• Published 11th Jan 2013
  • 5,555 Views, 139 Comments

Poke Fans in Equestria - Xinrick

my name is wolf and ive been turned into a blazekin, so join me on a great adventure

  • ...

Chapter 8

I…I didn’t know what to do, as I kneeled here, looking at my forever blood stained hands…I…I was supposed to be a good guy, a hero…I know I chose this route, I know I would do thing’s that I wouldn’t like…but it was for the people I care about…it was for the safety of my people…

It was to protect…


“How…” I muttered. “How can I…be seen as anything but a monster…” I muttered, tears filling my eyes as I thought of how I couldn’t see anyone ever again, I couldn’t be with my entire tribe…I couldn’t be with my kids…I couldn’t go back

"Are you ready to return to your timeline?"

“How can I return to my timeline…if I’m like this?” I asked bluntly. “How can I go back to the one’s I love with hands like these?” I asked, even without looking at my hands…I could still feel the blood.

"You say, 'Yes, take me back to my timeline' then I open a portal to it." Dialga said rather bluntly.

I blinked. “I feel like we’re on different pages here, cause you’re acting like this isn’t actually an excruciatingly massive problem.”

"Should it be?"

“I literally killed every living thing on your planet in a blind murderous rage how the fuck should it not be a problem?” I asked.

"I knew this was coming. This is not the only timeline you slaughtered. You, across multiple timelines, commit mass genocides. The fact I was born to this one is irrelevant."

I frowned. “Fine…whatever…just send me back…” I shook my head, hating Dialga’s contrarian ‘well, I’ve seen everything so you can’t affect me mehmehmehmehmeh’.

With a nod he opened a portal in front of me.

With a sigh, I walked through it. I exited it outside by the river… guess I should wash up…

“This fucking sucks…” I muttered, stepping into the water and not feeling any pain or stinging…just feels like water now. “Can’t wait to head back…” I muttered, trying to wash myself off in some desperate attempt to take away the blood.

As I did, my hands moved over my arms. Feeling the chains around, in, and under my skin… strange. It doesn't hurt but I can feel the metal. Doesn't seem to be affecting my hand, finger or wrist movement's.

“Forever a reminder that I’m a walking talking extinction event…” I grumbled.

It took a while but I managed to clean myself off. The blades still linked by chains that were loose and stuck out around my mid forearms. Hm… I wonder…

I pulled out one of them out of the water and looked it over. I raised it up, and threw it at a tree. The chains length suddenly extending, letting the blade impact and stab into the bark while the chain glowed a moonlight blue.

“Okay…that’s at least a bit cool.” I said lightly, grabbing the chain and pulling it back.

It retracted almost like a measuring tape, and landed right in my grasp… hm…

I stood up, putting both blades to my hips as if they had sheaths. They clung to my sides like magnets.

I moved them to my back, like Kratos and they clung the same. Huh. Well that's useful.

“Alright…good to know that they’ll stay on me no matter what…” I muttered, trying to think of anything else that wasn’t…from before.

Hmm… I know Dialga said I also absorbed a lot of the legendaries from his timeline…

Well, at least this makes dealing with the possessed ones here much easier. I might actually be able to take on the possessed Arceus single handedly.

“Well…first, I need to see what Legendaries power I absorbed…” I muttered, using my Psychic powers to try and see how many I absorbed into me.

Hmm… let's see… okay, looks like it's just about… almost all of them. Only missing Deoxys, Arceus, Mew and Celibi.

“Jeez…” I sighed. “I can only imagine how pissed a lot of the spirits in me are…but well…that means I have the power of every type…space…antimatter, wishes…dreams and nightmares…” I muttered in growing wonder at the massive list of god like powers I now had.

Hmm… I wonder…

I closed my eyes, focusing on how to do this… okay, think… and…

I opened my eyes, seeing the portal to the distortion world before me. Heh! It worked- oh crap!

I side stepped in time to avoid a giant, mangled, red eyed Giratina as it flew out of the portal trying to bite at me. It turned to look at me and I knew… it's my timeline Giratina. Infected by those monsters.

