• Published 7th Jan 2012
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Trixie and the Mirror - Mightyfinemorning

Trixie finds a magic mirror and decides to take a look.

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Outside the mirror

“Hello, Rainbow Dash.” Trixie said. What to do, she had to think. Fast. Swiftly respond to every possible situation that was going to happen, expect the unexpected; she had to be ready.

The cyan pegasus glared at her. Trixie kept smiling, but the pegasus in front of her did not return the favor. “Why hello there, loudmouth. So the great and powerful Trixie have returned?” Dash jeered.

Petty insult-Trixie did not cringe even a bit. “And why should this Trixie do that?” She said, still smiling.

“Don’t dare to play your tricks, Trixie. You won’t fool anypony this time.”

“A bit harsh, don’t you think?” Trixie replied. Play around words, was she going to do it? She was talking just like Trixie. She would not speak this way to Rainbow Dash. Under normal circumstances, that was.

Things could go from normal to anything in an instant. She woke up-waking up could often involve a change of place. Every time she woke up, Trixie had to make sure everything was all right-she was the Great and Powerful Trixie, always, anytime, and everywhere.

Her rapid processions of thoughts, as usual, were quickly interrupted. “A fitting treatment for a loudmouth like you!” Dash shouted. She spread her wings wide. Typical of the winged ponies, displaying their emotion via their vital organs; so easy to read.

It was she who should be called as loudmouth, her booming voice attracting unnecessary attention.

“Is something wrong-ah!” From the door came another pegasus, looking at Trixie with wide eyes. Trixie sighed. One more pony she had to convince. Who else was she to expect except the owner of the house, Fluttershy?

So now Trixie was facing two of the bearers. What to do, she had to think. The very crucial act she never forget its importance. The grand mind of Trixie had to produce a strategy that was going to work. It was hardly a challenge, nonetheless still requiring her wits. To contemplate, to ponder, she was to come up with something to control the situation which was going very awkward for her.

The sudden silence was not to last long. Fluttershy’s face soon changed to a disapproving look. “You! Why did you return?” Her voice was raised-not a good sign, of which Trixie noticed.

“Beats me. But we’ll have to be careful. Don’t know what she is up to this time.” Dash said, watching at her. Fluttereshy too, her stare trying to reveal what she believed to be the mask of Trixie.

Too bad she was not wearing any-right now, Trixie was just Trixie. It was only them who were wearing masks, warping their sight. But Trixie could not blame them for acting such. Both Trixies, actually. One was to blame her own self, and the other had nothing to do with this event.

Inside the mirror, as other Trixie said, everything could go fairly smooth. Trixie was their friend after all, hailed along with the bearers. She was going to be welcomed, with a bit of awkward moment which was soon going to pass. But here, outside the mirror, she was just a street magician whose veil has been lifted. This Trixie had to devise a new plan, to adapt to the new environment.

She naturally found the task as easy as a pie. To manipulate was her nature, and she did not walk the path of the illusion for nothing. The Great and Powerful Trixie, master of illusion. She was just spectacular. No explanation was ever needed-was there any doubt from the start?

Trixie knew what to do. “Please, Trixie here comes in good will. Would you at least allow this Trixie to tell her tale, of how it all happened?” Trixie said. She tried to sound polite as much as possible, speaking in a somewhat apologetic tone. Trixie did not stare. She just looked at the two pegasi, hoping her effort was paying off. “Really, it is not what you think.”

She did not expect them to immediately listen to her words. Of course, they were not so easily convinced. But the first step-right now it was all that mattered. The most complex trick consisted of many steps-and the very first started it all, making everything possible.

“Hey, we all know what happened. You never defeated Ursa Major. You couldn’t even handle Ursa Minor! Twilight did all the job. You did nothing. You just ran away, because you were afraid that someone was actually greater and more powerful than you. How do you like that?” Dash said. Fluttershy kept looking at her with stern look in her eyes.

She went through much worse situation. Trixie knew-she had to know-how to behave in such situations. “This Trixie, she assures you, has nothing to do with her.” Trixie said calmly.

To unravel the great question of her present state, this was just the beginning, she said to herself. More awkward moments were soon going follow. She had to be ready to meet them all, handling everything so professionally that they ceased to be problems anymore. Her plan was going to work-she had to make it so.

