• Published 17th Oct 2012
  • 10,425 Views, 572 Comments

Turning Point - ZachTheBrony

A God of War and Pony crossover. Oh geez...

  • ...

Chapter 5

"Twiiiliiight!" A male voice called from the lower floor of The Golden Oaks library.

It was morning, indicated with the sun shining brightly through the curtains. The unicorn's home, oddly enough- welcomed the sun through large windows.

"TWILIIIGHT!!!" The voice yelled.

The unicorn groaned, clearly not recovering from the long night. "Spike, I can hear you! Calm down, for pony's sake!"

"Okay! I thought you were dead." Spike said, coming upstairs so he didn’t have to raise his voice. "You just, y'know, came home and didn't come out of your room for the rest of the night and all."

Twilight chuckled at the dragon’s unnecessary but cute concern. Least her eyes weren’t fighting the sun anymore. "Spike, I wasn't dead. I was thinking." She replied, starting her pacing back and forth again. Her mane was a mess, and she had the slightest bag under her eyes. She managed to stand up again, frowning that she didn’t make it to bed another night.

"... You stayed up all night, didn't you?" Spike asked rhetorically.

With a nod, the unicorn replied, "Yes, and yes."

"Um... Twilight, I-I only asked one question..." The baby dragon started, slightly confused.

"O-oh. Yes...?" The unicorn shook her head, clearly still in a slight haze from the lack of sleep.

Spike resisted the aching urge to chuckle. "Well uh... what did you need to thinking about that took all night?" He asked, curiosity in his expression.

"The first sign." She simply responded.

"'The first sign'? What do you mean by-" The number-one assistant was cut off by his superior with her left front hoof.

"The first sign! The first sign of Kratos actually showing some sign of befriending me!” Twilight smiled, a squee forming. “I apologized to him many times before, but then when I apologized last afternoon, he said it was okay. So that is the first sign Spike! Don't you see?" Twilight excited, and now nose-to-nose with Spike, who looked quite confused.

"... Who’s Kratos?"

"He's a bipedal creature that wound up here. He was found injured a little while ago." She explained, stepping away from the baby dragon. "He showed quite a lot of disinterest and anger- But now, I can see, I-I can tell, that he still has at least a shred of decency inside of him!" She smiled.

Spike looked around the room. "Weeell, you have... good... luck with that... I... guess?" He said sheepishly, slowly backing away. Back to his mission: Walking downstairs once more, planning to grab a tub of strawberry ice cream and engorge on it’s creamy goodness. It was almost as good as gems.

- - - - The Hospital, Room 14... Kratos's room.

Kratos laid in bed in boredom for a while. He was too preoccupied with his current condition to think about his next more. Thoughts were pushed away once a nurse, accompanied by a few unicorn stallions, walked into the room. "Good morning, sir." The nurse greeted.

"Mm." Kratos nodded. "What is it...?" He asked, glancing over at the mare.

"Your bandages need to be replaced, along with your casts." The uniformed mare replied.

"Does that mean I will be free from these shackles?" The demigod asked with the slightest flicker of hope in his voice.

"Shackles? Those are... leg braces... but no, we will replace them."

"Damn... be quick, then."

"Alright." The nurse said, before the unicorns began to unwrap the bandages. The demigod's skin exposed, vicious scars decorated his ash skin now. They removed the cast next, apparently used to the sight of scars. Kratos shut his eyes, gritting his teeth as they did so. Eventually, all the ‘shackles’ were off.

One of the unicorns spoke. "Nurse, these bones may take a year to heal with their condition. I'm not sure if the creature has the patien-"

"Of course I don't have that kind of patience!" Kratos interrupted rudely.

"..." The nurse turned to the unicorns. "So... I suppose that means we cast a regeneration spell? Even with what we know, it is risky, and will take a bit out of us three."

"Whatever gets me out of here faster..." Kratos decided.

Soon, the spell was cast, and the yell was heard from oh... at least Sugarcube Corner.

Pinkie Pie picked up her head, a combo having warned her a shout of pain was coming.


“There it is...” Pinkie hummed to herself and went back to her baking.

"Sorry! We didn't know it would hurt that bad!"

