demon!” she spat at him.

He smirked once more and shot another burst of lightning at her causing her to scream out again as the lightning coursed through her body, flailing to the ground again unmoving the creature walked over to her body and chuckled to himself. Kneeling to the corpse he placed his hand on it slowly and closed his eyes and inhaled, exhaling his eyes shone bright white and he stood up opening his hands out to the now ruined town.

“My Lord J’skaar, I give the souls of these heathens who resisted you. Let their souls satisfy you and bless me your loyal servant with the power to continue to carry out your will.” He shouted loudly.

The soldiers that had accompanied looked up at him slightly confused by his sudden outburst, they soon became slightly alarmed when they noticed the bodies of the townsfolk and soldiers glow with a soft white light. They watched in awe as the white glow left the bodies and rose up into the air collecting into a small swirling ball in front of Malaskaar, as the ball solidified in front of him Malaskaar he opened his mouth gagging slightly. Malaskaar’s eyes shone brighter as a shadowed hand emerged from his throat out of his mouth and grabbed the ball firmly, it then retracted back into his mouth sending Malaskaar to his knee panting heavily. A soldier flew up and landed next to him.

“My Lord, are you ok?” He asked him.

“Yes soldier…I’m fine.”

“Forgive me Sir but…what was that?”

Malaskaar turned to scowl at him as if the pegasi had asked him an offensive question, he then noticed all the soldiers looking up confusedly at him and he let out a loud chuckle.

“Sacrifice my dear Comet Shine…sacrifice to our Dark Lord.”

Comet Shine nodded, he along with every other soldier in Sombra’s army were ordered to swear their loyalties to J’skaar and to Malaskaar who was acting as his physical manifestation. Malaskaar stood back up and turned to the soldiers with a smirk.

“Waste no time with idle trophies, leave the dead. We make our way to the capital to join with Captain Dark Light’s forces!” He ordered.

A chorus of ‘Yes Sir’ filled the air as the army began to mobilize itself for the march ahead; Malaskaar dissolved into shadows and reappeared on the ground followed by the pegasi. His cloak billowing behind him as the wind began to pick up and snow began to fall around them.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Dear Princess Celestia and Luna,

I apologise for the formality of this scroll but this is a serious matter, approximately two hours ago there was a loud explosion like thunder that came from the north of the Empire. The Emperor sent a small attachment of soldiers to investigate what had happened, an hour later only one returned, the Captain Fleet Wing. He was carrying a small filly and he described what he saw.

I’m sorry to inform you that King Sombra has invaded the Crystal Empire and begun a war with the Empire, but I’m afraid that’s not the worst part. The Captain and the small filly both described of a bipedal creature that could manipulate shadows and the element of lightning, I fear that Sombra has used forbidden magic to summon a warrior to his cause. Emperor Krustallos has asked that you and Luna come to the capital immediately and bring whatever aid you can.

You’re faithful Scribe,

Ink Quill.

Celestia sat in silence on her throne as she re-read over the scroll that had materialized beside her, when it had appeared she had smiled recognising Ink Quill’s seal and happily opened it hoping to receive some good news in the wake of her boring meetings. However upon reading it her face had dropped almost immediately and she had requested that her sister to be summoned at once to a servant.

‘No…this can’t be true…why now…why has he done this?’ She thought to herself.

She closed her eyes lowering the scroll down as the doors opened and Luna entered the room, she quickly went over to her sister and placed a wing around her pulling her into a reassuring hug upon seeing Celestia looking concerned and upset.

“Tia, what on earth is the matter?” She asked.

Celestia didn’t answer; she looked up to her sister with a sad expression and levitated the scroll over to Luna. Luna took it in her own magic and began to read it carefully, as she progressed through the scroll her eyes widened and she gasped.

“By the ancestors…What do we do Tia?”

