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Chapter 11: Roommate

Chapter 11


Sky shot into Ponyville and landed in front of Sugar Cube Corner making a patch of dirt rise on impact. Rainbow was seconds behind him, unfortunately she needed to work on the slowing down part and slammed into him. The two crashed into a nearby tree as Rainbow regained her balance she noticed that she was on top of Sky Blazers chest, She tried to hide the blush. When Sky saw the mare laying on top of him his face turned scarlet.

“Um, Rainbow do you mind getting off me?”

“Yeah sorry, I guess I gotta work on my landing.” she said as she got off the stallion.

“Ya think?” he said with a grin. Rainbow then slugged him in the arm. “Ow! Was that necessary?”

“Yes, plus it’s just fun seeing you get hurt.” she said with a laugh.

“Your a peach Dash.” Sky said with his voice dripping in sarcasm. “Actually there was something I wanted to ask you.”


“Do you know any good inns around here? If I’m gonna stay, I need to have a place to crash.”

“Um, I’m not too sure, but maybe you could....never mind.” Dash said as she tried to hide her blush.

“What, tell me.”

“Well you could always crash at my place.” she said as she gave a weak smile.

“Um....okay, if your cool with it.”

Why is she acting like this all of a sudden?

“Yeah, it’s totally cool if you crash with me, I’ve kinda always wanted a roommate. So what do you want to do? I have no work today.” Rainbow said as she adverted her eyes from the blue pegasus.

“Don’t really know. What do you do for fun around here?”

“Well I mostly nap, Twi reads, AJ and Rarity both work, Fluttershy takes care of her animals and Pinkie does what ever Pinkie does.”

“You nap? that can’t be it.”

“Well I like to make new flying moves.” she said with a grin.

“Okay, so let’s go do that, I need to stretch my wings anyway.” Sky said as he cracked his wings. The two pegasi took flight, they spent the afternoon flying around Ponyville. Rainbow showed him all of her usual hang outs and places she recommended. “So what’s your best trick that you can do?” he asked the cyan mare.

“I guess my specialty would be the Sonic Rain-boom.” she said with a grin.

“You can do that! That’s awesome!”

“Yeah, it won me the best young flyer competition, so I guess it is pretty awesome.”

“Sounds cool, I’d love to see it eventually.”

“You...you would?” Dash said as she blushed.

“Sure.” he said with a grin. He then looked up at the sky and saw it was getting late. “So Dash where is your house?”

“Oh, right follow me.” She said as she took off into the night sky. The two were soon standing in front of a massive cloud house. Rainbow led Sky inside and showed him the guest room. It was small quaint and very nice. Wonderbolt posters were covering the walls.

“Looks like some-pony is a Wonderbolt fan.” Sky said as he let out a chuckle.

“Yeah, you can put your stuff where ever, the bathroom is at the end of the hall.”

“Thanks Dash I appreciate this.”

“No problem. Just promise me you won’t burn the place down.” she said with a chuckle.

“You drive a hard bargain Ms. Dash.” he said in a playful tone.

“Yeah, yeah. Goodnight.” she said as she closed the door. Sky hung his coat up and laid down to rest. Soon his eyelids became heavy and he drifted off to sleep.


“Gah!” Sky woke up to a pale of cold water being splashed on him. He looked up to see a hysterical cyan mare holding an empty bucket. “Dash! What in the name of tartarus was that for?”

“What? How else am I going to get you up?”

“Maybe by lightly tapping on my shoulder?”

“Hmmmmm......No!” Dash said as she trotted out of the room with a sly grin on her face. “C’mon let’s get something to eat.”

“ I can already tell this is gonna be a great relationship.” Sky said with a sarcastic tone. He trotted down stairs to the kitchen, it smelled of burnt toast. He saw Rainbow standing there with an embarrassed look on her face.

“Heh, heh..Cooking isn’t my strong suit. Lets just go to Sugar Cube Corner.” Sky trotted over tot he refrigerator and withdrew a carton of eggs.

