• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 5,570 Views, 139 Comments

Poke Fans in Equestria - Xinrick

my name is wolf and ive been turned into a blazekin, so join me on a great adventure

  • ...

Chapter 9

I woke up with a yawn as the next day came. Morning already. Ugh, I don't get enough sleep…

I pulled myself up from the pile. Mew was still clung to me like a scarf.

“Holy hell…” I yawned and stretched, feeling my bones snap crackle and pop in me. “So tired…”

I managed to slip out of Mew's grip, walk around and over my other sleeping beauties and made it to the door of the tree, sneaking out and letting myself drop down to the ground below, landing with practiced ease and no damage myself.

The cool morning air woke me up, and the morning sunrise over the garden looked amazing.

I took a deep breath and sighed. “Nothing to really worry about for once…awesome.”

It had been a while since I exterminated all the Flesh Wearers and found all the remaining Pokemon that were on the planet. For the most part my days are filled with farming, construction, fishing, and practicing my moves and teaching them to the others.

My nights are filled with the girls and few other males here helping to repopulate.

I used to think the excessive breeding two pokemon could do in the games was unrealistic… yeah they corrected that thought with how fast these girls actually lay the eggs…

All in all, I'm kept busy.

“Still surprised about the new breeding fetish but…god does it feel good…” I muttered and shook my head with a chuckle.

I walked over to the patch of potatoes, the crops were looking good.

“So glad grass moves can make this easy to do…” I sighed thankfully.

I was checking the crops as normal. All seem good. I moved to check the chickens and such.

"You've done very well here." I jumped, turning and seeing Nyx.

“Stop…doing that!” I groaned, hating whenever these people jumpscare me like this.

"No. And congratulations. It's been the ten years. You finished it really fast."

“Surprised it’s been ten years…” I said honestly. “All just kinda…blurred together honestly.”

"Yet you've built a thriving settlement, filled with farms, children and your army of lovers." Nyx said with a chuckle.

“Still really glad I picked up botany…” I sighed. “But yeah…it was a bit rough sometimes but thankfully it all worked out.”

"You can also go back now." Nyx said. "Back home it will have only been ten minutes you've been gone."

“R-really?” I asked in shock and surprise.

"Yes. Once you are ready I'll realign time to be the same here as it is on Equis, and you can teleport between the two. After all, you are now the God of this world."

“Cool…” I said, taking a moment and realizing…I can go home…I can see Roxy again…

"You should probably inform your lovers and children. At least the ones old enough to talk and not still in eggs or in diapers."

“True.” I nodded. “Hey everyone, you hear me?” I telepathically told everyone to get them all to either wake up or pay attention.

In about half an hour, all my mates and children old enough gathered around.

“Good news everyone! We’re heading to the world I was…semi originally from.” I said readily.

"All of us?" Flare asked.

“Yes, and you can meet so many new people, experience new things, and all around be safer, cause there are no roaming monsters that will hunt us down in this new world.” I said honestly, even though that was mostly true…I still had a damned Parasprite Queen to deal with.

"But, we like our world." Mew said.

“I mean…I’d at least like to show you the place?” I said nervously. “I mean, you won’t have to be gone from this world forever…right?” I looked to Nyx for more context on that.

"You can open portals for them or anyone between Equis and this world." Nyx said.

“Well, that’s good to know.” I nodded. “I’d still like to show you all this new world and my original mates.”

With that settled, Nyx did whatever it was she did and taught me about how to open the portals, how to make them bigger or smaller, and how to teleport just myself or another between the world's as well.

It was actually easier than I expected.

With a deep breath I warped myself back and I was back in the training gym on Equis. Everything the same from how it was when I left really… wow.

"Damn…ten minutes really did pass…" I hummed. "Good to know…now…to find Roxy and Gilda…"

I rushed back to the shared bedroom and opened the doors. Inside I saw Gilda on the mattress, her eggs on a pillow wrapped in a blanket next to her.

"Hey Gilda." I said. "Have you seen Roxy?"

"She just left for her training with Celestia… woah… the Fuck Nyx do to you?" Gilda asked. "You look… ripped."

