• Published 8th Jan 2013
  • 1,374 Views, 20 Comments

Luna's Super Secret Let's Play - Luna Plays Minecraft

It is Friday night, and Luna is having a secret Let's Play with friends.

  • ...

Shhh! It's A Secret!

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you do your Let's Play." Celestia said.

"But why?" Luna asked her.

"Do you not remember last time?"

Flash back...

The castle was shaking because of the loud music being played by Vinyl Scratch. Rainbow Dash and Luna were having a fight to the death in Minecraft Hunger games. Discord was playing with his Portal Gun, which he had pulled out of the screen while playing Portal. The castle was a wreck, the nobles were furious, and Celestia had a headache.

"Yes, I remember last time, Tia. And it was AWESOME." Luna said.

"The answer is no."

"But I already invited everypony!"

"If I know Twilight, she is busy studying, Lyra is researching Humans, Ms. Hooves is making muffins, Cadence is being princess, and Discord is in stone." Celestia told her.

"Not anymore..." This made Celestia sigh.

"I think it's time for you to raise the moon. I'm going to bed, and if I find out you had that Let's Play, it's a one way trip to the moon." Luna gulped loudly.

"Right. Of course. No Let's Plays. Got it. You just go to sleep and i'll go tell everypony that the Let's Play is off." Luna told her. Celestia smiled.

"Goodnight Luna."

"Goodnight Tia." Celestia left Luna alone in the throne room. Luna let out a sigh of relief, and opened the closet door. "You can all come out now." She told them. "Discord, why did you turn Twilight into a flightless bird? Change her back, and let's go. We all need to be really quiet so Celestia does not find out your here. All right?"

"Then it's good thing that Rainbow and Vinyl aren't here this time. Oh, what an awful morning I had..." Twilight said.

"I had a headache for a week from all of that loud music." Cadence muttered.

"Rainbow stole my muffin cannon and started firing it at ponies." Derpy said sadly.

"What are you talking about? That was my that stole your muffin cannon! I was wearing a rainbow wig." Discord said.

"How dare you steal my muffin cannon!"

"Silence!" Luna snapped. "Ah, here we are, my game room. Everypony get comfortable, and I'll go get some snacks." She told them, and left the room. Discord dashed to the game cabinet.

"Yes! She has Portal 3!" He cheered.

"But that game isn't even out yet." Twilight told him.

"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight. She's a princess. If she wants the game Portal 3, she gets the game Portal 3." He told her. Luna then came back into the room with cheese puffs, a twelve pack of Dr. Pepper, and cool sunglasses.

"Is everypony ready for our third Let's Play?" She asked, and everypony cheered quietly.

"Wait, third?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, you weren't invited to the first one..." Luna told her. "Anyways, let's get started with some Portal 3!" She said, and set up the game.

"This is going to be great! Did you know that Humans actually created Portal?" Lyra asked.

"Lyra, never bring up those horrid creatures again." Luna snapped, and started hooking up the other TV's in the room. "Now we can all play the Portal 3 singleplayer on different TV's. It's all set up, so just choose a TV and start." They all chose their spots and pressed the start button. Luna found herself in a wheat field. The same place they left off in Portal 2. The door to the shed was locked, and the Companion Cube was all burned and destroyed looking.

"I have no idea on what to do!" Cadence said.

"Harvest the wheat and make bread!" Lyra exclaimed.

"No, that's in Minecraft. Just, let me think about it." Luna said, moving her character forward.

"Let me read the box it came in." Twilight said. "Not finished. There is no game play past the wheat field." She read aloud. Everypony groaned.

"Alright, let's play a different game! I'll just spin this wheel I pulled out of nowhere to decide on the next game." Luna told them. She gave the wheel a good spin, and it landed on baize.




"He'll take my muffins!"

"Slender was also created by Humans."

"Yes! I love Slender!"

"Everypony shut up. Now let me just hook up the computer to your screens, and we can all take turns. Ready?" Luna asked.

"No, I need to turn the lights off!" Discord said, and shot to the light switch.

"Don't you dare!" Twilight gasped.

"Aw, is Twilight afraid of the dark? Well it's going to become your worst nightmare after playing this." He grinned, and flipped the switch.

"Discord, sit down. I'll play the first game." Luna said, and pressed play.

"I remember Rainbow Dash telling me that he works at Mcdonalds." Derpy told them.

