• Published 31st Jan 2013
  • 1,686 Views, 68 Comments

The Nutcracker - Art Inspired

Twilight gets a new Nutcracker, but is this toy just that, or something more? Join Twilight in an epic adventure through her dreams, and live the fantasy that plays in the mind of the future Element of Magic!

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Chapter Three: Nightmare

The Nutcracker

Chapter Three


Darkness, unforgiving and mysterious was Twilight’s guide. She blindly wandered through, searching for The Nutcracker’s castle, wherever it might have been. Her whole adventure had put a lot on her mind, but she was use to that. Ever since she started studying with Celestia, she’d learned a lot, so naturally, she was able to handle stress more efficiently. The sun was barely visible past the grey clouds that randomly appeared just above Twilight. They swirled slowly and calmly over the land just ahead, and as the sun slowly cascaded its bright flares from the green grass Twilight was standing on, the castle was shown.

Royal flags made for The Nutcracker surrounded the outside perimeters, while the castle itself was extravagantly decorated with various gems cemented into the tall rising walls. Once sunlight touched one, the colorful beam bounced off and landed in the moat that protected it to create a dancing rainbow in the crystal clear waters. The bridge went right up to the huge gate, so Twilight crossed over and looked around. She didn’t remember how she’d gotten out of the house and into the woods, only to find a castle almost as big as Canterlot, but it didn’t really matter. She had other matters to think about.

Knocking on the door, and feeling the smooth surface, she noticed it suddenly opened very slowly, and left a small, black line leading into it. Twilight tried to look through, but just couldn’t. The castle was just too black inside. So she waited. And then saw the prince emerge from the shaded line. He bowed, and turned around while saying, “Welcome to my castle, Twilight Sparkle.” The clothing he wore was of regal purple, attires made specifically for a king. While he entered between the doors, Twilight just stood there, looking deep into it. Once she entered, everything slowly formalized, and became seeable.

Through the shimmering air, tall stairs ascending to the very top of the roof greeted her, while extraordinarily high bookcases caught her eye. Thousands of books lined the walls with some doors in between them. Everything inside was gorgeous to Twilight, but then she remembered what the rat said, that she needed to resist the nice things he was offering. But there was more that Twilight wanted; to go somewhere. Someplace she’d forgotten by now, and it was slowly coming back to her. Maybe it was the books, or perhaps the design of the lavish castle, but Twilight was beginning to remember the princess that taught her and the other fillies and colts that played in the library. It was her home, where Celestia mentored her, and challenged her powers daily. Twilight suddenly realized this wasn’t what she wanted, and that if The Nutcracker wanted her to be happy, and for her to survive whatever he planned, she would need to demand him to send her home.

“Lovely, isn’t it?” The Nutcracker said, forcing Twilight to lift her head once more at the dreamy room. “It can be yours, if you want it… All you would have to do is…” He slowly reached over and whispered into her ear, “Become my bride.”

Twilight jumped back with a stern face and said, “I want to return to Canterlot. I want to go there now!”

All The Nutcracker could do was chuckle lightly. He rose his hand up, pointed it at Twilight and fired a bright green spell at her. She responded with blazing purple flames of intense heat. It all scorched the floors, making them fall apart to show that the castle was actually built on a volcano. The tile floors fell into the lava slowly, and melted with smoke engulfing the room above. Twilight stood there, staring at the now horrific being in front of her. Smoke wafted from the hole, making his gaze that much more despicable looking. He backed up slightly, leaped over, landed on the other side with Twilight and showed his eyes to her. In a flash, he transformed into the beast he really was. A nasty, clawed rat with a scar running down his cheeks and eye stood before the filly, towering over her. He was easily three times more scary appearing than the one Twilight talked to, and much bigger. This one though, appeared to be smarter, and stronger than any other. Twilight needed to get out of the situation she found herself in, and fast. She looked at the door, still open, and galloped while screaming her terrified head off. She ran right underneath the rats legs and went out into the light.

As the sun slowly shined on the castle, something else just passed the trees started changing. The land was beginning to be clouded in darkness. Twilight had only one, single choice. She needed to run across the bridge, where the light still shined. She saw the waters crash up against the polls, and heard her hooves make loud clops as she ran. Soon, she was there, panting, but safe for the moment in the middle of the bridge. Looking up at the mote, anything that touched that darkness disappeared, and the only things that weren’t touching it at the time was the bridge, and the high tower of the castle. She looked up and saw the last bit of sunlight hit the top. In an instant, Twilight saw Celestia flourish out of the castle’s summit, radiant and beautiful as always. She spread her wings and soared down to Twilight just in time to stop the rat from harming her. He,d leaped out of the darkness, sharp claws extended. Twilight whipped around and was stunned to see they were caught by the princess’s powerful magic. With a simple blink of her eyes, just as all four of her hooves touched the wood of the bridge, everything stopped, and turned to faint blackness.