I hadn't noticed personally, but I guess with the new Godhood, all the hunting, farming, construction and… sex, I did get pretty jacked… huh. No wonder the girls never leave me alone.

"Uh…yeah, this is a lot to explain and I'd like Roxy here so I didn't explain…all the nonsense a second time." I signed, moving over and hugging Gilda cause I haven't for over 10 years.

"Woah!..." Gilda said, suddenly feeling my chest and arms. "Dude you're like a rock! …Since Roxy is currently away… wanna pass the time til she does?"

"Please." I said warmly, just missing these two so much. "What did you have in mind?"

"Isn't it obvious?" She asked, giving me a kiss and pulling me over her.

I learned a lot while having to regularly please multiple women, and a few males, ranging in size, shape and thickness.

Gilda was last with me before all that.

To say I broke her…

"Come on! One more round!" Gilda said, trying to keep me on the bed but ended up getting pulled off as she clung to me, her legs long since limp from…

"Gilda please." I chuckled, gently patting her head. "Unless exhibitionism is okay in this world I need to do some stuff." I said, cause thinking of literally walking around while Gilda bounced on me for every movement I made…ugh, damn it why does that sound weirdly hot?

"Agh! Fine, but I'll be waiting here when you get back and I expect to pass out from it… sheesh how did you get so good I got addicted like this?" Gilda asked as a moment of clarity hit her and she managed to slide herself back into the bed and under some sheets. "How is it I can't feel my legs but I can sure as shit feel the…" She shivered. "This reminds me of this sex novel I once read."

“I’ll explain it when I get Roxy.” I said, gently patting her head. “Now get your rest so you can actually feel things again.”

"Not for long, I still expect another few rounds when you get back with her." Gilda said, chuckling before giving me a quick kiss.

Now, Roxy should be in training with Celestia.

It took a bit but I managed to find her, practicing Psychic moves and still as beautiful as she was when I left… and still pregnant.

“Roxy?” I asked carefully.

She turned out, looking at me with a smile. "Hey Wooof…" She said, her face going blank at seeing my… new muscles. "What happened to you and how quickly can we get to the bedroom?"

“I’ll explain after the possible many rounds of sex…cause you and Gilda both need to hear this cause it’s a lot.”

I brought Roxy back to the bedroom, and proceeded to treat her right after ten years, from my perspective, away from my love.

Gilda and Roxy swapped, tag teamed and all in all kept going til finally after… maybe ten hours both finally passed out on top of me. The sheets would need to be incinerated, the mattress too, but for now I just slept with them on me in this sticky mess…

When they did finally wake up I helped them shower and once that was done and the sheets and mattress burned, we all sat down for the talk.

"So… you were gone for ten whole years and for us it was only ten minutes?" Roxy asked.

“Yeah…ten years without you two and…well, a lot of monster hunting, farming, becoming a God of War…and a whole lot of sex with an entire pack of pokemon…” I said sheepishly. “So…yeah, that’s my entire story.”

"So that's how you got so fucking good. I mean you were good before but that… that is a whole new ballpark of leg melting, knee bending sex I thought only existed in porn." Gilda said.

"True. I felt like the female protagonist of a hentai." Roxy added, blushing a bit. "So, how many other brides does my Breeding Rooster have?"

"About…forty, with ten males and thirty females." I said honestly. "But because I was their alpha, I didn't have…certain things happen." I said carefully. "And…well, I had a lot of experience with all the women…all of varying sizes and thickness…ho boy were they all meant for breeding…"

"Pretty sure if ya knocked them all up and kept them knocked up you're more the breeder than they are." Gilda said with a chuckle.

"Wait… ten males?" Roxy asked. "Wolf, did you do it with men too?!"

"I mean, yeah, they all wanted to be taken by their alpha just like the women." I admitted. "Didn't want to leave them out and…well, you can imagine ten years of that can give you a hell of a breeding kink…"

"Damn it!" Roxy yelled, making me flinch. "How could I miss the incredibly hot sight of you ass blasting another - Wait did they also get to ride your ass?"

"No, I didn't do that part." I shook my head. "I mean, if you both want I can take you to the world where everyone is." I said honestly.