“Well I can cook pretty well.” he said as he started to crack the eggs into a pan. Sky made his hostess and himself an omelet, Rainbow gobbled the egg down with haste.

“Sweet Celestia! That was amazing, where did you learn how to cook like that?”

“When you spend your life on the road you tend to learn a few things.” he said with a grin. The two pegasi then left the cloud home and made their way into Ponyville he decided to leave his jacket home now that he knows it’s in a safe place. They touched down in front of Sugar Cube Corner. “So what do you want to do?”

“Well I got work until three so sorry your on your own.” she said with a sheepish grin.

“That’s fine I’m sure I can-”

“HEY RAINBOW DASH!” both ponies turned around to see Scootaloo with a huge smile on her face. Rainbow rolled her eyes at the small filly. “I was wondering if you wanted to hang out.”

“Sorry kid, but I’ve got work.” she said as the small filly made a sad look appear on he face. “But Sky is free to hang.” Rainbow said as she put a hoof around his neck.


“Yeah you just told me you were looking for something to do.” she said with an evil grin.

“Really? Sky you don’t mind?”

“Well I-” he was cut off by the filly giving him the puppy dog eyes.

Damn it! That look should be made illegal!

“Yeah, I’d love to hang.” he said as he let out a sigh.

“Have fun! I gotta go.” Rainbow said as she took off into the sky, leaving the two pegasi in front of Sugar Cube Corner.

I’m gonna get you for this Rainbow!

Sky then turned his attention back to the orange filly, who had a disappointed look on her face. He gave her a nervous grin trying to lighten the mood.

“So Scootaloo what do you want to do?”

“Well I wanted to see if Rainbow Dash wanted to teach me how to fly. But now that dream has gone and went.”

“Wait you can’t fly?” he said as he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“Yeah, never learned how and Rainbow is just too busy to teach me or just doesn’t care.” Scootaloo said as she hung her head down.

“Hey, that’s not true.” he said as he put a hoof on her shoulder. “Tell you what, how about I teach you a thing or two today.”

“Really?” she said as her head perked up in happiness.

“Sure, why not.”

“Thanks! So when do we start?”

“First lets go somewhere a bit more.....spacious. How about the park?”

“Cool, lets go!” The two pegasi then made their way to Ponyville Park.

“So what do we do first?”

“Well, show me what you can do.”

“I can go around on my scooter really fast.”

“I saw that the other day. So your wing strength is good?”

“Yeah it’s just the whole ‘in the air thing’ that I need help with.”

“Okay then show me how many push ups you can do.”


“I want to test your endurance.”

“Okay, I’ll try my best” Scootaloo then started to push, lifting her tiny body off of the dirt. She soon collapsed in to the earth.

“Wow, thirty push ups that’s impressive for a filly your age.” he said as trotted over to her.

“Thanks. So now what?”

“Well I suggest you take breather and drink some water. It’s hot today and I don’t want you passing out on me.” he said as helped her to her hooves. Scootaloo trotted over to the water fountain sky saw Sweetie Belle and Applebloom coming from town.

“Hey Sky. What’re you and Scootaloo doing?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“He’s giving me flying lessons.” Scootaloo said as she joined her friends.

“Really? Hey can you give me magic lessons?” the white unicorn said as her two friend stared at her with a confused look.

“Um he’s a pegasus, he can’t do magic.” Applebloom said.

“Yeah I know that but Rarity said that he can do magic.”

“Yeah right!” Scootaloo said with a laugh.

“Actually, Sweetie is correct. I am able to do magic, It’s just not as strong as Twilights’.”

“What! Prove it.” the orange filly said with surprise.

“Okay.” he said as he scanned the area and found a tree with a broken limb. “See that broken branch?” he said as he pointed with his hoof, the three fillies nodded. “Okay stand back.” Sky steadied himself and closed his eyes. He focused his thoughts and he felt the magic flowing through his body, he then flapped his right wing in a diagonal slash motion. A small blue line appeared and was traveling towards the branch, soon it made contact and cut the limb in half. The three fillies jaws seemed to hit the ground in astonishment.