“Quit joking around. You ARE Trixie, or are you going say no? Just look at you. Pointy hat, blue cape. This is not even funny.” Rainbow Dash said.

“Dash is right. You are Trixie.”

This was never funny from the start. Trixie sighed. She expected this, ever since she heard Trixie’s tale. But how to explain, how to make Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy to understand her situation, both Trixies’ strange happenings?

First step, to begin everything. “Yes, she is Trixie. But she is not Trixie, for she is Trixie.” Trixie said.

Even the Great and Powerful Trixie had hard time understanding what happened to her. Both Trixies themselves were not so sure, unable to form a reasonable explanation to make sense of the incident.

Trixie cleared her throat, giving her a moment to further clear her thoughts, and continued. “This may sound strange, but you have to listen to this Trixie. She is not who you thinks she is. The Trixie you speak of, she is not where she is supposed to be. This Trixie has met the same fate with that Trixie. At least that is her hypothesis. And this Trixie here figured it would be best to talk to Twilight.” Trixie continued to say.

Hopefully they were willing to listen. If not, she had another card up her wings-as pegasi often said.

“Speaking riddles now, huh? I bet Twilight makes better ones than yours!” Rainbow Dash snickered. “You said you are Trixie. Is this supposed to be a joke?”

Her hope rapidly dwindling, Trixie looked at Fluttershy, hoping (for no matter how infinitesimal small possibilities could be, chances was that seemingly impossible could happen eventually) at least she would at least try to say something in favor of Trixie. But to Trixie’s slight disappointment (not that she did not expect such reaction) she was as cold as ice.

So much for element of kindness-then again, Trixie probably never deserved it anyway in the first place.

But not this Trixie-that was the problem. Both Trixies in a wrong place, a truly bothersome happening it was.

“Anyway, you better say sorry for all the trouble you caused. You may have gotten away last time, but I’m going to make sure you properly apologize this time.” Dash said. She walked towards her then stopped.

She did not do it. Trixie never did anything in the first place. She just had her show, the audience was pleased. Everything was fine. Most importantly, she was not that Trixie. But the cyan pegasus in front of her was not going to listen.

She was just a few hooves away. Both of the pegasus’ wings were spread wide. Rainbow Dash was clearly intending to stick to her words, standing in the middle of the path, glaring so intently, like a predator marking its prey, looking for the right time to strike, ready to pounce at any moment’s notice.

“I will not move until you promise you are going to say sorry.” Dash said. And it was clear that her words were not hollow threats as she lowered her position, ready to sprint towards her.

At least Fluttershy was not moving. But her stare was so cold, so different from what she usually saw from the affectionate pegasus. Trixie wanted complain just whatever she did to be in such a situation. Searching for her memory, not a single thread was to be found that justified her current situation.

How did she get into this? Ever so complicated, the path of the magician was not a smooth one, curved, intertwined, and tangled with intricacies that she could never hope to fully comprehend. Magic was part of the world-and thus, every magic was bound to the reality, seemingly normal days always more magical than her hallucinatory tricks and warping images.

But she accepted this complex principle already, for she was Trixie. Not exactly mastering, but catching it almost instinctively. To overcome, to turn the tides, Trixie found it not so difficult. She was to devise a scheme, like the way she eventually found the single thread of reality among her vast inconceivable mind. Well, her friends Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were back in there somewhere, and Trixie had to concentrate on solving her immediate issues.

“Well? Are you going to apologize or not?” Rainbow Dash was growling now.

Great, now that was too much, she thought. Why did they have to be so overly hostile? No matter-it would at least make her less regrettable for tricking her ‘friends’. She checked her plan once again. Just a little trick, she said to herself.

Trixie took one step. The pegasus in front of her did not move, carefully observing her move. Yes, like Dash she knew. She wasn’t one of the best flyers over Equestria for nothing. She was naturally swift, able to maneuver her movement in an instant. When she was flying, she was more like a hawk than a pony. Born to fly, that was what others said about Rainbow Dash.

Focus on more immediate issue, like she done before. Another step. Still Dash did not move. Trixie saw her lips clenching, her leg muscles tensed.