“Sup Asshole.” I said, leaping forward as I tried using Play Rough, a Fairy attack that I still hoped weaknesses could work against these assholes and I didn’t want to absorb it’s soul through my blades. And considering I had, before god powers were taken into account, I now had the strength to pull literal continents around this was probably going to suck for this pokemon version of satan.

I threw the punch-

Wait what?

I spotted the lower half of Giratina on the ground… then it rained blood.

What the Fuck?!?!

“Uh!” I kinda started to panic at that. “How!?” I shrieked in shock and horror, knowing that I’m strong as balls but I didn’t think I was this strong!

Maybe… did killing all those… and absorbing their strength just stack and stack onto my own?

"You just realizing that?" I jumped back, seeing Nyx standing next to me.

“I mean, I know I’m strong, both from these god weapons and at least me absorbing Regigigas, cause that thing can pull Continents…but…I can’t be that strong can I?”

"You absorbed nearly every Pokemon Pantheon God, all those strengths and godly powers are yours now. Were you really expecting to be weaker?"

“I didn’t expect to just…split Giratina in half with one punch…” I said nervously.

"Yeah well that's what happens when you absorb an entire pantheons power plus the souls and life force of every living thing on said planet."

“So I’m right in the fact that I’m a one man extinction event…” I sighed. “So…there’s probably not much that can take me on in a fight…”

"Probably only Arceus. Course you still ain't ant shit compared to me." I frowned at Nyx… still as rude as ever…

“Well…if you’re going to be rude…can you at least tell me how I can…face literally anyone I care about with all the blood that’s on my hands?” I asked. “Cause…I literally slaughtered an entire planet in a fit of rage…”

"Think of it this way, better someone else's blood than theirs."

“I mean…that doesn’t entirely answer my question but that is true.” I said honestly. “I mean, how can I see them when I’m now…a blood soaked monster?”

"Take a bath?"

I stared at her. “Why…do I expect people that should know better to actually give me a straight answer…” I said carefully, extremely not wanting to deal with another smarmy prick while I’m trying to ignore the mental and emotional crisis I’m about to go through.

"Look, I'm not even going to pretend to relate to your problems. Unlike you, I was born with godly powers and because of who and what my parents are, they only ever got stronger and stronger with time. And unlike you, spilling blood to protect those I care about isn't something I flinch at."

“So…I’m just gonna have to just deal with the fact that I’ll be arms length from my loved one’s cause of what I did and am capable of doing.” I took a deep breath.

"That is why Gods and stronger don't fall in love with mortals."

I only stared at her…but only shook my head. “Whatever…I’m gonna take an Elder Tree and burn it to ashes…fuck this ‘God of War’ trial bullshit, fuck the training, fuck my life apparently, cause I’m just gonna burn the tree, kill that stupid Parasprite Queen, and then fuck off to god know’s where cause that’s magically what my life has become now.” I said, tearing up as I was pretty much told I’m not allowed to have a love life.

"And leave Roxy all alone? Your tribe? You picked these burdens Wolf, abandoning them because you can kill now isn't wise."

I clenched my fists in growing rage. “Seriously!? Now you're telling me I can’t abandon the ones I love after everything I’ve done? How the hell can I face them when I still feel the blood? Slowly hearing all the screams of those I slaughtered in a mindless rage? Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t understand what I’m going through cause you were born strong, you didn’t have to go through feeling like a complete and total monster that can’t go back to the only people that care about you…” I shook my head, struggling to reign in my emotions here trying to go on a rampage in me.

"Are one of the only people you don't have to treat like glass." Nyx said. "You've killed, a global genocide in mindless anger. Unaware the whole time. I've done it fully aware of my actions. You regret, I don't. Are you really a monster compared to me?"

“The fuck…” I muttered in horror. “You just…killed an entire planet without any regret or remorse?”

"Galaxy but that's not the point." I actually took a step back. "Point is, as much as you hate it, actions like this are, believe it or not, a necessity."

“I still feel like garbage and like I can’t see my family after this…” I said sadly.

"Hm….come with me." Nyx said, opening a portal.

Reluctantly I followed her, and once we were through I was in… a house?

It was pretty modern looking, TV, couch, a kitchen in the next room.

