> Begining of the end > by Raot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Begining of the end > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The walls of the castle had stood strong for millennia. Celestia had never known any force that could threaten them. Not since her parents still ruled. If there was one thing in the world that she could rely on, it was the strength of these walls, and their steadfast, and immovable nature. The magic that bound them was ancient and strong, stronger then any other magic Celestia knew. No force, no dragon, could ever dent the bastion of harmony. But when Celestia saw the look in Luna’s eyes that day she felt the ground beneath her feet begin to shake and quiver. “Are you okay?” she asked, genuinely concerned. Luna’s heart was filled with a kind of darkness that could only be seen by a sister. “…No.” Luna said. “No I’m not. I know…. I know I should be. But I’m not.” As she spoke, coolness entered the chambers. A kind of void that Celestia did not recognize. “I have heard a voice… inside my head… ever since I rose the moon the first time. And at first he comforted me… he was my only friend…” “Is that what this is about?” Celestia said dismissively. “I’m your friend Luna, you know that…” “You’re my sister, but you have never been a friend of mine.” Celestia was taken aback, and she felt something stronger pull at her heart. “You have always been too good for that. You are always up when the sun rises, and you always leave me in the dark…” “Sister… We rule this place together. This is how it is meant to be…” Celestia started. She tried to comfort the young filly, but she then saw a blue mist form around her sister… an evil mist. “No.” Luna interrupted with a pained expression. “You rule Equestria sister, we have never ruled anything together, and we have never been equal.” She raised her voice… she never raised her voice. And darkness began to crawl up her legs from the very shadow she cast upon the stone below her. “You’re inheritance was a bright world of beauty, while mine was a world where nothing moves except the cruel creatures of the night, and everyone sleeps, and those who cannot sleep and do not hunt are afraid to come out of their homes…” “The night is beautiful!” Celestia tried to calm her. “And equal to the day, you posses the stars in the night, and the sacred moon…. “Stop your lies!” Luna screamed, her voice cracking and her eyes watering. Celestia had never seen her like this, and was at a loss for words. “You control the sun! And what do I have? A meer reflection of your glory! That is all I have ever been. I have always tried to shine as bright as you, and to be like you! But you were always loved more then me. Don’t deny it. By Mom and dad, and by the people! You were always the favorite, you where always the “good” sister. You always shined brighter then any star I could ever create! And even now your subjects celebrate the summer sun, and wrap up the winter moon!” Luna ended her rant, and looked away from her sister. Celestia was still speechless, and cold… the room had begun to loss all heat, and light became scarce as her sister began to become engulfed in the blackness eating away at her hooves. “…When your cutie mark appeared…” Luna smiled, and tears began to fall from her face and onto the floor. “I was so happy for you… everyone knew what you would be doing in your life… you would be next in line…” She lost her composure for a moment, and tried to wipe her eyes, and speak through the lump in her throat. “But I also knew my destiny… always last. Always weaker. Always second best. Never to be shown in the light. Always following after you like the moon after the sun. When my destiny was revealed, it shouldn’t have been a surprise. I would forever be in your shadow, forever try to imitate your light.” She spat her spiteful words with anger once more, the darkness covered all but a few sparse patches of her pale blue coat. “But no more. I shall no longer toil to keep up with you. I shall no longer live in your shadow. If I am to be a shadow to your light, a moon to your sun, and a dream to your reality,” Celestia felt all warmth, and light, begin to funnel into the creature that had once been her sister. The blackness traveled across her body, lengthening, and transforming her shape, and her voice cracked up and down until it began to settle on a mature, and disheartening age “Then