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Chapter 2: Uninvited Guests

Chapter 2.

Uninvited Guests.

Rainbow recognized the trio immediately.

“Huh? Applebloom? Sweetie Belle? Scootaloo? what in the hey are you three doing out here?” she asked in confusion.

“We were try’n to get our cutie marks in wild life studies when we accidentally spooked a manticore, it attacked us and stung Scootaloo.” the little earth pony said tears running down her cheeks.

“We grabbed Scootaloo and tried to make it to Zecora’s hut but it cut us off from the trail.” the white unicorn exclaimed. Rainbow was now looking at Scootaloo who was shivering due to the poison. The group then heard the manticore roar as it approached the group.

“Every-pony into the cave NOW!” he said at the top of his lungs, the group did as the pegasus said and ran inside the cave. The group of ponies all looked at each other and then their attention turned to Scootaloo who was still shivering. He had seen this before it was one of the most basic signs of manticore poisoning, Rainbow or himself could most likely last a day but he doubt this little filly could last two hours at best. His glance turned to Rainbow.

“Rainbow, you said that town was close right?”

“Yeah, only two miles. Why?

“Get this filly to the hospital fast! She need treatment Then after you drop her off come back and get these two. Got it?” he said as he pointed a hoof towards Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom.

“What about the manticore?” Apple bloom asked.

“I’ll distract it and lead it away from the cave while you four escape.” he said adverting their worried looks.

“What? That’s suicide! I can’t stand up to a manticore alone and that’s saying something!” she said as she flew in front of the stallion and crossed her front hooves.

“DAMN IT RAINBOW!! THERES NO TIME TO ARGUE! THAT FILLEY NEEDS HELP NOW!! AND YOUR THE ONLY ONE FAST ENOUGH TO GET HER OUT OF HERE!” he bellowed. Rainbow shrunk back at this statement, she wanted to protest but deep down she knew he was right.

“Okay, are we agreed?” he said as the other ponies nodded.
“Alright then I’ll distract the manticore while Dash carries her off.” he said as he picked up Scootaloo and put her on Rainbows back. “As soon as she gets back I want you two to get on top of her as quick as you can and take off. Don’t look back and don’t worry I’ll be right behind you.” He said giving the group a reassuring grin.

“I can probably take both at once, once I drop Scoots off.” she said with a worried look on her face.

“Okay good.” he said as he put his saddle bags on and put his pocket knife between his teeth. “Every pony ready?” the ponies nodded.

“Alright then, 3......2......1..........GO!!” he yelled as he engaged the manticore.

Out of the corner of his eye he saw a rainbow trail leave the cave in the direction of the small town she mentioned earlier. The manticore swung it’s massive claws at the stallion he managed to dodge them and swipe his knife across the manticore’s fur once, which only made it angrier. The manticore then hit the stallion with its tail and send him flying back against the cave wall. The stallion cried out in pain as his sprained wing had most likely been broken on impact. The stallion slumped to the ground in pain,he started to cough up blood. The manticore drew closer to him, he then saw a rainbow trail dash in front of it stunning the beast.

“Hey! Leave him alone!” she bellowed.

“Rainbow...get them.....out of here.” he said as he got to his hooves.

“Right!” Rainbow said as she went over to where Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were hiding. As the stallion got to his hooves he noticed that the manticore had regained itself and was about to attack Rainbow and the fillies with it’s poison filled tail.

Crap! No time to warn them.

The pegasus charged forward hoping to make it in time. As Rainbow Dash was preparing to take off she saw that there was no time to defend her self and the two fillies she was holding on to from the rampaging manticore, she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable pain.

Rainbow waited, and waited but there was no pain, no poison, there was a grunt of pain. It did not come out of her mouth nor did the two frightened fillies that were holding on to her in fear. Rainbow looked up to see that the strange pegasus that she had met just this morning used his body as a shield to protect her. The stallion had his back towards her spreading his upper body in a “T” shape. He looked over his shoulder to meet her gaze that now had tears.

“Run..” he said weakly.

As he felt the massive force from Rainbow’s take off. He had taken the manticore’s tail blow in his chest. He then grabbed the manticore tail and twisted it with what ever strength he had left. The end that contained the stinger was ripped off and the manticore started to wail in pain and agony. The stallion then dropped to the ground feeling the poison start to take effect. The manticore then looked back at it’s prey with anger in it’s eyes. The pegasus knowing that he would be dead if he didn’t move, picked up his knife in his teeth and charged at the beast. The manticore now scared of the small pony, stood there in bewilderment, It tried to dodge in time but failed. The pegasus’s knife had made contact with the manticore’s abdomen. The beast now in more pain then it had ever been in it’s life decided that this prey was not worth it and retreated back into the dark jungle.

The stallion then laid there, paralyzed by the manticore’s venom that coursed through his body. He couldn’t help but wonder if Rainbow had mad it in time to save that filly. He then saw a dark figure approach him, as he tried to raise his head, the poison had taken its toll and he passed out in the middle of the forest.

I guess this is it....