• Published 27th Jan 2013
  • 3,306 Views, 149 Comments

Searching for Six Ponies (And Discord if I Feel Like It) - Coltsguy

I have to find the Mane Six, but who knows where they are?

  • ...

It's The Little Things

I was starting to think that this was the basic form of the multiverse. Everything you could think of or everything you've ever seen is real in some form with it's own universe that is separated from ours. It would easily explain what was happening right now.

I was standing there tuning out a three foot tall talking chimpanzee by the name of Mojo Jojo. Sure it was a bit dangerous to just tune him out. He was, after all, a supervillian. I just couldn't stand the way he spoke. The first five sentences were as follows:

"Ah so that is what came through that flash of light. You are what came through the light that was flashing. That flashing light brought you to me, Mojo Jojo. I, Mojo Jojo was the first one to find you after the flashing light. Now, I, Mojo Jojo, after having found you after that flashing light-"

I probably should have kept listening, but holy crap that was annoying! Yeah, there was a reason that he talked like that, but it was a long time ago. You would think he would have toned it down. Then again, I assumed it was a long time ago. I could be in Townsville not too long after the beginning of things. Just like in the last world, things aren't necessarily what I believe them to be.

I then did something I probably shouldn't have. I reached down and put my hand over his mouth.

"Holy crap man, stop talking already! You need to learn some...thing about not talking like that. Do you have any idea how utterly annoying that sounds? I literally started tuning you out during that fifth sentence! How the hell do you function in a proper society like that?"

Underneath my hand, I felt him grin. I pulled my hand off of his mouth to let him speak.

"I am not a man. I am a simian. And I do not function in proper society. Society is not a place for me to function properly in. And soon, it will not be a place that you can function in!"

His hand whirled around and when it came back in front of him he was holding onto a two foot long green blaster of some sort. I jumped to left as he fired his weapon. I looked back to where I had been and saw scorch marks behind the place I stood. As he retrained the weapon on me, I brought up my hand to intercept him. I threw up a shield just as he fired upon me. He repeated the process three times before stopping to see what was happening.

"So, you can create energy shields to protect yourself. It will not help you. Your shield will prove no match for me. I, Mojo Jojo, will bring down that shield of yours and defeat you!"

"What did I just say about that stupid repetition of yours?"

Note to self: stop antagonizing the supervillians.

Mojo responded by firing into my shield repeatedly. So far it was holding up to his assault, but I had no idea if it would give out or not to his weapon. Instead of testing that theory out, I teleported behind him. He looked around to see where I went, but before he noticed me, I brought up my invisibility spell to conceal myself.

And it would have worked, too, if not for my betrayer of a growling stomach! Though, in it's defense I hadn't eaten since breakfast and I was at the point where it was currently past dinnertime for my body. Add in the exertion I had done and I was pretty sure the only reason I wasn't on the ground collapsed from hunger was Discord's magic enhancing my body. At least I didn't have to use the bathroom again. The different colors kind of scared me.

Mojo spun around and fired at the sound. Luckily, his aim was off and he fired to my right. He looked around for a second and grinned again.

"Ah, so you can become invisible. Being invisible will not help you. I shall return with a device to see you while you are invisible. Wait right here."

I watched, dumbfounded, as Mojo Jojo literally ran past me and over to the mountain that was his volcano fortress. I couldn't quite believe that he told me to wait here. He really was insane. I booked it out of there as soon as he was out of sight.

I ran for quite a ways. I cleared the park after a few minutes and continued to run through the city for a good distance before I decided to stop. Of course, the only reason I stopped then is because I passed a restaurant and my stomach growled in anger at me.

Moving into an alleyway, I dropped my invisibility spell and tried to regain my bearings. I was currently in the city of Townsville; home of the Powerpuff Girls. Blossom, commander and the leader. Bubbles, she is the joy and the laughter. Buttercup, she's the toughest fighter.

Enough with theme song. The Powerpuff Girls are a group of sisters that were accidentally created in a lab by a man named Professor Utonium. He chose to create the perfect little girls by putting sugar, spice, and everything nice and mixing them together to have the children he never could have. However, in a weird twist of fate, his overly temperamental lab assistant, who happened to be Mojo Jojo (not kidding), knocked into the professor and made him crash into a container of chemical X and added it to the concoction he was working on. Adding chemical X to the brew changed the equation and thus the Powerpuff Girls were born.