let me be pitch black,” Her mane became a mist of star filled blue, and from the darkness of her skin came armor fit for war “Let me be a new moon,” The walls, those powerful walls of harmony, bound together with the most powerful magic in the land, shook at their foundations, just as Celestias own mind began to quake with fear and disbelief. “Let me be you're nightmare!” And the ancient bastion of harmony came crashing down. The earth shook and the foundations crumbled. The candles went out and the fur on Celestias coat began to freeze. The ceiling began to fall in chunks, as well as the floors and walls. Brick by brick the monument fell, taking with it all the gold and treasure that meant so little, and the memories that no longer mattered. Celestia found that all the magic in her body was gone. Sucked out by the dark presence in her sister. In fact… there was no magic anywhere. Her heart began to pound and her eyes went wide and wild with panic. “Whats wrong sister?” Nightmare moon asked. “Afraid of the dark?” > Honesty and Treachery. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some time ago, The moment was to be known as the first day. The official rise of Celestia and Luna to the throne, and the first time they both rose the sun and the moon on their own. But as the power shifted from light to dark and the festivities began to die down, three figures trotted towards the Bastion of Harmony in the twilight. The guards let them in, but watched the small female and her guards carefully. They where nether black nor white, but striped, and their manes stood stiff above their heads. Their brown cloaks served to cover their eyes and shield their bodies from the elements, and signified their magical knowledge. When told of their arrival, Celestia quickly let them in. The Zebras where dim and dirty, and seamed to cool the demeanor of all present. Two of them were large, and male, and the third that stood between them lifted her hood to show a bandage around her eyes. “Delphi, the soothsayer.” Celestia said, motioning her sister beside her to show respect. “It’s good of you to come at this hour of celebration, though, I’m sorry, but you seam to have arrived a little late.” The blind zebra turned her head this way and that, but said nothing. One of her guards said, in a very deep voice, “She brings a prophesy. And we have walked many miles to give you this warning.” Celestia nodded in all seriousness. “Of course.” The soothsayer walked a few steps towards the two princess, and spoke in a thick accent, as if trying to speak another language, “The Bastion of harmony is to be destroyed, by no creature of The Nova and no creature of The Void. And the castle stands, and shall never fall To one who lies outside it’s walls Built upon freedom, unity and power, As the monarchs stand tall, so will the towers.” At first it seamed like a blessing, but Celestia could understand the hidden implications, “But a darkened heart can steal any magic So keep your true friends close, or times shall be tragic.” “And what does this mean?” Celestia asked, after the final echos of the words faded into nothingness. “I can see no more.” Delphi said. Celestia pondered over the warning. “Oath keeper,” she said, and a large, strong royal guard with a golden ring as a cutie mark bowed his head. “Make sure our guests find a room and are comfortable. Then I want you to double security, and have nopony walk alone on the grounds.” “Your highness.” He bowed once more and began to lead the zebras into another room. “Thank you for your kindness princess.” The blind soothsayer spoke, following between her two guards, and leaving the chambers. After the guard left Celestia stood, and all other ponies present bowed their heads once more. “And now, to end the festivities, my sister shall raise the moon on her own, for the first time.” There was a cheer from the crowd, and Luna blushed. “I understand some of you are disheartened by the warnings we have been given, but remember.” Celestia smiled and knowing smile. “Friendship is magic. And so long as we continue to love one another, we shall always live in peace and harmony.” As the castle came crumbling down, Celestia fell to her hooves and ran. She had never felt such a pain in her heart, and such an icy coolness in her blood. She galloped from the throne room, where Luna had first raised the moon so long ago, tears streaming from her