• Published 26th Aug 2011
  • 1,095 Views, 4 Comments

Begining of the end - Raot

An evil in born, and a fortress destroyed.

  • ...

Generosity and Cruelty

The night after the festival was bright. Celestia’s chariot was drawn and they began their flight into the sky as she spotted a small pony, alone in one of the streets outside the castle.

With memories of warnings of doom from the inside, Celestia thought it best to order the guards to pull up next to the nocturnal pony, and question him.

“Excuse me.” Celestia spoke, leaving her chariot, “What are you doing out so late at night? Shouldn’t you be at home?”

“Shoulden’t y…” he responded sourly as he looked up, but quickly stopped himself when he saw who he was talking to, “M, My apologies, I didn’t realize…”

“It’s fine.” Celestia calmed him. The colt was small, and covered in rags. He was red, but most other features where covered, he stood up strait when he realized who’s presence he shared.

“Well, Your majesty, this is my home.” He explained. “I’ve been begging here for a few months now…”

“Surly there is some place else to stay?” Celestia asked in surprised. She had not realized that the very capital had too many ponies to house and feed.

“I ain’t got the money or the skill to get any.” He said. He shook his hood free of his head and showed that he was a unicorn, but just barely. Half the horn had snapped, leaving a blunted stump. “See this cutie mark,” he showed his flank, on it was the picture of a red, orange, and yellow ball. “An explosion.” He chucked. “That’s what happened to my horn. It’s a bit funny ain’t it?”

“I’m sure there is a job for you out there somewhere.” Celestia continued.

“Nah, I can’t use magic no more, half the time I try I just blow stuff up.” He rolled his eyes. “But I get enough to eat. And my home has the best view in all Equestria.”

“…Well, I do apologize, but the castle is on high alert right now, and you should keep your distance from the grounds.” She tried to tell him delicately. “But please, what is your name? I’ll be sure to find you if I have a job for you.”

“The names Red Dwarf.” He said.

“I’m pleased to meet you Red Dwarf.” Celestia smiled. “Here…” she took a diamond from her chariot and gave it to the beggar. “Use it wisely.”

“No, I can’t accept that.” Red dwarf said with his eyes wide.

“Then you can give it back to me when I have found a job for you.” Celestia said with a smile.

“…Thank you.” Red dwarf said, taking the gem into his rags.

Cyan star had walked for many a mile before seeing a dark cloud in the distance… it seamed to come out from the earth, right above Earthhearts garden…

And then she saw flickering flames in the distance.

She bolted, fast enough for her hooves to sound like thunder, and she quickly saw that that fires in the garden were dyeing out… they had been burning for quite some time.

And there, in front of the last bit’s of flame, sat Earthheart. An orange Pegasus with a mountain for a cutie mark.

“Earthheart!” Cyan started as she slowed down next to the pony. “Are you okay?”

Her eyes were wide, and her half dried cheeks flickered in reflection to the embers. “I… I knew some of them needed water. I just went out to get some.” She started. “But… but when I came back…” she had to stop to keep herself from crying again. “All day… I tried to stop it all day… I screamed for people to help, but everyone was gone. They were at the party…” her eyes shut tight as the last of the fires burned out and a glowing pile of heat and ash was all that was left of the once beautiful area. “They couldn’t take the heat.” She continued. “Too much sun.”

“…You know… Celestia is new at this.” Cyan started. “It might not be your fault.”

“W… What?” Earthheart looked at Cyan.

“I said if there is anyone to blame, it’s Celestia.” Cyan continued. What was she doing? She felt some kind of power in saying these things… it felt right. She felt a voice whisper in her ear, urging her to go on, “Her days are longer then the nights, and when you needed help, everyone was at the festival.”

“Y… yea…” Earthheart agreed. “But… But it was an accident.”

Cyan felt a dark presence in her soul, and eerie discord filled her body as she lips spoke, “Yea. An accident.”

Earthheart showed a visible surprise at the comment. “Wh… What do you mean by that?”

“I mean…” Her id spoke through Cyan, “It’s too much of a coincidence isn’t it? Drying out your garden, making sure nobody helps you”… and then she lied, “unveiling the royal gardens…”

“What?” Earthheart said in confusion.

“Right, you weren’t there. Celestia had royal gardens planted inside the castle walls, unveiled them at the festival.” Cyan forged. “She actually said she was going to build some new housing too, right nearby here.” She continued, “This is a good spot for some mansions.”
Earthhearts eyes narrowed. “She… she said this?”

“Well, not publicly. But she had always wanted to build here…” Earthhearts eyes began to show signs of rage behind the grief. Why was Cyan doing this? It felt so good… she felt a kind of perverse power set upon both her and Earthheart, a kind of sinful glee. Cyan felt… in control.

“There were animals in there… they lived in those trees.” Earthehart began.

“A pony can’t live in a tree, and pay more for an apartment, what can I say.” Cyan shrugged.

“The birds… and the mice…” Earthheart failed to contain a grimace of anger on her face. “They could have been hurt.”

“You think she cares? She lives on top of the world.” Cyan spouted. “And you and your garden were just getting in the way of progress.” Earthheart screamed and pounded at the ground with surprising force.

“Where is she?!” She spoke like a pony possessed.

“Speaking with a dragon now, but she will be back at the castle shortly.” Cyan said. Earthheart sped off, galloping towards the doomed castle…

Cyan struggled for a moment, confused and disoriented from her experience… but then, magic… she felt something. She quickly turned and looked at her flank in surprise and awe…

Her cutie mark was beautiful.