• Published 1st Feb 2012
  • 681 Views, 2 Comments

Lost - Psyduck64

well, some pony's don't take certain things all to well. I'll just leave it at that

  • ...

the tragedy


"Listen Sweetie Belle, don't hate me, but i do NOT want you going out on your little adventures with the crusaders after dark, especially not considering the amount of time you end up in the Ever-Free forest"

"But Rarity!" Sweetie Belle complained "AppleBloom and Scootaloo are going, why can't I? we won't do anything too dangerous"

"I know you wont dear, but how many times have you told me those exact same words?" Rarity replied to her little sisters whining.

Sweetie Belle paused for a moment before replying with "Ten, maybe?" Rarity looked at her sister doubtfully. "Fifteen?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"More like fifty, and how many times has that statement been true?" Rarity replied.

"Umm, fifty?" Sweetie Belle looked hopefully towards her sister.

"More like zero. Now off to bed, i'll be upstairs in a moment to say goodnight, after i finish cleaning up down here." Rarity watched her sister mount the stairs and sighed. She truly did wish she didn't have to be so harsh on her. She knew how happy Sweetie Belle was when she went off on her adventures, and it was terrific life experience failing at things so often, even if that did sound a little harsh. Rarity had failed at plenty of things in her time, even fashion was something she had had to work towards. Sweetie Belle would understand in time, but she is too young to understand the danger of the situations she's put herself in, but for now it is Rarity's job to keep Sweetie Belle safe, and safe she will be.

Rarity finished the cleaning up and headed upstairs to her sisters room. She found Sweetie Belle somewhat sadly snuggling up to her pillow and looking a touch on the tearful side of things. Rarity truly did wish that she could have let Sweetie Belle go, and in a way she was going to. Rarity knew that Sweetie Belle was going to sneak out, which is most likely what Applebloom is doing as well, Rarity knew Applejack was just as protective of her little sister as she was of hers. So, after Rarity had said goodnight, she immediately went down stairs to don her trendy jacket and slip out the front door to wait for Sweetie Belle to climb out of her window. Which of course didn't take all too long (fillies aren't known for their patience) and followed as Sweetie Belle headed off for the Crusaders favorite meeting place, the treehouse.

Rarity realized she wasn't exactly dressed to hide in shadows, so she took the main road expecting Sweetie Belle to hide from her anyways. She was feeling terribly excited at the prospect of playing the part of the spy, and was looking forward to it. As she was working herself over her role, she realized she had missed the turn off towards the treehouse. She turned around and saw Sweetie Belle dash of into the tree's. Rarity turned and followed, sneaking from tree to tree until she reached the treehouse, which of course was emanating the loud voice of Scootaloo and Applebloom welcoming Sweetie Belle into the treehouse. Rarity realized she would have to wait a little while before the three girls actually decided to do anything, so she sat down beside a tree and patiently waited on the verdict of the girls activity for the night.

of course Rarity didn't need to wait long, 'Fillies are SO impatient' Rarity mumbled as she watched the girls leave the treehouse and head off to none other the the Ever-Free forest. She knew there was a ninety nine percent chance they would go there, but she still shook her head sadly as she resigned herself to the stupidity of her sister. Rarity set off in pursuit of the three excited fillies as she resigned herself to whatever idiotic activity they'd decided on tonight.

Rarity walked through the forest as quietly as she could, unfortunately she was still quite loud. Luckly the girls were making such a racket that they didn't notice Rarity's clumsy attempt at stealth. Rarity was so preoccupied, she didnt notice the girls had stop in a clearing and nearly blundered straight in after them. Luckily she was able to stop herself and hide behind a tree before she gave away her position. Sitting quietly behind the tree she listened to the girls as they got ready for their new attempt at finding their cutie marks.

"ready girls?" she heard Scootaloo cry out to her fellow Crusaders.

a chorus of "let's do it!"'s and "yea!"'s came from the group of fillies and Rarity waited anxiously for the announcement of the activity they had decided on.

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SINGERS YAY!" came the cry from the clearing and all three immediately burst into song.

Rarity sighed a sigh of relief. Out of all the activities they could have attempted, singing was the least likely to cause them harm. Rarity sat back and listened to the Crusaders trying their best at singing. She was proud to admit that Sweetie Belle by far was the star of the show, outclassing Scootaloo and Applebloom who ended up stopping themselves to listen to Sweetie Belle. Rarity was sorely tempted to step into the clearing and congratulate Sweetie Belle on her wonderful singing but she didn't want to ruin Sweetie Belle's night unless there was an immediate threat. She was almost asleep by the time the collective gasp of Scootaloo and Applebloom sounded through the clearing, silencing Sweetie Belle. Rarity peeked over at the fillies, who were all staring at Sweetie Belle's flank while Sweetie Belle squealed happily.

"MY CUTIE MARK!" Sweetie belle exclaimed very loudly, rustling some of the animals in the tree's.

"It's music! Ah knew as soon ya started singin' that it'd be tonight ya got yer cutie mark!" Applebloom said happily patting Sweetie Belle on the back.

"Wait ti'll Rarity see's this, shes going to be so proud" squealed Sweetie Belle, Rarity smiled in the shadows, thinking of the next morning when Sweetie Belle proudly walks into breakfast sporting her new cutie mark.

Rarity was just picturing the happy moment when there was a sudden rustling of the branches to her left and a small squeal from the clearing. Rarity turned to look into the clearing and was immediatly hurtling towards her little sister, who was cowering in the middle of the clearing with Applebloom and Scootaloo.

Approaching from the left and stalking towards the clearing where three Timberwolves, most likely attracted by the girls excited squealing. They crept towards the three fillies, heads low and teeth barred, red eyes blaring. At least twice the size of Rarity and more than three times the fillies, the Timberwolves reached the girls just as Rarity burst through the trees. Horn glowing with magic and eyes full of fear.

All three Timberwolves looked over at Rarity, causing her to stop in her tracks. Rarity was no Twilight Sparkle, but she had learned a little about magic and in the heat of the moment, the adrenaline pulsed through her veins as she concentrated on stopping the Timberwolves movement towards the fillies. The grass and flowers came out of the ground and began tying themselves around the feet of the Timberwolves, causing them to stumble. Rarity motioned for the three girls to get behind her, who immediately began to scramble towards Rarity. Rarity knew that her magic was not powerful enough to stop the Timberwolves for long, even with the extra adrenaline from the situation, and she knew that she couldn't outrun the Timberwolves, even at full strength. She knew it was her time to die, there is no denying that fact. She had accepted that as soon as she had cast the spell to save her sister, however she did not expect for Sweetie Belle to stay with her, and watch as her sisters magic slowly failed. She did not expect Sweetie Belle to try and save her own sister and distract the Timberwolves by running in the opposite direction. She did not expect the wolves to run after Sweetie Belle. And then her magic failed. Rarity was helpless but to watch as her sister was bitten and ripped apart by the brutal claws of the Timberwolves while letting out piercing yells of pain before letting out a wet, gurgling sound before falling to the ground with lifeless eyes starring directly at her sister. Then Rarity heard a audible snap and her vision cut out.