immaculate, alabaster face. The stone that had supported her for so many a year cracked like a diamond under an iron hammer. Her bedrock was snapping like rotten wood in a fire, and she felt such a sinking feeling in her heart. She wondered if the very castle was sinking into the underworld and dragging her down with it. “Run.” She heard that dark thing say in her sister’s bastardized voice. “Run and cry like a little filly in the dark.” > Laughter and Lies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the celebrations “Just rest.” Celestia bade Luna. “But I just raised the moon. All on my own…” Luna said in her bed, eyes half closed already. “Your exhausted. And like it or not, your still a little filly.” She nuzzled her sister. “Just rest.” Luna looked away for a moment, There was something in her eye akin to sadness, “I miss mom and dad.” She said quietly. “I do to.” Celestia said knowingly, closing her eyes. “But now it’s our turn to rule. So just rest. You will make them proud one day.” Half of a smile appeared on Lunas face for a moment, and then she closed her eyes. “Good night.” Celestia said, leaving her sisters chambers. “Full house.” Grumbled a white colt. “Horseapples!” a black pony with Cyan colored hair threw her cards down on the table. “Why aren’t you two helping clean up?” Both ponies looked back to see Celesta herself entering the throne room. “Er, Candy Cane said she had everything under control.” Said the Black filly, shrugging guiltily. “That filly is going to work herself to death.” Celestia shook her head. “High Noon, go ahead and help her. Tell her Celestia sent you herself.” “Like she’d believe it.” The white colt said, rolling his eyes. He left the two, showing his cutie mark, which was a playing card with a joker on it. “She’ll just think it’s another joke.” “Cyan Star.” Celestia said to the black filly as High Noon left eyesight. “I see you have been trying new things…” Cyan looked down and away. “They… they don’t tease me as much anymore.” She said. “Probably because they know I live in the castle now…” “Cyan…” Celestia stepped closer to the pony with a smile. “I know Ponies usually get their cutie marks when they are… younger then you.” She said. Cyans face showed visible shame. “But every pony has a talent.” Celesia continued. “Just keep trying new things. And know that, above all else, you are one of my friends.” Cyan star was taken aback. “Th, Thank you princess.” She said happily. “Good, now, I have to go see a dragon about some bits.” Celestia giggled. “Switch owes you again?” Cyan asked. “Yes, those dragons aren’t usually business types.” She said. “But I’m pleased to say that they are more kind then they look once you get to know them.” “Good luck with that.” Cyan said. “I’ll go help out candy cane…” “Actually, I have a different task for you.” Celestia said. Cyan Star waited anxiously for the order. “Earthheart was not at the festivities today, and I am worried for her, could you check on her…” “I’ll do my best.” She said. Celestia smiled and left the young, markless pony. In the halls of the breaking bastion Celestia ran as fast as her hooves would let her, and speed through the halls, narrowly avoiding falling debris and trying to find an exit. But it was so dark, and half the doors had caved in… Celestia had never ran so much, and her sides her heaving and burning with exertion. “Oh, you look exhausted.” She heard the evil words echo and boom. “Like a little filly.” Celestia fought the urge to scream as she finally found an open doorway. She dashed through, but found a pony lying on the ground… “Candy Cane!” Celestia shouted in shock. The white and red pony lay there on the ground, eyes wide in fear. Celestia took a few precious moments to catch her breath before shouting, “Get up! We have to go!” “Its too late.” Celestia racing heart skipped a beat. The royal party planer continued to lay there, in the dark, caved in room. “Cyan was just here… she said Every door, every window is covered. And outside… there’s no moon, no stars… just black.” Her beady eyes, once filled with so much joy, now shot icy tendrils around Celesta’s soul. Tears flowed freely from the windows into her mind, and hopelessness filled the room. “The way is shut. The magic is gone.” Celestia had been frozen to her spot as the castle began to quake with new found vigor. “It’s too late,” she closed her beady eyes and weeped openly as the