• Published 20th Dec 2012
  • 1,381 Views, 35 Comments

Changeling Perspective - Gwynbleidd

Feeling rather unfulfilled, a peculiar teen is given a second chance at life, in the form of Equestria. But things are never easy, upon arrival he discovers he is a changeling! How will he cope? How will the Mane6 react if and when the find out?

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Chapter 2: Settling In

Ultimately, I decided to walk to Ponyville. I realized that all changelings are outfitted with wings, but I simply didn’t trust them. Even though I saw plenty of them flying in the show I couldn’t feel comfortable with holes in my wings. Eventually, it occurred to me I could have just changed into a normal Pegasus, but more than likely it would have ended with me face first in a tree and unnecessary attention would have been drawn towards me anyways. Besides the walking was good practice, by the time I could see the outline of Ponyville in the barely descending sun I could manage a slow jog, only stumbling occasionally. A big improvement from just a few short hours ago when I could barely walk, the lack of a vengeful Celestia also seemed to smooth the process considerably.

I managed to get quite close to Ponyville before it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to change into something that wasn’t a monster, more than likely despised by all of Equestria, minus one princess, hopefully minus one princess. In all honesty I found myself unable to peg her as a friend or a reluctant accomplice. Either way, I knew that even if the princess were to bail me out, appearing in town in my current form would certainly leave some questions to be answered.

Should I go in as Ezio, or is that a little too obvious. Decisions, decisions.

I would suggest going as somepony a bit less conspicuous than Ezio, just my opinion though.

AHH…What the F-…You can send thoughts too? And I thought that mind reading was creepy enough, Celestia.

Don’t look a gift Alicorn in the mouth. As dashing as you looked as Ezio, a more subtle approach might be in order. After all we don’t need all the mares in town giving you a hard time, hmm…

I sense that all this flattery is just to get me to play along but O.K. I’ve got nothing to lose, one generic pony coming up.

I closed my eyes and made a mental image of the most average thing I could think of, and ponified it, Bruce Banner seemed to fit the bill. Everything brown, except the eyes of course, I’ve never had control over those. My new stallion had a light tan coat, a brown mane, and for the cutie mark, a rock.

It was Rarity’s destiny so it should serve as a reasonable cover. I thought as I continued my trot to Ponyville.

Could you try being less interesting? You’ll never get away from a conversation with all the fascinating stories that could come from that mark.

My point exactly, I just want to settle in tonight, and unless the cataclysm I’m supposed to stop is tomorrow then introductions can wait.

Fair enough, between your deductions from earlier and this I might have to retract my comment about you being slow.
You never said I was slow… wait, did you call me dashing earlier?

You know what, never mind, you might want to go into town soon, Equestrian nights are quite chilly.

Wow… What a total bit-, I mean what a wonderful pony, I sure am lucky to know that Celestia is nothing but helpful.


I can’t tell who won that conversation, oh look, the entrance to Ponyville. Let’s see if I can get in unimpeded.
After a surprisingly long conversation with the goddess of the Sun I found myself inside Ponyville. It was just past mid-day and the town bustled with activity. I found the sheer amount of ponies going about their business startling, the brightness of Equestria compared to Earth was already breathtaking. But, the energy and the vibrant pastel colors just proved to be too much for me. I had to close my eyes and shake my head before I could stand looking directly at the scene without feeling faintly ill. I wanted to go straight to my home but another issue presented itself.

I don’t even know where I live.

I nearly face-hoofed for being so stupid.

Why didn’t I ask Celestia about this when I was with her? Or even when she was talking to me? Maybe I AM a bit slow. Any comments, Celestia?

Despite my chiding Celestia clearly wasn’t going to answer, maybe I’d offended her.

Perhaps Mayor Mare can help.

With this new thought in mind I trotted over to Town Hall. Despite my poor navigational instincts it wasn’t hard to find. It was the largest building in town, after all. When I arrived it was a simple matter of inquiry to find the Mayor, who was more than happy to tell me where my new home was. Apparently, there had only been one house for sale when Celestia went shopping for me, it also appeared to be a pretty nice house too. This whole “tangible benefits” thing was starting to take shape. It goes without saying that I was looking forward to seeing my new quarters. I was on my way out when I ran into the last pony I’d ever expect to just bump into, Rarity.

“Oh, sorry, I didn’t see you there!” she said; it was clearly the truth. She had such a mountain of materials in front of her that I was surprised that she could even move. Let alone navigate through a busy Ponyville.

I suppose she would have the practice for it though.

