• Published 9th Dec 2012
  • 925 Views, 6 Comments

Ventures of Dreams - xXSilverLiningXx

Luna goes forth on a mission to help ponies, but the only problem is how to help herself.

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1: Wolf and Huntress



Fluttershy could feel her heart pounding in her chest. The middle was always the best part, but soon it would have to end. She always hated the beginning; it was too full of threats and anger. She always hated the end; there was too much spilt blood. But the middle, she lived for the middle. The chase was exhilarating, the fear was breathtaking. Short of a freefall, she had never experienced such an adrenaline rush.

She hated herself for it.



She could see paw-prints in the forest floor. The sound of rustling leaves drew her attention to the left, so she followed the trail. A white blur flew along beside her, ears bobbing with every step. Angel seemed to appreciate the chase just as much as she did. Even better that he was usually labeled as prey.

Who better to track the hunter?



The two split up, herding the fleeing wolf towards their trap. Soon enough, they hit a clearing, but the wolf refused to venture away from it. It realized its mistake. Vision was blocked. The surrounding trees hid the mare and bunny, yet left the wolf as exposed as an injured deer.

Then it took a wrong step.



The wolf flew into the air, a rope suspending it by the ankle. The yellow mare stepped out from the shadows, a sad smile plastered on her face.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Wolf, but you know the rules. Hunting in my territory is a big no-no. I wish I could make an exception, but the bear get’s oh-so-hungry.” She chuckled. “I can never catch enough fish for him.”

Da-dump da-dump

Da-dump da-dump

Then a tall shadow fell across the wolf. Blood stained the grass.


Steam rose off the water, filling the air with moisture. Fluttershy could hear the mud bath bubbling in the distance as she sobbed to Rarity.

“What am I going to do?” she wailed. “I just can’t keep these wolves away!”

“Don’t worry,” the unicorn reassured. “I’m certain that they just need time to learn.”

“But that’s not it. I love it! I love it, but I hate myself for it!” By this point tears were freely flowing down her face. “I can’t keep doing this. Even Angel is involved now, but that just makes it worse... It makes it easier, and worse, and more.”

Rarity cringed, staring at her friend in shock. "Darling! Surely it isn't that bad. I don't suppose you could just talk to these wolves, could you?"

“I wish it was that easy,” sighed Fluttershy, sliding farther into the water. “I just can’t connect with them.”

“Perhaps your talent doesn’t extend to carnivores?” Rarity put in.

“But that doesn’t make any sense!” objected Fluttershy. “I’ve worked with plenty of carnivores before. Half the birds in my choir eat some kind of meat, and even the bear has his share of fish.”

“Couldn’t they live off of plants if they had to?” asked Rarity. “Maybe that’s the difference. I know a bear can live off of berries, and I think most birds can eat seeds. What plants do wolves eat?”

“They don’t, I suppose,” admitted Fluttershy.

“Well there’s your problem!” Rarity smiled. “Now I do think we’ve soaked here long enough. I’m beginning to prune. Would you like me to take you home?”

“No, I think I can make it on my own.”

An eerie creak cut through the air as the gate swung in the wind. Fluttershy crept through it, keeping a sharp eye for even the slightest motion. She looked up at the decrepit structures, and saw nothing, no birds, or squirrels, or even the smallest bug. She looked at the trees, only to meet similar results. Eventually, she reached the door.

The boarded windows blocked her vision, increasing her already hypersensitive mood. She tapped her hoof on the door, first three beats, then five. That had always been Angel’s code, and now it was hers. Suddenly a latch slid open on the door, and a pair of dark eyes stared out. As it slid shut, the door cracked open.

As she stepped through the door, Fluttershy saw the most painful sight yet. Her precious animals were huddled together, some in corners, and some on furniture. Their tense frames settled back into place as they saw their caretaker. Even this was little comfort, as the dark, smelly home couldn’t hold them all like this. Nopony can live in these conditions. What did they do to deserve this?