“That. Was. Awesome!” Scootaloo said, the other two ponies nodded in agreement. “How are you able to use magic?”

“Years of practice.” Sky said as he trotted over to the fillies.

“But I though only unicorns could do magic.” Applebloom said with a confused look on her face.

“Look girls we can spend hours talking about this, so I’m just gonna give you the short version. All ponies can do a certain degree of magic, but there are some who can take it to the next level. Basically any-pony can do what I just did if they have the drive and patience.” he finished his statement he notice that the three fillies now had smiles across their faces, Sky let out a sigh.

Okay, I can see where this is going.

“Let me guess, you guys want me to-”

“Can you teach us?” they all said in unison.

Called it.

“Well yeah I suppose I could.” he said as he scratched his mane.

“YAY! CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MAGIC USERS!” the three screamed in excitement.

“Alright girls, but listen we need to keep this topic on the down low. Okay?”

“Okay, C’mon crusader’s time’s a wasting.” Applebloom said as the three fillies sped off towards town. Sky couldn’t help but smile at their excitement. He then decided to go visit the library and see how Twilight was doing.

“Hey Twi.” he said as he spotted the lavender mare organizing books.

“Hey Sky, how are you settling in?”

“Good I’m saying with Rainbow for the time being.”

“I bet she’s happy about that.” Twilight said as she let out a giggle.

“Why?” Sky said as he raised an eyebrow.

“Um, nothing. Was there something you needed?”

“Oh right I was wondering if I could check out a few basic spell books, if you had any?”

“Practicing magic I see. Well as long as your careful.” She said as she levitated a book over to Sky.

“Yeah, best to start with the basics.” he said as he took the book in his mouth.

Twilight might object to the fact I might teach the CMC a few tricks.

“Good start and if you need any help..”

“I won’t hesitate to ask.” he said as he raised a hoof. “Thanks fro the book Twi, I gotta get started.” he said as he raced out the door. He went back to the park with the book and began to read.

Hmm. Illusion is too advanced. Maybe just some simple levitation magic..no. Ugh, this is going to be a chore. And your talking to your self again! Damn It!

“Hello Sky.” said a familiar voice.

“Hey Fluttershy. What’s up?”

“Just spending some time with my animal friends.” she said as she turned her head back to the ducks that were following her.

“Well that’s nice.”

“What are you doing?”

“Just picked up a beginners magic book from the library, figured I might as well start studying.” he said as he turned back to the book, Fluttershy suddenly started to giggle.


“You sounded like Twilight for a second there.”

“Heh, guess I did. So what are you and your friends going off to do?”

“Well they wanted to go play in the pond only one of them doesn’t swim so well so I’m here to make sure he’s alright.” she said with a smile on her face. Sky then noticed a rather large bruise on the yellow mare’s leg.
“Hey Fluttershy what happened to your leg?” Fluttershy then adverted her eyes from the blue pegasus.

“I....um....fell down the stairs this morning.” Sky eyed her for a second but dismissed the thought

“Okay, well try and be more careful alright.”

“I will, thanks for the concern.” she said as smile returned to her face.

“Well I’de love to stay and chat but I need to go. See ya later.” Sky said as he took flight with the book secure between his teeth. Sky decided to head to Rainbow’s house once he got there he decided to make himself some lunch and decided to look around the house to better acquaint himself with his surroundings. He started from the top and worked his way down as he got to Rainbow’s room he had hatched a genius plan in his mind he spent the next half hour ‘rearranging’ some items. Sky then decided to go see Twilight about lessons. He flew back down to Ponyville with book in teeth, Sky stopped in front of the library, as he opened the door he saw a familiar lavender mare. “Hey Twilight.”

“Hey Sky. How’s the book?”

