• Published 17th Jan 2012
  • 1,095 Views, 19 Comments

Baking Ginger Cookies - Kumare Tanamaru

Baking Perfect Pie Christmas Chronicles

  • ...

The First Hours

I looked up at Pinkie and smiled.

"Kids finally in bed?" I asked.

"Ugh, yes! The little colt wanted to stay up and wait."

"Oh he did, did he?" I said chuckling to myself.

"Yes. Why else would I say that?"

Confusion came over me for a second.

"No, what I mean... Never mind. Lets just sleep and put this stressful day behind us, shall we Pinkie?" I said offering the place next to me.

She had a somewhat tired look on her face and, though she was trying to hold it back, she yawned loudly. I took her hoof in mine and kissed her cheek as she laid next to me.

"Tomorrow's a big day, sweetie pie." I whispered to her quietly

"But it's going to be well worth it. We put a lot of effort into raising them."

"Oh yeah. With all the crying and fussing and whining and fits. We finally got them to a point where they can think for themselves. I just didn't think so many years could go by so quickly. They're growing up so fast."

"Just think, the other day I was screaming at the top of my lungs when the both of them came out."

"And how we rejoice on that fine day." I said kissing Pinkie's forehead. "We should probably get some shut eye though." I said rubbing her arm and pulling her closer to me. "We don't want to be too tired for Celestmas."

Pinkie Pie yawned and shut off the lights.

"Good night, oh wonderful husband of mine." Pinkie said nuzzling her cheek into my chest.

"Good night, oh wonderful wife of mine." I whispered to her.

I looked at the ceiling and thought for a moment.

So many years have gone by... So many years... I thought drifting off into a deep winter slumber.


Dad! I-I was just-

No son! Stay away! You've already caused enough trouble!

But dad I-

I said stay away! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have had to do the things I've done! Why couldn't you be more like your brother for Celestia's sake?!

Dad, don't go!

I said stay away! Go home son! Go home!

Dad! Dad!

Dad! Wake up dad! It's time for Celestmas! Break out the dough and let's get started!"

I woke up to a voice yelling in my face as I came back into reality.

"Mom, get dad up! He won't wake up!" A little voice rang out.

"Dad... Helloooooo? Oh, you're awake! Hey Chocolate, he's awake!" Another small voice rang out.

"He is? Lemme see, lemme see!"

I felt something like an anvil drop onto my mid-section and I let out a grunt

"Geez... Things really do hurt more when you're older. Chocolate, did you hafta jump on me?"

"Sorry dad, I was just so excited! It's Celestmas!" Chocolate sang out into a beautifully horrid note.

"Yes, I understand that."

"Well come on, we're supposed to be baking already! You promised to show us how!" The little filly's said after jumping off the bed. "Hurry up lazy bones!"

"Just like your mother... Anyways, since it's already Celestmas Chocolate, you get to open the first present, but it'll be our little secret."

"Jumpin' jelly beans! What is it?" the little colt said in excitement.

"Come closer." I said to the little one, who was bouncing up and down in joy.

Chocolate crept closer in eagerness and waited.

"No no, closer." I said to him.

His expression changed and he crept closer.

"No... Too close. Go back a bit. There, perfect. Now, let me give you my first present... It's very special... It's... a noogie!" I shouted as I picked up the little colt who squirmed in surprise.

I wrestled the little colt in the bed and pushed my hoof into his head, all the while laughing in delight.

"Would you two get off the bed?! I'm trying to sleep!!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Oh. Sorry mom."

"Sorry Pinkie."

I looked at my son and laughed a little bit. Without looking, I held out my left hoof to him and bit my lower lip to silence my laughter. The colt did the same, and our hooves knocked into each others, making a quiet clop.

"Come on son!" I said leaping out of the bed. "Time to bake some cookies."


"And that's how you make some Gingerbread Cookies! What do you think?"

"Whoa!" Both the children gasped in awe.

"That was awesome!"

"A lot of fun!"

"Glad to hear it!" I replied in joy.

There was a knock at the door and my ears perked up.