“Do you need some help?” I asked, quite worried that she was going to kill herself in an avalanche of fabric, should she lose her balance.

“Oh, no dear. I’m quite alright, but could you be a darling and hoof me that roll of silk. I’m afraid that it’s fallen off the pile.” Looking to my left I could quite clearly see the object in question. The only problem was that I hadn’t exactly developed good hoof-eye coordination and as a result I didn’t know how ponies pick up anything with their hooves. If I had disguised myself as a unicorn I could have used magic, but I hadn’t. The idea of using my mouth briefly came to mind but I quickly dismissed the idea as ridiculous.

I doubt that Rarity would want drool all over her expensive fabrics.

The situation had become incredibly awkward for me.

At least Rarity wasn’t catching whiff of my dilemma; that would make the whole situation about twice as problematic.

“Oh, of course,” I replied, hoping I’d be able to figure out the enigma that was at hoof.

I trotted over to where the silk had fallen and gingerly placed it between my two front hooves, being careful not to damage it. I was surprised by how easy it was to get a satisfying grip on the silk. Apparently in Equestria a hoof is similar to a hand, if that hand had a mitten on, and the thumb was sewn to the rest of the ensemble.

O.K. not that much like a hand, but more useful than I had assumed.

With this new piece of information stored in the back of my mind, I happily placed the fabric on the precarious pile, praying that it would stay stable. I had just finished when an interesting thought occurred to me.

Couldn’t she just use her magic to do this?

Before I could ponder this thought any further Rarity spoke up again.

“Oh, thank you, sir. I would have gotten it myself but as you can see I’m a bit over-burdened and it’s taking all of my magic to hold this thing upright.”

Now that she mentions it I can see a faint glimmer of blue magic on that thing, it wouldn’t be gentlecolt-like of me to not offer my help, this is certainly going to eat into my day though.

Despite my qualms with the amount of time I was going to lose I knew that there was nothing I could do but curse myself for being born with something that resembled ethics, while I asked, “Do you need help with that?”

She looked at me suspiciously; I offered a sheepish grin.

Maybe she’ll say no…

“Oh my, what a gentlecolt! If it really isn’t too much of a bother, this is starting to get rather heavy. Here, catch!”

Before I could respond, a large pile of various dress-making materials were flung in my general direction. I somehow managed to stay standing despite the impact of what felt like a ton of raw materials.

“Follow me,” she continued, blazing the trail I would follow all the way to the foyer of Carousel Boutique.


“You must be exhausted, let me relieve you of those,” Rarity said, as her pale blue magic enveloped my load, scattering its contents to their proper places. I immediately felt relief wash over my entire body as the immense weight of the fabrics was taken off of me. I was slightly embarrassed that she had been able to carry so much more than I; I found it much easier to sympathize with the bell-buck from “Sweet and Elite” all of a sudden, it was amazing his back didn’t break.

I need to work out more, I thought sadly; honestly though, I was surprised at how weak I was compared to Earth. While I wasn’t a fitness nut, I did exercise regularly, doing mostly cardio, like running. Apparently, ponies were just naturally more robust than humans. At least that’s what I told myself.

“I was my pleasure,” I gasped between labored breaths, hoping she wouldn’t notice my struggle to get air into my lungs. She did.

“Oh, you poor thing, look at you! You didn’t throw out your back did you?” The white unicorn asked, genuinely concerned.

“Throw out my back?” Does she think I’m an old man or something? I really do need to work out more. And I thought I was in shape. If these ponies came to Earth they’d be Olympic athletes. I should probably just roll with this though, better than facing the shame.

“Oh, no,” I replied, working the kink out of my shoulders. “I’m just a little old.”

GAH!! What am I choking on? Oh, wait, that’s my pride…

“Well I appreciate you helping me. Is there anything I can do in return?” Rarity asked, with a soft voice.

“I couldn’t take advantage of you like that,” I replied, ever the gentlecolt. “It was simply the right thing to do.”

“Oh, I simply insist!” Rarity pushed, “Generosity is my middle name.”

I didn’t even know you had a middle name.

“If you really insist…” I replied, trailing off.

“I really do!” she countered, staring at me with her large, blue eyes.

“I’m helping my friend move in, and he might like some clothes…” I continued, before immediately getting cut off. Apparently I had said all she needed to hear.

“I know exactly what you mean! I would love to design a piece for your friend, eh, what’s his name?” the purple manned unicorn asked, inquisitively.

“He doesn’t like me talking about him.” I replied, abashed.

“I understand completely, darling. I have plenty of experience with shy ponies.”

“He’s not shy; he just prefers to do his own introductions.”