"He does. And on his breaks he actually goes into the game, and changes it." Luna said, trying to scare the young mare.

"How so?" She asked, eyes widening.

"He'll change where the pages are, so you have less chance of winning. I heard that one time, he added... Oh god i'm shaking just thinking about it." Luna told her.

"What did he add?"

"He added... Oh, let's just play and find out." She said, and started the game. She was in a dark forest, with only a small flashlight. She made her character start walking forward. Before long, she found her first page on a tree.

"Luna, move faster!" Twilight urged.

"Calm down, Twilight Sparkle. This is only the first page. We probably won't even see Slender until the second." Luna told her, and continued on. She found the next page a few minutes later on a rock. She was about to keep going, when she heard a crash. Twilight was clearly fighting back a scream. Luna kept going, shaking off her fear. Discord was watching intently, hogging the cheese puffs. Luna kept going, until she found a bathroom.

"Oh, go into the mare's bathroom! Slenderman wouldn't dare go in there." Discord said.

"Sure, i'll look for a page in there." She replied, and went into the mare's bathroom. While she looked for a page, something was inching it's way to her. She turned around, and there was Slenderman.

"AHHHH TURN THE LIIGHT ON! TURN THE GOD DAMN LIGHT ON!" Twilight screamed. Luna stuck a hoof in Twilight's mouth, and tried to run from Slender, but he caught her. She expected to be killed, and see the scary picture at the end, but it didn't come. What did come, was much worse. Music started playing. Colorful lights started flashing, and Slender started dancing.

"Give me twenty dollars, Give me twenty dollars, give me twenty dollars." He sang. Everypony screamed at the top of their lungs, but Discord just started dancing too. Luna dashed for the light switch, flipping it. She sighed in relief as light came from the bulb hanging from the ceiling. Just then, Celestia spoke from the other side of the door.

"Luna, what's going on? I heard screaming." She said.

"Quick, hide in the game cabinet! It's big enough for you all to fit in there, so go!" She snapped, shoving them into it. Once they were hidden, Celestia walked in.

"What's going on?" She asked.

"Oh, i'm sorry sister. I was just playing Slender, and I got a bit scared." Luna told her.

"Oh no, did he do the twenty dollar thing? That is the scariest shit i've ever seen..." Celestia replied.

"Tia! Language! But I will be having nightmares from it..."

"Yes... Well, if you need me, i'll be in my room. Goodnight." Celestia said.

"Goodnight sis." And Celestia left the room. All of her guests then tumbled out of the closet.

"No, it is not big enough for all of us to fit in!" Discord snapped.

"Sorry everypony. Let's get back to our Let's Play." Luna told them.

"Well we aren't playing Slender again." Lyra said.

"Right. I know! Let's play Capture The Flag. I made this one. Let me set it up." Luna said, and began setting it up. When everypony was ready to play, Luna divided them into teams of three. "Twilight and Cadence, you're on my team. Derpy and Lyra, you're on Discords team. Here is how you play. I'm blue team, you're red team. the goal is to defend your teams flag and capture the other team's. First team to capture the other team's flag three times wins. You defend with guns, and when you kill a player, that player is out of the game. Understand?" Everypony nodded. "Good. 3...2...1...Begin!" Nothing happened.

"Luna, you said you made this game, right?" Twilight asked.

"Yup. I even colored it."

"You mean coded it?"

"No..." Twilight face-hoofed.

"Did you only draw the picture?"

"Isn't that how you make games?"


"Aw poo." Just then, Celestia walked in.


"Er... No?"

"That's it, you're going to the moon."

"No!" Luna screamed, and then she was gone. Everypony just looked at Celestia in shock.

"Get out!" She snapped, and they did just that.


"Thanks for coming to the moon to continue our let's play." Luna told them.

"No problem, Princess." Twilight said.

"I only came because Cadenza is forcing me." Discord said, but was then slapped by Cadence.

"Wow, it's so cool how there is air up here." Lyra told them.

"Um... there's not." Luna said.

"There's not?!" Twilight exclaimed.

"No... I thought you knew that." Luna told her. A second later, Twilight, Lyra, and Derpy died. Luna and Cadence looked at the bodies in horror.

"Well, are we going to play video games, or not?" Discord asked?


The End

Author's Note:

Wow. I can't believe the chapter is so long...
Truthfully, I scared myself when writing the Slender part.
The image in my head the whole time while writing this was Luna eating a banana.