• Published 20th Jan 2013
  • 632 Views, 12 Comments

Believe in the Heart of the Moon - HeartlessSpartan

An alicorn has appeared in Ponyville searching for a solution to save Princess Luna from being overcome by Nightmare Moons influence. Princess Luna must make peace with her nightmare.

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Princess Luna had made her way to Ponyville by flying most of the way. As she crossed the bridge into town she couldn’t help but think back about being here. Terra had decided to show himself after a thousand years and he still cared about her. He didn’t give up and he promised he would ensure her safety to the end. Now she wants to return the same determination and care to find him. There is something troubling though; what if there is nothing to find but a sad end for him? Luna looked over the rail of the bridge into the water below. It wasn’t Nightmare Moon as it had been before; she only saw the reflection of herself with the blue flower in her mane.

“I’m sorry, but he would not abandon you either,” Luna said to herself, recalling Nightmare Moon’s resentment towards Terra.

Luna continued walking into town. She could feel the resentment of Nightmare Moon within her. Her feelings said to leave Terra’s fate be, yet at the same time even Nightmare Moon could somewhat admit she’d have regrets on giving up. Luna sensed this and used it to her advantage. The need for powerful allies was also her justification for searching for Terra. She knew it would not be difficult to convince her sister, she would have more trouble convincing herself. That is what her sister was worried about, that her quest would only break Luna’s heart even more.

Standing just outside the town Luna stopped walking. She stood there wondering now if she really wanted to know what happened to Terra. Her train of thought changed as she saw Applejack pulling a cart down the road. She watched as the young mare’s expression changed to a friendly smile. Applejack is the element of honesty, making Luna wonder if spending some time with her could reveal the truth about herself; Whether or not she may be hurt looking for Terra?

“Hi ya there Princess! What brings you to Ponyville if you don’t mind me askin’,” Applejack asked happily as she approached Luna with the cart.

“I am looking for somepony important,” Luna said.

“That’s very nice, but it’s getting’ late. It gets awful dangerous outside Ponyville at night bein’ this close to the Everfree Forest and all,” Applejack mentioned.

“I can understand why,” Luna said.

“You can feel free to stay at Apple Acres until it’s safer to travel if you’d like,” Applejack offered.

“I gladly accept Applejack. It would be wise of me to speak with the Elements often,” Luna said as she walked alongside Applejack and the cart.

Applejack still felt nervous around Princess Luna but she was sure that the Elements of Harmony had saved her. No matter what that other alicorn had said, her friends had accomplished something great. They all will go on to do great things together. While her dedication to her friends was the priority of her thoughts she also couldn’t help but to feed her curiosity. She figured she might as well break the silence as they walked.

“Princess, you said that you were searchin’ for somepony. Can I be of any help?” Applejack asked as they walked.

“I lost him, and I do not think you can help,” Luna spoke as though she were thinking out loud, picking up her pace as she became anxious over her thoughts.

“Well that’s too bad then I guess, but I am always willin’ ta help. Ponies get lost around these parts all the time. I’m having to find ‘em an’ bring ‘em back to town; all bit too often if ya ask me,” Applejack said as she pulled the wagon to keep pace with Luna.

“I lost him a very long time ago,” Luna said as her anxiety kicked in and further increased her pace as the sun set.

“I’m sure if their around it can’t be too hard to find ‘im,” Applejack said, trying harder to keep pace with Luna.

“I can’t, and I most likely never will!” Luna cried as she stopped at the crest of a hill the road passed, overlooking Apple Acres.

Luna sat on the hill and stared at the ground trying to hide her face. Applejack unhitched herself from the cart and walked over to Luna. The Princess was trying not to cry, so Applejack kept her distance to give her some space. This wasn’t exactly the position she expected to be in when she saw the Princess earlier.

“I’m sorry Princess Luna I don’t quite understand,” Applejack said.

“It is quite alright Applejack, you didn’t know that he is probably dead,” Luna said as she held tears back as the stars came out.

“That’s what you meant by lost wasn’t it?” Applejack asked as she sat alongside Luna.

“I really do not know what to do now. Whether to go looking for him or not,” Luna cried, conflicted by her decisions to leave him or find him.

“He sure must’ve been somepony special if he’s got you out for him,” Applejack said.

“Very special, we had known each other for a very long time, almost better than anyone else,” Luna said with tears.

“When I was just a filly, and my little sis was just a foal, I lost some ponies special to me as well. I lost my parents, and I didn’t know how to react to it then. I was so confused and filled with grief I didn’t know where I was going or what I really wanted. I had run away from home, run away from everything that reminded me of them. I thought I knew what I wanted, but it took time before I realized I was just making things harder on myself,” Applejack said sadly, tears of her own coming to her eyes.

“I’m sorry to hear that Applejack,” Luna said.

“I still have them though. I have hope, that even though they’re gone that they protected me, kept me safe and love me. Every clear night I look up at the sky, and I see a pair of shooting stars, and I know that it’s them watching over me even now. Have hope Princess, have faith that even if you don’t find your friend that he still loves and protects you in some way,” Applejack said kindly.

