• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 8,908 Views, 207 Comments

My Little Mission: Sneaking is Magic - DoctorSpectrum

A Metal Gear/MLP crossover fic! Snake goes to Equestria!

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Chapter Twelve: The Big Shell Incident

“There's no such thing in the world as absolute reality,” I began. “Most of what they call real is actually fiction. What you think you see is only as real as your brain tells you it is.” I paused for a moment as I let these words sink in.

“Wait, ah don’t get it,” Apple Bloom said, breaking the silence. “Why is this important again?” I sighed. At the request of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I was once again trying to help them get their cutie marks, and this time, I was trying to explain to them how you had to find your place in the world to discover who you are. Unfortunately, none of them seemed to get it. The four of us were all in Twilight’s library at the moment, alone.

“Can’t we just use your box to sneak around in again, Snake?” Scootaloo added. “That was way more fun!”

“NO! I mean, no, you can’t Scootaloo,” I hastily replied. Although I could empathise with the urge for these fillies to acquire their cutie marks, I didn’t want them to do something silly again that would put them in danger. And besides, after what happened last time, I wasn’t going to trust my box to anyone.

“How about sneaking?” Sweetie Belle asked. “You could teach us how to sneak around without being caught. Then we’ll get our cutie marks for sure!” I sighed again – the Cutie Mark Crusaders were all far too impatient to listen to my carefully thought out speech. I was about to give in and teach the Crusaders something harmless, such as how to crawl through air vents, when the door to the library opened and Twilight Sparkle entered.

“Hello, girls! Hello, Snake! How are things going in here?” she greeted cheerfully. She had been over at Rarity’s house for some afternoon tea, which I had politely declined when invited to join in.

“Snake’s going to teach us some of the ways he sneaks into places!” Scootaloo answered before I could say anything.

“It’s sure to get us our cutie marks!” Sweetie Belle added.

“An’ y’all know what that means –”

“CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS SPIES!” the three fillies all shouted in unison. I looked to Twilight apologetically.

“Well, it’s not quite like that… but yeah, I was thinking of teaching them some of my… methods,” I explained. As I spoke, Twilight nodded to show that she had heard me, whilst focusing more on writing something down on a piece of paper. “What’s that you’re writing?” I asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, this?” she asked, levitating the paper telekinetically to confirm what I was asking about. I nodded. “It’s nothing much – I’m just writing down a reminder that I need to travel to Baltimare in the next few days to visit their local library. They’ve got some books there that I wouldn’t mind having a good read of… come to think of it, they might even have some things to help you find your way home!”

“Find my way… home?” I repeated as I started to think. “How do you mean?”

“Well, it’s nothing definite,” Twilight answered, “but they’re sure to have some spell books there which I don’t have, and who knows what could be in them? You might be able to find a spell to transport you home in one of the books… but nothing’s guaranteed.” I grimaced as I went through this again in my head.

“I’ll tell you what, Twilight,” I answered after giving it some thought. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll come with you to Baltimare to check out this library, and –”

“Hey! No fair!” Twilight and I both turned at the sound of Apple Bloom interrupting our conversation. The Cutie Mark Crusaders had been squabbling (presumably over something minor) whilst Twilight and I had been talking, but they had now stopped to join in our conversation. “If Snake’s goin’ tah Baltimare, then ah wanna come too!”

“You want to… come too?” I repeated, confused.

“Why do you want to come with us to Baltimare?” Twilight asked, just as puzzled as I was. “All we’ll probably be doing is borrowing some books from the library and reading them…”

“Because Baltimare is right next to Horseshoe Bay! Duh!” Apple Bloom replied. I looked to Twilight for clarification.

“Horseshoe Bay?!”

“It’s a large bay, right near Baltimare,” Twilight answered. “Nothing too exciting about it, although I hear that the pegasi usually work to make the weather quite nice most of the year.”

