• Published 27th Dec 2012
  • 764 Views, 19 Comments

Inside of My Chrysalis - EpicChrysalis

My name is Chrysalis. You probably saw me as heartless. Cruel. Just plain evil. But I wasn't always like that. My cruelty came from my life of devastation. From a Queen beyond cruel. This is the story of my life.

  • ...


Rocks were falling in chunks off the roof. Our stupid screaming.

"Illy, run and hurl at the same time!" Chaos screamed to the pink filly who was still by the river. Chaos had to focus on the rocks. She flipped over them, ducked under them, and just perfectly timed it. She wasn't touched. I was having a hard time though. I thought I was doing good, coming far away from one rock, than another almost crushes me. I've been clonked in the head with small rocks about a million times now. Illy was just vomiting.

"C'mon Illy!" Chaos said. "Before you get trapped!"

"I can't! Don't worry about me! I've only been a burden on you. It's my fault. We should have ignored the water! We should have just left."

I grunted. "Illy, you just had to do that. Your really stupid."

"I'm so sorry! Leave! Forget me!"

"Illyot, even though you are a complete burden we're not leaving you. You came in. You're coming out." I stated boldly.

"Chrys! Stop being so harsh. Illy, what she means is that we want you with us. Your our friend, even if you did slow us down. Now, I need you to get over here." Chaos pleaded.

Harsh? Treating her like crap? Well Chaos, it's her fault we're dealing with the rockslide. We could be out by now. And she drank the muck.

Illy charged at us. Chaos's face lit up. I felt a wave of relief. We'll get out. Away from the Queen. Into a paradise. We could make a house out of sticks, hunt prey, eat berries, and live in what is supposedly a tropical jungle where it's always summer.

A sharp rock was cracking. It was about to come off. Right above Illy. It would kill her. Chaos and I saw it, but Illy didn't. I almost screamed. Everything seemed to slow way down. The rock fell, straight down. Illy saw it. She jumped forward. It was crazy luck. The rock didn't touch her. I was amazed.

"Let's get out now!" Chaos said.

I was so happy. Into the jungle. Illy had the biggest smile. I would never forget how wildly happy the helpless pink mare looked. It was a dream come true.

Until we heard the crack of a boulder falling and a cut off high pitched scream. Illy was crushed. Like a bug that got squashed by a shoe. Her head and forelegs stuck out from the rock.

"Illy!" Chaos and I screamed with pain at the same time. Illy whimpered out a sound of pain. Tears fell beside her. Blood came from below the rock.

"Chaos. Chrys" She wheezed.

"Illy! Don't die yet. Your still a kid. You have more life to live." I began. I tried to be strong, but ended up crying the words and pouring my heart into her soul. "I'm so sorry I was being a jerk to you before. If I had known It was my last few moments with you, I would have cried with you and protected you from anything suspicious. I would have been your umbrella in the death rain. I just realized now, you are more than what you seem. You seem shy, but inside you have a strong heart. You lived through your Mother's death, your father's death, your nanny's death, and her innocent baby's death. They're all people you were close to. But now, you have to die too. It's just unfair. Not right for anyone to do to someone as innocent and helpless as you. No filly or colt deserves this ending. The only part she deserves is devastated friends who will miss her dearly. And those friends, are us! You have suffered more losses than me and Chaos combined. You were always there to make us happy. Your shyness led us to pity on you. You've been through the most. And yet you have to be the first to go."

"I should have been first." Chaos interrupted. "No one likes me that much except you two. I was born an orphan, and the only loss I've had was my brother I hardly knew. I'm outgoing and have not a trace of anything to pity." She wept, bursting into tears.

"I have a few requests, before I go."

"Anything!" We both fell to her hooves, hoping we could make her feel better.

"First, kill Nimbus. Avenge my death, and my family's deaths. Queen Chrysalis." Illy gave me a weak smile. "I like the sound of that."

"Queen Chrysalis." I muttered. "I like it too."

"Second, I've always wondered who I was to others.Can you please tell me?"

"Illy!" I started. "We all will miss you. Nobody hates you. You'll be a hero. Queen Chrysalis will make sure everypony knows that." I smiled. "Illy, you are a great pony. No one can deny your kindness. Your smarts will never be forgotten, Illy. Your a genius. You've aced every test. Your amazing."

"Illy, there's nothing wrong with you." Chaos cried. "You were a great friend, but now you'll only be a memory. But a sweet one. Even though, you and your father couldn't live the 'days of sunshine' with your mother, you shined lots of sunshine onto us. You brightened us. You inspired us. You have great begging skills. And your father was fortunate to get all that money. You are lucky, Illy. But I guess now, Nimbus is just flushing your soul and hard work down the toilet. That jerk. We will avenge your death! Queen Chrysalis will rule!"

Illy smiled and teared up. "Thanks." Her voice was weak. "Third." Now it was a quiet whisper. "Put me to sleep."
I almost cried to death. My mom put me to sleep every night. It made me feel so warm. Chaos put herself to sleep by humming a lullaby. Illy's father had a special way. Illy said it always gave her sweet dreams. I knew she would never wake up, but it was her final request. I've done her father's sleep method to her before at a sleepover.

"Okay." I gave her a hug to replace picking her up and spinning her around until she would have been giggling and dizzy. She only giggled softly. As I pretended to lay her in bed, Chaos came to massage her back. I cleared my throat and began Illy's lullaby. I could barely sing it. I was crying so much, and I had to pause to sniffle a lot.
"Sweet dreams Illumination
Tomorrow is coming soon.
Now stop the playing, start the sleep
And your heart will float like balloons.

Into the skies, you will soar.
I will see you when you're done.
Have a party in your dream.
And have lots of fun.

When you wake and see me again,
There will be time for a day that's new.
Anything you want to do.
There's always time for me and you."
I felt my heart explode in sadness and regret when I saw her body curled up, a smile on her face and her sweetly closed eyes. This would be how she ended life. Sweetly sleeping.
"In your dreams you'll have a blast
And I will miss you then
But then you open your eyes at dawn,
And we'll see each other again.

Just ignore your nightmares
They'll only give you fears.
But if the bad dreams haunt you,
I'll wipe away your tears.

Only choose the good dreams
To remember during day,
And then keep all of your good times,
So in life, they will stay."

My voice cracked. I was so weak from sadness I could barely bring out the last verse
"In the moonlight, hear the song
I sing to you tonight
Just close your eyes and drift away.
Sleep until it's light."

Illy was gone now. I fell over and closed my eyes, but that didn't stop my tears. Illy's father wrote that lullaby when Illy was just a baby and he sung it to her every night. Her father was killed by the queen a few days before we started this whole adventure. We all loved adventure, but I'm guessing we bitterly hate this one. Illy was in a sweet sleep, her dreams up in heaven where she would stay. Forever. I wanted to wake up in my bed right now and have it all be a nightmare. Everything. The breath tax, mother dying, the time in the caves.

"What I would give to be back at home, even though we were all so poor." Chaos grumbled.

"Yeah." I said without really paying attention. I was too busy thinking about what Queen Chrysalis was going to change.