"I guess…" Roxy sighed. "So… you have kids there?" I nodded. "Lot of kids?" I nodded again. "Is it safe there?"

"Eh…kinda?" I said sheepishly. "It's a big world with a lot of things that are dangerous, but the town I've made is safe." I said readily. "Oh, and also apparently two new Pokemon games came out, cause I helped breed a new Pokemon, a grass kitty named Spriggatito."

"Awh, that's adorable. Well, guess we should introduce ourselves to your fellow baby mamma's and such."

“Yeah…and uh…thanks for not…thinking I’m a monster…”

"A monster in bed maybe." Gilda said, she and Roxy both chuckling and blushing.

“That’s not what I meant…” I sighed. “But alright you two, let’s get going to my world.” I said as I tried opening up a portal to my town.

"You fucked legendaries?!" Roxy yelled.

Upon arrival we were greeted by Flare, who Roxy immediately gained a liking of. Then Gnite, who she envies for her hips and the fact she was formerly a he.

Then we were greeted by Mew, Celebie, Jerachi, and the rest.

"Correction. He is fucking and knocking up legendaries." Gilda said.

“Yes…and before I was this good, I didn’t feel my legs for a few days with Gnight,” I spanked the horny female Dragonites ass which got a loving squeak from her. “And then Kyurem…who is a mountain of a lady and I couldn’t feel my everything for a week.”

"Yes, now he leaves me in a pile of eggs and my own fluids then moves to the next mate." Gnite said with a smile, giving me a quick kiss before leaving and going back to her chores on the fields.

"Okay, first off, hot… so fucking hot… second… damn it why can't I lay eggs that fast? I'm still gonna be growing this baby before I lay it out in an egg." Roxy huffed.

"I don't even wanna know how many eggs he fertilized in me. But the nest is definitely gonna need to expand." Gilda said.

“Y-yeah…” I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my head as I was doing a lot of sex stuff.

"This place is really beautiful though." Roxy added. "Kinda like a never ending jungle."

“Yeah, it is a beautiful place.” I said honestly. “Was…a lot more dangerous back then…”

"But you made it safe." Roxy said, taking my hand. "I know what you told us, what it cost you and what you did, but look around. Because of you not only are they thriving but they are very quickly repopulating." Roxy laughed a little at that. "It may not be the kindest work and it might be dirty but we'll always be right here for you when you're done Wolf."

“Thanks Roxy.” I said with a smile. “It…it always means a lot to hear that.”

"So… what will you do now then Wolf?" Gilda asked. "You can take on basically demons single handedly. Can you handle an army?"

I paused, then smirked. Oh those Nazi Griffons are screwed!

“Oh my sweet Gilda, those Nazi Griffon’s are going to wish they were never born.” I said happily.

"So let me get this straight." Celestia said as she and I sat in her throne room. "You were gone for ten years in this other world and ten minutes in this one?"

“Time is weird, yes.” I nodded. “Nyx did a thing with all that…”

"And in those ten years you saved it's native Pokemon species from extinction at the hands of these bizarre demon creatures, became a God, killed a timelines worth of gods and people, killed all these demon creatures, spend the remaining eight and a half years building a town and helping the locals repopulate, four of which are also gods, and then after returning here, spending time with your mates and showing them this new world you now are the god of, slaughtered the entire enemy griffin army in less than five hours and was crowned the new king of the griffins?"

“I mean, there was also the five hour festival that was had…” I brought up, though I blushed a bit at how many of the female griffon’s were happy to practically throw themselves at me because of my daring heroics.

"Right." Celestia nodded. "That was… fourteen new additions to your harem as they all were brought here, in a state the doctors described as 'Blissfully Pleasured' and only slightly dehydrated and with some cramped and pulled muscles and some rear side bruises in the shape of your hand." I blushed. "You certainly have taken to being a God. Wasn't expecting you to also take on so many mates but, I suppose it is a right of passage for first time gods. Older gods know I was a slut in my youth…"

“Oh…” I said, looking up and down Celestia and…I shook my head. “I don’t mean to go around plowing every female, or wanting male, I see…it just happens…”

"I'm aware. Like I said it's a phase every new god goes through. Be them ascended or born to it, it will pass."