“Don’t ’cha see?” Apple Bloom answered impatiently. “We can go to the beach and get our cutie marks in swimming! Or… building sand castles! Or somethin’ like that!” Behind her, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle nodded enthusiastically in agreement. I honestly didn’t know what to say to this, so I turned to Twilight and waited for her opinion.

“Well… if it’s okay with your sisters and parents, then it’s okay with me,” Twilight answered after thinking it over for a moment. She turned to me before continuing. “Snake, you and I will have to go down to the beach to watch over them and make sure that they’re safe after we visit the library – is that okay with you?” I nodded. That was reasonable enough.

“Oh, ah know! Ah’ll bring Applejack along, too!” Apple Bloom suddenly said, speaking a bit louder than usual in her excitement. “We can build a sandcastle together!”

“Good idea! I’ll bring Rarity!” Sweetie Belle said. “…If she likes the beach, that is,” she added a moment later.

“And I’ll bring – oh… never mind…” Scootaloo started before suddenly going quiet. Twilight put a hoof to her mouth in thought as the three fillies spoke.

“You know what, Snake?” she asked me.

“Huh?” I replied, not knowing what she was going to ask me.

“If Rarity and Applejack are going to come too, then why don’t we invite all of our friends to the beach - make a bit of a day of it?” I thought about it for a moment before answering.

“Sure. Why not?” Thanks to Ocelot’s brief appearance, I had found out that time was working fairly slowly back on Earth, and with that knowledge, I could afford to spend a day at the beach. And besides, I was going to pick up some books from the library whilst in Baltimare – it wasn’t as though the trip was going to be a waste of time. “So, when should we do this?” I asked.

“How about… next Tuesday morning?” Twilight suggested. I nodded, as did the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “Good! Well then, if everypony else is fine with it, we’ll take the early train on Tuesday to Baltimare, stop by the library, and then head to the beach!” Once Twilight had finished speaking, the Cutie Mark Crusaders started arguing once more over which activity they should try first to get their cutie marks.

“Beach trip, huh?” I muttered, more to myself than any pony else. I hadn’t been to the beach in years, but from the way things were shaping up, it looked like this was going to be a fun trip.

“Wait a minute,” Colonel Campbell interrupted. “You’re telling me that the reason I’d wish that I had gone to Equestria… is because you and your pony friends took a trip to the beach?!”

Snake shrugged. “Well… it was pretty fun,” he answered. Colonel Campbell waited for him to say the real reason why the trip to the beach was so interesting, but was met with silence. After a few moments of awkward silence, Campbell realised that Snake was being serious when he said that it had been fun.

“Snake… honestly, this story is meaningless. Can’t you just skip to the end and tell me how you managed to return to Shadow Moses? Or better yet, pretend that this never happened, and that you stopped Psycho Mantis before he could do any of his mind tricks on you?” Although he wasn’t saying it out loud, the Colonel was assuming that the entire trip to Equestria had taken place in Snake’s head, courtesy of Psycho Mantis’s psychic powers.

“No,” Snake bluntly answered. “Colonel… I’m the one who stopped the terrorists at Shadow Moses, so therefore it’s my story to tell during this debriefing. And if I want to tell you about where Mantis sent me, I will.” He stared Campbell in the eye defiantly, almost daring him to raise another objection.

“…Fine. Continue on with your story,” Colonel Campbell said, finally relenting. As Snake resumed his story, the Colonel withdrew his notepad from below the table, and continued doodling crude sketches of himself.

“Wow! What great weather!” Twilight Sparkle said as the entirety of our group arrived at the beach the following Tuesday morning. We had already been to the Baltimare library, and despite Twilight’s best efforts to borrow every single book contained within, we had eventually left with as much as we could carry, and were now at the beach.

“Well, duh,” Rainbow Dash said, although not condescendingly. “The Baltimare pegasi are under special orders to keep the weather at Horseshoe Bay in top condition for most of the year – it helps the tourism up.” As we all stepped onto the warm, dry sand, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who had been trotting ahead of us for most of the trip, all ran off away from our group, eager to start the next activity in the hopes of getting their cutie marks.

