• Published 26th Nov 2012
  • 8,909 Views, 207 Comments

My Little Mission: Sneaking is Magic - DoctorSpectrum

A Metal Gear/MLP crossover fic! Snake goes to Equestria!

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Chapter Ten: Draw!

It took me a long time to get to sleep that night. Even though I was going to be returning to Shadow Moses, which I had wanted to do since the moment I arrived in Ponyville, I was worried about what could go wrong. What if I returned to Shadow Moses to find that the deadline had passed? What if Twilight’s spell didn’t work after all, and I was still stuck here? Hell, even if everything went fine, and I returned just moments after I left, I would still have to complete my mission, which was dangerous as it was.

I finally managed to drift off to sleep, and slept undisturbed for the night before waking up the next day. Although I had wanted Twilight to try out the spell as soon as she said that it could send me back home, she had insisted on waiting until today, so that the rest of her friends had a chance to say farewell. I had reluctantly agreed – if nothing else, it would be good to get a good night’s sleep before facing the terrorists again.

“Morning, Snake!” Twilight said as I walked into her kitchen. “How did you sleep last night?” I shrugged.

“Yeah, pretty well. When are we going to do this?” If I had thought that the time looking for the spell to send me to Shadow Moses had been agonisingly slow, it was nothing next to how it felt now.

“Once you’ve had some breakfast, if that’s not too soon. I’ve already contacted the others, and we can all meet outside before I perform the spell.” Naturally, Twilight had been both efficient and organised.

“After breakfast, huh? Sounds like a plan.” I started preparing my breakfast (two pieces of toast and an apple), whilst Twilight double-checked the specifics of the spells that she would be casting.


I went over all of my equipment. I had used up some ammunition and rations during my stay, but otherwise all of my gear was exactly as it had been before Psycho Mantis sent me here. Although I was going to be leaving, I would always have my memories of Ponyville to remind me of my visit. I drew my final cigarette out of the packet – I had been saving it for this occasion.

I was standing just outside the library. All of Twilight’s friends were standing around me, whilst Twilight herself was levitating the Abridged List and re-reading the spell she was going to cast. Although she seemed focused on her work, I knew that she was doing so to hide her sadness at me leaving.

“Please don’t forget us, Snake,” Fluttershy said to me in her quiet voice as I lit the cigarette. “If, um, that’s okay with you…” she added quietly.

I gave a low chuckle. “Of course I won’t forget! This stay… it’s been pretty damn memorable.” Each of Twilight’s friends stepped forwards, and I leant down to hug them (making sure that I wasn’t accidentally breathing cigarette smoke into their faces as I did so). Pinkie Pie was sobbing uncontrollably as I did so – almost comically so.

“I – I never got to bake cupcakes with you!” she bawled as I stood back up. Trust Pinkie to say something as random and non sequitur as that as I prepared to leave. But then again… even as I thought those words, it occurred to me that this might be Pinkie’s way of masking her sadness, just as Twilight was hiding hers behind her book. Although it didn’t feel as though I had made much of a difference to these ponies’ lives, they were still going to miss me, in spite of how little they really knew about me.

“Y-yeah, Pinkie. Sorry,” I said, genuinely meaning it. I turned to Twilight. “Is the spell ready? …Are you?” Twilight levitated the book out of the way.

“Yes, it’s all ready. The dimensional-locator spell should automatically teleport you back to your world… to where you were before you arrived here.” I gave her a small nod.

“Okay,” I said. “Let’s do this.”

Twilight’s familiar purple magical field appeared around her horn as she closed her eyes and started concentrating. I looked at myself to see that the field had also surrounded my body. As Twilight continued concentrating, her horn slowly gradually began to glow white. As it did so, I felt a slight throbbing in my head, which increased as Twilight’s horn continued to glow.

The intensity of the throbbing continued to grow until it started hurting me somewhat. I had been wondering what was going on, when it occurred to me that this was what had happened prior to Psycho Mantis sending me to Equestria. It’s working! I thought.

Suddenly, just as Twilight’s horn didn’t seem as though it could get any brighter, there was a bright flash, which appeared at the same time as I heard a loud CRACK! noise.