One precise moment; that was all she needed to perform her trick.

To trick the neighsayer one more time, like Trixie. She smiled bitterly. It seemed she was going to apologize after all. Well, she thought; if Trixie was Trixie, then Rainbow Dash was Rainbow Dash. She was what Trixie knew, and what this Trixie knew-she would act in a way of which both Trixies expected her to be. A curious combination indeed, she momentarily contemplated upon the fact.

Not to forget the yellow-furred pegasus who was observing her every move. A secondary obstacle compared to one in front of her, but nonetheless a target not to be ignored. Would she move? She tried to expect her action. She might, she might not. Trixie was master of herself, but for others, she could only pretend. The Great and Powerful Trixie only pretended-with luck, a wit, and careful observation, ready to analyze and predict the course of action.

One step forward. Standing in the path, the two mares looked at each other. Both of them were biding their time, waiting for the right moment to strike their plan. To Trixie, it was unfortunate that her plan was for superior than Rainbow Dash’s. Could Dash expect her plan?

Definitely not.

The very moment to strike, she found it.

Trixie moved. This time, instead of moving one more step which was bound to trigger Dash to move, Trixie stepped back. “Trixie will apologize.” She muttered. Before the startled Dash could say anything, she lunged forward.

Still, Rainbow Dash acted relatively quickly. “Been expecting that!” Her wings flapped furiously. She dashed in front of Trixie.

“And she expected this.” Trixie whispered. She moved to the right, her magic temporarily boosting her body with an incredible speed. The cyan pegasus in front of her seemed to falter a bit-but she quickly adjusted her position, this time rushing from the left side.

Trixie cast a glance at Fluttershy, who was watching the two engaging in what seemed like a combat. She was clearly not intending to move, her wings folded on her both sides. Maybe she thought Dash would win. And she had good reason to think so. A fine pegasus Dash was, possessing both agility and grace. Even in this world, Dash was still Dash.

Sadly for them, and fortunately for Trixie, Trixie was determined to end this fast. And she was not going to stop her.

A fraction of second, and that was going to be enough for the Great and Powerful Trixie. She began to cast her teleporting spell. The very instant when Dash was about to tackle her down-Trixie expected the timing. She temporarily phased out from their sight.

“Urgh!” Seeing her target disappearing, Dash turned around, already adjusting her trajectory, focused on the magical sparks flashing off from her behind. With a speed that belied the combined acceleration seriously limiting her movement, she made a quick U-turn, charging towards the site where Trixie was going to appear.

She was going to; then she changed her mind. Every fraction of a fraction of a second counted. She waited for the right timing, forcibly shutting off the magical energy that was building towards her horn.

Back to where she started. One short moment to look at Fluttershy, who was still watching her with that-not-so-amused-look when her tricks did not work wonders as they should have been. No matter, she thought. Impressing her audience, she could do it without even thinking-she was a magician. And if somepony was watching her show, then she had to impress her-a good show she was going to behold.

Her magic was not quite finished yet. She cast her spells, this time directing its energy towards the rushing pegasus. The azure-colored light surrounded Rainbow Dash’s wing, making a sharp screech as it latched on to her. Dash winced-but to her surprise, the force surrounding her gradually slowed her down until she was hung in mid-air.

Trixie breathed hard, but short. Piece of cake, she thought, though it did fatigue her considerably. “Please, Rainbow Dash. Trixie here does not have time to wander around. She needs to see Twilight.” Trixie said, still catching her breath. She slowly controlled her magic, levitating the cyan pegasus then putting her down in the ground. “She is sorry.” Trixie said. “Forgive this Trixie for doing this, but were you in her position, you would have done the same.” Trixie bowed her head down.

The yellow-furred pegasus now had some visible change-and Trixie liked to see how her expression contained mild surprise. Not so profound, but the reaction was enough for her small trick.

“See how this Trixie is different from Trixie you know?” Trixie said. Hopefully her message would be much clearer this time.

Rainbow Dash cast a suspicious look, but she was, at least for now, willing to listen, her wings folded back to her sides. “Fine.” She said. “You certainly don’t have that Trixie feeling.” She looked around her. “But you look exactly like her. You even have the same cutie mark. How do you explain that?”