“Maybe and hopefully…” I said sheepishly. “So…the only thing left is to help train Roxy and…deal with the Parasprite Queen.”

"Yes. Roxy is advancing in her abilities and skill in magic quickly. Not as quickly as you however. Then again you did get a little help there, granted it was help very much needed." Celestia nodded. "Perhaps Nyx is willing to give Roxy the same help. Would greatly improve our odds."

“We’d have to ask her…but I’m just concerned about what she’ll have to do cause while I was going through the steps to be a God of War, she’s supposed to be a Goddess of Life right?”

"That is correct, yes. It will be rather different from your God Training but just as intense."

I sighed. “Well, after Roxy gives birth to our kid cause I sure as hell don’t want her to do that while she’s pregnant.”

"She might have to." I jumped at seeing Nyx appear between Celestia and I. "God of Life training requires new life be brought to a world or returned to it. Her being pregnant now makes it easier in the long run."

“O-oh…” I muttered. “That’s…I mean that makes sense but still…”

"It's not like she'll be fighting Wolf. Rule one of Gods of Life is that they shall not spill blood."

“Well…that’s good.” I nodded. “She’ll be, hopefully, safe enough wherever the hell you’ll be throwing her…”

"She'll have what she needs to get started. It's just gonna be a while for her to finish her task." Nyx said. "You should go bring her here then."

“Well…hopefully she’ll also be okay with this…” I sighed, heading off to go find Roxy.

I found her in the Library looking through some.books. "Hey Wolf. Why so glum? With the way those new griffin girls looked Inl thought you'd be in a better mood." She laughed.

“I mean…yeah.” I said sheepishly. “But the question I have for you is that…do you want to do the same kind of training I did? Be in another world for ten or so years to become a Goddess?”

"Woah… that's a loaded question…" She said, closing her book. "I guess, given how strong and such you are now that you're back… it would be best." She nodded. "It's not like that much time will be gone for you here right?"

“Yeah…” I said, gently putting a hand on hers. “I’m just…worried for your safety ya know? Cause while I know your probably going to get some harem bigger than mine…I just want to make sure you’re okay with this cause the world’s are dangerous…”

"I know… and it will be weird at first but I'll eventually return to you. And besides, I know you're horny will want to show up any reverse harem men I get while there." She chuckled.

“I’m sure that’ll go down well.” I chuckled. “Jeez, getting into weird harem protagonist levels here…”


[Roxy's POV]

I was now on a world that looked… dead. The sun was in the sky and baking the ground and few trees that were here.

Wow, it's hot.

"Welcome to Hescurla. A nearly dead planet." Nyx motioned her arms out to all around.

“Alright…the fuck happened?” I asked worriedly.

"My aunt." Nyx said. "Big battles, lots of loss of life, the usual. Normally these end in total extinction but there's a few survivors still on this planet that will help you, and like your horny baby daddy will also be with you romantically."

“Right.” I nodded. “So…how long am I here?”

"As long as it takes you to help repopulate and regrow all the nature here on the planet."

“So that’s probably going to take forever…” I sighed. “Well…best get started with finding the survivors.”

"Nearest one is that way." Nyx pointed in the direction. "But before you go, to make this easier on you I need to alter your biology a bit."

“Oh? How so?” I inquired, wondering what Nyx is going to do to me. “And…will it hurt the baby?”

"Not at all. Actually it will benefit both the baby and your sex life." Nyx said, snapping her fingers.

Suddenly I was taller, felt heavier in certain areas. Looking down I was easily two cup sizes larger, possibly three, and my hips! I could rival Gnite now! Chest and Hips wise. Height wise I think I gained two feet…

“Whoa…this is…” I looked over myself again. “This is insane…and I’m sexy as hell…”

"You are now what is known as a Den Mother species. Across the multiverses Den Mothers, and the Male counterpart, True Alpha's, exist as a form of… species reset button."