I got a sense of déjà vu as I realised that I was lying face-down on the ground, just as I had been when Mantis had transported me to Ponyville. It did work! I thought. Thank you, Twilight!

“H-hey… what happened?” Even though I was face-down in the dirt, I recognised that voice. It wasn’t the voice of Psycho Mantis, or any other one of the FOXHOUND terrorists, for that matter. It sounded more like … Pinkie Pie.

I pulled myself up quickly. Had Pinkie Pie somehow been included in the spell, and sent to Earth alongside me? As I was standing up, I noticed a whistling-like sound... although I couldn’t place where I’d heard it before.

Crap. All of the ponies – Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack – were all lying on the ground, as if they had been temporarily knocked out as I seemed to have been. Worse, I was still in Equestria. The spell didn’t have seemed to have worked after all!

“Well, what have we here?” a voice behind me rasped. “Is that you, Solid Snake?” I slowly turned around, recognising the voice.

“Ocelot!” Standing before me… somehow… was Revolver Ocelot, a Russian gunman who was a core member of FOXHOUND. I had fought him just hours before facing Mantis. He was wearing the same leather jacket and dark suit that he had been then, and had an ammunition belt slung from his hip to his shoulder. Unlike when I had fought him, his right arm had been severed at the forearm, an act which I had witnessed, and was now wrapped in bandages. The whistling sound I had heard was Ocelot twirling his trademark revolver in his hand.

“Ooh, is that one of your friends, Snake? How’d he get here?” I heard Pinkie Pie say from behind me. I turned around angrily.

“No! He’s a deadly enemy of mine, Pinkie! All of you – get out of here!” As I spoke, I drew my SOCOM, the nearest weapon on hand. Although Ocelot only had one hand, I wasn’t going to underestimate him for a second. I had no idea why Twilight’s spell had brought Ocelot to Equestria rather than sending me back to Earth, but for now, all that mattered was that I stop him before he hurt any innocent ponies.

“What did you do to bring me here?” Ocelot rasped as he slowly started advancing towards me. He was still twirling his gun – toying with me, no doubt. “Mantis contacted me just before and told me that he had dealt with you…”

It took me a moment to realise what that meant. If Mantis had only just contacted Ocelot… then that meant Twilight’s theory was correct, and time was passing between the dimensions differently. I couldn’t be too sure, but it sounded as though only a few minutes had passed between my encounter with Mantis and the present.

“Tell me, Snake,” asked Ocelot as he continued advancing, “where are we?”

“None of your damn business, Ocelot!” I replied. There was no knowing what he would do if he knew that he was in Equestria. I took a quick glance over my soldier to see that the ponies were all peeking around from the side of the library to see what was happening. Obviously none of them realised how serious this could end up being.

“Hmph. Didn’t expect to get an answer,” Ocelot replied as he stopped advancing. He also stopped twirling his gun, and instead holstered it. “Not that it matters, of course. I have allies all over the world, in virtually every populated area –” surely he had to be exaggerating this “- that are at my command.” He mustn’t have noticed the ponies, or disregarded them as unimportant, judging by his words. “Snake! Prepare yourself!” Ocelot said dramatically.

As tempted as I was to pull the trigger on my SOCOM, I didn’t – having Ocelot here could prove useful. I had already found out from him that time between the two worlds did flow differently, and if nothing else, I might be able to find out more about FOXHOUND’s plans if I defeated Ocelot. I tensed myself, wondering what he was going to do next.

“MROWR!!” I jumped back in surprise a little as Ocelot moved his remaining arm in imitation of a cat’s claws whilst making that… noise.

“Mrowr?!” I repeated, not understanding what he was doing. Behind me, I could hear Pinkie Pie laughing at the sound of Ocelot’s call. “What the hell was that?!” I asked Ocelot, as curious as I was confused. I was trying to draw his attention away from Pinkie and the rest of the innocent ponies.