Celestia looked out of the window in thought and closed her eyes; she didn’t want to bring her kingdom into another war so soon after the war with Discord. It wasn’t fair to them at all, however, if King Sombra had only invaded by his own forces she could easily avoid having to be dragged into conflict herself or even be able to try a peaceful negotiation between Sombra and Krustallos. But if Ink Quill was correct and Sombra had indeed summoned a creature to fight for him, then she and Luna needed to act, and act fast. Celestia turned away from the window and looked at one of the guards in the room with her.

“Ready our chariot, and send Captain Steel Hoof to me at once!” She ordered.

The guard saluted before taking off on his orders, Celestia let out a sigh before sitting down on a nearby sofa that lay beside the wall and closed her eyes. Luna walked over to her slowly giving her a reassuring nuzzle and a soft smile; Celestia opened her eyes and smiled back softly. A few moments passed before there was soft knock on the throne room door, the two sisters turned their attention to the door to see a dark brown unicorn stallion wearing traditional gold guard armour at the door.

“You called for me your highness?” He asked Celestia giving her a bow.

“I did Captain, and sadly on matters most dire…"

Celestia beckoned him to enter the room; he removed his helmet with his magic and levitated beside him as he entered. Celestia rose from the sofa towards the window with Luna and Steel Hoof following behind her, she lowered her head before letting out a sigh and raising it up to the window. Steel Hoof remained in silence as Celestia turned her head to meet his gaze.

“I’m afraid Captain that the peace we have had for the past ten years…has ended.”


“King Sombra has attacked the Crystal Empire and now both Kingdoms are engaged in war.” She continued.

“I see, and with respect Princess. What does this have to do with Equestria?” Steel Hoof asked her.

Celestia levitated over the scroll she had received from Ink Quill over to Steel Hoof, he took it slightly confused and began to read over it. He cocked a brow as he came to about half way down the scroll, he looked up to Celestia and then to Luna.

“My apologies but, what does he mean by ‘summoned’?” Steel Hoof asked them.

“It means Sombra has done the unthinkable…and we need to intervene before it’s too late.” Luna replied.

“Are you sure your highness? The citizens are still getting over the war with Discord…”

“We’re quite sure Captain, I fear Sombra will not stop with the Empire and then turn his attention to Equestria. We need to stop him now before he can do this.” Celestia said.

Steel Hoof paused for a moment and looked down at the floor; he didn’t want to go to war again so soon. He had a loving wife and a young colt that was approaching his ninth birthday and he didn’t want to be separated from them by war, however he knew the Princess was right. They need to nip the threat of Sombra now or face war within the Kingdom; he looked up at Celestia and saluted her.

“What are my orders then Princess?”

“Prepare the soldiers; with any luck we may not need them.” Celestia replied.

“What do you mean Princess?” Steel Hoof asked her.

Celestia looked to Luna who knew what she was saying before returning her gaze to Steel Hoof, Steel Hoof then realised what she meant and nodded.

“Very well Princess, I will make the required preparations.”

Steel Hoof bowed once more before hurrying off towards the barracks leaving the two alone, Celestia looked outside of the window again towards the north. Luna joined beside her and placed a reassuring wing over her sister.

“Everything will be fine Tia…”

“I hope so Lu-Lu, we just need to put our faith into the elements.”

A knock on the door caught their attention and standing there was another guard who bowed to them.

“Captain Steel Hoof requested me to inform you the troops are ready and are awaiting your command.”

“Thank you.” Celestia replied.

She and Luna walked out of the throne room following the guard who led them out into the courtyard, as they walked servants and visitors to the palace all stopped to watch was going on. The only sounds being made was the sound of Celestia’s, Luna’s and the guard’s hooves connecting with the floor as they walked. They eventually came to the barracks, taking their place on the small balcony that overlooked the barracks they looked over the soldiers who had gathered down there. Steel Hoof approached the two and saluted.

“I’ve sent messages to other outposts telling them to await your instructions your highness.”