castle shook. “There’s no way out.” “Then we make a way.” Celestias head turned to see High Noon gallop in from the other side of the room. “The walls are made of paper round here, I can buck us a way out, come on…” Celestia was still stuck. Frozen solid by fear… “So scared.” She heard the voice again in her ear, that evil voice, like a whispering foe, sending greater chills down her spine. “What would mom and dad think of you if they saw you now? Too scared to even run away. You think they would be proud…” “Who are you?” High Noon said, taking up a fighting posture. “Don’t you recognize my voice?” Celestia heard her possessed sister say. “I’m Luna. Your princess. Your new, singular, queen…” “Buck you!” High noon cursed. Celestia was taken aback. “Whoever you are, you ain’t Luna no more.” He smiled. “If you’re so high an mighty, why don’t you show yourself so I can knock some sense into you.” A wall burst open and Celestia turned her head in shock to find the Black mare from before, with armor and a mane of stars. “Waoh” High Noon said. “I thought you’d be… I don’t know.” “What?” Nightmare Moon asked. “I don’t know… prettier?” High noon shrugged. “What?” “Yea, I mean, sure your taller but… boy howdy, only a mother could love that face.” Celestia couldn’t help but wryly smile a bit. “I’m Nightmare moon! Respect your new queen!” she shouted, causing more quakes in the ground below them. “An, you know, no offense, but I don’t see how those tiny wings of yours can lift up something so heavy.” High noon continued. “I know the armor isn’t exactly slimming but, I’m sorry, I ain’t never seen something as fat as you manage to fly more then a few inches.” Celestia giggled, and lifted a hoof to her face to try and stifle her laughing. “Stop it!” Nightmare Moon screamed, her horn glowing. “Shut your mouth or I’ll…” “What? Sit on me?” High noon asked. Nightmare Moon screamed and charged forward at the Earth Pony with her horn aglow. He then quickly sidestepped and avoided the charging alicorn as she ran headlock into the stone. Her powerful charge ripped through the wall and made a portal to the outside world. “We got ourselves an escape route.” He looked back to Celestia who found that she could once again move her hooves. “Lets go.” > Generosity and Cruelty > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The night after the festival was bright. Celestia’s chariot was drawn and they began their flight into the sky as she spotted a small pony, alone in one of the streets outside the castle. With memories of warnings of doom from the inside, Celestia thought it best to order the guards to pull up next to the nocturnal pony, and question him. “Excuse me.” Celestia spoke, leaving her chariot, “What are you doing out so late at night? Shouldn’t you be at home?” “Shoulden’t y…” he responded sourly as he looked up, but quickly stopped himself when he saw who he was talking to, “M, My apologies, I didn’t realize…” “It’s fine.” Celestia calmed him. The colt was small, and covered in rags. He was red, but most other features where covered, he stood up strait when he realized who’s presence he shared. “Well, Your majesty, this is my home.” He explained. “I’ve been begging here for a few months now…” “Surly there is some place else to stay?” Celestia asked in surprised. She had not realized that the very capital had too many ponies to house and feed. “I ain’t got the money or the skill to get any.” He said. He shook his hood free of his head and showed that he was a unicorn, but just barely. Half the horn had snapped, leaving a blunted stump. “See this cutie mark,” he showed his flank, on it was the picture of a red, orange, and yellow ball. “An explosion.” He chucked. “That’s what happened to my horn. It’s a bit funny ain’t it?” “I’m sure there is a job for you out there somewhere.” Celestia continued. “Nah, I can’t use magic no more, half the time I try I just blow stuff up.” He rolled his eyes. “But I get enough to eat. And my home has the best view in all Equestria.” “…Well, I do apologize, but the castle is on high alert right now, and you should keep your distance from the grounds.” She tried to tell him delicately. “But please, what is your name? I’ll be sure to find you if I have a job for you.” “The names Red Dwarf.” He said. “I’m pleased to meet you Red Dwarf.” Celestia smiled. “Here…” she took a diamond from her chariot and gave it to the beggar. “Use it