• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 2,937 Views, 57 Comments

COMET- Heart of Change - Author of MADness

Spike always wished to became a stallion but as he embarked into an adventure he slowly realized he already had what he truly needed. SpikeXTwilight fanfic, please enjoy!

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Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Helping Hooves

Spike survey the store all ponies came quickly gathering all the water buckets they can find filling it with water to extinguish the flame that who know's might be burning inside. Spike knew he have to take part as well but what can he do. He made a sudden dash to the windows but his body flinch back.

He needs to take another courser of action another way, but what!

Looking around Spike located a water tower just beside the bakery he knew it contains water and a lot of it. Thinking quickly Spike tackled the said object but no cigar.

He tackled it again but only a small tilt to the metal became present. He need to hit it harder, he needs more strength, more.

Taking distance the purple stallion charged with all the power he got aimed directly at it and after one big charged hit the water tower fell to the bakery extinguishing the flames that was present in the facility.

"Ok now to check that everypony is safe."

-Earlier at Sugarcube corner-

All you have to do is take a cup of flour!

Add it to the mix!

Now just take a little something sweet, not sour!

A bit of salt, just a pinch!

Baking these treats is such a cinch!

Add a teaspoon of vanilla!

Add a little more, and you count to four,

And you never get your fill of...

Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty!

Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!

Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!

(MAD: I like this song, do you?)

The pink party pony keep jumping up and down the kitchen while her song lift the eustatic smile of the fillies surrounding her.

"LET'S MAKE SOME CUPCAKES!" She cheered igniting the oven for the preheat

"YEAH! Cutie mark crusaders go!"

"Do you think we will get our cutie marks in baking?" Sweetie ask

"Who knows maybe we will?" Scotallo responded pouring a bag of flour to a bowl as she do

"Well we tried music yasterday, bat ya bet we will."Bloom smile the best she can, beating the eggs while at it.

"I wonder what's next, I mean we should try something romantic for a change." Sweetie blushed

... Silence filled the atmosphere ...

"But Sweets have you forgotten what happened last time we did a love potion thing."

"We'll try a different approach this time I promise and I see a mare in need of a stallion." Sweetie's eyes focused on Pinkie

"ME! But! BUT!" Pinkie even thought pink as she is manage to show a blush creeping out of her pink cheeks.

"No buts Pinkie."

"Of course no butts we have flanks."

"I mean Miss Random every male is need and of a female in time so what do you want in a stallion if we ask."

"Well I guess somepony very energetic and would be their when I need him, plus he must like parties and hide and seek a lot!" She smiled looking at the ceiling before slowly bringing a tear in her eye

"Miss Pinkie"

"But let's be honest no pony would endure me, I'm too random." She frowned, then she put downed a cupcake she was just eating

"Wait what if we can find you a stallion for you." Sweetie giggled

"REALLY!" Pinkie's eye sparkled

"Of course all we need is to turn up the heat." Scootaloo lift her hoof to the air

"Thank you crusader but..."

Pinkie sniff the air, she smelled it, the others began to follow then she paused, the smell it was burning it was familiar it was .. smoke!

The ponies had forgotten the oven because of it the oven is now ablaze with flame illuminating the room with a bright flash.

The light was too much for the ponies eyes and stunned them, second by second their heartbeat became to speed up. Inctink quickly kickcing in the girls made a mad dash to the exit but it was too late for the reason that the door was barricaded by the burning durbis.

Fire surrounded the ponies now no escape, all began to cry all began to bawl. Pinkie getting a crazy idea ordered the fillies to close their eyes.

Why they ask but Pinkie smiled halting their tears.

"Now pee I need you more than ever!" Pinkie alined her flank to the flames what she did next was breath taking as literally the air was polluted by the foul and disgusting odor.

"Pinkie what did you do?" Scootaloo ask covering her snout with her hooves

Sweetie fainted by the smell luckily Apple Bloom was their to catch her.

"I know I should have drink more! AH!" Soon the hot flames begin to came closer to them, it will just be a matter of time before the fire devour them and burn them alive

"HELP SOMEPONY HELP US!" was all they can yell now


In an instant all the fire was dosed by the water dripping from the ceiling how and why, the ponies look up the ceiling confuse on what is happening. One moment the fire was about to tun them into ash now the water is flooding the room.

A shadow of a stallion appeared next to the window upon enter the stallion spread his wings removing the room of the smoke.

Pinkie's jaw fell down to the floor as he saw the stallion's wings it was masculine as his body and it's green mane sparkle with the water that it caught.

Drool was only what Pinkie can do getting a suspicious look from the fillies, her saliva drip to the floor drop by drop.

"Are you alright?" Spike ask taking a step closer near them

"AHHHH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!" Pinkie squealed

Spike flinched back, taking his eyes from the crazed pink pony he turned it to the fillies which seemed unharmed by the flames.

"I guess everypony's fine."

"FINE!" Pinkie lunged at full speed

"FINE!" she repeated

"I feel awesome would you marry me!?" Pinkie butted in widening all of the ponies eyes to her opening their jaws while they became surprised by the pink pony's random question.



With that Spike flew to the air avoiding Pinkie Pie's bizarre actions.

Pinkie's hair became straight scaring the fillies more than the flames

"OH hide and seek he wants very well then I shall find him and rape him." Her scary laughter came following her walk to the window which the stallion flew.

Spike flew all the way to the library fearing that Pinkie might be able to follow him Rainbow Dash had a hard time getting away from her and he considered himself lucky to actually escape her.

In the library Twilight was already present arranging all the need material for the curing spell.

"Spike what's wrong it looks like you seen a scary ghost?" Twilight ask giving Spike a towel to wipe his sweat

"I did see something scary."

"Really what?"

"Pinkie Pie"

"Can't disagree to that but I have all the ingredients for the spell Spike we can now turn you back to a dragon." Twilight spoke levitating the potions as she do so

"Um Twilight..." An unease was present in Spike's chest

"What is it?"

"Do I really need to turn back into a dragon, I mean why can't I be a pony like this?" Spike ask


"I mean look at me I'm buff and I have a cutie mark." Spike flew to the library shaking his flank to Twilight's sight. Spike wasn't kidding he do have a cutie mark it is X mark illuminated by a blue light.

"Spike stop that! It's rude to show one flank to another pony." Twilight blushed crazily her cheeks was already as red as a tomato

"You know it's sexy Twi do you?" Spike wiggled it more but his actions resulted to him getting hit in the head by a head book thrown by the lavender pony.


"Spike if your done I would want you to help me help you get back to normal."

"Ok Twi I'm coming."

Spike stood up but not before opening the book which Twilight threw at him and it reads:" THE GREAT DRAGON WARS by Princess Celestia" He manage to read a page in the book saying of the feared and mighty Dragon Alpha destroying a place in the name of Canterlot.


"Ok! ok I'm coming."

Next Chapter:

"X- The stallion in Spike"