They ended up as perfectly nice girls, but with superpowers. Flight, super speed, laser vision, super strength, and a variety of other powers. They also gained even more powers when using combination attacks. They would impress anyone with their abilities. In fact, after a rocky start with the town they became the official superheroes of the town and had a direct line to the mayor whenever he needed assistance to save the town or open his jar of pickles.

If anyone would be willing to help, it's those girls. Bubbles especially would since she was a big animal lover. The problem was that I had no idea how to get to their house. Heck, other than knowing what the buildings looked like, I had no idea how to navigate anywhere.

Ugh, I need to stop thinking this way. I had a beacon. Follow the beacon, find the pony, bring back the pony, repeat. But first, food.

If I didn't eat, then I couldn't do anything. And a Pepsi. I really wanted a Pepsi. I wanted a bathtub-sized glass of Pepsi. But, food first. Oh, I really need a cheeseburger. Yeah, a cheeseburger with mustard and hot sauce.

As I started to drool, I snapped my fingers and a table appeared in the alleyway. Like I could go to a restaurant and order something. I have no money. I snapped my fingers again and a cheeseburger and a glass of Pepsi materialized on the table. I grabbed the cheeseburger off the table and took a bite. It was delicious. It may not have had the mustard or hot sauce, but it was still a welcome taste after going vegetarian the last week or so.

I reached down and grabbed my Pepsi. I then swallowed my bite and took a swig of the amber deliciousness. I promptly sputtered it out. It wasn't Pepsi.

"Oh screw you universe! You and your damn Coca-Cola!"

I set it down and took another bite of my cheeseburger. Just because I didn't have any Pepsi didn't mean I couldn't eat my burger.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?"

I guess that didn't mean that something else could stop me from eating my burger. I turned around while chewing to see who interrupted me. All I saw was green.

More specifically, I saw the Ganggreen Gang. Ace, Snake, Grubber, Lil' Arturo, and Big Billy. They were a mean spirited group of boys who were pretty much just a bunch of bullies that picked on anybody smaller than them. Collectively, I mean since Lil' Arturo was tiny. Weaker, I guess, would be a better term.

I also guess they decided that I was on that list. Judging from my appearance I wouldn't blame them for thinking that. Normally, they would be right, too. Just not today.

"It lookssssss like a weirdo that wantssss to have a sssssnack," alliterated Snake.

"That's what I thought it looked like. Don't you know that this is our turf?" asked Ace.

"Not really, no. I can leave and eat somewhere else."

"Oh, I know you'll be leaving," Ace said as he cut off the other side of the alley. "But, uh, first things first. You need to pay the tax for usin' our alley like yous was."

"You know, your accent isn't very consistent. Besides, I don't have any money. You can have the rest of my burger and the drink if you want. You can have the table, too. It's a nice table."

Ace grabbed the burger out of my hand and took a bite out of it.

"Mmmm, that is a good burger. Too bad it's not good enough to pay your tax. Get em boys."

The other four rushed at me and I was totally expecting them. They had no powers so I just decided to use my enhanced abilities to counter them instead of my magic.

Big Billy dove at me first, probably trying to hold me down for the rest of them. I simply jumped up and stepped off of his face. I almost missed Lil' Arturo jumping at me because I was thinking about that step. It was so cool! I ducked a punch from Grubber, then sidestepped a dive from Snake. I was surprised how easy it was to avoid these guys. The lack of coordination probably helped.

"What are you guys doin? Stop messin' around and get em!"

They all grouped up in front of me again. This time, however, it looked like they had gotten serious. For starters, everyone except Big Billy rushed at me. I was worried about Ace getting involved, but I couldn't afford to take my eyes off of the group in front of me. Arturo went low, Grubber went for my mid-section, and Snake went for my head. A good tactic. Wait, since when did the Ganggreen Gang use tactics? They have a collective I.Q. of about a hundred. Tactics are beyond their thinking level.

This time, I sidestepped and planted a kick into Grubber's face. This sent him flying back to Billy. It also gave the other two the chance to land and come around for another jump at me. I may have seen it out of the corner of my eye, but I wasn't fast enough to avoid the two from latching onto me. Arturo grabbed my left leg while Snake seemed to almost coil around my mid-section; grabbing both my arms.

As the other two started coming for me, I kicked Arturo with my other leg. This sent him flying into the two coming at me; halting their advance momentarily. Then, with a twisting motion, I managed to get one of my arms free and punch Snake in the face. His grip lost, I grabbed his arm and shoulder-tossed him into the small group. He knocked down Grubber and Arturo, and all three of them collided with Billy. However, it wasn't enough to knock back Billy at all.