Every pony had their own plans for what to do now that we were at the beach. Rarity was getting a beach umbrella out from a bag. Twilight had stretched out a towel and was now lying down on it to start reading one of the books which she had borrowed from the library. Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were throwing an oversized beach ball to each other. Slightly down the beach, Applejack was chasing after the Cutie Mark Crusaders, joining them in whatever game they were playing. Finally, Fluttershy was over at some nearby rock pools, presumably searching for some of the wildlife which she couldn’t encounter back home in Ponyville.

“So what are your plans now that we’re actually here?” Twilight asked me, as she telekinetically opened her book to the first page (whilst being careful not to accidentally get any sand on it).

“I’m not sure,” I admitted as I watched Pinkie Pie tackle Rainbow Dash into the water. I had come to Baltimare for the library more than the beach, and hadn’t actually thought about what I would do now that I was here. “I guess I’d go for a swim, if I wasn’t wearing my sneaking suit…”

“You enjoy swimming?” Twilight asked me, sounding surprised.


“Yeah, you know – where you move around in the water,” Twilight answered, sounding a bit more snarky now.

“Move around in the water, huh?” I asked. “I was thinking more that it’s been a while since I’ve practiced underwater infiltration… It’s not like I can let my skills grow rusty…”

“Your underwater infiltration – of course. Why didn’t I think of that?” Twilight replied.

“You’d like to go for a dip in the water, as it were, Snake?” Rarity suddenly interjected. I looked over to her. She’d been carefully telekinetically spreading out a towel below her beach umbrella so that it was as straight as possible, and was now lying on it. Apparently she had overheard Twilight and I. “If so, then today is your lucky day!”

“Lucky day, huh?” I asked. “What makes you say that?”

“It just so happens that I have prepared a bathing suit for you –”


“ – in preparation of today’s outing,” Rarity continued, ignoring my shock. Without moving from where she was, she telekinetically opened a nearby saddlebag, and withdrew a white pair of board shorts from it, which fortunately looked to be my size.

“…How did you know what size I am?” I asked after a moment. It was something which I had been wondering about since I had received the apron from Pinkie Pie, courtesy of Rarity.

“Oh darling, please, I am a dressmaker – it’s my job to know what size to make everypony’s clothes. Now, would you like to try them on?”

“Uh… sure, I guess…” I said reluctantly as I looked for a place to change. A few minutes later, I had changed into the board shorts, and I was back on the beach with Twilight and Rarity.

“Huh, these are pretty good,” I complimented Rarity. “I guess I’ll head into the water now. Thanks, Rarity,” I said before heading down to the water. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash were slightly further up the beach, still playing with the beach ball. Just up ahead of me were the Cutie Mark Crusaders, splashing about in the shallow waters whilst being watched over by Applejack. I assumed that the Crusaders were trying some sort of far-fetched scheme to get a cutie mark in swimming, or something similar.

As I approached the group of fillies and the older mare, they stopped what they were doing to pay attention to me. “Is that Rarity’s super-secret project that you’re wearing?” Sweetie Belle asked me excitedly. I smiled slightly before answering.

“Yeah, it is. I’m guessing that you knew about it?”

“She’s been working on that for weeks! Do you like it?”

“Yeah, these board shorts are pretty comfy,” I replied. I was going to keep heading into the water, when a thought struck me. “Hey, girls. You remember that I was going to teach you infiltration tactics?” The Crusaders all nodded enthusiastically. “Here, I’ll show you how I got into the last place I needed to.”

With that, I headed a bit further into the water, before taking a deep breath and diving under the water. Although I had actually made it to Shadow Moses Island through a one-man Swimmer Delivery Vehicle, I figured that it wouldn’t hurt to show the girls some underwater swimming techniques.