“Oh…” I said. “That’s…wow, I didn’t think that was possible…”

"It is. Den Mothers and True Alpha's are constantly fertile. Den Mothers being the perfect mother biologically for their species and True Alpha's exist as a perfect hunter, protector and care taker. Both are genetically compatible with any species, this includes their own descendants. Said descendants retain this benefit until nine generations down by then their DNA will have developed enough to have unique enough strands to not need to… interbreed anymore. Ya know that Adam and Eve story your world vomits up from your overplayed religion? Den Mother Human, True Alpha human. Only thing that book got right was their age, Den Mothers and True Alpha's live a long ass time."

“Huh…” I blinked, kind of getting thrown for a loop at all this. “So…that’s…good to know.”

"Yeah. Anyways a few added benefits for your specific type of Den Mother, being a Gardevoir/human, your milk tanks there aren't just for show, they're full, will always be full and the nutrients on the milk in there can bring a starving man back from the brink of death, no matter where or who you Fuck or are fucked you will always get pregnant, your eggs will lay in a week and hatch in two, also if you bed women you can still get pregnant by them, just a twenty percent chance of that happening."

“Okay that’s pretty cool…gonna ruin Wolf’s hips so bad…” I muttered as I thought about what I can do with my new mountainous hips.

"Yeah well now for the important part of this." Nyx started. "As you are now, aside from your Pokemon powers, you have no godly powers. At least not until your current egg comes out. Then they will start to manifest."

“Alright…and what will my god powers be like?”

"As a Goddess of Life they fall into two categories. Creating life and guiding life. Your powers and divine powers will be linked to the health of both the planet and your children and other descendants. Basically, the more this planet becomes green and vibrant, and the older and healthier your kids become as well as the amount of kids, grandkids, ETC, you have determines your strength. Once they awaken after you lay your first egg you can begin to grow plants from the soil and as I said, the more you have kids and the more plants you grow ETC you get the idea."

“That’s…pretty cool.” I nodded, gently putting a hand on my baby bump. “This is gonna be a wild ride I can just imagine…”

"Gonna be a very sex filled one too." Nyx said. "Welp, see ya in however long it takes you to Fuck this planet to life."

With that she was gone…

Okay, direction. Nearest person was that way she said so… guess I start walking.

“Oh boy…good thing I ran track at least…” I muttered, glad to know I’m at least fit enough to not hate what’s about to happen.

I started off with a basic jog, heading down the horizon looking for anything someone might live in. A cave or some ruins. Each step made my new assets bounce and jiggle like mad…

Damn, I'm getting turned on by myself…


I managed to squeeze a bit of my own milk out and taste… holy crap this tastes way better than Celestia's.

Oh I am so gonna love the shit out of this body!

“This is gonna be awesome~!” I cheered.

I continued my jog, stopping for a…drink every so often. Stay hydrated and all~

Eventually I managed to find the ruins of what looked to be a city. It was a more modern city, skyscrapers, cars, all that was around here…

Also a lot of skeletons. Some looked human, others… like the ponies on Equis. Some looked like Pokemon from Wolf's world. Others looked like species I've never seen before.

“The hell kinda place is this?” I frowned, finding it rather strange that there’s just…so many different races all in one spot without it looking like some futuristic place.

I walked around the bones. I didn't see weapons or anything so they weren't fighting each other…

They all looked like they were just going about their day then… something happened.

Bombs? Would explain the lack of plants and the barren desert out there.

I found myself in front of what I hoped to find this survivor in. A supermarket.

Walking inside it was dark and barely any light came from the broken skylights above.

Inside were even more skeletons. Some next to shopping carts. Some at the checkout lines.

The hell actually happened here?

“Nyx’s aunt…who the hell is she and how the hell did this happen?”

I walked through the isles, finding spoiled, rotten or expired food still sitting and dirty on the shelves-


I looked down, finding an empty can on the ground.

Okay… empty can. That's good. That means someone at least was here… right?

“Hello?” I called out carefully.

No response… okay… maybe it was a while ago?

I picked up the can, looking it over… yeah. Was a while ago. Okay need to- ooof!

I felt a sudden shift in my stomach, like a mass was- Holy crap I'm laying my egg?! Already?! I know it's been a while before I got this body but still!