wisely.” “No, I can’t accept that.” Red dwarf said with his eyes wide. “Then you can give it back to me when I have found a job for you.” Celestia said with a smile. “…Thank you.” Red dwarf said, taking the gem into his rags. Cyan star had walked for many a mile before seeing a dark cloud in the distance… it seamed to come out from the earth, right above Earthhearts garden… And then she saw flickering flames in the distance. She bolted, fast enough for her hooves to sound like thunder, and she quickly saw that that fires in the garden were dyeing out… they had been burning for quite some time. And there, in front of the last bit’s of flame, sat Earthheart. An orange Pegasus with a mountain for a cutie mark. “Earthheart!” Cyan started as she slowed down next to the pony. “Are you okay?” Her eyes were wide, and her half dried cheeks flickered in reflection to the embers. “I… I knew some of them needed water. I just went out to get some.” She started. “But… but when I came back…” she had to stop to keep herself from crying again. “All day… I tried to stop it all day… I screamed for people to help, but everyone was gone. They were at the party…” her eyes shut tight as the last of the fires burned out and a glowing pile of heat and ash was all that was left of the once beautiful area. “They couldn’t take the heat.” She continued. “Too much sun.” “…You know… Celestia is new at this.” Cyan started. “It might not be your fault.” “W… What?” Earthheart looked at Cyan. “I said if there is anyone to blame, it’s Celestia.” Cyan continued. What was she doing? She felt some kind of power in saying these things… it felt right. She felt a voice whisper in her ear, urging her to go on, “Her days are longer then the nights, and when you needed help, everyone was at the festival.” “Y… yea…” Earthheart agreed. “But… But it was an accident.” Cyan felt a dark presence in her soul, and eerie discord filled her body as she lips spoke, “Yea. An accident.” Earthheart showed a visible surprise at the comment. “Wh… What do you mean by that?” “I mean…” Her id spoke through Cyan, “It’s too much of a coincidence isn’t it? Drying out your garden, making sure nobody helps you”… and then she lied, “unveiling the royal gardens…” “What?” Earthheart said in confusion. “Right, you weren’t there. Celestia had royal gardens planted inside the castle walls, unveiled them at the festival.” Cyan forged. “She actually said she was going to build some new housing too, right nearby here.” She continued, “This is a good spot for some mansions.” Earthhearts eyes narrowed. “She… she said this?” “Well, not publicly. But she had always wanted to build here…” Earthhearts eyes began to show signs of rage behind the grief. Why was Cyan doing this? It felt so good… she felt a kind of perverse power set upon both her and Earthheart, a kind of sinful glee. Cyan felt… in control. “There were animals in there… they lived in those trees.” Earthehart began. “A pony can’t live in a tree, and pay more for an apartment, what can I say.” Cyan shrugged. “The birds… and the mice…” Earthheart failed to contain a grimace of anger on her face. “They could have been hurt.” “You think she cares? She lives on top of the world.” Cyan spouted. “And you and your garden were just getting in the way of progress.” Earthheart screamed and pounded at the ground with surprising force. “Where is she?!” She spoke like a pony possessed. “Speaking with a dragon now, but she will be back at the castle shortly.” Cyan said. Earthheart sped off, galloping towards the doomed castle… Cyan struggled for a moment, confused and disoriented from her experience… but then, magic… she felt something. She quickly turned and looked at her flank in surprise and awe… Her cutie mark was beautiful. > Loyalty and Greed > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The castle gates, after the celebrations. Oath Keeper kept guard tonight. He was a large stallion, with heavy armor and a massive array of magical spells for combat. He felt that even alone he could fend off any threat, no matter what kind of attacker came… But in the distance, he saw a light coming towards the walls. He squinted and made out an orange Pegasus. Earthheart. “Hey!” he waved to the pony. “Get out of my way!” he heard her scream as she charged towards the wall. He noticed now, in horror, that the light he saw was coming from her hooves… they were red hot from the friction. He