• Published 7th Jan 2013
  • 2,939 Views, 57 Comments

COMET- Heart of Change - Author of MADness

Spike always wished to became a stallion but as he embarked into an adventure he slowly realized he already had what he truly needed. SpikeXTwilight fanfic, please enjoy!

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Chapter 2


The two companion reached the cave as Twilight's magic had indicated that the last piece of the armor is inside

The purple unicorn took a deep breath before entering but she was stopped as she realized that her friend isn't following

"Come on Spike were in the end of our journey the last piece of the armor is just inside this cave" said Twilight

"Coming" He replied yet his steps were slow and his face was looking down stating that his mood still remained depressed

The purple unicorn eye keep twitching as her sympathy slowly turning to irritation and it will not take long for her irritation to turn into anger

Twilight soon grabbed the dragon by the cheeks and later bring his face a centimeter close to her

"Twilight what are you-?" Spike broke out of the trance by Twilight's sudden action

"Spike! What in Esquestra's name do I have to do just to make you feel better!" Twilight spoke

"Twilight" Spike whispered but again he was interrupted

"All I'm trying to do is making you happy with all this adventure stuff and all you can do is just feel bad about yourself! Huh?"

"Twilight it's not you it's me"

"No it doesn't matter if your a pony, griffin or dragon!"

"But it does matter Twi, who will love someone that is not in the same specie as them?"

"HUH! Ms. All Great and powerful element of Magic tell me!" Spike spoke

Twilight froze

"See you can't why don't you do me a favor and just use your magic to turned me into stallion now then you will have some use with the magic you have!" Spike yelled but as he was so caught up in his own anger and rage he quickly realize what he have done but it was too late for him to notice

Twilight slowly backed off the dragon as she calmed down she too can feel and understand Spike's sadden state but with all her knowledge of friendship and magic she never nor ever studied this kind of power : Love

Then Twilight stepped back from the dragon she felt something in her eye but it wasn't a dirt that hit it but water coming out of it it was tears

Spike as he saw his friend eyes begin to water he slowly held his claw to Twilight

"Twilight I'm-" He said taking a step to Twilight but she then took a step back, he took another step forward but she reacted with a step back

Then she ran, she ran to the darkness of the cave

"Twilight wait!" the dragon called but Twilight just let out a cry

"Great Spike now your hurt you best friend by your love sick antics stupid!" Spike thought in his mind

Spike give chase to the unicorn but her speed was too much and soon he found himself trapped in the darkness of the cave

"Twilight! Where are you?" Spike spoke

"Please I'm sorry Twilight I'm a jerk I know please, I'm scared!" Spike was begenning to shake and a tear was now present in his eye but this wasn't about fear of what could happen to her, Twilight, her surrogate sister and best friend

"Please come back, please" He pleaded but he knew she was gone

Spike then curled to a ball and started to sob

As his tears run to his checks he soon felt two long front legs pressing around him but before he can even react he was silence by a hoof in his mouth then he look who is hugging him and as he suspected it was her

"That's OK Spike I forgive you" Twilight said in a gentle tone

The purple unicorn then rubbed the dragon's back making the dragon's sobbing rather quickly

The two soon regain composure as Twilight helped Spike get to his feet then they continue to venture inside the cave

"So feeling better" The unicorn asked

"Yeah I should be, your doing everything to make my mood brighter and the least I can do is to do the same" Spike replied

"That's the spirit Spike" Twilight formed a smile in front of him as he did the same

Twilight illuminated the darkness of the cave with her magic as Spike stayed close to her, the cave was fairly simple no ruins , no treasures just a simple path to whatever is

Step by step their was silence between them but for the two it was a bit uncomfortable for them so thinking quickly Twilight began to break the silence

"So what did happened between you and Rarity?" Twilight asked but it caused Spike eyes slowly begin to water again but instead he brushed his feelings aside and he quickly replied to her

"Well I heard that she was talking to Sweetie Belle about me and why me and her can't not be together because of the specie difference" Spike said causing a slight shock to the unicorn

"But that's not the only part, what really hurt me is when she said that 'even' if we were to marry the hardest part is that we can not have a baby and she can spend all her life with me but as dragons lived a long age she will die a lot sooner before me" the dragon added

"Does she knew you heard all the thing she said" Twilight asked

"No, but maybe this is fates way of showing me to grow up and forget about her" Spike answered

"Maybe it is" Twilight whispered

As soon as their conversation is done they came to a halt as a large bolder was present in front of them

"Look" Twilight pointed at the helmet

Twilight good eye helped her to spot the missing piece as she tried lifting it with her magic but it proved to no avail as even she tried in her best the helmet but it was still stuck, again she focused more on the metal as the magic glow to it increased but for some reason it was like resisting her

It wasn't long until Twilight became exhausted by the helmet's refusal to give in, now it's Spike's turn

Taking his claw he laid it to the piece of metal and with one big pull Spike had removed the helmet from the stoned gripped of the cage

Twilight's pupil widen as she saw what Spike just did, Spike just effortlessly taken the ruined helmet like it was accepting him and refusing her

Fate or Destiny it could be sign of some sort as Spike stored the newly found armor to their saddle bag, astonished Twilight did not give a word as questions raced her mind "Was it a sigh? But a sigh of what?"