“Oh no~...” I groaned, getting to a clear enough spot and sitting down. “Come on…it just had to be now?” I groaned.

I pushed, feeling way less effort than I was expecting and eventually my egg slid out of me, wet and a little sticky.

Immediately any soreness or ache I was having was gone… actually I felt… good? Like, like something was new- Duh… Goddess powers are now active.

I sat down, picking up my egg and wiping off some dust it picked up from the floor. The egg was similar to a normal Pokemon Egg, only being a shimmering red with green spots.

“Crap…I should have gotten a name with Wolf before this…” I groaned. “But…alright, gave birth to my first kid…gonna hatch in two weeks…and now I should be getting Goddess powers…however the fuck that’s supposed to work…”

I picked myself up, gently holding my egg and feeling it… it's so warm… holy crap… I… I made this… I made THIS!

I started crying, feeling joy and sadness hit me as soon I'd need my baby… and they will have to wait so long to meet Wolf…

“I’m sorry my child…” I cried, cause even though I was so excited to be a mother…they won’t know their father for the longest time. “God damn it…”

I managed to wipe my tears away, and placed the egg in a safe and warm place. Between my breasts.

Thankfully my Gardevoir dress grew with my new body so it was held firmly between the two milkers and left my hands free.

Only the top of my egg was poking out, mainly for myself so I could see it.

With that I went back to walking around the place, finding little else here. I did come across a pile of rotten fruit… hmm…

Okay, now how does this work…

"Focus on what you wish to renew life into and Invision it as you want it to be and flow your divine grace into it."

I jumped! Who, what and where did that voice come from?!

“Uh…who said that and where are you?” I asked worriedly.

"I am your divine assistant. I am a helper entity designed to assist in teaching a new god about their powers and of any new developments in their divinity or environment."

“Alright…that’s…surprising.” I said readily. “So…all I have to do is…think of what I want to do and it happens?”

"You must focus outwards your divine energy. At your current state, you are most likely to make grass grow, flowers bloom, and aid a seed into becoming a sapling."

“Well…that’s good.” I nodded, walking outside as I carefully held my egg as I stepped foot onto the barren soil and took a deep breath, trying to envision grass growing around my feet like some anime nonsense.

I focused for a while, eventually found a white/green energy flow from my hand. Once it did, green grass began growing out from where I stood…


“This is…really cool.” I said with a smile.

I took a few steps, the grass growing ahead of my foot with each step. Okay, okay I got a good feeling for this.

I stopped the energy flow after a while. Okay, that was cool.

With that done I walked along the streets, looking for some sign of this survivor.

“Hello?” I called out. “Is anyone here?”

Still nothing. Where could they-

"Old McDonald had a farm!" A song from the nearby toy store started playing.

I immediately ran inside, finding all the toys scattered around and towards the back was a large tent.

“Uh…hello?” I called out carefully.

Slowly I walked up to the tent and opened the flap.

Laying on a makeshift bed of stuffed animals and dirty pillows and blankets was… a boy. He was human and thin. Too thin. He looked dirty and starved.

He looked like he was starved and severally dehydrated. His eyes looked a thousand yards away even if he was looking right at me.

He breathed short weak breaths…

No! No, no, no, no!

I immediately remembered what Nyx said, “Your breast milk can save people at the brink of death.” “Well…here goes nothing…” I said, putting my egg down and bringing up the little boy to my exposed breast. “Come on, drink it…” I said, slightly pleading in hopes that they would latch on with what strength they had and drink.

He wasn't doing anything. With a grunt I squeezed some out and into his mouth. A few more times of that and he swallowed. He then latched on like a newborn and drank.

I sighed, relieved as the boy suckled from me…

Weird. Normally when Wolf does this, it feels hot and I'm turned on… right now I just feel… calming? Relaxing? Natural even?

I shook the thoughts away as the child stopped drinking off my teat and fell asleep. His breathing much deeper than before.

Well… I found the survivor… wasn't what I was expecting… but better to save a kid than screw around with some guy anyway.

“Alright…so I have a child…and my unborn kid…” I muttered.