“I would like to ask the same question.” Fluttershy spoke, now much more hospitable to Trixie.

A good question they asked-and it bugged Trixie too. She knew so little-even that fact she could not be so sure.

Interpreting the language of the riddles was surely not an easy task, but Trixie figured she had no choice. “This Trixie is from a different world.” She said, attempting to organize her thoughts, picking out relevant threads from her ever-shifting memory. The choice she made-sometimes, it was better just to blurt it out. A magician had to remember the virtue of truth-she had to know how to use it properly, on every possible occasion she could ever think of, and those she could not even imagine.

“What?” The two pegasi spoke in unison, their tone not really different from what Trixie expected. Rainbow Dash’s face was showing the obvious sign of confusion, Fluttershy’s face being much the same.

Of course, they were going to say the word. Who could believe the concept of an alternative world actually existing? She had to convince them to understand the fact. They had to know; that was the part of her plan she came up with in the first place.

“Trixie here means when she means; do you think Trixie here is lying? Why would she do that?”

Maybe it could have been avoided, maybe; very small chance of that actually happening, but nonetheless the possibility actually existing. Trixie in this world played a little trick on her ‘friends’. And she ran away. It was a problem of other Trixie she one day had to resolve on her own-had this had not happened.

Rainbow Dash was quick to raise an objection. “That doesn’t even make sense, Trixie. You just said you are Trixie!”

“Yes, she knows how you feel. It does not make much sense. Even this Trixie is still not sure how this had happened.”

“Wait, so there are two Trixies then? Are you sure? A different world?” The cyan pegasus was persistent in holding her suspicion.

“You just said yourself this Trixie did not have ‘that Trixie feeling’, didn’t you? Then do you not think that this Trixie here is not your Trixie, thus confirming my statement?” She directly looked at her. Not to be arrogant; for this moment, Trixie had to be serious and sincere.

“Well…” Fluttershy said. “Even if you say that, it’s really hard to understand.”

“Yeah, care to explain?”

Trixie took a deep breath. Yes; how to understand and how to explain-the great questions which could be the starting point for her magic. “Because.” Trixie said. “You too know something is wrong if Trixie does not speak so Great and Powerful, don’t you think? Anything you can do, Trixie can do better. That is what Trixie is supposed to say. She does not say ‘She is sorry’. As far as she knows, Trixie should not say that, at least in this world. Because she is Trixie. And because this Trixie is not her, something has got to be wrong, would it not be?”

They did not say anything, obviously thinking upon the fact they forgot. Making progress.

“Still don’t quite get it.” Dash said.

“Let’s put it this way.” Trixie said, hoping her comparison would work. She just made it up just a moment ago-but it was the best explanation she could come up with at the moment. “You two obviously know how to fly, right?”

“No kidding.” Dash said. Fluttershy looked a bit uncertain, but nodded nonetheless.

“Then can you explain Trixie how to do it? How exactly you move your wings in the sky, and how do you steer yourself in the air? By what mechanism you stay afloat despite the wind?” Trixie said. She waited for their reply.

Rainbow Dash was the first one to speak. “I don’t know? Heck, how do I explain that? I just know it naturally. I think it’s in my head somewhere.”

Trixie smiled, seeing Dash making a surprised face.

“Wait, so you tell me that’s how you feel right now? That feeling you somehow know, but can’t quite explain?” Dash said.

“I think that is what she is talking…like the feeling you somehow understand how animals feel?” Fluttershy finally spoke.

Perfect. Now they were on agreeable terms. To proceed, she said to herself. To carry out her plan further.

Trixie nodded. “Yes.” She walked towards Rainbow Dash. She did not move this time. “Trixie admits she does not know much right now. What caused this? How did this happen? Lots of questions she has in mind. Princess Celestia’s protégé Twilight is, and Trixie thinks she can be a great help to her.”

“You sound as if you know Twilight personally.” Dash said, her tone displaying her slight apprehension.

Yes-Trixie was well aware of that. She was about to get that point. One step at a time, she thought. It was good that they were not as hostile as they were before. They were now listening to who they believed to be Trixie, and it was a great improvement.