"Nyx!" Suddenly out of seemingly nowhere a toddler tackled Nyx. The little girl had ash gray skin, yellow eyes and jet black hair in ponytails.

"Hey there Nikkie. How's my baby cousin?" Nyx asked, hugging the little girl.

“Uh…hi there.” I said carefully.

"Hi." Nikkie said, waving at me.

“So…where are we?” I asked worriedly.

"This, is my aunt Pain's house."

“Oh…uh…” I looked around. “I…honestly? Didn’t expect this place to look…normal.” I said honestly. “Thought it was going to be some monster infested mansion or something.”

“That’s the basement.” Nikkie said readily.

“I’m…not surprised…” I grumbled. “So…why are we here?”

"Head on off to your room Nikkie." Nyx said, putting the girl down and she went off down a hallway. "Simple. You know what my aunt does. Yet she's married, had many children, the youngest being Nikkie there."

“I thought Pain was more in the ‘I’m too old to give a shit’ mode?” I brought up.

"Don't let her hear you say that."

“So…the point of me being here is because…other’s have had good happy lives even with doing horrible things?”

"It's more than possible. Many in my family regularly commit such acts, part of keeping good and evil in balance. Yes they have lovers, children, happiness. You can be a monster and be happy."

“How?” I asked. “If…if they all knew…it can’t just be as simple as ‘I know you turned a planet into a barren rock, but we still love you’ kinda thing…right?” I asked, knowing it can’t be that simple that my bloodstained hands could…still even be near something as pure as the ones I loved.

"Well, I doubt your tribe mates would care much either way. They idolize you so, hard to shake that. As for Roxy, well, that's a talk for you two to have."

“And I still have years in that world…” I sighed, remembering how much I missed Roxy.

"All I can say is, if you two really love each other like you act, then she'll look past it. Besides, she is supposed to become a Goddess of life anyway, being a God of War with a kill count kinda fits the dynamic."

“I mean…yeah…” I sighed. “It’s still…a lot to take in…”

"You will learn to live with it, and maybe one day when this is all over you can work with Aunt Pain and the rest. Could always use another soldier on the dark side." Nyx said with a chuckle.

“I doubt that.” I shrugged. “Especially with what Roxy might want to do after we get done with this…ho boy.”

"Eh, the offer is on the table."

“I know, always need someone new to join your league of evil.”

"Necessary evil." Nyx said, smirking. "Now you have a tribe to go back to, a world to repopulate and a Fuck tone of Shadow Hunter Psychopaths to kill and an Elder Tree to burn down."

“I…just hope everyone won’t treat me differently…” I sighed, still fearing they’ll all be scared of me even if I did this for them. “But yes…I have a fuck ton of Psychopath’s to murder.”

With a wave, Nyx watched me walk back through the portal.

I was back here now and, well… crap, I do need another bath…

“Ugh…hate being covered in blood…” I grumbled, trying to test my new abilities to see if I could just use water, flying and psychic attacks to get me cleaned enough. Well, thankfully that all worked, with a combination of Water Gun, Gust, and Psychic I managed to get myself cleaned up. “Alright…glad that all works…”

With that I headed back to the tribe.

Looks like I haven't been gone long.

"Hi Wolf!" Flare greeted me with a hug. Her new special metal breastplates hurt a bit when she hugged me, but at least she doesn't accidentally incinerate them…

“Hey Flare.” I said softly. “How you doing?” I asked, gently hugging the busty Flareon.

"Some of our eggs hatched! Look, it's a little green baby!" She turned around, slung in a leather pouch was an… adorable little green looking cat Pokemon.

“They look adorable.” I said warmly. “Hmm…I don’t think I’ve seen this pokemon before…”

"Maybe since we're largely making half breeds because of your godliness we're making whole new species?"

“I mean…yeah, that would make sense.” I nodded, gently petting the adorable kitty. “Hmm…wish I had a Pokedex here to tell me what it really is…” I muttered, cause while I am probably as close to a God as can be without whatever finalized thing’s in the divine realm need to happen, I probably can’t tell what these brand new pokemon are.