“Well that’s kinda the issue, you see unicorn magic isn’t working for me. I think it’s better if I just practice what I know. Sorry for the inconvenience.” he said as he put the book back on the table.

“Oh, it’s no trouble. But since I am your new teacher I must get an understanding of your abilities.” she said as she grabbed a clip board and a pair of glasses.

“Fine by me. What should I do?”

“Anything as long as it doesn’t destroy my library.”

“Fine. If you want to take all the fun out of it.” he said with a grin.

“Ha-ha. But just to be safe let’s move this lesson outside.” she said with a nervous grin. They decided to head out back behind the library. “Okay, so show what you can do.”

“Alright, I’ll try.” Sky closed his eyes and felt a familiar sensation flow through his body. He felt power coursing through his body, he tried to focus.

“TWILIGHT!! THERE YOU ARE!” Pinkie said as she came charging up to the two ponies.

“Pinkie? What’s going on?”


“He?” Twilight and Sky said as they raised an eyebrow.

“YOU KNOW! STAR GAZER!” Twilights pupils shrunk at the name, Sky just stood there with a confused look on his face.

“Who’s Star Gazer?”

“He’s Fluttershy’s ex-coltfriend. He’s bad news and if he’s back that means Fluttershy’s in trouble!”

“Last time I saw her she was in the park.” Sky said as he took flight.

“Pinkie, go get the others Sky and I will head to park, hopefully we can get there before anything happens.”

“Okie-dokie-lokie!” Pinkie said as she took off towards Sweet Apple Acres. Sky and Twilight soon hurried to the park.

“So what did this guy do exactly?” Sky asked as he flew next to the lavender mare.

“He used to beat Fluttershy, until Rainbow AJ and I put a stop to his treatment, we haven’t seen him since.” Something clicked in the back of Sky’ mind.

“Earlier today I saw that Fluttershy had bruise on her leg, but she passed it off as ‘falling down the stairs.’” he said as he looked at Twilight.

“Oh no, we’d better get there quick!” Sky then lowered himself near the ground.

“Get on!” Twilight then hung on to Sky’s neck and positioned her self on his back. “Hang on!” Twilight’s vision began to blur as Sky’s speed increased ten fold, she only hoped that they weren’t too late.


“Y-you!” Fluttershy said as four ponies surrounded her. The red unicorn with the white mane was the ring leader. “S-Star G-Gazer w-what are y-you doing here?” she said as she looked for an escape route.

“What, an old friend can’t come and say hi?” he said with an evil grin. Soon he and the other three ponies started to back Fluttershy against a tree.

“P-please don’t!” she said as she cowered in fear.

“Don’t even try it! Your friends aren’t here to help you this time!” he said as he licked his lips.

“I wouldn’t bet on that!” Star then saw a blue blur ram into his side separating him from the group. Twilight then teleported in front of Fluttershy. “Twi! Get Fluttershy out of here! I can handle these guys!” he said as he turned his gaze to the group of ponies.


“No but’s! Go!” Sky said as the lavender and yellow mare disappeared in a flash of light. “Alright gent’s who’s first?” he said with a grin.

“Who in the hay are you?” Star Gazer said as he spat blood from his mouth.

“It’s common courtesy to give your name before asking someone else's.” the three pegasi grabbed hold of him and started to beat him to the ground. Sky tried to break free but there was no way out of the mess of hooves that had pinned him to the ground. Star then lifted him with his magic and began to whip into the surrounding trees. Sky started to cough up blood when he soon saw a rainbow blur knock Star off his hooves releasing his hold on Sky.

“Sky you alright?”

“Yeah, thanks.” he said as he got to his hooves. The three pegasi soon got their hooves around Sky once again and Rainbow was soon trapped in Star’s magical grip.

“Oh, well isn’t this sweet. Looks like the filly-foolers’ got her self a colt friend.” Rainbow grunted at the statement. “Now, you are going to watch as I break your mare friends wings!”

What! No, he wouldn’t.