Kratos panted, and clenched his aching hands in pain. The Spartan gritted his teeth, waiting for the searing agony to go away. "... Continue with the spell... I can take it." He ordered with the cockiness and determination of a Spartan demigod.

"Oh no, with that kind of yell, you couldn't. But... we used that on your leg. How does it feel?" The nurse asked.

"... I can't feel it." He replied. Head? Pissed off. Arms? Wishing to choke a pony neck. Chest? Heaving from the breathing. Legs? Nada.

"Well that won't help anypony." She said, a small frown forming.

Kratos quickly grew impatient. "CAST THE DAMNED SPELL ALREADY!"

"M-my apologies, Kratos... but we shouldn't rush your natural recovery time. But since you want to get out so bad, we will come tomorrow and cast it slowly." The nurse said, glaring at the other unicorns as they replaced his casts and bandages. "Though, your face seems to be okay." She levitated a mirror in front of Kratos's face, so that he could see himself.

And his goatee was gone. "Where is..."

"Where is what?"

"My facial hair!"

"You had facial hair?"

“You stole my essence! My mark of manliness! My first beard, known to all and mark me a man!” Kratos groaned, and shook his head. "... I'll have to grow it out again..." By then, all of his casts and braces were back in place. “When did you- fiends!” How did he miss them placing his new shackles on?

Soon, the unicorns left the room, leaving the Spartan to his thoughts, beardless.

“I vow... to shave them all.”

- - - - 3 Hours Later... 1:24 PM

As he laid in bed, Kratos could hear voices, right outside of his door. His eyes were closed. Maybe if he pretended to be asleep, they would not look at his naked chin.

"Pinkie, you've seen this thing before, haven't you?" A feminine voice came.

"Mhm!" Came another feminine voice, high-pitched and energetic.

"Well... let's meet him, then."

Then the door opened, revealing a duo of equines. One being a pink, wingless and hornless pony. This assault on the eyes had large blue eyes, and a puffy magenta hair with a matching tail. She hopped in place, up and down. Up and down.










Almost endlessly! "There he is, Dashie! Just as I said!" The pink one giggled.

The other pony was a pegasus; she had a cerulean blue coat, and a rainbow mane with a matching tail. She hovered in place, looking at him with her magenta eyes with a raised brow. "So, you're the thing that Twilight found!" She said with a smirk, floating next to Kratos's bed, on the left side.

Kratos only humphed, not opening his eyes.

"Hi!" Pinkie Pie hopped on the opposite side to Kratos's bed. "... Hmm." She cocked her head at Kratos. "Wake up, sleepy-weepy head!" She was about to give him a noogie. But, her hoof was stopped when Kratos caught it with his right hand, which was still intact. And twitching.

"Don't. Touch. Me." Kratos barked.

"HEY! Don't you lay a dirty... um- whatever sick deformation of a hoof you have on my friend!" Rainbow snapped defensively. Pinkie thought back a second, wondering if she should blow into her hoof and make those wiggly things appear again.

Kratos held his head in agony. "Be quiet! For the love of Aphrodite..."

Pinkie's hoof was released when Kratos went to hold his head. "I guess he doesn't like noogies! Aw! But does he like hugs? Oh! Oh! Do you like hugs? Do youdoyoudodyoudyou? I love hugs!" She asked quickly, hopping up and down.


Surprisingly, his prayer was answered. "Pinkie Pie, you may wanna tone it down just a few hundred notches... looks like you're givin' him the headache of the century!"

Pinkie stopped. "Oh... okie dokie lokie." She whispered. “Um... how do you know it’s a stallion? Did you peek under his skirt?” Rainbow shut both eyes, blushing at the accusation.

Let it go Rainbow Dash... Just let it go,’ Rainbow thought to herself. Do not encourage the party animal. Hey, how did she know it was male anyway? This thing had no beard!

Kratos sighed with relief, and opened his eyes, yawning. "What do you two want, anyway...?" He asked tiredly. After the healing spells and the assault on his senses, he was not sure how much he could take.

"Nothin' much, we just wanted to see, well, I just wanted to see if Twilight and Pinkie were lying about you. But uh... they're not. You look like you got hit by a minotaur. You alright?" Rainbow Dash asked, glad the blush was gone. Good thing Kratos had not been paying too much attention.