“Thank you Captain.” Celestia nodded to him before turning back to look over the soldiers. “My loyal soldiers, I’m afraid I come with troubling news. In the early hours of this morning, a loud boom echoed throughout the land which I’m sure a lot of you hear.”

She paused for a moment watching some of the soldiers nod or make other motions of acknowledgement before she continues.

“I received not to long ago a scroll from my dear friend Ink Quill who I sent not too long ago to the Crystal Empire, I’m afraid to say the scroll confirmed my worst fears. King Sombra has invaded the Crystal Empire and the Emperor has requested our assistance.”

There were murmurings between several of the soldiers who were not sure how to take the news, one soldier stepped forward out of the crowd.

“Your highness, is this true? Is it not a simple misunderstanding?” He asked.

“I wish it were my dear soldier, however it is true.” She replied as another soldier stepped forward.

“With respect Princess, why does this concern us?” She asked her.

Celestia paused again hearing the soldiers all murmur between one another in agreement before they looked up for answers.

“I will not lie to you.” She started. “King Sombra has used dark magic and summoned a creature to aid in his campaign, me and my sister fear that in time King Sombra will turn his sights on our own borders. Both I and my sister and Captain Steel Hoof have agreed that we must act now and prevent the forces of Sombra to reach our borders.”

The soldiers made gestures of understanding from nodding to one another before looking up at the Princesses again.

“But fear not my brave soldiers, I do not think it will come to war between Equestria and the Mountain Kingdom. If diplomacy fails then we shall be forced to use the Elements to put a stop to this before it escalates further.” Celestia finished.

The soldiers all stood to attention as Celestia looked over to Steel Hoof who gave her a salute.

“We will leave in one hour, alert the outposts to send the forces to the northern watch tower. That’s where we will meet before continuing to the capital; hopefully we will arrive before Sombra arrives.”

“Yes your highness.” Steel Hoof replied before taking off.

Celestia and Luna walked towards the landing zone where their chariot awaited them, before they came closer though Celestia turned to Luna.

“Lu-Lu…can you please send Ink Quill a message. Tell him that we are on our way, Krustallos will not be in this fight alone.”

“Of course Tia.” Luna replied as she went off to write the scroll out.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

Krustallos walked back and forth in his throne room impatiently, all the messengers he had sent to his outposts and towns had left hours ago but he had not heard a reply from any other them. Sighing to himself he looked outside of the window watching as the soldiers ran about preparing the city for inevitable attack, the civilians were being ushered to the palace and towards the Crystal Caves to remain until the conflict was over.

‘At least some of my subjects can be saved…’ He thought to himself.

The door the throne room opened and Fleet Wing stepped in despite the protesting of the guards stationed there, Krustallos turned to look at him confused as to why he was here.

“My Lord, I want to help with the defence.”

“Are you sure Fleet Wing?”

“I was unable to save my squad…I want to get vengeance for them. They wouldn’t want me to be moping about the infirmary all day long.” Fleet Wing replied with a determined gaze.

“Very well Captain…you may return to duty.” Krustallos smiled.

Fleet Wing gave a salute before taking off to help the other soldier prepare, on the way he went past Amemond who smiled to him as she entered the throne room. Krustallos smiled to his wife and greeted her with a hug.

“I never thought it would come to this…” He whispered.

“Neither did I my dear, but it has happened and we need to be strong, for our subjects.” Amemond replied.

Krustallos sighed before smiling at her and exchanging a kiss with her, they both turned to leave the throne room to address their soldiers and saw Ink Quill in the doorway levitating a scroll, a smile on his face.

“I have some good news your majesties.” He said.

“Do we have to say it every time Ink Quill, just Krustallos and Amemond.” Amemond said with a giggle as Krustallos chuckled.

“My apologies, but you need to see this. Some light in the darkness it seems.” He replied as levitated the scroll over to Krustallos.

Krustallos took the scroll and began to read it, a smile soon following on his face as he let out a sigh of relief.
“Dear?” Amemond asked.