After I had swum out far enough, and felt myself running out of breath, I resurfaced. I realised that whilst the Cutie Mark Crusaders wouldn’t have been able to actually see me swimming, the distance that I had covered would hopefully impress them, and sate their need to learn more from me.

As I breathed in, I turned myself around in the water to look back to shore. I couldn’t see very well, but most of the ponies both on the beach and in the water were looking in my direction and shouting. It wasn’t until I pushed my wet fringe out of my eyes that I realised what was wrong – Sweetie Belle was missing from the group. As I started to feel myself growing anxious, Rainbow Dash zoomed over to me.

“Snake! Sweetie Belle tried following you – she’s gone underwater and hasn’t come back up!”

“Shit!” I answered as quickly as I could before diving back under the water again. I thrashed my way through the water, looking through the salt for the flash of white which would reveal Sweetie Belle’s presence to me. I found her quickly, and got over to her as fast as I could; not even considering taking the time to resurface for air.

Fortunately, I could see that Sweetie Belle was still moving slightly in the water – she must have still had some oxygen in her lungs. I grabbed her (it was a good thing that she was so small), and kicked my legs, trying to reach the surface as quickly as I could. Fortunately, once we had breached the surface, Sweetie Belle started coughing and spluttering almost immediately – she was alright.

Whether it had been due to the panic or the fact that I had held my breath for so long, my heart was beating as frantically as it could. I hit Sweetie Belle slightly on her back to help with her coughing. I was starting to calm down now that I knew that Sweetie Belle would be okay.

At the shore, the rest of the ponies were all standing together, trying to see what was happening – at the distance Sweetie and I were from them, they probably couldn’t tell, and for whatever reason, Rainbow Dash wasn’t flying out. Helping keep Sweetie Belle afloat with one arm, I activated my codec communicator with my other.

“Snake, what’s your status?” Twilight asked as my codec connected with her spell. Although she sounded concerned about Sweetie and me, she was trying to be as professional about this as possible.

“Twilight? I've got Sweetie Belle here... we've managed to avoid drowning!” I answered, perhaps a little bit more enthusiastically than I should have.

“Good job. Get her over to the shore as soon as you can.” I confirmed that I could do so, before slowly paddling back to the shore. I more or less had Sweetie Belle tucked under my arm – although she assured me that she could swim, I wasn’t going to risk her getting sucked under the water by a large enough wave.

We made it back to shore in one piece, at which point all of the other ponies came galloping up to us. Before I could say or do anything, Rarity telekinetically used a towel to harshly whip my face.

“What were you thinking, Snake?! My little sister could have drowned!” I winced and rubbed my cheek where she had hit me.

“I didn’t do anything –Sweetie Belle who followed me into the water of her own accord.” I turned to Sweetie Belle, who seemed to have mostly recovered. “Sweetie Belle, why did you follow me?”

Sweetie Belle clearly realised that she had done something wrong, as she avoided everyone’s gaze. “I – I just wanted to follow Snake and see how he does things… I thought that I could maybe get my cutie mark…” Rarity moved closer to her sister and began nuzzling her to comfort her.

“Oh, Sweetie, I know that you didn’t mean any harm, but you can’t just do things like that without supervision - you have to be careful around water, you know,” Rarity said.

“I know…” Sweetie Belle said dejectedly. There was a moment of silence from everyone before Twilight Sparkle spoke up.

“Well, it sounds like we’ve all learned a valuable lesson from this! Who wants to join me in writing a letter to Celestia?” As she spoke, we all started moving away from the water and back to the area where we had left our belongings.

“Who is this Celestia, anyway?” I asked curiously. I had heard the name several times during my stay in Ponyville, but so far I still had no idea whom it was or why they were so important.

“I haven’t mentioned Princess Celestia to you, Snake?” Twilight asked. “She’s the ruler of Equestria, who raises the sun every morning with her magic. Her sister Luna raises the moon at night.”

“We send Celestia letters from time to time on the magic of friendship,” Fluttershy added quietly.