"Um Twilight you Ok? Spike asked the now dazed pony

"Yeah, of course" Twilight soon regained her composure

Upon stepping back they heard a roar behind them, taking matters worse the stone wall behind them started to crack as more and more cracks became present at the wall

The two are unable to move with fear of the cave might collapse but what frighten them more was what is in the darkness of the cave as they heard steps followed with a clanking of metal

Twilight quickly hid Spike behind her back as she try to protect him from what is coming out of the dark dept of the cave, her horn glow brighter exposing a what is the creature coming to them

It was armored to a military standards, head to claws it's red colored armor was hiding what it clearly is, it walked in to legs and it's covered in scales

The two gulped in union as they became paralyzed with fear but it was just nothing compared to the creature did next:

The unknown creature unsheathe it's sword, pointing the blade to their position as it said "Death to all ponies"

Taking a second later Twilight took hold of Spike and in one big flash they teleported and exited the dark cave leaving what ever that creature meant a mystery (for now)

Twilight and Spike now outside the cave took a deep breath recovering from a near heart attack as to a scary event that just happened

"That was crazy!" Spike spoke

"I know Spike what's that thing's problem anyway like it was awakened from a century old war or something?" Twilight said before hugging the baby dragon in her front hooves

"But I'm happy we got away" She added and before long they run in union they leaved the area

-Later that Day-

They decided to camp a far from the cave and settled down near a stream as they stay on their tent

Twilight emptied all of the armor pieces from their saddle bag as she try to put together the armor like a jigsaw puzzle, but still she forgot that it will do her no good as she needed a forge and a blacksmith for these kind of jobs

"Well Twilight I have to say this might be the first of our adventure alone together but I would not consider changing any of it" Spike smiled in front the lavender colored pony

"Me too aside from that creature it was a joyful experience and it manage to keep your mind off Rarity, did it?" Twilight replied

"Yeah it did and as you say their are a lot more mares out there so maybe just maybe I'll stay single for now" Spike smiled

With a big yawn from the dragon Twilight begun to feel sleepy as well

"Well I think we should rest for now we have a long walk home" Twilight said putting the armor piece

Spike nodded at her as he laid his body at the sleeping bag and then soon after Twilight followed her to sleep

Hours later Spike awoke from a mumble coming from his purple unicorn friend as he became worried he look at her

"Spike, Spike" Twilight mumbled in her sleep

Spike smiled at the events he was glad that he had a book worm, book loving friend such as her, but one thing in his mind still bug him and it was his body, his appearance, he is still just a baby dragon

Shoving the blanket covering him Spike exited their tent now wearing a frown

As how much he thought of it, even thought he can find love one thing and one thing will always be an obstacle in his way,

"How can a dragon find love in a world inhabited by ponies" raced his mind

Taking a few meters away from the tent Spike halted his walk not wanting to venture too far, then he looked at the clear night sky full of glittering stars,

Those stars are like Twilight he thought causing him to smile but it grew larger as he saw a comet just appearing by

Spike remembered a story Twilight told him during his younger ages about how ponies get their wish to be fullied by wishing it in a comet

Taking one big breath Spike inhaled a large amount of air in his lung and without a second later he let out a shout


But then the comet disappeared , Spike let out a deep sigh feeling foolish about his actions

Turning around he smiled feeling a bit lighter letting out his deep desire

As Spike stepped on the ground he felt something inside him something odd

Spike then felt immense pain in his chest, aching in great agony

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He let out feeling a great deal of suffering in his body

He took his claw to his chest trying to lessen the pain but it was in vain

It was unbearable too him, he then feel his eyes begin to water but as he took his hand wiping it he gasped on what was coming out of his eyes,

It isn't tears, it was blood, his blood

"Twilight help me!" Spike shouted but doubt she can hear him

Spike can feel his life fading it was like dying in pain without being killed, just to die

"Why?" Came out of his lips

As then he closed his eyes feeling that it will not open again

MAD: Scary huh? Don't worry next chapter will be less darker but to let you know this isn't the end of Spike's adventure but the beginning, so God Bless! And please leave a review I would really be happy if you do


CHAPTER 3 : Comet- Champion of the Skies

Author's Note:

Well I'm back and just to give you another chapter of my MLP fanfic. But before that I just want to asked the readers if I should change the tittle of the story since some already claimed the tittle Stallion X before me? But thanks for the assistance of the generous Heartless demon wolf I decided to rename it with this. His a good guy!
Anyhow there you have it chapter 2!