"I have been hit by a minotaur before. They don't hit as hard as one would expect..." Kratos replied with as much enthusiasm as possible... not. "... at least, to me."

"Er... cool, but that's not really answering my question..." Rainbow said, rather curious now. He knew about minotaurs?
The Spartan rolled his eyes. "If you really want to know, I would do anything to get out of here at this moment."

"But look at yourself! I doubt you could even walk a mile."

"I've been through worse..."

"Oh really?" Dash asked with a raised brow.

Kratos looked back at her, and sighed. "Yes. 'Really'."

Now being on the ground, Dash's wings fluttered out. "Awesome! What did you do, fight a Hydra with your bare hooves? Ursa Major? Tellme-tellme-tellme-tellme!"

"I'm not telling you."

"..." Rainbow facehoofed. "Why not? It's not like it's anything personal, right?" She questioned.

'Damn...' Kratos thought. She had him there. But, he hardened his heart, and answered her. "I still will not tell you anything."

"Ugh... y'know, you're stubborn. C'mon, Pinkie, let's go and leave Mr. Grumpy here."

"Okie dokie lokie!"

And so, the two of them left the room.

Kratos sighed, finally in peace once more. Wait. Did... did a horse peek under his skirt?

The beard-shaving perverts!

- - - - Twilight's Library...

"Uggghhh..." Twilight groaned as she pushed herself around by her hind legs, her front hooves dragging on the floor.
Spike watched this from a chair, engulfing massive ladle-fulls of vanilla ice cream, since his strawberry ice cream ran out.

"Still thinking about that, huh?" He chuckled.

"Yes I'm still thinking about it!" Twilight snapped as she continued to push herself around. She hadn't got a wink of proper rest in about 26 hours. The mare then stopped, and stood up. "Ugh..." She rubbed her head, having a slight headache.

"Well sorry." Spike halfheartedly said, taking another huge ladle-full of ice cream. Who knew you could eat from a ladle? Well, Spike knew, apparently.

"It's alright... I just need to figure this out..."

- - - - Several Hours of Brainstorming Later...

Twilight was still pacing back and forth.

"He won't tell me anything about his past. So he's hiding something. Why? What? Could it be dangerous? Hmm..."

“Twilight, you’re muttering again,” Spike complained.

"I seem to be the only one able to talk to him and make progress with him as an acquaintance."

“Uh- you’re not going to do something crazy again, are you?” Spike raised an eyebrow. Last time she went this far, she made Big Mac fall in love with Smartypants.

"Those blades, though... I think I can use them... hmm..."

“Equestria to Twilight...” Spike added. “I’m eating a tub full of ice cream again! Say anything if you approve of me dating Rarity...”

She thought hard, before saying, "... It's like cracking an egg... only harder. Now... I need those blades."

“Dear Celestia,” Spike reached for a quill and scroll. “Twilight has lost it. Again.”

- - - -

Soon, Twilight was at the hospital with a plan in mind. She walked down the hall to Kratos's room, number fourteen. Twilight thought ahead, and actually got permission from the doctor and nurse that oversaw Kratos's recovery to retrieve the blades. They gave her a key, and she went on her way. She was very, very nervous. Thoughts raced through her mind as she walked, 'What if he's still awake? Will he get mad if I take them?'

Opening the door after she unlocked it, she peered silently into the room. Kratos snored. He snored loud. Geez, that smoky dragon wasn’t this loud.

Just her luck. She sighed with relief, and tip-hoofed into the room, and saw the blades on the metal table. Taking them with her magic, she walked as silently as she could out of the room.

When the chains clanged against the damn floor!

She heard a groan, and turned back. Kratos was waking up! She had no time, so instinctively, she rushed out of the door, and slammed it shut.


Twilight panted when she heard the yell.

"Show yourself, coward!"

She was pressed-up against the door, the blades floating in front of her in her violet grasp. Twilight heard Kratos mumble something, but didn't understand it. She sighed with relief, and proceeded to walk out of the hospital. Her plan a success, she gave the front desk ponies a wink as she did so.

"Have a good evening,” Twilight said with a smile.

"You too." The stallion at the front desk said. “Oh yeah, she wants me.”