“Magic of friendship, huh?” I repeated. “Wonder what she’d say if a human sent her one?” Twilight chuckled slightly before answering.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t even told Celestia that you’re in Ponyville! I should probably do that, shouldn’t I?” I shrugged as we reached our belongings. Some pony had packed a towel for me, and I spread it out and sat down as I answered.

“It’s no big deal, really. If you’ve heard of humans, then I’m sure that the ruler of Equestria has.” I let out a short, sharp laugh. “Hell, I’ll bet she’s probably even got a human as an advisor or something at the moment!”

“Well, I somehow doubt that,” said Twilight as she got out the book she had been reading earlier, missing the humour I had been trying to convey. I decided that for the moment it was probably best if I stayed out of the water, and got out a book of my own to start reading for the next few hours.


The rest of the day continued as it should have – Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie set up a game of beach volleyball which every pony and myself joined in (my team lost); Applejack joined the Cutie Mark Crusaders in building a sandcastle (despite the complexity, none of the Crusaders got a cutie mark in sandcastle-making); and Rainbow Dash was buried in the sand, much to her discomfort.

“Oh my! Isn’t this one beautiful, Snake?” asked Fluttershy as she picked up a seashell with one of her wings. She had spent the past few minutes looking for shells to collect along the beach. I was joining her out of a need for something different to do.

“Beautiful, huh? Yeah, it’s not bad, I guess.” To my eyes, it looked just like any other shell you could find on the beach, but I wasn’t going to ruin the experience for Fluttershy. We kept walking along past the rock pools which Fluttershy had been examining earlier before we came upon a pretty extraordinary sight.

Half-buried in the sand was a large spiral shell. Although we couldn’t see the entire size of it, the big shell looked to be around the size of a pony. “What do you think of that shell, Fluttershy?” I asked her, half-jokingly.

“Oh my, it’s very big…” Fluttershy said as she cautiously trotted up to it. After a moment of hesitation, she tapped it with her hoof. Despite no outwards sign of anything happening as a result of this, Fluttershy flinched. It was almost as if she were expecting a gigantic crab to emerge from it.

“Wow! What’s that big shell?” The Cutie Mark Crusaders had appeared from nowhere, and were fascinated by the size of the big shell.

“Who cares? Ah just wanna go swimmin’, so that I can get mah cutie mark in deep sea divin’!” Apple Bloom answered.

“But the water makes me feel funny!” Sweetie Belle protested. I didn’t know whether she wanted an excuse not to go into the water again after her near-drowning experience earlier, or whether she was making a legitimate claim, but the point was irrelevant either way.

“Who cares about that? Let’s get this big shell out of the sand!” Scootaloo said, ignoring her two friends.

“Girls, I – I really think that you shouldn’t –” Fluttershy began quietly as the Cutie Mark Crusaders all tried pulling the big shell out.

“Let them have their fun, Fluttershy,” I said to her. “It’s not like it will hurt them if they pull it out of the sand, will it?” As I spoke these words, it suddenly occurred to me that with my luck, there would probably be some sort of new Metal Gear hidden below the big shell. At least, if we were on Earth, that probably would have been the case.

After a few more minutes of struggling, during which Fluttershy and I patiently watched the Cutie Mark Crusaders, they finally managed to pull the entirety of the shell out of the sand. “Wow! This thing is huge!” said Apple Bloom. As I had guessed, the big shell was around the size of a regular-sized pony, making it roughly twice as big as the fillies.

“Huh. Good job pulling that out of the sand, girls,” I said to them. I turned to Fluttershy to ask her something, only to see her opening her mouth and screaming. “Huh?!” I looked back at the shell, and to my surprise, a gigantic crab was crawling out of the bottom half of the big shell!

“Girls, get out of there!” Fluttershy said as she regained some of her composure. As if she needed to – the three fillies were already galloping away from the crab as fast as they could.