"That must be one of the girls. I got it!" I said trotting over to the door.

I opened the door, I was greeted with a warm smile from a purple pony.

"Hi there Pineapple! I hope I'm not late... I tried to leave sooner, but Spike didn't want to get up." she said as she slid Spike off of her back. "You know kids..." She sighed.

"You're not late at all! And yes, I do know kids. I have two of them." I said jokingly. "Come on in! Would you like some Gingerbread Cookies? The kids baked them!"

"Oh! That sounds wonderful! But... Where's Pinkie?"

"Oh, she's doing some uh..." I said pausing.

I motioned Twilight closer and she obliged.

"She's doing some last minute shopping... She'll be right back." I whispered.

"Oh, okay. Is everypony coming?"

"Yeah, but I didn't think you'd be the first to get here, I thought that Rainbow-"

I was suddenly interrupted by a cyan pegasus bursting through the door at a blinding speed.

"Did someone mention the fastest mare alive?" Rainbow boasted.

Both Twilight and I faced hoofed as we sarcastically welcomed Rainbow Dash.

"Come on in Rainbow. Want some cookies?" I said chucking to myself.

"No thanks, I got a shape to keep up you know. It's hard work keeping my slender and awesome figure." she replied admiring herself.

I rolled my eyes and went to close the door.

"Now hold yer horses, y'all ain't forgittin 'bout me are ya?" Applejack said as she came in with a basket on her back.

"Of course not AJ, c'mon in!" I said taking her basket for her.

"Brr! It's colder than a buck-toothed caterpillar out there! An' trust me, thas pretty cold. It was mighty nice of yew and Pinkie to be throwin' this here party for us!"

I smiled and put the basket down beside the hat rack.

I wonder what's in there...

My thoughts were disrupted by the sound of foals playing in the living room. I shook the daze out of my head and looked over my shoulder to see that Trey and his family had made the occasion.

"Trey! Nice to see you!"

"Likewise buddy. I figured I'd bring the kids out for the occasion as well. I hope you don't mind."

I smiled at the white pony.

"It's not a problem! The kids were wondering when Anacrusis and Flutterwing were going to come over next anyways." I said looking at the kids. "Always nice to have company!"

"Cool. So, how's Pinkie holding up?"

"Well, she's a little stressed out right now with the kids about to start school and all, so she might be a little weird when she gets here."

"I see. And your parents?"

"Well, my family went back to Trottsten to start a revolution of new being there. So, I guess they're doing well."

"That's good. I'm glad to hear that. So, since both Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are hitched with us, who do you think is next?" He said nudging me a bit.


"Out of all the friends. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, or Twilight?"

I sat there and thought a little bit as I watched everypony converse in the living room.

"That's a tough one..." I finally said. "What do you think?"

"I think that there's absolutely no way of telling..." he said squinting a bit. "But when it does, there will be a lot more drama around Ponyville than ever before."

I shuttered at the fact and sighed.

"Rarity's probably going to be fashionably late.... Again." I said changing the subject.

"Probably. I'm gonna grab a drink if that's alright with you."

"Yeah, be my guest." I said thinking to myself.

Who is gonna be next? I don't really know what's going to happen over the next few weeks. After the episode where Pinkie thought she has wished she was never born...

I shuttered again as I tried to vanquish the thought from my mind.


"I'm so sorry that I'm late. I had to do some last minute work on my newest S... Uh... well, I'm here is what I mean to say!" She said nervously.

"Well, I guess we can start. Everypony hold onto your milk and cookies, It's present time!" I exclaimed as I Trotted over to our Celestmas tree.

"Wait, aren't you forgetting somepony?" Twilight said.

Just then the door burst open and Pinkie came in, overwhelmed by the cold.

"Wowwie Zowwie! It's colder than a buck-toothed caterpillar out there!"

"Hay!" Applejack protested. "That's whut ah said!"

I felt a warm welcome from my wife as laughter filled the room. It was nice to have her back to the way she was. Loud, crazy, somewhat obnoxious, and most of all--Loving.

"I think I'll go first," Twilight said standing up. "Chocolate, this is for you!"