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Chapter 8: The Party

Chapter 8

The Party

Sky made his way through the dark streets of Ponyville dimly lit by the street lights. It was peaceful night he could hear the crickets chirping and was enjoying the calmness of the night, which was interrupted by a familiar rainbow maned pony landing in front of him.

“Hey Sky, what’s up?”

“Not much just enjoying the night, got my jacket back from Rarity.” he said as he was trying to make the situation less awkward.

“Well I was on my way to sugar cube corner. Wanna come along?” Dash asked as she blushed.

“Um...yeah why not.” Sky said as he and Rainbow Dash made their way to towards the center of town. Not one of them said a thing until they got there. For some reason, the lights were out and no-pony was around.

“Um Rainbow. It doesn’t look like the place is open, I don’t see any-pony around either.” he said with a concerned look.

“Oh don’t be a baby c’mon in.” Rainbow said as she went inside and disappeared in the darkness of the shop. Sky realized that there was no stopping her. As he entered the door shut behind him, suddenly he remembered the brief conversation earlier that day. He let out a heavy sigh.


“SURPRISE!!!” The light flickered on and revealed that the small pastry shop was jammed pack with almost every pony in Ponyville. It didn’t take long for the hyperactive pink earth pony to pop up in front of the unsurprised pegasus.

“Well were you surprised were ya, were, ya were, ya?” she asked with her eyes beaming. Sky looked around the room and saw the amount of work she had put into it.

Wow this took some work. I may as well humor her.

“Yeah, I’m just speechless that you managed to pull this all together. On such short notice.” Sky said as he put on his best surprised face he had.

“YAY! I can’t wait to introduce you to my friends!” Pinkie said as she grabbed Sky by the hoof and led him through the mass of ponies gathered in the small bakery. Sky was introduced to almost every-pony in Ponyville, he had brief conversation with Zecora about herbs and potions which he found very interesting. He eventually managed to find Rainbow Dash and the rest of her friends and began to sit down and talk with them. He was introduced to a timid yellow pegasus by the name of Fluttershy, she was ponyville’s veterinarian. They talked about places he’s been, ponies he’s seen and life as a traveler. Eventually Sky suggested they turn the conversation to their accomplishments.

“Wow, I didn’t know Twilight was Princess Celestia’s private student. That’s gotta be interesting.”

“Yes it is, I enjoy working for the princess.”

“So this is a peaceful little town from what I’ve seen.” Sky said as he looked back at the six mares.

“Yeah for the most part. But we still get problems from time to time.” Rainbow said.

“Like what?”

“Well, when we first met Twilight we had to take down Nightmare moon, then we had to fight the god of chaos Discord, go up against the changeling Queen and save an entire empire from being consumed by darkness.” Rainbow Dash finished as Sky’s jaw dropped in surprise.


“Well we are the bearers of the Elements of Harmony, so that probably has something to do with it.” Pinkie said in a nonchalant tone. Something clicked in the back of Sky Blazers mind.

“Elements of Harmony where have I heard that before?” Sky said as he scratched his chin with his hoof.

“Don’t tell me you don’t know about the elements!” Twilight said as she looked at Sky with astonishment. None of them noticed that Sky’s necklace had begun to glow again.

“Um refresh my memory what are they again?”

“The Elements of Harmony are Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic.” as Twilight finished explaining Sky felt an incredible pain in his head and began to scream. His pupils tuned to the size of pin points, he raced out the door with the six ponies in pursuit. Once he was out in the street Sky couldn’t take the pain anymore and passed out.

As Twilight and ever-pony else got outside they saw Sky Blazer being pulled off the ground by his necklace which was now shining brighter than the moon and he was wrapped in a magical blue aura.

“SKY! WHAT”S WRONG?” Rainbow called out to him. Sky opened his eyes to reveal that they were glowing white with magic, the air around him was crackling with raw power. Sky Blazer suddenly felt a burning pressure in his chest. As he opened his mouth to scream, a beam of raw magic erupted from his mouth and eyes and shot straight into the sky piercing the clouds and Luna’s night. Sky then lowered himself to the ground, still engulfed by the magical aura.

The trance seemed to leave him and the magic dispersed leaving only an unconscious Sky Blazer laying in the center of town. The Six mares rushed to his side.

“Sky! Sky! Speak to me!” Rainbow said as she landed beside him.


At Canterlot Castle Princess Luna was admiring her stars from the observation platform, until something bright caught her eye, she re-maneuvered her telescope until it came upon the source of the light; Ponyville. Not only could she see it, she could feel the magical pressure that it was being displayed. Luna then rushed to her sister’s room, before she could knock on the door Celestia had opened it and held a look of shock on her face as she looked down at her sister. Luna looked up at her sister with worry in her eyes.

“Tia, did you feel that?”

“Yes. Where did it come from?”

“Ponyville.” Luna replied.

“I will send Twilight a letter at once.” she said as she walked over to her desk.

“Sister, what is happening?” Luna said in a scared voice.

“I don’t know Luna, but I intend to find out!” Celestia said as she began to write.