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Chapter 7: The Jacket

Chapter 7

The Jacket.

“Whew glad I got out of there.” Sky said as he walked to the edge of the orchard. He saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom playing on the edge and realize Rarity said that she had to be home by dinner. He made his way over to the two playing fillies.

“Hey Sweetie Belle, Rarity said that you need to be home by supper. You’d better get going before she gets worried.”

“Oh right, see ya later Applebloom. I gotta go.” Sweetie Belle said as she trotted over to Sky’s side. The two continued down the path that led back into Ponyville not saying a word to one another until Sweetie Belle finally broke the silence.

“Um Sky, you don’t have to walk back with me.”

“I know but I want to, plus I need to pick up my jacket that your sister offered to fix up for me.” Sky said as he grinned back to the small filly.

“Um, Sky I want to apologize for Scootaloo’s behavior earlier.” she said as she looked to ground in embarrassment.

“It’s fine Sweetie, I’m used to getting asked those weird questions.”

“Well, okay.”

“I heard that you three call yourselves the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Mind telling me what that’s about?”

“Applebloom, Scootaloo and I are on a crusade to discover out special talents and earn our cutie marks.” Sweetie Belle said as she put on a huge smile.

“Well that’s certainly a huge undertaking. Any progress yet?”

“No, we’ve tried every thing from gardening to zip-lining.” Sweetie Belle said with an aggravated look on her face.

“How did you three-. You know what, I don’t even want to know how you three tried that.” Sky said as he let the though go.

“What’s you cutie mark mean?” she said as she glanced back at Sky’s flank. She saw a blue flame with a red center.

“Honestly, I have no idea what it means. It was just there one day.”

“Oh, well got any advise?” she asked as she looked up at sky with sad eyes.

“Well when it comes to cutie marks you usually have to stick with what you already know. What are you good at?”

“Well Scootaloo said that I’m a pretty good singer.”

“Okay, that’s good we’ve got a starting point now try and expand on that.” Sky said trying to reassure the sad unicorn.

“But I can’t sing in front of crowds, I get stage fright.”

“That’s no problem most professional performers go through that when they’re just starting out.”


“Yeah, have you heard of Octavia?”

“That classy cello player in Canterlot? Yeah, my sister has a few of her records, she’s really good. Why?”

“Well when I was in Baltimare I found her at a bar minutes before she was supposed to go on stage. She was a nervous wreck and I helped her calm down and she sounded great.” he said as Sweetie Belle looked back at him in amazement.

“Wow, I didn’t know you knew some-pony famous. That’s so cool.” Sweetie Belle said as they arrived at Carousel Boutique. Sky and Sweetie Belle made their way inside the boutique and headed upstairs to Rarities work room.

“Hey, Rarity sorry we took so long.”

“Sky, how wonderful to see you I’m just finishing up the final touches on your jacket. And you brought Sweetie Belle back, how generous.” She said as she turned to face the stallion with a smile on her face.

“Yeah I was down at Sweet Apple Acres talking to Applejack and Rainbow Dash when Sweetie Belle and her friends were playing. So when I decided to leave it only made sense that I bring her along. Plus I wanted to see how my jacket turned out.” Sky said as he eyed his jacket. It was still jet black but this time it had a blue stripe stretching down the back, and to end of the sleeves.

“I just need to fix this pocket here. But I cannot get this open! I’ve been trying all afternoon.” she said as she glared back at the jacked in rage. Sky then remembered the enchantment he had a unicorn put on his jacket.



“I probably should have told you this earlier. I had a unicorn put an enchantment on my pockets so only I can open them. Sorry.” he said with a weak grin and scratching the back of his mane.


“When I was in Detrot, the place was literally filled with thieves and muggers. So I had a unicorn cast a spell so no-pony could steal my bits. Hang on.” Sky said as he trotted over to the jacket an opened the pockets. “See.”

“Oh well that explains it. I’m sorry for that outburst earlier.” she said as she returned to her work. “I hope Sweetie Belle didn’t disturb your visit at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“No no, It was fine, she didn’t bother me at all.”

“And.......Done! Sky your jacket is now repaired. Do you like it?” Rarity asked as Sky put on the jacket and moved around in it. Once he was done he turned to Rarity with a blank stare.

“No, I don’t like it.”

Rarities heart sank at the statement. “Oh I’m so sorry darling, I tried my best.”

“Let me finish, I don’t like it. I LOVE IT! It’s completely different than before, I was hoping to make some modifications to it, I would’ve asked earlier but I didn’t want to intrude.” Sky said as he smiled. Rarities heart skipped a beat and glared back at him basking in her work.

“Thank you darling you’re too kind.” Rarity said as Sweetie Belle trotted up next to sky and began to eye his jacket

“I still don’t see why you needed to put a lock spell on your pockets, they don’t look like they hold much.” she said as she was examining the jacket on Sky. Sky decided to tell them one of the bonus’s his jacket has.

“A good point Sweetie Belle, you see this jacket has a few tricks. Like my pockets you see, the pockets are bigger on the inside.” Sky said as he pulled out a massive book from his pocket. Rarity and Sweetie Belle’s jaws hit the floor at the size of the book.

“How is that possible?” Rarity exclaimed.

“I had a unicorn put an extension charm on the pockets.” Sky said as he put the book back in his pocket. “This thing is really handy, so I can have all my stuff on me at once.” he said as he grinned back at Rarity and Sweetie Belle who had gotten over the initial shock.

“Wow, first you save me, then you tell me you know Octavia and now you have a jacket with bottomless pockets. THIS.IS. SO. COOL!!” Sweetie Belle squeaked in delight. Rarity hearing that last comment stared at Sky in amazement.

“Wait, you know Octavia? How?” Rarity asked.

“I helped her with some stage fright issues before a show and we became close friends afterwards.” Sky said proudly.

“Oh my, I had no idea you had such connections with the higher ups of society.”

“I usually don’t like to let others know, they would bombard me with pointless questions.” Sky said as he glanced at the clock.

“Wow it got late quick, thanks Rarity I gotta go. See ya later Sweetie Belle.” Sky said as he zoomed out the door.