Twilight left the hospital with a giddy step, walking out into the night. She looked at the blades in front of her; they seemed to be engraved with runes, red runes. They glowed red, also.

At this, Twilight was curious, but she decided to not pursue it.

For now.

- - - - The Library...

After a long talk, Twilight had convinced Spike to go stay at Rarity's for the night. Of course, he accepted in a flash, but he had to go ask Rarity first. Then bring the news back to Twilight, and finally go back with his things.

We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy
I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand--

Twilight had to narrow her eyes at the singing dragon. Least now Twilight was in her basement, looking through a book. "Where is it..." The unicorn wondered, looking through the vast amount of pages to find one certain spell.

"Aha!" She exclaimed. She had found the spell she was looking for. It could look into the past of an item. Not a very hard spell either, least compared to actual time travel. Just used up a lot of power over extended amounts of time. Hm... It could not only show images, but also allowed one to hear words! How exciting!

And scary.

She looked to the two blades, which were on a table near her. Twilight smiled, eager to try the spell. Trotting over to them, she took the book with her. Then, she began to cast the spell. As she channeled massive amounts of magical energy into the blades, her eyes lit up, as though she was using her Element. The spell required much less power than she used up to now- but since Kratos (out of assumption) had the blades for a long time, she wanted to see back to where they first came in at Kratos's life.

Suddenly, she was engulfed in magic, the very landscape melting around her. Her eyes moved left and right as the library reformed into a strange-looking area. A circular, flaming 'window' if you will, showing a battle in the middle of a hallway. Was this viewing things from the point of view of a shadow at that time?

Kratos walked towards said ‘window’, catching Twilight’s attention immediately. He was clad in armor, but unlike anything she had seen in books. It was almost beyond what she had seen Celestia wear, almost godly. The two blades, although they looked different now, were on his back.

She heard a voice, that only she could hear. Well, it didn’t look like the ash white human reacted to it.

Kratos had no need for the love of petty Gods. He had found a new family in the warriors of Sparta.

As Kratos stood near the circular viewing station, Twilight stepped near it also. She peered into the viewing glass, wondering what the Spartan saw. (Total inception moment- looking into the past and into a viewing mirror)

A man clad in basic armor, wielding a sword and shield called up from the battle, "My Lord, Kratos! Another city is ready to fall! Soon all shall know the glory of Sparta!"

Mental Note: Sparta may be a good clue to follow up on.

Kratos said nothing, and walked away. Twilight followed him, knowing that he couldn't see her. A woman clad in armor and beautiful silken robes approached him. The two met one another. "Enough, Kratos. With every city you destroy, the wrath of Olympus grows. Soon I will no longer be able to protect you." She warned with concern, placing a hand on Kratos's shoulder.

Twilight had her head cocked at the woman. Who was she? Her thoughts were interrupted as Kratos shoved her aside, saying, "I need no protection." With cruelty and arrogance that Trixie barely outmatched.

The woman placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him again, and Kratos shoved it away- but he looked back this time. She said, "Do not forget that it was I who made you a God, Ghost of Sparta... do not turn your back on me."

What Twilight heard next, made her slightly angry. "I owe you nothing." Kratos spat with venom, beginning to walk away. How arrogant of him! Such ungrateful behavior! He was worse than Trixie!

The woman shook her head. "Then you leave me no choice..." She said with what Twilight figured was remorse.

Kratos had turned the pain of his memories into hatred. Hatred for the Gods, who had refused to free him from the nightmares of his past deeds. And so, he went to Rhodes, to deliver the final blow to the sieged city.

Now in the burning, ruined city of Rhodes, Twilight hovered in the air. She saw Kratos, as he was now monstrously tall. The sight frightened her, but she was relieved at the fact that it was only a vision.

A really, really realistic vision at that.

She followed the Ghost of Sparta as he stomped through the city, stopping to smash a building to bits with his fist as a warrior of Rhodes had attempted to throw a spear at him. Just then, a great white bird had flown out of the sky, striking Kratos with lightning. Electricity crackled around him as he yelled, "ATHENA! You conspire against me!?" The bird then did the same to the Colossus in the distance. Twilight didn't see what happened to it, because she was focused on Kratos. It seems the blades could only view so much. The warrior god was shrinking smaller and smaller from the blue lightning. He shrunk down to his normal size, now being in a building. Twilight watched him as he battled through groups of guards, using the blades and powerful magic.