stood his ground. “I don’t know what’s going on, but you can’t enter…” he created a ethereal magical shield in front of himself. It was so powerful, it was even capable of keeping a dragons fire at bay. As Earthheart charged, she slammed into the shield with such force that it sent Oath Keeper flying back, smashing him up against the wall behind him. “What?!” he gasped as the small Pegasus pony continued forward, slamming her hot, flaming hoof into Oathkeepers flank and smashing him to the ground. He yelled in pain, the hoof burned and buried into him, but he looked up at the Pegasus, regaining his hooves, and planned to strike down the diminutive mare… But then he saw her eyes, wet with tears and hot with fury. She slammed her hooves into the stone with no effect on the Ivory gates. Sadness eventually overwhelmed the small ones anger and her legs gave way, leaving her to cry into the dirt below her. Oath Keeper lost all of his fighting spirit as he saw the great force of nature simmer down to ashes before him. “…Whats wrong?” he asked, forgetting all of his stately duties. As high up as he was on the military ladder, he still had a soft spot in his heart for mares in distress. It was hard to understand her. But eventually, after laying by her side she calmed down enough to say, “She burned it… she burned it all…” “Your garden?” he asked. “Who?” Her rage appeared for another millisecond as she spat, “You know who!” she developed back into sobs. “She burned it… Celestia burned it…” “The Princess?” the treasonous thought struck a nerve, but he kept his seat. “Why would the princess do such a thing…” Earthheart looked up in a swelling rage. “Greed. Pride. Power, Corruption, Cruelty!” she stood up once more. “I have heard things Oath Keeper… things you would not believe. Celestia isn’t who you think she is.” “…Who told you these things?” Oath Keeper asked, humoring the Pegasus. “Me.” He turned to see the new voice. Cyan star was standing before them. “I know her better then most. And let me tell you…” she looked into Oath Keepers eyes. “You don’t know who you serve.” Oath keeper had served with the royal family all his life… but what reasons would Celestia have for burning Earthhearts garden?... With sorrow in his heart, and a feeling of rebellion festering in his mind, he pleaded, “Tell me more Cyan Star.” Cyan smiled and responded. “Please… this is a time of change… I think you should call me by my new name.” She looked down at her flank, and then back to Oath Keeper. “Cyanide.” A silence filled the air. He could have called for help. He could have said no, he could have denied it all… but instead, he asked, “What is the plan.” “We wait… for now.” Cyanide commanded. “Hold your rage for later… the time will come…” She led Earthheart away, and Oath Keeper stood back at his post. The wall was spotless from the attack. The only evidence that anything had ever gone amiss that night, was a burnt wound on Oath Keepers flank that broke the solemn golden ring on his cutie mark. “Lord KillSwitch McDeathengine?” Celestia asked before entering the cave. “Yes.” The voice responded. A Red dragon head lowered to meet her eyes in the dark cave. “Did I pronounce that correctly?” Celestia asked cordially. “I’m still trying to learn dragon names…” “Yes, very good Princess.” The Dragon responded. “But Switch works fine as well.” “Then you can simply call me Celestia, if we are ignoring titles.” “It would make things quicker.” He responded. “Now to business…” “Yes, quite…” Celestia nodded. “I’ve come to ask for my winnings” “Wha… oh, right.” The Dragons eyes rolled as he continued, “How much was that?” “The bet was 20 bits.” She said, counting. “20 bits against my sister raising the moon on her own…” he threw 20 bits in her direction. “Dragons don’t like losing bets do they?” “No, No we don’t.” he grumbled. “For a race who hates losing, you sure like to gamble though…” she added, carrying her winnings into her carriage. Switch laughed softly, “Yes, we have our share of faults… we do tend to bite off more then we can chew.” His eyes then lost some humor. “But you ponies have your own faults.” “Really?” Celestia asked. “Like what?” Switch had his claws around a small Pegasus that he dropped to the ground next to the princess. “The largest being curiosity. I found this street urchin buzzing around my cave this morning, trying to make off with as much gold as she could carry. She says her name is ‘Sparks’… you ponies and your strange names…” Celestia looked down at the poor thing. She was a thin, dirty yellow Pegasus with an electric blue mane. She was quite small, and must have just been a filly. