• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 1,941 Views, 80 Comments

Ponnequin Relations - Cheer

Twilight makes the realization that she doesn't handle stress well, so she creates something to help.

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Chapter 4 - The Game is Ahoof

At the Carousel Boutique, Rarity had been working on a new dress since the morning. It consisted of different hues of red and orange. But yet, there was something wrong with it. She just couldn’t quite put her hoof on it though. It was as though her original inspiration just wasn’t enough. This isn’t too rare of an occurrence, but now the question was what she needed to finish it.

She stood there, scrutinizing her creation. Trying to figure out what was wrong, when she heard a knock at the door. “Coming!” she yelled, making her way towards the door. On the other side of it she found the number one assistant of Twilight and on quite a few occasions, her own. “Oh! Hello, Spikey. What happens to brings you by today?” she asked the, slightly nervous looking, baby dragon at her doorstep.

“Oh! H-hi Rarity. Well Twilight gave me the day off and I was, uh, wondering if you, uh, you know, wanted some help? He asked, rubbing the back of his neck and slightly looking away sheepishly.

“Of course, Spikey!” she exclaimed happily “I always appreciate your help. You know that, don’t you?” she asked him, smiling.

“Y-you do?!” He asked happily, wagging his tail like a dog would.

“Of course. Now I was actually just working on a dress” she explained, pointing a hoof towards the room she was working in, only to have Spike move right next to her.

The chivalrous baby dragon bowed, “After you, m’lady.” He said, causing the alabaster unicorn to giggle at the adorable actions of the ‘noble dragon’.

“Oh, thank you. You’re such a gentlecolt.” She said, giggling again, as she made her way towards the work room, leading Spike to where the unfinished dress lied. Her ears perked, hearing an exclamation from spike.


She turned around to find spike starting at the sketch and unfinished product of the very dress she had been working on. “Do you like it, Spikey?” she asked the seemingly dumbstruck dragon, who nodded in affirmation before answering, his face turning from a neutral look to one of happy recognition.

“Yeah. It reminds me off Pee Wee” He answered happily, most likely remembering his little phoenix friend whom he had returned to his parents not too long ago.

Rarity, however had a slightly different set of thoughts. One of the two top thoughts running through her head was that the idea that an image of a phoenix was exactly what she needed for this dress. The other was curiosity. She had remembered the situation in which she got her inspiration for the dress. She had nearly forgotten about the strange business transaction between herself and her lavender friend. But a lady does not simply show how curious she is. It must be brought up in a way that seems natural.

While formulating a plan was important at the moment, she also had a dress begging to be made. Using her magic to grab the things she would need for the dress. She asked her assistant for the day to help. “Oh Spikey. Could you hold these pins for me, please? Taking his nod as conformation, she proceeded to put pins in between his scales in a way that would cause no harm. When her pins were all placed in his scales she turned to make adjustments to the sketch. She decided that she would work for a little while before bringing it up.

Roughly an hour later, Rarity decided to finally start her subtle investigation. “So Spikey, I would have thought that Twilight would have plenty of chores for you to do today. What made her decide to give you the day off when it’s only early afternoon. Not that I don’t appreciate the help of course.” She asked with a smile, breaking him out of the haze he had been in for nearly the whole time.

“Wha-? Oh. She was working on some project of hers. She said she’d be working on it all day so I could have today off.” He replied with a shrug, not really thinking much of it.

‘Now we’re getting somewhere. Excellent. Now to dig a little deeper.’ She thought while she quickly thought up her next move. “Oh? What kind of project is she working on that she’s ok without your wonderful help anymore?” she asked the, now blushing, little dragon. ‘He really is a wonderful helper. Why wouldn’t she need his for the rest of this project of hers?’ Her thoughts were cut short as he answered.

“Dunno. She was up in the guest room all morning. She didn’t answer me till not too long ago.” He answered, shrugging once again.

This took Rarity by surprise. “You mean that you have no clue what she was working on then or now?” She asked while her curiosity started to peak. ‘This is beginning to feel like a mystery novel. I feel a bit giddy now.’ She thought while inwardly giggling ‘Oh, what was that line? Oh yes. The game is ahoof!’ She thought, giggling at her own thoughts. Unfortunately, this time is wasn’t an inward giggle.

“What’s so funny about that?” He asked, pouting a little.

“Oh, I’m sorry Spikey. I was stuck in my own thoughts for a moment and remembered something silly Pinkie did.” It wasn’t really a complete lie. Pinkie had acted like she had been thinking before. However, she still felt a little bad about lying to him, causing her smile to be a little forced. If he noticed however, he didn’t say anything.

“What does she do that isn’t funny?” he said, while chuckling himself. Most likely at memories of some of the many strange and silly things the pink party pony had done.