Mental Note: Find out why Kratos cannot use his magic.

Eventually, he fought the Colossus for a first time, a battle in which Twilight was sure he would lose. He was sent flying, and landed atop of a domed roof that cracked upon the impact. Unable to stand, he quickly fell, breaking the building through and crashing into the waters below.

Then, some time later, after Twilight witnessed many battles- (And an orgy. Damn Starswirl for not making his spells pg-13!) Kratos was found by the Colossus again. And was hurled through another roof once more, this time going through two floors before landing on the ground. He brushed it off like it was an everyday occurrence, and stood straight, looking around.
Twilight decided to 'fast-forward' a little bit, and she came to a rather interesting part (Please, no more orgies).

A booming voice called from the skies, "Kratos..."

"I do not need your help, Zeus!" Kratos responded with defiance in his scream. "I can take down this beast!"

"I offer you more than help, Kratos. I offer you power." Zeus's voice boomed, before a blinding light shone from the heavens above. A great blade was sent down into the middle of a large, stone floor in the distance. "I offer you the Blade of Olympus. It was this blade that ended the Great War, and defeated the Titans. Drain your godly powers into the blade, Kratos. Only then will you reach your full potential."

Kratos looked up to the skies, and asked, "Why do you aid me now...?" Twilight was also confused at the offer. Eager to find the answer, the unicorn fast-forwarded the experience, and Kratos defeated the Colossus, landing on the ground which the Blade of Olympus pierced.

"Do you see, Gods of Olympus?!" Kratos called out, as Twilight watched the Colossus's hand slowly begin to fall towards him. "Do you need more proof than this!?" As soon as he yelled this, the massive hand slammed down upon him, the Blade of Olympus soaring through the air.

Placing all of his godly power into the weapon had rendered Kratos mortal, vulnerable to the Arms of Death. Bloodied and beaten, he knew that to have any hope of survival, he must retrieve the Blade of Olympus.

Twilight watched in horror as Kratos coughed up blood, his armor slowly falling off. The Blade pierced the ground meters ahead of him. "Oh no..." Twilight's eyes became teary. She felt like she had to do something, but she knew that she couldn't. So that had been the point of the offer...

Humiliated before his Spartan army, Kratos dragged himself up from the dirt.

It was painful, watching Kratos limp towards the blade. But then, out of the sky, came the great white bird again. Upon landing, it transformed into an elderly man, sporting muscle and white eyes, along with a beard and silken robes.

Kratos stepped forward. "Y-you...?" Twilight gasped at the revelation. Had that man planned this from the beginning? The giant construct? The blade that would not be able to finish the job? Was this all a betrayal?

"Yes. I am forced to attend to this matter myself! Athena refused to undo her mistake... imagine caring for a creature such as yourself." The godly figure spat harshly.

"Why..." Kratos began. "Why would you betray me...?"

"It is you who would betray me! Am I to stand idly by while Olympus is threatened? Your hands are already stained by the blood of a God." The elderly man picked up the Blade of Olympus. "... I will not let Ares' fate be my own."

Kratos snapped, "The Gods are petty and pathetic, and your rule is weak."

Irritated, the godly figure replied, "I grow tired of this insolence!" He put the blade to Kratos's neck. The unicorn shut her eyes a bit, imaging how cold the metal must be. "... and it is my way that is the way of the Gods. You must vow to forever serve me."

Kratos shoved aside the weapon as he said, "I serve no one!"

"Then you leave me no choice!" He said threateningly, clenching his fist as he did so.

Twilight couldn't bear to watch at this point, but she forced herself to. Kratos fought a hopeless battle, eventually being pinned by the man. Her mouth fell open when this ‘Zeus’ drove the Blade of Olympus straight through the chest of the former godlike warrior. 'So t-that's h-h-how he g-got that s-s-scar...' She thought, trembling with fear.