Ocelot smirked. “You didn’t like my little signal, Snake?” he taunted. I decided that it was better not to antagonise him and point out how ridiculous he sounded – especially at his age. He looked around, evidently expecting some sort of response. I prayed that no pony came out of their houses to see what all the fuss was about. It was still fortunately early, so most ponies were still at home.

After a moment, Ocelot seemed to realise that whatever his signal was supposed to do, it wasn’t doing it. “Hmph!” he said as he frowned. “I’m proud of you, Snake… you’ve managed to transport me somewhere the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo’s influence doesn’t-”

“La-Li-Lu-what?!” I interrupted. It was as if he was making up words on the spot. Could this be something to do with Metal Gear REX? I could hear the sound of not only Pinkie, but of all the ponies laughing at the words Ocelot had just spoken.

In response, Ocelot just smirked. “Don’t worry, Snake, I’m sure you’ll meet them some day,” he cryptically replied. He reached into his holster and drew out his revolver. “But for now, let’s finish what we started earlier. You got lucky last time – how will you handle yourself now?”

He aimed his gun at the ground at my feet, and I dove to the side as I realised what he was about to do. My quick thinking had saved me – a moment later, and the shot he fired would have ricocheted from the ground and hit my throat. I aimed my SOCOM at Ocelot, about to shoot, when I was interrupted. A bolt of purple magic flew towards Ocelot and hit him squarely in the chest.

I rolled over to see that my pony allies had all gotten over their laughing fit (minus Pinkie Pie, who was still giggling uncontrollably), and were galloping out to help me fight Ocelot. Twilight was at the front, shooting bolts of magic at Ocelot repeatedly. Behind her were Rarity and Applejack, whilst Rainbow Dash flew straight into Ocelot, knocking him over. Still behind the library, I could see Fluttershy timidly looking out to see how things were going.

I gritted my teeth as I got up. I appreciated their help, but this was far too risky for them to try helping me. Twilight’s magic wasn’t having a visible effect on Ocelot, and Ocelot himself was currently trying to shoot Rainbow Dash – fortunately, she seemed too agile for him. Acting quickly, I threw a stun grenade at Ocelot whilst he was distracted, whilst leaping to the side at the same time. As I planned, I crashed into Twilight Sparkle, stopping her assault.

“Snake, what are you-”

“Twilight! This man is too dangerous for you! Get out of here! All of you!”

“But we-”

“Now!” The ponies all realised how serious I was, and retreated before Ocelot could recover from the grenade. I could tell that they wanted to be helpful, but now was not the time.

“Would you believe that I’m out of bullets?” Ocelot asked me as he recovered. He swiftly moved away whilst somehow managing to reload with his single hand. “You know, I love to reload in battle! There’s nothing –”

“Well, obviously!” I interrupted as I finally got a chance to shoot off a few rounds of my SOCOM. Ocelot’s coat seemed to reduce the impact somewhat, but it still felt satisfying. “What did you think the alternative was? To surrender and reload whilst a prisoner?” I myself was now reloading, having emptied my clip.

I took a quick look behind me to see whether the ponies had fled, as I had told them to. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that they had.

Ocelot seemed annoyed at my comment. “You wouldn’t understand,” he rasped back to me as he fired off two shots. “This reload time – it’s exhilarating!” The two of us were now hiding behind cover, leaning over and shooting each other when we felt it was safe. I was tempted to take back what I had said before about him being dangerous – Ocelot was making an idiot of himself.

“Ocelot!” I muttered to myself. “I’ll kick your twisted mind out of you!” It was fortunate that I had only said this to myself, as I realised how stupid it sounded a moment later.

“You know, Snake,” Ocelot called out as he fired off some further shots at me, which missed once more, “did I mention that I knew Big Boss when he was alive?” I had been about to fire some shots of my own, and this caused me to hesitate. Was it true? Or was Ocelot just trying to screw with my mine, and defeat me whilst I was distracted?

“Three times I fought him,” Ocelot continued, “and neither of us could defeat the other.” I squeezed the trigger on my SOCOM once more, hearing Ocelot yell in pain as the bullets hit him once again. I was through with this – I just wanted this battle to be over, before any ponies could wander onto the scene and get injured.