A very tiny bit of a second-that was to give her enough time to wonder how to execute the next step of her plan. Introduction was somewhat done-but not quite. Like a magician revealing her tricks, she would explain only what she thought to be necessary. How much could they know? Trixie had to decide.

“Of course, she knows Twilight very well.” Trixie said without hesitating. “Trixie knows every one of you. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie. Each one of you represents the element of harmony.”

She quickly glanced over their faces. Surprised expressions; then it was good enough for her. “Let us not forget Spike, Twilight’s number one assistant. Snips and Snails-Trixie heard they used to be Trixie’s fan. What a coincidence, to think my two trustworthy assistants are Trixie’s followers in this world.” Trixie finished her word, anticipating some reaction from them. Naturally they were going to wonder how Trixie knew it all. Both Trixies would know-Trixie had her own ways of knowing-but this Trixie, she had to know. After all, she was their friend.

“What are you talking about? We never saw you before.” Dash said, still recovering from what she perceived to be a great revelation.

“This Trixie here said she is from a different world.” Trixie said. “She is-as they say-from an alternative universe.”

“Okaaay….” Dash’s voice trailed off. The two pegasi looked at her, their eyes like children who just could not comprehend the complexity of the world around them.

“And Trixie expected this.” She sighed again. And Twilight was definitely going to have the same reaction, she thought. “Well, now you two know that this Trixie is different from your Trixie.”

“Wait! You said you are going to Twilight’s place, right?”


“Well then, we are going too.”

“Trixie does not find any problem with that.”

Trixie walked to Ponyville, the two pegasi following behind. They were getting close, soon getting next to her. Fluttershy blushed.

“I thought it would be better if we walk together. If you don’t mind?” The yellow pegasus meekly said.

“No problem.” Trixie said.

At least they would attempt to explain to Twilight, Trixie figured. And still, even in a different world they appeared to be her friends. She had the feeling-Fluttershy was right. The feeling was there, that they were different, nonetheless the same ponies she knew. Somehow. Like a pegasus naturally knew how to fly, she had the feeling.

How unfortunate of Trixie, to regard them as the neighsayer. Then again, she had her own issues, probably, Trixie thought, as the three ponies walked towards the center of the Ponyville.

The same hallway, reminding her how this had all happened. Trixie would have loved to walk this place with her friends-other Trixie, that was. That Trixie must have been very different from her, judging from the bearers’ reaction towards her.

Was she feel to envy, she wondered. To be jealous?

But she never thought about it. First time, she did quite know what had happened to her. Second, Trixie realized something was wrong. Then she contemplated ever since, of how to get back to her world, where Trixie was not the hero, but just a magician whose show was trampled by the pesky neighsayers.

So why would she want to go back?

Trixie bit her lips. Not a good sign, but she just had to do it, the act reminding her of the current situation. Because she was Trixie. She was the Great and Powerful Trixie. She was Trixie, and she was only Trixie. Nothing else, nothing more.

Trixie looked around. The six ponies were chatting with each other, the mood ever so jolly. She could not find a way to break into their circle. Perhaps other Trixie might, but not Trixie.


Twilight’s voice-Trixie woke from her train of thoughts. Was she thinking that hard? They were all looking at her. A slight twitch inside her, the feeling of heavy lead in her stomach-the uncomfortable feeling. They were looking at her, thinking about her. But about what? Why?

Trixie silently gulped. Nopony was going to notice what she just did. “Yes?” Trixie said. Was she displaying sign of loneliness? Because she was just a magician and they were not really her friends? Was she sad?

Trixie could not tell.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, Trixie is fine. She is now more attuned of this world, it seems. Trixie does not feel so tired and dizzy anymore.”

“Aha! That’s so good! We were really worried about you, Trixie!”

The jolly voice of Pinkie Pie-ever since from that day, she remembered all of the bearers’ names. So typical of that earth pony-but who was she worried about? This Trixie, or the other Trixie?

Did she not know the answer already?

Trixie smiled. “She is fine now.”

But which Trixie? This Trixie, or the other?

“That is good to hear. Now, the Starswirl wing should be here somewhere…”

She could not stop herself from thinking. Which Trixie?