"It did not have to be this way, my son," The King of the Gods said, looking down at him as the Blade of Olympus was through his chest. "... this path is of your choosing." Twilight frowned a bit- that did not sound remorseful at all.
Kratos gasped in pain, as he responded weakly, "A choice... from the Gods... is as useless... as the Gods themselves..."

"Even now, as you draw your last breath,” Zeus drove the blade even deeper into Kratos’s midsection. “you continue to defy me!?" The God yelled. He leaned in closer to deliver a final message. "Everything you have ever known Kratos, will now suffer because of your sacrilege. You will never be the ruler of Olympus. The cycle ends here." He spat, before taking the blade from Kratos's chest, and sending a wave of godly energy out in a crescent, destroying and killing everything in its path.

In what Twilight thought to be Kratos's last breath, she heard him say as he lifted his arm to point a finger at him, "You will pay for this, Zeus... be certain of that..." His arm fell limp as he coughed up more blood, falling limp to the ground, Zeus walking away as this happened.

As the life drained out of Kratos, the Arms of Hades reached out to claim their prize. But there was more resting on Kratos's shoulders than he could know. Kratos was destined to bring about change so severe, that it would shake the very pillars of Mount Olympus. His death was something that I could not allow.

Flashbacks of war came to Twilight's mind. Was she going through his mind at this moment in time? The blades could see that as well? Both of Kratos's hands grabbed and smashed-in the head of another man, blood spraying across her vision, melting away into another terrifying scene. A barbaric warlord raising a warhammer to kill Kratos. The Spartan's hand reached out to the sky, bloodied. "ARES! DESTROY MY ENEMIES, AND MY LIFE IS YOURS!" Then, she heard screaming, as chains were seared onto Kratos's arms.

'The blades... that is how he got them...'

Satisfied with what she saw, she knew how he got his weapons. But what she saw next, she couldn't make sense of at the time, and only served to strike her curiosity further. Smoke blurred her vision and blew away, allowing her to see a scene where Kratos slaughtered two women- one old... and one so very young. It made her heart wrench. But... his skin color! It wasn’t always ash?! Why... why did the little one remind her of Kratos? A pool of blood let Kratos see his own reflection, along with the ghost of Athena. The image burst into flames, the face of a man with flaming hair entering her vision.
With an unexpectedly female voice, the reflection in blood spoke, "Fight, Spartan..." The head turned, the hair becoming blonde, belonging to a beautiful woman who laid in bed. Suddenly, the head twisted backwards, and said in the same voice, "You are not meant to die here." Before flying off into darkness.

Then, as if she was Kratos, she saw Zeus driving the blade into his chest. Looking to the side, she saw the woman, and the same young girl Kratos slaughtered. "This is not the end." The girl said with the same voice.

Kratos was now in darkness, his head down with the massive gash through his chest. "Who... are you...?" He asked.
Suddenly, a gigantic face made of earth and plants came into view. "I am the Titan, Gaia, ever-present Mother of Earth. I have watched you become a powerful warrior, and I have been with you through all the events of your life. But I can no longer simply 'watch'. We will help you defeat Zeus. Death is an escape, Kratos. You are a warrior of Sparta, not a coward. Only a coward accepts death."

Kratos spoke, "... I am no coward."

"Then you must fight. I will show you the way to the Sisters of Fate. Only with their power will you defeat Zeus." Gaia's voice prophesied, before the wound on Kratos's midsection regenerated. He took out a blade and yelled, piercing it into a fleshy wall, tearing away grasping hands as he did so.

Once Kratos was out of the hole, a Spartan Captain came to him, and Kratos commanded him to return to Sparta. A flaming pegasus landed, and Kratos mounted it. That pegasus was not like the ones from Equestria. It almost reminded the mare of Celestia. By Celestia’s beard, that pegasus was so hot though!

Soon, they were airborne, and soaring through the air. "Turn back to Olympus, beast! I must face Zeus!" Kratos commanded, but the winged horse did not heed his command. "You defy the God of War!?" Twilight had to shake her head to the sides a bit, for now it was as if she flown next to the warrior.

You are no longer a God, Kratos. Gaia's voice spoke, Kratos looking around at the sky. Zeus, Olympus, and the blade which holds all your power will forevermore be out of reach. Your only hope is to find the Sisters of Fate, and travel back through time, to the moment when Zeus betrayed you, for only then will he be truly vulnerable.