“It’s from the Princesses; Equestria is coming to our aid.” Krustallos replied turning to his wife with a smile.

Amemond smiled back and was about to reply before a soldier burst into the throne room clearly out of breath, his eyes were wide open as sweat fell from his brow.

“My Lord…we have a problem!” He said between pants.

“What is it soldier, what’s happened?” Krustallos asked with concern.

“One of the scouts made it back sir…its King Sombra’s army.” He panted.

“What, what about his army? Speak!” Krustallos shouted.

“What about his army my dear soldier?” Amemond quickly added softly to try and reassure the soldier.

As the soldier was about to reply there was a loud boom from outside, like thunder but deeper and louder. All in the throne room turned to the window in surprise, Krustallos quickly ran out to the balcony to see what had happened and his eyes shot open in shock and fear. In the distance looming towards them was a large shadow heading to the capital, to the shadows far left there was a second shadow now forming and heading to the capital as well as to the far right of the original shadow.

Below in the courtyard the soldiers began to panic slightly ushering in the civilians quickly unsure as to what was going on, Krustallos bit his lip glaring at the shadows and cursing Sombra’s name under his breath. He turned to the guard that had recovered from his running.

“Send word to the soldiers, ready the ballistas and have the soldiers ready to defend. And I want every unicorn able to cast protective shield spells to remain in the courtyard for my orders!”

“Yes my lord.” The soldier replied before taking off.

Krustallos turned his gaze back to the oncoming shadows as Amemond and Ink Quill joined him on either side of him.

“No…it’s too soon, how is this even possible?” Amemond asked looking to her husband for answers.

“I…I don’t know.” Krustallos replied quietly. “I need to go, the soldiers need me.”

“I know…” Amemond whispered.

Amemond and Krustallos kissed each other gently and hugged one another; Krustallos gently rubbed the side of her stomach and looked to her seeing tears forming in Amemond’s eyes. Ink Quill realised that Amemond was pregnant; Krustallos turned his attention to Ink Quill a mixture of emotions on his face.

“Ink Quill…please, I want you to protect my wife and foal. Do whatever it takes to keep them from harm….please…I beg of you.”

“I will give my life to keep them alive Krustallos…” Ink Quill replied with a smile and bowed.

Krustallos called for the four guards that guarded the throne room to come over, he ordered them to obey Ink Quill’s command and to protect him and his wife at all cost, they saluted as Krustallos left the throne room heading to the courtyard. Ink Quill saw Amemond hold back a sob and gave her a reassuring smile.

“Your highness…we need to get to the caves.” One of the guards said.

Amemond nodded smiling at Ink Quill and followed him and the guards out of the throne room and down the stairs to join with the other civilians being ushered into the Crystal Caves.

----------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------

On top a small rock covered in snow, King Sombra stood over his army as it made its way towards the capital of the Crystal Empire, he watched as to his left a second shadow began to advance on the city as well as to his right. Smirking to himself as Dream Weaver came up beside him levitating the summoning book beside him; they were soon joined by Dark Light who was accompanied by two guards. A short time passed with only the sounds of hooves marching through snow being made and the cold wind blowing about, a shadow began to form next to Sombra and Malaskaar rose up and solidified a twisted grin on his face.

“We are ready my Lord…” he said bowing to Sombra.

“Excellent Malaskaar…excellent, Dark Light…send word to the soldiers, do not stop the attack until the city is taken.” He paused to look at Dark Light. “Kill the soldiers...I want the civilians alive…”

“Yes my Lord.” Dark Light replied with a bow before leaving with the tow other guards.

“Soon this world will burn in the glorious fire of our master J’skaar…” Malaskaar said before slowly laughing.
Sombra chuckled along with him before he broke into a twisted laugh turning his gaze to the city and his army advancing towards it.

The battle for total control of the Crystal Empire…was about to begin.