• Published 1st Nov 2012
  • 603 Views, 3 Comments

Beyond Betrayal - Rarostar95

An adventure story, with a hint of violence, romance and drama sprinkled in there.

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The lonley house

It was just another quiet, boring day in Cloudsdale and everypony seemed to be living their normal lives. But Razor had found something that day that he was sure would change his life forever. But if word got out about what he had found somepony would bound to have tried to steal it for their selves. Razor was a dark red pony with a black and blue mane and his cutie mark was a guitar with a red lightning bolt going through it, and for almost all his life he had had a giant crush on Rainbow Dash but didn’t really want anypony to know. Although, everypony did know. He knew that the only person he could trust to show this scroll to was one of his oldest and closest friends, Raro. And as Razor flew back up to Cloudsdale from the long forgotten forest he had just come from, only one thing was running through his mind. How would Raro react to something like this? Razor flew as fast as he could through town, dodging every obstacle in his path, until finally he made it to Raro’s house. Raro’s house was just a small and lonely house on the outskirts and Raro had little friends to invite over. Razor knocked on the door, and had to wait quite a while, until finally the door was pushed open just a tiny crack and a small blue head poked out from the darkness.
“Oh Pigau it’s just you,” Raro said as he swung the door open all the way.
“Raro, I’ve known you for how long now? Why do you still call me Pigau?” Razor said.
“Oh sorry, Razor” Raro said sarcastically. “So what can I do you for?” Before Razor answered Raro’s question, he asked him
“Have you been inside all day?”
“Err… yes,” Raro murmured.
“Jeez Raro, I like you as a friend in all but you really do need to get out more,” Razor said.
“Look if you came here just to question my daily life then you can piss off for all I care,” Raro said as his voice got louder.
“Ok, ok I’m sorry,” Razor said. “Can I just come in?
“Yeah sure whatever,” Raro said as he let the pony cautiously into his house as if something was watching them. As the two of them entered the house Raro went into his kitchen while Razor happily made himself at home in the lounge.
“Can I get you anything,” Raro offered Razor.
“Nah I’m good thanks”. All that could be heard was the sound of pots and cutlery banging around in the kitchen as Razor examined the room. Newspapers of Equestria Daily were stacked up in corners and dust covered furniture in some places looked like it hadn’t been used in years.
“So…” Raro said as he came into the room. “As I asked before, what can I do you for?”
“Well, while you’ve been rotting in here all day, earlier I went out for a walk with Twilight and we just happened to stumble into a forest. A forest with no name, a dead forest, a forest that nopony has been in for years now. So while we were walking I’ll admit we got a little scared, well Twilight left anyway, but I stayed and I came across a small tower right near the centre of the woods. So I followed my gut instincts and went inside. And in there, I found this”. Razor then carefully dropped an old crumbling parchment on the tea table in front of them.
“So what the hell is it,” Raro asked. Razor then slowly looked up at Raro.
“Well, I didn’t believe it at first but then when I looked again I thought it had to be true”. Razor carried on. “This scroll speaks of a potion, this long forgotten potion that would make the elements of harmony look like six grains of sand. This potion gives anypony that drinks it unlimited power as well as eternal life!
“Ok so, where can we find this potion,” Raro said quite calmly.
“Raro, I think you’re missing the big picture here,” Razor shouted. “If we both drank this thing we would be unstoppable. We could live like princes, live a life of luxury in Canterlot. Everypony would worship us”.
“Ok, ok… I do see what you’re saying Razor but we couldn’t possibly find this potion on our own. It’s probably a long way a way in some abandoned castle or something. And who’s to say it even exists anymore?” Raro said.
“Actually the scroll says it’s in a cave somewhere, way beyond Canterlot and in the woods of Cervidas,” Razor said.
“Well, I think I know I guy that can help us,” Raro implied. “His names Bamboo and trust me when I say that nopony knows Equestria better than Bamboo”.
“Ok then, we’ll go get him and see if he can help us, and I guess we can bring Twilight along as well. But nopony else can know about this, got it?” Razor shouted as he brohoofed Raro.
“Got it,” Raro said.
“So where does this pony live anyway?” Razor asked.
“Ponyville,” Raro replied.
“Good that means we can go get Twilight as well”.
"You've known Twilight quite a long time haven't you," Raro said to Razor.
"Yeah, i knew her before she came to ponyville. It was when i was doing some studies in Canterlot. I was good friends with her... well, i still am," Razor replied.
"And what about Rainbow Dash then?" Raro asked him. Razor was beggining to get aggitated at his repeated questions as he just wanted to set out now. "What about Rainbow?" Razor answered.
"Well, you've known her a long time too right, and lets face it, everypony knows that you're complettly into her," Raro said smirking and lifting his eyebros up and down.
"Well... yeah ok, I am. But that's none of your buisness" Razor said in a sort of jokey yet serious tone. And as he said that, the two of them leapt out the door and set of for Bamboo's house.