As I waited for them to attack again, I felt a smack on the back of my head. It was strong enough that it dropped me to one knee.

"Geez, do I have to do everything?" I heard Ace ask.

I turned around and saw him with a crooked aluminum bat. Holy crap how am I still conscious? Oh wait, the enhanced durability. Again you saved my life. That probably would have gave me a concussion at least if I was back home. Still, he must've had some good momentum on that swing to drop me to a knee if I was figuring out how the new durability thing worked. I wasn't quite sure. I know Dash knocked me unconscious when she tackled me at mach 0.5. Applejack's patented bucking technique was something I barely even felt. The whole thing must have some comedic element to it somewhere, I just know it.

"That really hurt, ya know?"

"I'm surprised you ain't unconscious. I bet I can fix that."

"Not so fast Ganggreen Gang!" I heard some voices cry.

Was that who I thought it was? I looked up to make sure. I then realized I was mostly right.

It was the Powerpuff Girls. Except they definitely weren't girls anymore. They looked like they were in high school.

"Don't yous girls have something better to do?" asked Ace.

"Beating you guys up is what we do!" yelled Buttercup.

Honestly, I can tell you right now that I was a bit awestruck. Half of it was the fact that it was the Powerpuff Girls; defenders of the city of Townsville. They were heroes. The other half of it was, unfortunately, was the fact that I was kind of staring at them because of how hot they were. It was really weird.

They still had their cartoonish appearance. I'm talking anime-sized eyes and somehow they had an outline. They also were pretty well stacked. They were also still wearing their old uniforms only scaled up for their age. Somehow they wore a long, one-piece dress that went from around their necks to about two-thirds of the way down their thighs that was color-coded to their eyes; minus a black band at their waist. Not only that, they still wore white stockings on their legs that went up past the bottom of their dress, but now instead of wearing regular shoes they wore black boots. Well, except for Buttercup who was wearing black sneakers.

Long story short: they were captivating to look at.

"Haven't you five learned not to pick on the weak?" asked Blossom.

I let that slide because, well, they would normally be right.

"Yeah! Don't you guys have anything better to do than mug some poor ugly man?"

"Hey! That was uncalled for!" I exclaimed in a bit of a lame manner. Just because it was true doesn't mean that she had to state it out loud.

"Buttercup, that was rude," said Blossom.

"Besides, I ain't weak," I said, picking myself off of the ground, "and the talking monkey was tougher than these guys."

"Oh yeah?" asked Ace. "I'll show you tough."

Ace followed up his statement by swinging his bat at me again. This time, I actually caught it in my hand. As he struggled to free it, I couldn't help but think of two things. First, I just caught that with my bare hand. How cool is that? Secondly, if I could catch it like this, why did it affect me like it did before?

Feeling like this was long enough for him to struggle, I grabbed him by his shirt and tossed him into his cohorts. Again, they all collided with each other, but stopped when they hit Big Billy. That guy was a rock. Fortunately, he was a rock and not a mountain. I can pick up a rock.

I let my magic flow and levitated them as a group about ten feet into the air. I then snapped my fingers and they disappeared.

"What did you do to them?" asked Bubbles.

"Well, if it worked like it was supposed to, they should be in jail. Chaos magic can be kind of finicky, though."

"Chaos magic?" asked Blossom.

"Yeah, chaos magic. It isn't exactly the most easy thing in the world to control."

"We know," said Blossom. "We've had run-in's with creatures like that before."

"Well, I'm a good guy in case you're worried about that. I'm just here looking for a friend of mine. She got lost here and I need to bring her home."

"Really? What does she look like?" asked Bubbles.

"Well," I said and scratched the back of my neck lightly, "she's a talking pony."

All three of their eyes lit up.

"Do you mean Fluttershy?" asked Bubbles.

I was a bit surprised.

"Yeah! Do you know where she is? I need to find her to bring her back to the rest of her friends."

"She's back at our house," said Blossom. "We'll take you to her."

After saying that, Blossom swooped down behind me and grabbed me underneath my arms. She then quickly lifted me up and in between her sisters.

"Alright everyone. Let's head home!"

"Right!" the others said in unison.

As we all took off to their house, I felt like this was a welcome change. I would be out of here soon and on to the next girl rather quickly. Things were definitely looking up.