“No, please don’t!” Rainbow said as she felt the grip tighten around her wings. The two pegasi held Sky by his wings as the third held his head towards the scene in front of him.

“NO! DON’T!” he yelled at the red stallion. Sky then felt a burning sensation inside of him, he felt power flowing through him. His mane soon turned into blue flames and the three pegasi jumped back in surprise.

“What the-” they were cut off by a glowing light that came from Sky’s wings, a small sphere of magic started to form and was soon shoot out towards the trio, they were soon sent flying backwards against a tree. Sky then turned his attention to the red stallion, who now had a look of fear spread across his face.

“S-stay back!” he said as he tightened his grip on the cyan mare that passed out from the pain. Sky took flight towards the plummeting mare. The blue stallion raced toward the mare, she was falling faster and faster. He was inches away until he felt a resistance at the base of his hooves, the pain was excruciating. Sky soon began to reach his target, he felt the force starting to thicken around him. Sky then felt himself being shot forward, he grabbed Rainbow before she hit the ground, as he looked up into the sky he saw a blue blazing line from where he once flew. They both crashed into the ground, Sky took the brunt of the hit, and slid into Ponyville creating a crater. As sky crawled out of the hole with the unconscious Rainbow Dash on his back he noticed that a group of ponies had gathered at the scene, including Twilight and the rest of their friends.

“SKY! WHAT HAPPENED? I WAS JUST ON MY WAY TO THE PARK WITH AJ AND RARITY!” Pinkie said as she rushed to her friends side.

“Fluttershy’s ex attacked us and-” he was cut off by a burning pain hitting his back, he turned his head to see a furious red unicorn stallion. Sky narrowed his eyes and his voice became flat. “Pinkie, get Rainbow to safety, I’ll deal with him.” he said as he put the cyan mare on Pinkie’s back. Sky began to trot toward the red stallion, who now had malice in his eyes. “LISTEN UP STAR GAZER! LEAVE FLUTTERSHY AND MY FRIENDS ALONE!”

“And why should I do that?” he said with a wicked laugh.

“I’m only giving you this one chance to back out.”


“The what happens next is your own doing!” the red stallion suddenly shot a beam of magic at the blue pegasus, Sky was ready this time and he wasn’t going to hold back. Sky began to gather what ever magic he had left and began molding it into a sphere only this time it was larger then the one he used to stop the pegasi in the park. The sphere glowed a vibrant blue, as Sky looked at the stallion he saw the look of sheer terror spread across his face. “Here! Catch!” Sky’s wings flapped once sending the sphere hurtling towards the red stallion. Star calmed his mind and shot a singe beam directly in the sphere’s path in hopes of slowing it down. To his dismay the sphere of magical energy only seemed to increase in speed and size as it made contact with its target is exploded. Massive pressure was released from the orb, no buildings were damaged bit there was now a badly wounded red stallion where the orb had detonated. Sky trotted over to the pony and looked down with daggers in his eyes. “My offer still stands. What’s your choice?”

“Buck you!” Star said as he shot another beam at Sky.

“That is it!” Sky yelled as he brought his hoof down on the unicorns horn snapping it in two. Star let out a cry of agony and began to limp away from the small town. Sky's mane then turned back to it's normal texture, he turned back to his friends who all had looks of shock on their faces, as he stepped forward some ponies backed away in fear. Sky hung his head and started to take off towards Rainbow’s cloud house, when his tail was being held down by a familiar yellow pegasus. Sky hovered back down awaiting the cries of fear and hatred, instead they were met by a sobbing yellow mare wrapping him in a hug.

“Th-thank y-you so m-much!” Fluttershy said as she cried. Sky stood there motionless as the other ponies began to cheer

“Woo doggy, I knew you could do magic but not that kind of magic!” AJ said as she went over to Sky.

“Are you alright darling?” Rarity said as she galloped to his side.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Wow that was amazing!” Pinkie said as she bounced up and down.

“How’s Rainbow doing?” he said as he looked at Twilight.