Soon, after fast-forwarding a bit, Twilight came to see Kratos approaching a screaming man, who was chained up on a finger of the titan Typhon. The sight of the fellow being eaten by a giant bird made her want to vomit. The bird flew off as Kratos came near.

"God of War... you... live...!" The man said with a rasped voice.

"I no longer walk with the Gods." Kratos replied. "Who has placed you in this torment?"

"Zeus..." The bearded man said. "... my only crime was helping mankind. When I took the fires of Olympus to the mortals, Zeus considered it a betrayal! As punishment, he made me mortal... and condemned me... to be savagely consumed every day by this cursed bird! And then, with the fall of night, I am healed.” He said. “How long, have I been here... how long, have I suffered this curse..." He became lifeless. "... I truly do not know..." And then, he fell limp. The bird flew off from the finger it was perched on, and his innards regenerated, leaving no scars when his skin came back. Once it did, he snapped to life, gasping for breath. "Please, Ghost of Sparta! Release me from my torment!" He begged.

And with a short amount of time, Kratos showed mercy for the first time to Twilight. He cut the chain connecting him to the finger, making him dangle by his arms over the fires of Olympus. Soon, he came back with a bow, made from Typhon's eye. He shot the chain, and he burned in the fires. So, Kratos wasn’t such a monster...

You have freed Prometheus from the torment of the Gods. His flesh has tainted the fires of Olympus, and embodied it with the power of the Titans. Gaia explained to Kratos, the fires of Olympus travelling up his legs. These ashes give you great strength, Kratos. Take them within you, and use their strength to defeat your enemies.

Soon, Kratos was upon the hot, sexy pegasus again, flying through the air.

Kratos, behold the Island of Creation; home to the Sisters of Fate. Here, your true destiny begins. The island is wrought with danger. It was created to prevent all from reaching the three Sisters of Fate. The power of the Sisters will allow you to return to the moment when Zeus betrayed and killed you, Kratos, thus changing your fate, and the fate of others.

Twilight fast-forwarded to when Kratos stood near a gigantic chain. "Why do you aid me, Gaia?" He asked.

Zeus must be stopped, Kratos. Gaia began. The story of revenge has been told before. You know of the mighty Titan, Chronos. So fearful was Chronos of the Oracle's prediction, that his own children would rise against him, that he decided to imprison them all in his belly. Rhea stood by and watched as her children were devoured, one by one, but when the time came for the last of her children to be eaten, she was unable to bear another such loss, and devised a trick to save the baby, Zeus. As Gaia spoke, the whole scene unfolded in Twilight's eyes. Thunderous footsteps approaching as Rhea kissed the head of her silver-haired baby. She lifted up the baby, and the eagle took it into its claws. Rhea commanded the eagle to secret her son away. He was taken to an island, far beyond the watchful eyes of Chronos. Gaia said, as Rhea took a rock and folded it up into a brown blanket.

The mighty Titan approached, and Rhea offered the child on the stone pedestal, stepping back as Kronos leaned-in to blow away debris. He grabbed the pedestal, taking the decoy child with him, along with some of the ground. He let the 'child' fall into his mouth, eating it. Twilight saw an island now, the baby Zeus walking into a cave. It was I who cared for him. It was I who kept him safe. Gaia said, Zeus coming out as an adult, well-toned and built. I nurtured his desire to free his brothers and sisters from Chronos. But my foolish act of compassion, would haunt the Titans forever, for in sparing Zeus, we allowed him to return to us with vengeance in his heart. He betrayed all of the Titans, for the sins of just one; the sins of his father, Chronos.

Mental Note: Why were the blades showing her this? Why did Kratos need to know the story of Zeus?

Deeper into the Island of Creation, Kratos met Desius, who chuckled at him when they met. "Ghost of Sparta! Then what they say is true!" He exclaimed.

"Desius..." Kratos growled.

"Of all the fools who try, you would be the last I would expect to seek an audience with the Sisters of Fate." Desius teased.

Kratos replied, "And you are the last I would expect to become a servant to the Fates."

Desius stood straight. "I serve and protect the Sisters of Fate, for the glory of Zeus!" He looked to the sky as he said this.