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Sparks seamed much more afraid of Celestia then the dragon. “It’s all right young one… did he hurt you?” she asked. The Pegasus looked up and shook her head. “Well you must be hungry, if he kept you in here all day…” “No, actually, he fed me.” She said, nodding. “Really?” she asked. “Well… I couldn’t let her… it… starve.” Switch shrugged. “Well, it’s alright, you can leave now.” The Princess said, trying to comfort the filly. “Actually, he said I could come back and play tomorrow if I wanted!” she said with a smile. “That is, if you aren’t mad…” “Did he?” she asked, wryly smiling at the dragon. “Oh, no, I, she…” Switch blushed. “…Please don’t tell anyone.” He asked. “Not a soul.” She winked. “You can go.” She said to the Pegasus. Sparks giggled and flew off the mountain. “The other dragons wouldn’t let me live it down if they found out…you know.” Switch said. “Found out that The Dragon Lord Killswitch McDeathEngine offers playtime and lollipops little fillies?” she said. He looked away in embarrassment. “…You know what?” Celestia started. “Dragons have a greater flaw then greed.” “Really?” Switch responded. “Please, do tell.” “Kindness.” She whispered. The Dragon groaned, “You can’t imagine how much those words hurt me, as a Dragon, Celestia.” He scoffed. “I should be kidnapping princess like you, not losing bets.” Celestia laughed, “Speaking with you is always a pleasure.” She bowed. “Until we meet again.” The dragon bowed his head, and said, with sarcasm, “Buy yourself something nice.” Celestia giggled, walking back into her carriage. “I will.” Falling from the crumbling castle walls Celestia hit the ground hard, but softened the blow for High Noon by catching him on her back. Debris was falling down like stone rain. She tried to dodge all she could, following High Noon towards the gates… But right there before them was a figure, blocking their path… “…Oath Keeper!” Celestia exclaimed. But after a moment, she noticed that he just, stood there… “He does not go by that name anymore sister.” Celestia turned to see her younger sibling, engulfed in darkness. “His new name is Oath Breaker. It has been since his Cutie mark changed.” Celestia looked back in shock realizing that it was true, the golden ring had a mark slashed through it, breaking the circle. “You are not fit to lead anymore Celestia.” Oath Breaker said solemnly. Celestia could feel coldness creeping up on her again. “You are inept, and blind. This empire of sun has gone on for long enough… it is time for you to give rise to the moon.” “Don’t listen to him!” High Noon started. He tried to find away through Oath Breaker, but the stallion was too big and too strong. “You think your citizens love you?” he asked. “Their crops burn, the homeless fill the streets, beggars starve for scraps, and here you are crying about the sun going down.” Celestia wiped away the tears on her check, suddenly being reminded of them. “Should it really surprise you?” Luna asked, “That even your most loyal subjects turns against you? You are incompetent! Delusional! No one wants you here!” Celestia fell to the ground again. “Just close your eyes.” She heard. “Harmony is gone.” She heard. She could not keep from sobbing, and High Noon seamed to be a whole world away… “This is how friendship dies. This is how the spark goes black…” “Not this spark!” Celestias eyes opened suddenly as a yellow and blue dot buzzed down from the sky, tackling the huge Stallion and making him stumble like he was hit with a bolt of lighting. “Now’s your chance!” It was Sparks. The little filly was out of breath, but still kicking. “Get back here!” Luna sent a bolt of magic through her horn at the small filly, but Sparks dodged it easily. “Na na na na na boo boo!” She stuck out her tongue “Bleh!”. “Why you little…!” Oath Breaker charged at the impudent whelp, missing, and not even remotely keeping up with her movements… But the way was open. “No you fool!” Luna yelled as Celestia charged through with newfound purpose. High Noon and Sparks followed quickly behind her. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.” Sparks said, quickly leading the way with her speed.