“I suppose I’ve have to wait then, if he’s half the gentle-colt you are I’m sure I’ll be delighted.”

I blushed at the compliment.

“Well, Ms. Rarity, I appreciate you kindness, but I’m afraid I’m a busy colt and I have much to attend to, so if you’ll be so kind,” I hinted.

“Of course, mister… Oh! I never got your name, how rude of me,” Rarity said.

“Think nothing of it; you can call me Tom,” I replied. I immediately shot a glance at my cutie mark and got a surprised stare from Rarity as she realized the irony of what I had just said.

Why did I say that? Why not Bruce? That was my covers inspiration anyways; even Bill would have been less awkward. Hopefully, this won’t bite me in the flank later.

“Well, I must really be going,” I said. “Nice meeting you!” with that I quickly dashed out of the boutique and hurried home, leaving Rarity with a slightly bemused face.


This is the most excited I’ve been in a while, maybe this whole “Pony” thing will be good for me. I thought as I trotted towards the direction of my new home.

I had just made it to the door when I was stopped by a familiar pink mare.

Pinkie Pie

“OhMyGosh, a new pony! You must be new because I know everypony in Ponyville, and if I don’t know you then you must be new, and if you’re new then that means you need a PARTY!”

Pinkie was already jumping up and down with excitement; I needed to stop this now! Otherwise I could end up exposed very quickly.

But how to diffuse the situation?

“I’m sorry,” I replied, my mind already working in overdrive to get myself out of the predicament. “I don’t live here; I’m just seeing someone for the day.”

That might work.

“Who are you seeing, because nopony lives in that house? At least nopony I know and I know everypony in Ponyville!” countered Pinkie, as bubbly as ever.

Crap, lying will likely just get me caught up in something later, at the very least I can delay the inevitable.

“Oh, my friend just moved in here. I’m helping him get his stuff in,” I said, sheepishly, not happy with how the conversation was going to end.

“What’s his name? If he’s new than he deserves a…”

“Party?” I finished

“Yea, so what’s his name? Don’t tell me, I want to guess. Is it…Mph…” I quieted Pinkie with gentle hoof, placed over her mouth. I needed to get out of this conversation before I said something cover blowing.

“He really doesn’t like other ponies talking about him,” I said. “But tell you what; I’ll convince him to go to an introduction party this Friday, but no earlier. Understand?” A small nod of her head told me she understood. I took my hoof off of her mouth slowly, carefully watching her, incase I should need to put it back again, she was good.

“Friday,” I said slowly, repeating myself to insure no confusion on the pink mare’s part.

“Not a day before or after. Where will it be, who should I bring, there’s so much to plan?” She asked, already wearing a huge grin on her face, surely planning the festivities in her head.

“Do whatever you want.” I answered, immediately regretting the decision.

This party will be insane.

Pinkies eyes seemed to dilate as she processed this new piece of information.

“What. Ever. I. Want?” she asked slowly.

Well, it’s too late to back out now.

“Just don’t get too crazy with it,” was all I could manage. What happened next was nothing less than physics breaking. Pinkie jumped in the air and literally hovered as confetti exploded around her and she screamed with joy.

“Yeah! This is going to be the best party ever! Everypony will be invited and there will be lots of games and music and…mph…” once again I needed to silence Pinkie, but the damage was already done, I felt a slight headache building in my temples.

“You better go get those supplies,” I suggested lightly, hoping she’d get the message.

“Oh, you’re so right! I better get ready right now!” the pink Earth pony replied. Probably not really getting the hint but rather just seeing it as sage advice, I personally didn’t care.

“Good,” I replied “I’m going inside now, goodbye.”

“Bye!” Pinkie shouted, hopping away, I could hear her discussing the details with herself as she left, “Oh, there’s so much to do! I need steamers and cake and music and balloons. I love balloons!”

I smiled slowly, shaking my head as she turned the corner, I would have to go to a party, but at least it was on my terms. I returned my attention to the door of my new home. I levitated the key out from some tangles in my fur. While it wasn’t quite the same, magic could nearly replace all of my hands old functions.

I really need a satchel. I thought begrudgingly as I opened the door. Though the floor plan looked spacious on the blueprints Mayor Mare showed me I still expected the house to be quite bare.

After all, nopony has lived here for quite some time.

My headache already fading, I unlocked and opened the door, flicking on the lights with a quick flip of my magic. Bracing myself for the worst, I took absolute delight in finding a wonderful surprise. The foyer was generously decorated, two comfortable looking cream-colored sofas flanked a stylish glass coffee table. A roaring fireplace was inside the far wall, taking the chill out of the stale air.

