• Published 22nd Jan 2012
  • 1,314 Views, 21 Comments

Descending the Pit - whitefang

Luna has to fight back against the sadness that once again surrounds her

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The opening

Descending the Pit
By: Whitefang

“Ah, dear sister isn’t this day just splendid” said the older of the 2 celestial princesses, as she smelled the warn spring air.


“Oh, how it is my sister, this day is most lovely” said the younger of the 2 princesses, in a mock tone of enthusiasm. That the eldest failed to capture, as she was too immersed in the warmth and beauty of a mid-spring day she so gingerly brought forth.
Most conversations with Celstia, if their even were any, happened like this. Celestia would comment about how beautiful her day was, and Luna would reluctantly agree with her and move on from the little free time they had, and go back to their royal affairs.

And as time wore on like this continuously, day after day, week after week, month after month. She felt herself slipping back into the cold desalinate pit were she was the only companion she had.

Well I’m the only pony I need in my life, and it’s not like I never see my sister and I know she is always there for me… well, I think she is… I hope she is. Luna thought to herself while filing court orders and warrants and other various things her dull, yet glamorous job forces her to do.

Soon the self-appointed tactics she used to combat her loneliness became far less effective than it did at first. She could fell the walls of her solitude fall in upon her, and crush her currently fragile state of mind. But her office has its costs, and her mental health was 1 it put to the chopping block without hesitation. But, she had to be strong for Equestria and her subjects.

I’m still me, why do they fear me? I I’m no longer that cursed monster that was destroyed some time ago. She reasoned with herself that it was not her fault the ponies were so scared of her. Yet she still felt the feeling that it was. Great now I can’t even think without berating myself in some way, “Luna get ahold of yourself you an absolute ship wreck.” She thought aloud.

“And, what would be the reason for that?” asked a voice that would scare death himself to his grave. But, it was one that Luna knew unfortunately well. Because, for some time it was her voice.

Luna could only let out terrified stutters. “No need to answer that I know quite well what the reason is” it stated in an almost victorious tone.

“NIGHT MARE MOON… WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” Luna yelled, more from anger than anything else. While at the same time regaining her composure as well as her footing.

“Oh, calm yourself you pathetic little foal” nightmare replied in a very commanding voice “I am but a simple shadow manifestation of myself, and I’m just here to talk… is that too much to ask we are almost twins you and I” nightmare finished with a smirk more from the painfully hate filled stare that Luna gave to nightmare, it gave her a great sense of satisfaction to see that much hate flow freely from her eyes.

“Fine, so answer me this. Why are you here, what do you want? Even more importantly HOW are you here, you are supposed to be dead.” Luna said while her gaze never faltered in the slightest.

“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA” was the reply Luna received after her question. Nightmare’s laugh was whole hearted and full of pity. “Oh, little Luna how after such a long life how do you still have the competence of a foal, you truly are a sad little thing” Nightmare ended with a grin

“ANSWER MY QUESTION” Luna at this point was fuming at this point, enraged by Nightmare laughing at her with her pompous, arrogant laugh. But, this only made Nightmare snicker, laughing at Luna’s expense.

“Fine I will answer your questions” Nightmare stated, instantly regaining her composure. “Lets start with how I’m here, that is a very easy one to answer. Luna you should already know how I’m here, I am in fact a part of you” Luna for the most part felt stupid for not seeing that earlier.

“Good now tell me what you want” Luna commanded

“One more thing Luna, after such a long life you would think you would have more patience than this, like before it’s pathetic” Nightmare now becoming annoyed at Luna for interrupting her.

“I am here for the most obvious of reasons” Nightmare said with a grin returning to her face “I’m her because the elements did nothing more that imprison me in your mind, and because we are 2 of the same…and… I can see it Luna” a hellish smile now adorning the shadows facial features.

“I, I, I have no idea of what you’re talking about” Luna said with her unmovable demeanor, now crumbling down to the foundation of her core.

“Oh, please Luna don’t give me that you know very well what I’m talking about” Nightmare said as her hellish smile now fading down to a smirk.

“Like I said I have no idea what you’re talking about” Luna stated still hold to the hopeless resolve.

“Ignorance is bliss, is it not Luna? You know full well why I’m here, the steel cage the elements put me in is rotting away” Nightmare now back to a straight face “and you are to blame for it all, all of the sad lonely days all of the delicious self-pity… it’s all your fault”

“You wish for ponies to stop being scared of you when you are the thing that their mothers told them to fear. You, I, both of us are Night Mare Moon” Nightmare back to her hellish smile “But you are no longer that nightmare or at least not for now you aren’t but you will… I duo time my dear princess” Nightmare finished with disgust in her voice at saying the last word.

“I will never again be that cursed demon!” Luna yelled in protest.

“Really? Is that what you believe, if so then how have the elements seal on me weakened enough for me to be talking to you right now?” Luna couldn’t respond from the mixture of shock and terror that has been transferred by Nightmare’s words

Nightmare simply laughed at Luna for this. Then the shadowy figure began to dissipate into the shadows of the room.

“You will see Luna, you pathetic little foal that I will rise again and destroy not only the sun but ALL of Equestria” Nightmares smile then went from hellish to downright insane.

Luna then recovering from her state of shocked terror then turned to one of pure hatred “I swear on my life demon, you will not raise again!”

At this Nightmare let a laugh that gave you chills to the very bone “funny since you will be the one to release me from my prison”

Luna’s only reply to this was “We will see you abomination.”