“Ocelot! I don’t care about you and your damn crush on Big Boss!” I shouted as I got out from behind my cover and started cautiously moving over to his, keeping my SOCOM aimed at his position all the time. I was starting to run out of ammo for my SOCOM, and I wanted to end this quickly.

I was now right in front of Ocelot’s cover, which had been an empty market stall. “Get up,” I growled, ready to shoot him. I had been stupid not to do so before when he had been talking. I suddenly felt something cold and metal press to my temple.

“Game over, Snake,” Ocelot coldly rasped in his gravelly voice. I had no idea how, but he had snuck around the market stall and ambushed me from the side. His revolver was pressed to my temple, and there was no doubt that he would fire it at any moment. Is this it? I wondered. No dramatic fanfare – no chance to try again? Sweat broke out on my brow as I considered the innocent ponies here. What would Revolver Ocelot do to them?

Click! Ocelot had pressed the trigger, but he had apparently been out of bullets – or at least, he had no bullet in the current chamber. I hesitated for a moment, half out of surprise, and half because I hadn’t planned for what to do next.

“Hmm…funny,” Ocelot muttered. “The last time this happened, I was hit by a motorcycle.” I didn’t know what he was on about, but I took advantage of the opening to knock his gun out of his hand before he could try something else. I spun around and aimed my SOCOM directly at him. There was no way that he could escape now.

“Ha!” he exclaimed. “That was some fancy close-quarters-combat - you’re pretty good!” He made a gesture with his hand resembling a handgun. I was going to shoot him now… but something odd was happening. There seemed to be some sort of … purple energy surrounding Ocelot. Was this Twilight’s doing? “There’s no Cyborg Ninja to save you this time, Snake!”

“Ocelot…” I growled, unsure of what to do. Could this glow actually be something he controlled? He seemed oddly confident.

Damn it all. I’d just shoot him, and deal with any consequences later… or at least, that’s what I was planning to do. The moment I squeezed the trigger, there was a flash of bright light. The bullets I was firing shot through the space where Ocelot had been before he had disappeared with the light.

And that was it. Somehow, Ocelot was gone.


“Any idea how he could have disappeared like that, Twilight?” Once I had been sure that Ocelot wasn’t coming back, I had called Twilight on the codec, and told her what had happened. After I had told them to leave, Twilight and her friends had kept the other citizens of the town away from Ocelot and my battlefield, before retreating to Fluttershy’s Cottage. We hadn’t mentioned it yet… but they were starting to see how serious my work back on Earth was.

I had joined the group in Fluttershy’s Cottage, where they were all drinking tea. “Well, I have a theory,” Twilight replied. “It’s possible that the spells that accidentally brought Ocelot to Equestria wore off, and sent him back where he had come from. At least, that would seem to be the case.” I grunted.

“And you don’t know why the spells didn’t send me back to Earth?” I asked. That was just my luck, that rather than transferring me to Shadow Moses, the spells brought one of my enemies to Equestria. Twilight shook her head.

“The only idea I can think of is that my teleport spell isn’t powerful enough… although why it brought Ocelot here instead, I’m not sure,” she replied. “Unless I can find some way to increase the power of my teleport spell, I don’t think we’ll be able to use that method to send you home, Snake.”

“Look on the bright side, Snake!” Pinkie said happily. “Now you get to spend even more time in Ponyville with us!” She suddenly gasped loudly. “This means we CAN bake cupcakes together! Oh, All you have to do is take a cup of flour—”

“Yes, quite,” Rarity said, interrupting Pinkie. “But more importantly, now I can finish making you your new suit, Snake! I was so worried when you said that you’d be leaving, but now I have the chance to finish it for you!”

“New suit, huh?” I repeated. As I looked over this group of ponies who had taken me in and accepted me into their friendship group, I was only thinking of one thing. Sure, I hadn’t managed to get back to Shadow Moses, and Ocelot arriving could have been deadly to either me or one of these ponies. Maybe I was going to be stuck here for just as long as I already had been.

But at least I was with these ponies… no… at least I was here with my friends.