I gave Flare a quick kiss then headed off to check on things. Farms were good. Livestock was good. The eggs are starting to hatch. Hmm… Maybe… with my speed and such… I just need to find a way to make that flame… it takes a life…

"Use mine." I jumped, swore I heard… Victini? "Yeah, it's me. You absorbed my soul remember?"

“Are you sure Victini?” I mentally asked, knowing Victini is still a hundred and ten percent done with life but still. “It’s something very big…you’ll probably cease to exist if this happens…”

"Well, at least then I can say I did something good for the world after humanity died. Besides, I'm the Victory Pokemon. With me as the flames there's no way in hell that Elder Tree will survive."

“I mean, that is true.” I admitted. “But…I need to remember that I need my own personal Army before slaughtering the Psychopaths…which that means…taking my entire tribe through a lot of war training…and…probably having to turn my kids into soldiers…”

"Dumbass. You just slaughtered a whole damn planet gods and all. You are an army. With power like that you can take them all single handedly. Fight them like the monster you say you are. Be something they will fear."

“Yes, thank you for stating the thing that I hate a lot.” I rolled my eyes. “Alright…so I also got Giratina’s soul thankfully so there’s that…” I mentally sighed, looking for my Shadow Hunter friend to be told where I need to go.

I managed to find Sasha at her forge. "Yo. Nice gear." She said.

“Yeah…just needed to go to God R&D…and then murder an entire planet…” I said weakly.

"Eh." She shrugged. "So, I guess this means you feel ready to take out that Elder Tree?"

“Yeah…I’m more than ready cause I oneshot Giratina…” I said honestly.

"Sweet. Welp, guess that means you want to know where the Flesh Wearers Elder Tree is huh?"

“Yes, I would like to know where the world’s biggest bonfire is going to be held.” I nodded.

"South east. Eighty miles and on the coast. You can't miss it, just follow the stench and decay and dry blood. Odds are most of the possessed legendaries will all be there guarding it. No doubt once you get close enough possessed Arceus will pop up and take you on. But, once you set fire to their Elder Tree, it will stop more from appearing, meaning after that you'll only have to deal with limited numbers."

“Yeah…and so far, Nyx said that the only one that could keep up with me is Arceus, everything else is kinda fucked.” I said honestly.

"Well then, happy slaughtering."

“At least these things are something that I want to murder.” I said honestly. “So I’ll be back…I don’t know how long it’ll be but I’ll be back.”

"Alright then. Heh, don't be surprised if the ladies have another orgy waiting for you when they find out you finally took out the source of their fears and near extinction."

“I wouldn’t be surprised…and feel like I need some massive stress relief after all this.” I sighed. “Well, gonna be off, I’ll bring back a souvenir for ya.” I said, before turning around and running off to where the elder tree is.

The blood and corpse rotting here made breathing hard. The Elder Tree wasn't a tree at all, it was a mass of wrapped and twitching tendrils that reached out in all directions.

And all around in a village of corpses and stones and bones were the Flesh Wearers.

“Well…this is fucking disgusting…” I muttered. “But…let’s just get right to it.” I said, taking a deep breath and firing off a Fire Blast attack towards a big group of Flesh Wearers.

Immediately they began a mindless charge at me.

I pulled out my blades and got to it. Blue flames coating the blades and as they hacked them apart their bodies burned away to ashes.

I spotted the first set of possessed legendaries, Lugia. Decapitated. Next, Regigigas, hacked to pieces. Regice, Regirock and registeel, melted, gravel and slag.

The more common possessed were struck down, and each kill got me closer to the base of that damn tree.

“Hopefully I am absorbing their souls the correct way…” I muttered, not having really noticed any spirits going into me to try and bolster my strength…though I technically already had their souls in me…this is weird. “But so far so good…”

I hacked and slaughtered the pawns, took the bosses on one, two, four, five at a time. My body became coated in blue fire, any blood that hit me was burned away immediately. The sun was setting and a full moon was rising.

I felt beyond strengthened by it.

As I reached the base where new born Were emerging from, a crimson light blinded the moonlit sky. I smirked as I looked up. Arceus looked like shit, their body missing chunks and bleeding endlessly.

"Now or never. Ready?" I heard Victini say.