This kind of reminds of my house, it’s a little more modern though. I thought, reminiscing on my few good memories. Things like Christmas Day, the presents, the baking, my Dad lighting the fire, before putting it out so “Santa” could get down.

Yeah, I always liked lighting the fire. Wait… if the fireplace is going, then somepony had to light it. Someone has been here recently, very recently.

Though I was a bit startled by my find I trudged on, hoping the answer to my mysterious visitor would reveal itself during the tour. Also I didn’t want the good memories to end. I went into the kitchen next, it was sleek and modern, with a fridge and a dishwasher, crystal drinking glasses were lined on one shelf while ornate plates rested on another. Though the china was nice it didn’t have much meaning behind it, unlike the plates I had owned back home, each one celebrating a special occasion. I found myself getting very homesick. I tried to chide myself for it, but I couldn’t help the feeling that was growing in my gut.

Maybe I’ll feel better seeing the rest of the house.

I checked some of the other rooms, slowly forgetting the queasy feeling pooled in my stomach. The rooms that followed were similar to the first two, containing all the comforts one might want, while maintaining a wonderful charm. Eventually, I came to the last room, the master suite.

My room.

I opened the door; it was luxurious, even compared to the rest of the house. The bed was large; I walked up to it and pushed gently on the mattress.

It feels like someone took a door, put a sheet over it and called it a mattress, perfect. Kind of reminds me of my bed from home…

With a flash, a mental image of my room appeared before my eyes, along with all the memories attached. Though significantly larger than my old room I found the master suite constricting all of a sudden. I quickly shook my head, attempting to escape all the negative thoughts that were appearing in my head. I managed to shove them aside as I explored the rest of the room.

I trotted around the perimeter of the room. The bed had a nightstand on either side of and a trunk was placed at its foot, there were also two doors flanking either side of the room. I chose one at random and looked inside. The left door brought me to a spacious bath, with a shower and a large tub.

A lot more room than I’m used to.

I looked over the rest of the bath approvingly. I was about to leave when I noticed a few beads of water clinging to the walls of the tub.
Probably just condensation.

That only left the right door for me to explore. The results were quite pleasant, it was a small study; a mahogany desk dominated the room, and a small Persian style rug rested in behind it; on top sat a comfortable looking chair. The room reminded me of my old study; which had contained an L-shaped desk that wrapped around half the room, which didn’t take much. I found the study to be oddly comforting. Other than the desk the rest of the room contained shelves lined with books of various sizes and colors. I took one of the books off the shelf and regarded it, “Harry Trotter and the Fillyosopher’s Stone”.

That sounds oddly familiar… oh well.

I put the book back as I noticed several drawers below some of the shelves, opening then revealed a multitude of scrolls. That appeared to be everything in the room.

I was about to leave, but I noticed a small brown package sitting on the middle of my new desk. Curiosity was always a weakness of mine; nopony’s perfect, right? I undid the twine bowtie on top of the package and removed the brown wrapping paper. It revealed a pure white box with a simple catch mechanism that held it shut. I pulled the package into my hooves and popped it open. Before I knew what was going on I heard a loud bang and ended up on the floor, a simple note-card fluttered down towards my muzzle. I snatched it out of the air with my magic and flipped it so the text was right-side-up. The message was simple.

“2 to 1 Not Impressed”

Below was a picture of a disappointed Celestia, her magenta eyes giving the camera a sultry look.

Oh, it is ON!

If I had any qualms with pranking a princess before, they were gone now, squashed under a hoof of pride. Then my stomach rumbled.

That kills the moment…

Slightly embarrassed I cleaned the mess Celestia’s “gift” made and set out to find some food.

Maybe a few Sweet Apple Acres apples.

With a plan in mind I galloped to the front door. Only to remember I didn’t have any bits.

O.K., maybe I’m not the fastest horse in the barn, but I’m not slow, right?

Nursing my freshly wounded ego I turned to notice a small burlap sack hanging precariously from a coat rack, right next to a nice looking satchel. I slipped the newfound accessory on as I undid the knot on the sack; it rang softly as it dangled within my magic field. I opened it to find a pool of bits and another note.

“I don’t know what kind of food your kind likes but this should be enough to stave off hunger until your allowance arrives. Eat Healthy.” - Celestia

She thinks of everything doesn’t she?

I’ve had over a thousand years practice, I should hope so.
Just when I’d thought I was on my own.

Did you get my gift? Wasn’t it just lovely?


