• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 631 Views, 12 Comments

Believe in the Heart of the Moon - HeartlessSpartan

An alicorn has appeared in Ponyville searching for a solution to save Princess Luna from being overcome by Nightmare Moons influence. Princess Luna must make peace with her nightmare.

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Blaze walked through Ponyville almost as though it were a ghost town at night. He had Applebloom to thank for telling him about the train in town. It was nearly dawn however, and the train would be leaving soon. He was right, when he arrived at the Ponyville train station he found Big Macintosh loading the last of some crates onto a cargo car. His strength was admirable as he lifted and pushed each heavy wooden crate onboard; it would have taken at least two other ponies just to accomplish that.

“Well it’s good to see that you’re here,” Blaze said kindly.

Big Macintosh stepped back from his work and simply stared at Blaze. It was most likely the closest reaction of surprise that he would get from him. Big Macintosh is well known as a stallion of few words and little reaction. At first you’d think he’s a bit short of the buy but he’s actually incredibly knowledgeable. Being Applejack’s older brother, his dreams were included as well. They were rather admirable for a simple country stallion; after a day of rough work, a night by the lake with Cheerilee and a mug of cider. You can’t argue that, just never mention Smarty Pants and you’re in the clear.

“I figure you’re not at all pleased to see me?” Blaze asked as he watched Big Macintosh’s expression change into a look of something that wasn’t quite rage, but more of frustration.

“Nope!” Big Macintosh said with his booming voice with a little extra kick to emphasize his position.

“I just want to speak with Applejack and make sure she is alright,” Blaze pleaded in a truthful manner.

Big Mac’s tone changed to concern as he spoke, “You’ve talked to her ‘nough, those are family matters you’re talkin’ about. I don’t wanna’ see her hurt like that, I won’t stand by to watch her run away again!”

Big Macintosh was right, as always. Blaze dredged up tragic memories of the past from the pit of that poor girl’s heart, and history would just repeat itself again. Applejack left home after it had happened. She lost touch with who she was and what she wanted, and now he’s pulling that pain back to her.

“Your grandmother was there for both of you then, and I’m here to help now. Would you turn down what you hoped would come after so long now?” Blaze asked with sympathy towards the Apple family.

Big Macintosh stood silently for what seemed forever for both of them. He didn’t look angry or frustrated, he looked sad. The locomotive of the train whistled and blew steam as it began to roll out. He stood between Blaze and his intention of changing things for the better. The choice was his to make, and it was definitely a difficult one.

“You get on this train before it’s gone, and don’t ya’ fail now or I’ll be lookin’ for you!” Big Macintosh said as he stepped to the side and ushered Blaze onto the steps between the cars as the train began to move.

Blaze looked back as the train picked up speed and watched as the giant red stallion shrank into the distance. He had made a huge gamble trusting him like this; he may not know it but there is a greater wrath that awaits Blaze if he fails than just Big Macintosh. It simply gave him even more reason to succeed, even if there was virtually no plan.

Making his way through the train cars, Blaze didn’t find anypony within the sleeping cars. There must be a great deal of country folk on board he figured as he noticed multiple southern style cowpony hats resting on the beds and hangars as he made his way through the train. He had to walk carefully in here because of how tall he was, being an alicorn, they are moderately larger than other ponies. He had to hold his wings in closer, and duck under every doorway until he reached the dining car.

Looking through the window of the door Blaze could see several country ponies. Their hats hung both high and low, and mugs of cider swayed with the rhythm of upbeat country music. He could see a few of them dancing about to the music in the amount of space that they had, but they didn’t care. Applejack was one of them, she danced without care, and her hair swayed about lawless and free. She was having fun, the most she had since Blaze entered her and her friends’ dreams. Big Macintosh was right; it would only hurt her to bring up the past. Blaze could empathize for reasons almost no one knew anymore.

Blaze turned around and left the dining car behind. He didn’t want to take that moment of happiness from Applejack. Things always strike deeper every time you are shackled when you think that you are free. Making his way back through the sleeping car he came across a bunk with a picture of Granny Smith and Big Macintosh resting next to the pillow. Blaze placed the hat onto the bunk and proceeded to the caboose of the train. He waited on the rear balcony, and watched the horizon glow with the coming of dawn as the train headed south.

The sun was just peaking over the horizon when Applejack came through the door and out onto the balcony. She had found the hat that Blaze left on her bunk. She had a great smile on her face. Her fearlessness and utter sense of joy combined with the hat and the smile reminded Blaze of her parents. When she was just a filly she ran away to seek out a life that didn’t remind her of the past, but she soon learned that it wasn’t her destiny. She is so much like her parents were, more than anypony else.

“I knew you would want that back,” Blaze said, referring to the hat.

“It was very important to me; I’d be a liar if I said the hat was the only thing I ever wanted back,” Applejack said, inferring something much greater.

“It was your mother’s, wasn’t it?” Blaze asked.

“It was my mother’s, you happen to know many things don’t you?” Applejack asked since very few remember what had happened.

“What’s important to remember, to know of and learn from. It often feels like a curse,” Blaze said regretfully, for his own sake.