“True. So very true. But back to the matter at hand. So, you don’t have any idea of what she is doing?” She asked, getting back on track before they began an improptu story time about their reality bending comrade.

“Nah. All I know is it’s some mare thing.” He answered, once again giving his shoulders a work out with all the shrugging he had been doing.

At this Rarity’s face burst crimson and her words got stuck in her throat. ‘Ah-buh-wha?’ Taking a moment to calm down, she finally got a handle on speaking once again. “A mare thing you said? Is that what Twilight said?” She asked as the redness finally started to leave her face.

“Nah. But I’m smart so I figured it out.” He replied with pride in his voice.

“Oh? Well would you be willing to tell me how you deduced that Spikey?”

“Sure, no problem. Well she had been working on whatever it was all day, so it’s obviously something big, right?”

“Of course.” Rarity responded while nodding.

“Right. But when I asked her about it she wouldn’t tell me anything about it.” He continued

Rarity raised an eyebrow at this newest bit of information. “She didn’t tell you anything at all? That’s surprising.”

“Right? That’s what I thought. All she said is that it was ‘personal’ and asked me not to ask anything about it. So obviously I figured out that it had to be a mare thing. It makes sense right? Like how that one day I came by to help and you were up in your room screaming. Remember? I knocked on your door and you yelled for me to come back later, and something about finishing something. Then when I came back you said it was a mare thing and I wouldn’t want to know anyway, so it would be easier for both of us if I didn’t ask any questions about it.” He explained, not noticing Rarity doing a very good impression of a tomato.

Rarity was currently trying to calm herself back down after being reminded of that day. ‘Now, now Rarity. That was far in the past. It may be as embarrassing as ever thinking that Blueblood was handsome, but that’s not what’s important right now.’ Clearing her throat a couple times she continued her investigation. “So you didn’t even need Twilight to even say that it was a mare thing? You figured it out all on your own?”

Spike puffed out his chest in pride, “Yep. I figured it out, so she thanked me and gave me the day off.” He stated, still in his prideful pose.

‘So she never admitted that it was a mare thing. She just let him assume it was. Clever mare. There is still a piece missing from this puzzle however. “So Spikey, how long was Twilight working before she answered you?” She asked although from his earlier statements she already had a good guess, but it never hurts to double check facts.

Spike started tapping his claw on his chin and stood in a thinking pose. “I dunno. I woke up and she was already in the guest room. She didn’t even come down for breakfast. I was finally able to get her to come out of the guest room after around eight hours of her being in there, since I had started to get worried about her. I mean she usually at least comes down for a new quill or two. Celestia knows she goes through them fast enough. It really didn’t surprise me that she didn’t know how long she’d been working. She never was good at keeping track of time when she gets into her work.”

‘Now Rarity! It’s a perfect opening!’ She thought to herself before easing into her goal. “Oh my, I hope she didn’t end up wrecking the room too badly after all that work!”

Spike began to reply before stopping and looking down in thought. “Actually. Ya know what? That’s the weird thing. Now that I think about it, there was nothing different about the guest room from what I could see. Bed was made, floor was clear and the weirdest thing is that there were no notes. None at all. From what I could see there wasn’t a single note or scrap of paper anywhere. That’s really weird…” He finished starting to trail off.

‘Nothing out of place? Then what happened to the ponnequin she bought? Did it already get destroyed? But then what is she still working on? Why is it a secret? Could she simply be in need of some personal time? No, no Rarity. Oh I hope not at least. That would make this whole ordeal much more awkward than it already is, and honestly, over eight hours? That would be ridiculous. There must be more to this. He hasn’t mentioned the ponnequin yet, so I can only assume that he never saw it. Very peculiar. Well, it seems that is all I’m going to get for now. Time to get some more work done!’ She thought happily as she went back to the dress she had been working on before the mystery of the ponnequin got so deep. “Spikey can you grab me a couple faux phoenix feathers from the back room? I need to compare color.” Spike gave her a salute and made his way back, careful not to lose any of the pins sticking from between his scales.

‘He really is such a helpful little dragon.’ She thought with a smile as she finally put her investigation on the back burner to focus on her work.

Author's Note:

The mystery of the origin of a mare thing explained. Maybe not in much detail but hey. This is Teen rated.

Alt. Title "Rarity in: The Mystery of the Purple Pony and missing Ponnequin"

I tried to not make it seem like she's just using him. She really does appreciate his help, she's just a little overly curious due to her love of gossip.

Also Don't forget that You all get to decide the name of the ponnequin.

Send me your idea as a PM (a message)

If you already pitched an idea then resend it to be officially considered.

Couple points to cover for this.

Avoid parts of Twilight's name.

I would appreciate if you had a reason for the name you chose.

The name should work for a female.

Good luck and thanks for reading.