“Thank you Applejack,” Luna said, letting her tears flow freely.

Applejack stood up and wiped away the tears from her face. She waved her hoof toward Luna to follow. They both continued to Apple Acres, with a silent yet understanding walk, and both sharing a common quality. Princess Luna hadn’t expected to learn a lesson of such value from such a young mare. It is always hard to lose someone close to you, but it is even more important to remember why they mattered so much to you. Terra did matter greatly to her, and it felt great to admit it. He had always put himself at such great risk for her, and he put his life on the line. Now all she has left is faith that he had survived somehow. She would not forget him or abandon him for he had done the same for her.

“Granny, we’ve got a guest for the night,” Applejack said as she entered the house with Luna following.

“Ooh another!” Granny Smith said with a happy smile.

“Another?” Applejack asked.

“Yer brother found this feller wanderin’ through the orchards with some sorta’ box. It turns out he’d traveled all the way from the Crystal Empire. They’re in the other room,” Granny Smith said as she shakily lead them to where Big Macintosh and the other pony were hoof wrestling on a table.

“Elder?” Princess Luna asked in surprise to see him.

“Princess Luna!” Elder shouted in surprise as Big Macintosh took the upper hoof on his nerves and pulled Elder over the side of the table.

“Y’all know each other,” Applejack asked.

“We do. Elder, it is good to see you,” Luna said with excitement.

“Nice to meet you at least once more good Princess Luna. We could’ve used a stallion like this back in the old days. You’d be a heck of a soldier if he was trained right,” Elder said as he stood up off the floor, glancing at Big Macintosh’s victorious smirk.

“You’re a member of the guard?” Applejack asked.

“I’m retired out of the military, back when Equestria had the need for a well-trained armed force,” Elder said.

“That must’ve been some time ago then,” Granny Smith uttered suspiciously.

“Indeed it was, but tell me Elder; Did you find anything?” Luna asked.

Elder waited a moment to collect his thoughts before saying, “I did,” as he lifted the music box up onto the table but the expression on his face had changed from a smile to one of concern.

“I cannot believe this is still intact, but what is the matter Elder?” Luna asked.

“The way I received this was strange, and I believe something terrible let me walk out with it. So whatever is inside of this music box, it wants you to see it. It’s your call Princess,” Elder said seriously.

“I’m opening it,” Luna said, nopony else objected to her decision.

Luna lifted the box and wound the knob on the back, then placed it back onto the table. The music box began to play Moonlight Sonata, and the crescent lock turned until it clicked and the lid gradually opened. A sliver of dark magic rose slowly from within the box, but then opened gradually into a portal of some kind. What nopony expected was for a white alicorn with several terrible wounds to slide out and lay in a heap on the floor, the portal closing behind him.

“Terra!” Luna screamed out in sadness and horror.

“He’s still alive but he’s unconscious, and losing a whole lot of blood!” Elder yelled out.

“Applebloom stay in your room! Big Mac and Elder, you two carry him out while I get a cart. Granny Smith, get some supplies so we can hold off the bleeding for as long as we can,” Applejack ordered, figuring out it was vital that they act quickly.

After they got him outside Luna helped Elder put Terra into the back of a cart as Applejack hitched Big Mac to the cart. Applejack and Elder climbed into the cart to help stop Terra from bleeding. Luna couldn’t do anything now, all she could think of now was that last moment Terra had looked back at her before leaving, almost as though he had expected something as terrible as this would happen or worse. She had resented him then, and she drove him to this. The image of his now battered and lifeless face stuck in her mind.

“I cannot see him like this, I have to go!” Luna cried.

“I understand, we’ll get him to the Ponyville hospital. They’ll do everything they can for him there,” Applejack said as Big Mac started to pull the wagon toward town.

Granny Smith lead Luna sadly back into the house where she began to clean up the mess left behind. Luna stood looking at the music box, listening to the song it continued to play. It was such a sad song, back then it would just lull her to sleep; but now it enraged her. It played into her sorrow and her heart. Whatever had planned for her to see what was inside was most definitely evil in every way imaginable. It wasn’t just something it would send to physically hurt anyone, but rather to destroy their hope and fill their hearts with pain and sorrow.

Princess Luna began to question how Elder had acquired the music box. She wondered what his part in all of this was. She doesn’t blame him for Terra; she would have to speak with him later. Right now Luna needs help. What her sister feared most for her had come true, and now she needs her.

“I have to leave. I have to go back to Canterlot to get help,” Luna said.

“I never could have expected anything like this to happen, but I understand your need to leave,” Granny Smith said with an unfortunate expression.

“Thank you,” Luna said.

Princess Luna closed the music box and it stopped playing the music. She tucked it into one of her saddlebags and left. She would now fly back to Canterlot and face her sister with feelings of great sorrow and fear for the kingdom. Whatever it was that had done this, it is far worse than Discord. She isn’t the only one who needs help though, now all of Equestria does.