“Is it a curse to know what so few do, or what you wish you could forget?” Applejack asked with deep curiosity.

Blaze looked into Applejack’s large green eyes, and here she was. The element of honesty staring right back at him, reading him like a book just because she is unafraid of hiding the questions no other would ask. Always standing up and speaking out because she wants to know the answers to difficult questions that reveal truth. She is as honest and hard-working as anypony gets. To ask any further on his past would only bring more pain to both of them. The truth is invaluable knowledge, but the fact of truth is that it hurts.

“I came because I need your help Applejack,” Blaze said, changing the topic of conversation.

“What might ya be needin’ my help with?” Applejack asked surprisingly.

“The truth, I need your help to convince your friends to assist me, and you’re the only one they will ever trust other than Celestia,” Blaze said plainly and to the point.

“Why wouldn’t Celestia tell us?” Applejack asked suspiciously.

“Celestia doesn’t know,” a voice said in a business-like manner from the doorway.

Applejack and Blaze turned to see a dark tan stallion with a brown mane and a black cowpony hat standing in the doorway. His cutie mark was a dark shroud and couldn’t be made out into anything. His eyes were light gray and a slightly devious smile crossed his face.

“And who are you to say?” Applejack asked challengingly.

“Somepony that does know, why, where, and when,” the mystery stallion said in a playful tone just to increase their curiosity.

“Then speak of what knowledge you withhold!” Blaze demanded.

“Don’t let that temper of yours get the better of you now, I’ll be needing your help with part of my plan,” the mystery stallion said in a manner that made it difficult to tell if he was lying.

“What plan would that be?” Blaze asked, trying his best to control himself over the fact that there wasn’t a single thing right about him.

“The one that you’ll have no choice but to follow through with, whether or not it was intentional for you,” the stallion said smartly.

“Then we’re leaving, let us pass!” Applejack demanded.

The stallion winked and said, “You won’t be going anywhere until I decide I want to let you.”

After the stallion winked, Applejack and Blaze were shrouded in darkness. They could no longer feel the shake of the train nor the breeze. Blaze used a simple spell to light wherever they were. The orange colored light simply was swallowed by the surrounding darkness but he could easily see Applejack. She was worried, even though she had that kind of confidence that said if anything gets worse, she’s ready to fight.

“Where are we?” Applejack asked nervously.

“Literally nowhere,” Blaze said.

“We can get out, can’t we?” Applejack asked worriedly.

Blaze looked at Applejack a moment before coldly saying, “No.”

“Who would be able to use magic like this?” Applejack asked in wonderment.

“Certainly not Discord, this is something much more abundantly powerful, but he’s just a lackey,” Blaze said insultingly to draw out the stallion.

“Let us go you ruffian!” Applejack demanded.

It worked, the stallion walked calmly out of the darkness with a plain expression on his face. Everything about him screamed the power of evil and yet nothing about him said that he truly was evil. Blaze couldn’t read his past, he couldn’t see into his eyes like he could others’. Something very powerful and very evil had corrupted this pony.

“Lackey, ruffian? Even for you two that was a low blow,” the stallion said.

“Then why are we here?” Blaze asked.

“Where going somewhere, we’re going home. At least the new home being that the old one is a pile of dust and rubble, lost both to time and history,” the stallion said in a regretful manner.

Home, the very thought of it burned through Blaze’s mind. His home was long gone and everything he ever loved, owned, or wanted was buried with his past. This creature was right, his home was destroyed by monsters and other forms of evil. The old kingdom was overtaken by them and the Everfree Forest became a fearful place rather than a hub of peace and freedom that it was for hundreds of years. That was almost a thousand years ago; how does that make it this pony’s home as well?

“What makes you speak of home in such a way as though you belong there?” Blaze asked, curious to know what this pony knows of his past.

“Do either of us belong anywhere Terra, we’re both a danger to everything we’ve ever loved,” the stallion said sadly.

“Terra?” Applejack asked, wondering who that was.

“Go ahead Terra, tell Applejack who you are and what you are here for, tell her the truth; all of it, and I will speak of my plan,” the stallion said as he glared at Blaze, or Terra.

Blaze looked at Applejack, once again this mysterious stallion speaks the truth but his intentions are anything but good. Whatever piece of the past that followed him to this day could only be out to destroy him, everything, and everyone he cares for now. There is so much danger awaiting in the next few days, wherever the stallion takes them depends on his ability to stop the worst from happening. This stallion knows much about him, but what worries Blaze the most is what this pony knows that he doesn’t. Applejack gazed back at Blaze, worry, curiosity, and wonderment filled her eyes but would soon be replaced by the truth.

“I will tell you the truth Applejack…” Blaze said just as the stallion cut in.

“We’re home Terra, welcome to Canterlot!” the stallion said just as the shroud unveiled the three of them in the square of the Canterlot trade district.

Author's Note:

Once again another quick edit and some info on the OC is finally starting to come into light. Like I said, I had written these chapters already, I'm just really busy doing other things so I only do one read through quick edit. I'll continue posting each day until I catch up to making new chapters. I'll try to edit further as more errors are brought to my attention.