“She’s going to be fine, theres not even a broken bone. She should be waking up any time now.” As Twilight finished her statement a cyan mare came trotting over to her friends. some ponies then came over and started to carry Sky around town.

“What’s every pony doing out here?” she said as she rubbed her head.

“Dashie you missed it! Sky blew that mean stallion away all on his own! He made a giant blue ball and...It was just too awesome for words!” Pinkie said as she tried to contain her excitement.

“Hang on a second, I remember Sky and me fighting off Star and his goons in the park, he got me in a magic grip and then....I woke up here.” she said with a confused look on her face.

“C’mon girls lets fill her in on what she missed.” AJ said as they went after the group of ponies that had taken their friend. The crowd seemed to stop at Sugar Cube Corner as thy went inside AJ had finished filling in the blanks for her cyan friend. “And then you woke up.” Rainbow had a dumbfounded look on her face.

“I missed that! That sounds awesome.” Sky then caught sight of his friends and went over to join them.

“Hey guys, sorry about the ruckus. How are you feeling Dash?” Rainbow’s cheek’s suddenly turned red.

“I’m good and thanks for saving me...again.” she said as she scratched her mane in embarrassment.

“Well, I wasn’t about to let my roommate be squashed by some unicorn with a superiority complex.” he said with a laugh. He then saw the cyan mare look down at her hooves. “Hey, you okay?”

“Yeah I’m just really, really tired. “

“Same, I think I’m gonna split and head to bed. You coming?”

“Yeah sure, just give me a minute.” Dash said as she trotted over to her friends, with a nervous look on her face. Applejack soon joined Rainbow.

“So, you tell him yet?”

“Tell who what?”

“RD, don’t lie to me, you know darn well who ah’m talking about.” she said as she eyed the cyan pegasus.

“No, I don’t!” AJ then let out a huff and pointed towards the blue pegasus.

“Sky? Please, me and him?” she let out a weak laugh. AJ just stood there holding the same blank look. Rainbow let out a sigh. “Fine, I admit it. I like him okay.” she said as she started to blush. AJ had a smug grin on her face. “When did you figure it out?”

“Since I saw you two at the farm the other day. Your reaction to Scootaloo’s comment made it obvious.” she said as she let out a laugh.

“Ha-ha. Laugh it up.” she said with a cold tone.

“Easy now sugar cube, I’m trying to help ya because if you don’t make a move, you can bet your flank that some-pony else will. Especially after what he did today.”

“I know, but how? I’m not exactly the best when it comes to this type of thing.” AJ scratched her chin as she thought.

“Ah don’t know, I’ll sleep on it and I’ll tell ya if I thought of anything.”

“Thanks AJ and please don’ tell any-pony.”

“My lips are sealed hun.” AJ said as she made a zipper closing motion across her mouth.

“Ready to go?” Sky said as he trotted up next to Rainbow.

“Yeah, let’s get going.” the two pegasi took off towards the cloud home. As they entered the house Sky stopped for a second in the door way. Rainbow turned around to see what he was doing. “What’s up?”

“Just can’t help but think that I forgot something, oh well. Goodnight” he said as he continued upstairs and trotted into his room.

Something about a room.


Oh right now I remember.

Rainbow then burst through the door with anger in her eyes. Sky laid there with a smug grin on his face.

“Hey roomie, like the remodeling?” Rainbow then held him dow on the bed in anger.

“What did you do! How did you?” Sky then got off the bed and led her to her room.

“I just moved your furniture around a little.” he said with a laugh. Rainbow looked up to see her bed, nightstand and dresser on the ceiling. “Call it payback for this mornings wet awakening.” he said with a grin. He then looked over to see a less than amused Rainbow Dash. “Sorry, I’ll fix it in the morning.”

“Fine. I’ll just have to get you back harder.” she said with a grin.

“Alright then, goodnight.” Sky climbed back into bed and drifted off to sleep.

Authors Note: Holy crap over 4,000 words I din't know I had it in me. Hope you enjoyed it.