Now that he wasn't about to die, I got a better look at the kid. His hair was a huge mess of brown, dirty hair. His legs were covered in grime and his feet…hands?

I looked at where his feet should be, instead seeing a pair of hands the same as his, well, hands on his arms… okay? So maybe different species of human?

“Alright…so child with monkey feet…sure…” I frowned. “But we’re gonna need to get you a bath…”

Knowing I'm not going anywhere for a while, I grabbed my egg, put it back between my breasts and got comfy next to the kid as I tried to nap.

I awoke to the familiar sensation of being groaped.

Opening my eyes I spotted the monkey kid, apparently squeezing one of my knockers curiously.

“Hi there.” I said softly to the child, trying to see if I could use my psychic powers to understand what the child might say if there is a weird language barrier.

"Ah!" They yelped, letting go and pulling their hands back with a blush.

Firstly, it was night I realized. Second, there was a battery powered lamp on which was how I could see, and thirdly, the kid looked… better. He wasn't the mummy he basically was, he had regained mass…

I looked down at my boobs… holy crap that's potent stuff…

"You… fed me your uh…, your milk…?" The kid asked, blushing bright red.

“Yes I did.” I said, giggling a little as I thought the kid was a little cute. “What’s your name?”

"Taro. Uh… what's your name?" He asked.

“My name is Roxy.” I said politely. “So…do you…know what happened here?”

He frowned, looking away and down. "You… really don't know?"

“Let’s say I’m…new around here.” I said carefully. “I was told from someone that a bad person came down but…I don’t really know what truly happened.”

Taro was quiet for a while, but eventually spoke up. "We… were forsaken…" He said. "The All Makers left us…"

“Rude.” I frowned. “Why did they leave?”

"I don't know. Do you know about the All Makers?"

“I know about her niece…and she wanted me to help bring life back to this planet.” I said softly.

"Are… are you an All Maker?"

“No, I’m an up and coming Goddess of Life.” I said softly.

Taro was quiet for a while. He then managed to push himself up and stand. He shook a bit, still weak but strong enough to move and he did. I followed him down the dark moonlit streets to what I recognized as a church. Inside though was no chairs or altar, or podium. Rather was detailed paintings along the stone from floor to ceiling in the massive chamber.

"The All Makers made this world." Taro said, pointing at the image of a small wolf like creature in a cloak forming the planet from space dust. "They made the skies, the mountains, rivers, oceans, plants, and all the people." He said, the next image showing all kinds of creatures, one I recognized at Nyx, forming the various life forms and parts of the world. "After that, they left, showing up here and there to tell the people things or inform us about new knowledge."

He then turned around, and before me was the image of what kinda reminded me of the girl from the grudge but on steroids. "This is All Maker Pain. The Mother of Monsters and Bringer of Death. We were told if she came to our world she would plague it with monsters to slaughter us all. She did come, thirty years ago. For a long time we fought back, held our own. Then, two years ago she finished us off. She sent the sun itself to kill us. It turned a dark purple… and everyone dropped. I don't know why I didn't die… I wish I did. After that, the sun went back to normal and Pain left."

“What a jerk.” I frowned.

"She's a monster…" Taro said. "So… an All Maker sent you here to… save us?"

“Yep.” I nodded. “It’s my charge to help save what survivor’s are here, bring life back to the planet and repopulate as much as I can.”


“Well, I’m going to become a Goddess of Life,” I said, focusing a bit and a daisy flower sprouted from the floor. “So it’s my job to do such a thing.”

"But the world is all dead. That will take a long time."

“I’ve been given as long as I need.” I said. “And it’ll get faster the longer I do this cause I’ll get stronger the more life I help.”

"I guess that makes sense. But what will we eat?"

“For the time being, my breast milk, given what I am currently, which is a Den Mother, my milk can help sustain us for a while…or as long as needed hopefully.”

"Oh… oh…" Taro blushed again. "So… that explains it. I've never seen a Den Mother like you before though."

“Yeah…didn’t even know Den Mother’s existed before Nyx helped.” I said honestly. “So…yeah, I’m here to help do a lot of things.”

To be continued...