“Snake! Do something!” said Scootaloo as she ran past Fluttershy and I, heading back to the rest of our group.

“Do something?! What with?”

“Don’t ‘cha have your equipment on you? Like when we were in the Everfree Forest?” Apple Bloom questioned, temporarily stopping her fleeing to talk.

“No – why would I be able to access my equipment when I’m only wearing a pair of boxer shorts?” I asked Apple Bloom in return.

“Well… ah was just wonderin’ how else yah could access all o’ that stuff you’ve got – it doesn’t seem like yah could fit it all in your suit.” I opened my mouth and was about to explain, when Fluttershy interrupted.

“There’s no time for this! Girls, get out of here! Snake, stop that crab!” I gave her a funny look.

“…Why? It’s not doing anything to hurt us,” I pointed out. In fact, since the crab had come out of the big shell, it had just stayed in the same spot, waving its antennae around harmlessly. “And anyway, aren’t you supposed to be really good with animals?” I added. It wasn’t so much that I didn’t want to fight the crab; it was more that I couldn’t see the point.

“This is a special type of crab- a Big Shell! It – it eats meat!” Fluttershy said fearfully. I made a mental note not to tell Fluttershy that I myself ate meat. I sighed – it looked like I was going to have to take out this innocent crab.

“Fine – it’ll have to be a crab battle, then,” I said to Fluttershy as the crab continued to wave its antennae obliviously. “What are you going to do?”

“I’ll go and tell the others not to come around here!” she said as she flew into the air. Of course you will, I thought. How come it was that whenever I had to fight something, I always did it on my own? “Good luck, Snake!”

Sighing once more, I took a few steps towards the crab – the Big Shell, as Fluttershy had called it. “Urgh – this sucks,” I said to myself. What did Fluttershy expect me to do, anyway? Punch out the – “Aargh!” The Big Shell had slashed at me with a claw – and without my sneaking suit to resist the damage, my side was bleeding quite badly.

“You bastard!” I grunted at the Big Shell. Now I was pissed off. Jumping back to avoid another claw swipe, I ran forwards and punched it in one of its bulbous, black eyes. The Big Shell let out a funny noise, and started flailing its claws and antennae, presumably in pain.

I was tempted to continue attacking the Big Shell, but decided to back off instead. The Big Shell started slowly pulling its enormous body towards me, so I kicked some sand at it. “Consider this a warning,” I said to it. I was still bleeding pretty badly, and despite what I had said to Fluttershy, I didn’t really want to attack this crab.

I headed back around the rock pools to where the rest of the group were. It was getting late in the day, and they had started to pack up the beach equipment. As I approached, several ponies came cantering up to me.

“Are you okay, Snake?”

“Didja stop that Big Shell? They’re pretty dangerous, ya know.”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I answered, covering my wound with a hand in a weak attempt to stop the bleeding. I went over to a basket which some pony had brought, and ate a tin of rations to give my body a chance to heal. Once I had finished, I changed back into my sneaking suit before assisting with the packing up of the equipment, which fortunately didn’t take too long.

“So, did everypony have a good day?” asked Twilight Sparkle as we all waited at the Baltimare train station shortly afterwards. Every pony nodded in agreement, whilst the Cutie Mark Crusaders started going over the events of the day and trying to work out why they hadn’t gotten their cutie marks yet.

“Yeah, it was pretty good,” I answered in direct response to Twilight’s question. “Let’s just not talk about that… Big Shell incident again. I’d rather forget that.” Thinking about it again, it almost made me wish that another FOXHOUND operative had faced the Big Shell rather than myself.

Before too long, the train to Ponyville arrived, and we departed, still talking about the events of the day. As I sat down on the train, I looked over the bag of library books which Twilight and I had borrowed from the Baltimare library. Although I didn’t realise it at the time, one of these books would provide Twilight Sparkle with the information needed to help get me back to Shadow Moses.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the delay, everyone - I'm having internet problems at the moment :/