“Now or never.” I sighed, lighting my Blades on fire as I leaped towards Arceus. “V-Create!” I shouted, using Victini’s signature move as I slashed in a big V shape as the flames of victory roared to life as it was headed straight towards the ruined Arceus.

They blasted me with a crimson red Judgement blast, and as they clashed I rushed past him, Victini's spirit walking out of me and taking a seat in the base of the tree. "Well, light it up." Victini said with a smirk.

“By my right as the God of War, let the Flames of Victory burn this abomination till it’s nothing bush ash in the wind!” I declared, throwing both my blades as they stuck in the bark next to Victini’s head. “Fusion Flare!” I snapped, the chains igniting as I whipped it down, sending the signature move of Reshiram as I saw the tree around Victini…and the legendary get caught on fire, the smell of death and decay burning away…to the smell of purity and victory.

Immediately, Victini's spirit seemed to expand with the flames, and cover the tree, it's flesh like tendrils wreathing in pain as it burned.

I dodged a Judgment beam from Arceus and turned back around, charging it with my blades coated in Soul fire.

In that moment, I impaled the possessed Arceus through their head. I've now killed the God of Gods.

Once the tree went up in flames it seemed like every possessed Pokemon on the planet rushed to attack me. The fight lasted maybe three days before I killed the last of them, and all that was left of them was that tree was a huge pile of ashes.

I didn't even feel tired.

Arceus's mari sat glowing over my heart.

"Congratulations." I turned, seeing Nyx walk up to me clapping. "You just met your prerequisites. Well, technically you did before but now it's official."

“Alright…” I sighed. “So…what now? Do I have to live the rest of my time here or are you just gonna send me and my tribe home?”

"Yeah. Consider it your well earned rest before having to jump back into another fire. But now, you need to get your Godhood officialized."

“Yeah…still can’t believe you all made the Divine Realm into some nine to five office job.’

"Hey, paperwork is honestly the best way to keep track of stuff. Better than the old way where it was all chaotic and unchecked." Nyx said, shrugging as she opened a portal. "Through there is your finalization into becoming a God of War. After that, you'll be sent back here. So, enjoy the break."

“Alright.” I nodded. “Just…enjoy my several year break…oh, and also, do you know what this new green kitten pokemon is?” I inquired.

"Sprigatito. They're the new grass starter in the newest Pokemon games back in your world."

“Ah what? A new pokemon game? And we’re missing out on that?” I whined.

“Two games actually.” Nyx corrected as I groaned again.

“Alright…gonna have to play those when I get back…”

"Well, get on then."

With a nod, I walked through the portal. I was in a waiting room it seems.

I took a seat and waited… hmm…

Feels anti-climatic.

After maybe half an hour, someone else walked in. Dressed fully in Reaper's outfit from Overwatch.

“Sup.” I said to Reaper.

“Sup.” They nodded, taking a seat next to me. “So, what you in for?”

“War, you?”

“Death…and possibly Souls…War is a possibility for me.” Reaper shrugged.

I nodded, and then we both just sat there in silence.

Eventually, I was called in, and met a glowing orb of light sitting at a desk. "Greetings, Wolf correct?"

“Yes I am.” I nodded. “And I’m here to finalize me being a god of war.”

"Alright." A book appeared on the desk. Titled 'You're now a God of War'. "And the title of God of War and the Godhood with it has all been planted in you."

Wait just like that?!

“Wait…that’s it?” I blinked. “Really?”

"The process actually takes place in the waiting room. It's painless and physically nothing changes, it's a slower but also easier and more manageable means of ascension so long as the criteria have been met."

“Alright…glad to know that all the criteria was met, and that I get to do the not painful way…cause I’m still trying to process…a lot of things…”

"Well, good luck."

In a blink I was back at the tribe, outside the gates. Honestly… something felt… like there was a weight in the air that was no longer there. The world knew, the Flesh Wearers were gone…

It all felt happy.

I took a deep breath, feeling a wave of fresh clean air wash over me, and I let it all out. “The world shifted…and it’s happy about it…” I muttered with a smile.

I walked through the gates, smiling. I was gonna enjoy these next few years of peace. I'll be ready for when I return to Equestria, and to Roxy.

To be continued...