By the sounds of it the note I left displayed accurate information, correct?

Oh, it appears it did, try to take its advice to heart. I don’t appreciate amateur hour stuff.

This conversation is over.

O.K., bye!

That Alicorn really gets under my fur…skin…whatever…

Only a little worse for wear from my conversation with Celestia, I continued my journey towards the market square. Hoping that Applejack or Big Macintosh were still running the booth. I had spent longer than I thought touring my home and it looked like only an hour of daylight remained. I hurried towards the market, I got there just in time to see Applejack preparing to close up her stall for the evening.

“Excuse me, miss, could I buy a few apples?” I asked trotting towards the orange mare, causing her to break away from her work.

“Sorry, partner. I’m a closing shop fer tonight, but I’ll be here first thing in the mornin’,” she replied, continuing the work that I had interrupted just moments before.

“I’m only in town tonight, and I won’t have time for breakfast in the morning.”

She paused for a moment, as if judging the sincerity of my request.

“I could help you with that cart” I offered.

“Deal,” Applejack replied, sticking her hoof out. I shook it gratefully, and started the task before me. It looked like she was about halfway through and between the two of us, it would only take a moment. Partway through the job Applejack turned to me.

“Yer new here ani’t cha?”

I stopped working.

“Yes, I’m helping my friend move into town,” I replied, immediately returning to the task before me, not wanting to get wrapped up in a long conversation.

“Name’s Applejack” she said, never stopping her work, I was somewhat impressed at how deftly she put the cart away, compared to my slower, sloppier movements.

“Uh…Tom,” I replied.

No way out of this one is there?

“That’s a funny cutie mark, are you a rock farmer?”

“Yes,” I replied curtly.

“Funny, I think that’s the same profession that mah friend Pinkie Pie was in.”

Oh, yeah, Pinkie Pie was a rock farmer, and Rarity’s past also involved rocks, how funny. How many of these mares pasts involve rocks?

“Yes, I think I had the pleasure of meeting her today. Pink mane, balloons for a cutie mark, more energy than what should be ponyly possible?”

“Eeyup, that’s Pinkie. She didn’t give ya a hard time did she?”

“Not too bad. I couldn’t get out of the situation without telling her I’d make my friend go to a welcome party this Friday, though,” I answered. Applejack just chuckled.

“That sure is Pinkie Pie; I’ll make an effort to be there. Anypony that’s good ‘nough ta get you to help ‘em to move in seems like a pony I wanna’ meet.”

“You hardly know me,” I replied, abashed.

“I get the feelin’ that yer the honest sort, I got a knack fer telling these kind a’ things.”

“Mhhm…” I replied, just realizing that I was finished packing up the cart.

“How many apples did ya want, partner?” Applejack asked, retrieving a doggie bag from within the compacted cart.

“Let’s make it half a dozen,” I replied getting out the bits necessary, I was tempted to use magic, but though I could still use it while in the form of an Earth pony, it would look highly suspicious, and Applejack struck me as a smart mare.

“Much obliged,” she said as I hoofed her the bits, quickly taking my delicious smelling prize.

I never knew apples could smell so good…or have a smell at all for that matter.

“Right back at you,” I replied, the bag in my mouth.

With the dinner crisis solved I trotted back home. After making sure nopony was around I levitated my key in front of me and disengaged the lock. Then I cantered inside and shut the door behind me. It clicked softly. I continued my pace, heading towards the kitchen. Quickly arriving I levitated out a plate and an apple from the bag, storing the rest in the fridge. Using my magic, I wormed inside the apple breaking it apart delicately into several slices. I took a bite. It felt as though I’d never had a real apple before that moment. It was sweet and crisp, it could have been picked that morning. In fact, it probably was picked that morning. I furiously devoured the apple, and had two more before I was satisfied. I quickly rinsed the dish I had used off and stored it in the washer for a more thorough cleaning later.

I walked towards my bedroom, and entered my study. I was looking for a book to read but instead I found a door.

I must have missed this from earlier

I opened it and found a beautiful brick balcony, it faced the golden sunset. The last few rays of its warmth penetrated my coat, protecting me from the mild chill in the air. I stood outside for several minutes, enjoying the expansive view. Eventually, the sun disappeared behind the trees and it was time to turn in. I retreated inside and left my study, reading could wait until tomorrow. I went up to my bed and snuggled in, finally dropping the cloak of “Tom”. When I eventually got cozy I realized very quickly how exhausting the day had been. I closed my peaceful, green, eyes and let the night bring me sweet dreams and better rest than I’d had in a long, long, time.