• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 603 Views, 3 Comments

Beyond Betrayal - Rarostar95

An adventure story, with a hint of violence, romance and drama sprinkled in there.

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Razor slowly walked up to Twilight, as her the same. For a brief moment as they met in the middle, they both looked at each other with dark serious faces like they were life long enemies. But then Razor couldn’t hide his smile anymore and leaped toward Twilight to give her a soft hug.
“Twilight, we’ve been after you almost all day,” Razor practically shouted. “Where’ve you been?” “Well I’ve been here all day practicing this new spell so you didn’t have to look far,” Twilight said with a slight grin.
“Yeah well blame that on our chief navigator here,” Razor said sarcastically as he pointed at Raro. Twilight smiled. “So what’s up everypony? You said you were looking for me?”
“Yeah, well it’s quite a long story so I guess I’ll explain it on the way… that is if you want to come?” Razor asked.
“Ok, so where is on the way?” Twilight asked.
“Far down south out of Equestria and over Eternity’s crossing,” Razor explained.
“Wow… that’s quite far. How are you planning on getting there? I mean no offence but Raro can’t even find a house so what makes you think that you can just stroll out of Equestria and find a long forgotten cave?” Twilight said. There was a slight pause.
“Err, we never mentioned anything about a cave,” Raro said suspiciously.
“Well… you know how things are aro- around here. You know you just, hear things,” Twilight said hesitating. Razor, Raro and Bamboo all looked at her with interrogating straight faces.
“Oh alright fine… after we left that forest I wondered if you wanted to go to a party tonight with Pinkie Pie so I tried to find you and performed this spell that allowed me to walk on clouds like a Pegasus. So I went up to Cloudsdale and I overheard you two talking about it outside Raro’s house, that’s all,” Twilight finished.
“Why didn’t you just come in and say hi?” Raro asked.
“Because I thought you two were just speaking in private so, so I didn’t want to ‘disturb’ you,” Twilight said.
“Ok,” Razor said in a sort of confused voice. “Well I guess that saves us the troubles of explaining it to you… so are you in?”
“Absolutely” Twilight said as she lifted her two front hooves into the air with joy.
“Awesome,” Razor said. “Now we’ve just got to go find Dr Whatshispony and we can go”.
“Dr who?” Twilight asked.
“Oh never mind you’ll see,” Bamboo said. So the four of them set off once again, to go find Dr. Ringer. As night time was almost upon them and Razor kept on worrying about Rainbow dash just sitting at sweet apple acres in the cold, they started to trot faster unto Dr. Ringer’s complex. The place was just a normal pony’s cottage like any other in Ponyville, but at the back of the house stood a giant warehouse like factory with steam rising from the chimneys and multi coloured containers everywhere.
“So what does this Dr. Ringer do exactly?” Razor asked.
“Well he spends most of his time inside his ‘fortress’ if you like, building new technology and weapons to use. He’s a genius without a doubt but I warn you, he really doesn’t like being told what to do,” Bamboo said as he knocked on the door. A few seconds after the knock a small electronic camera came out of the wall, moved around a bit and then scurried away back inside. The door then opened in front of all of them all, but nopony was there. They then all slowly and cautiously entered. The inside of the cottage was not what any of them were expecting. It was a small room but with a huge high ceiling at the back and a spiral staircase in the middle of the room. The only furniture in the room was just a sofa, a chair and some old antique cabinets that were slightly open. Just then they all started to hear hoofsteps slowly coming down the staircase. It was Dr. Ringer, a tall grey unicorn with a red and brown mane and a spanner for a cutie mark. He spoke in a very deep and bold voice that made him sound like he was all knowing.
“Ah Bamboo, it’s been a while. And I see you bought some friends,” Dr Ringer said as he made it to the end of the staircase with two beefy looking guards behind him.
“Yeah, these are my friends Raro, Razor, and Twilight,” Bamboo replied. The three of them all said “hi” together in a sort of nervous tone not knowing what to expect from him.
“Come in, all of you,” Dr. Ringer said as though he was demanding it. Moments later, after climbing up the spiral staircase, they all found themselves on the catwalk in his giant warehouse where, as they looked down below, all they could see was other ponies working, machines screwing things into place and bottles of multi coloured chemicals everywhere. Before Razor, or any of them, could say why they were there, a brown pony with a black and brown mane stiffly strolled up to them.
“Will you be wanting anything else sir?” The pony asked in a bland and stiff voice.
“No we’re fine,” Dr. Ringer replied. “PX-1000, I’d like you to meet my friends here,” Dr. Ringer said introducing him. The stiff pony strolled up to them.
“Happy to meet you all,” the rigid pony said.
“The PX-1000 is without a doubt my greatest creation,” Dr. Ringer said.
“Wait a second… you actually built him?” Razor said as his jaw dropped.
“Indeed,” Dr. Ringer answered. “It’s the first ever fully functional robot pony”. Dr. Ringer then opened a panel where the pony’s cutie mark was and inside was a complicated looking circuit board with flashing lights and wiring everywhere. Everypony stood still, speechless.
“That’s unbelievable,” Twilight said as a smile began to form on her face.
“Well… I don’t like to brag,” Dr. Ringer said with a cheeky smile.
“So, why are you all here anyway?”
“Well…” Razor started, “I guess I’ll just get straight down to the point. I’ve found a map in this old forest that says leads to a potion in a cave in Cervidas. Now it’s a long way away but this potion supposedly grants the drinker eternal power, unlimited power that no other pony could ever match!” Razor carried on. “So all we’re asking from you is just some supplies and stuff to help us on our journey”.
“Well… I don’t know… I’m a very busy pony and I don’t know whether I’m comfortable with just giving you my stuff,” Dr. Ringer said.
“Well you can come with us of course,” Razor said practically begging.
“Well, a potion of that kind of power. If I got a hold of just a sample of that I could extend my research so much. I’d be so rich!” Dr. Ringer said almost fantasising about it now. He paused for a moment and then turned around to all of them. “We shall have food, shelter, weapons, and my own personal four ponies to help us along the way. They’re very well trained”.
“Awesome,” Razor said, “That’s great”.
“Well c’mon what are we waiting for?” Twilight burst out, “We’ve got to get to sweet apple acres”.