"The time of Zeus is coming to an end." Kratos retorted.

"Mm... you seek the Sisters to kill Zeus!" He laughed. "You no longer possess the powers of a God, Kratos. I doubt you're even capable of killing me, let alone the King of Olympus!"

"Let me pass, and I will let you live old man." Kratos threatened.

"I do not think that is your choice to make..." Desius responded, taking out a long, double-bladed staff which glowed with energy. "Come forward. Let us see who is the greatest warrior in all of Greece." He said.

Just as the fight began, Twilight fast-forwarded the time. This was taking a lot out of her, but she needed to get to the bottom of things!

Also, all of this violence was going to give her nightmares.

She came upon Kratos looking back to a gathering mist. Suddenly, a titan's face appeared out of the mist. "Our destiny has brought us together, warrior." It said. "Before my fall in the Great War of the Gods, I hid away the last remnants of my magic. For the good of the Titans, I, Chronos, now bestow what is left, upon you. Use it well." Chronos blessed, sending lightning to flow into Kratos's very veins, giving him the magical prowess of the mighty father of the titans, Chronos.
Once finished, Kratos dropped to the ground, and rushed outside. How much stronger could Kratos become? Twilight wondered if this is why he was so arrogant.

He eventually made the gigantic horses that were frozen in place move, pulling the island together.

Twilight's jaw dropped at this. 'H-how...' Once the island was connected, the horses whinnied, and froze once again. She shook her head, and forwarded the time. Why would horses on Kratos’s world be subjugated to serve men?
Now, Kratos stood on a pair of stone hands, connected to a statue of a Sister of Fate. The hands lifted him up, and the statue spoke. "Hear me, fallen God, none defy what the Fates decree. That is how it must be. Only death awaits you at the end of your journey."

"My death is what began this journey." Kratos said.

"The Fates have not deemed victory for you. Your soul will never find peace, for what you have become."

"I am what the Gods have made me!" Kratos shouted, taking out a blade and slamming it into the face of the statue, crushing it.

Twilight forwarded time again. This time, Kratos stood in between two statues as they deflected beams of energy. They came from one larger statue, in which they connected the islands. The ground crumbled, and debris fell as the large statue ultimately exploded, letting Kratos go through the energy-sealed gate ahead of him.

Later on, Kratos came to a swamp-like area. Twilight wondered how much she could take...

Hidden deep within the spire lie the Sisters. They control the threads of fate. Gain control of your thread, and you will be able to return to the moment when Zeus betrayed you. Gaia guided Kratos on. The Spartan had to roll out of the way to avoid getting hit by a large hammer... wielded by an undead barbaric warlord who rode a blood-red horse. Kratos sent out a blade, and it latched onto the horse. This undead equine dragged him along a bit before sending him into a tree, which broke and fell over. Eventually, they came to a clearing, and Kratos released the blade, landing on the ground as the barbaric warlord turned around, approaching him.

"By the Gods, it is true!" He spoke. "I have fought my way through the guardians of Hades, and pulled my way out of the Fires of Torment to change my fate, and for my efforts the Sisters shine their light upon me, delivering the very object of my vengeance; Kratos." He let out a hearty chuckle. "Servant of Ares, do you remember that day, Spartan!?" He demanded.
"I will never forget that day..."

Twilight saw an army of barbarians, lead by the same warlord prince, as he drew back his bow, releasing it. The arrow pierced the skull of a Spartan warrior, then Twilight saw people on fire... the sight made her sick, but even more so when Kratos decapitated the barbarian prince.

"This time, Ghost of Sparta, I will have YOUR head." The prince laughed, before the two launched into battle.
Squeamishly, Twilight didn't want to see the result of the fight, so instead, forwarded time once more. ‘Please,’ she thought to herself. ‘When will it end?’

Now, Kratos was walking on a broken bridge, stopping when a winged figure crawled over the edge. "Go back," He warned. "Go back, warrior! There is no passage here. You will never make it across! You think you can, but you can not!" The figure warned. Kratos ignored him, and tried to walk forward, but the delusional winged man stepped in front of him. "Do you hear me!? It is my wings that will make it across! It is my test!" He insisted, before Kratos shoved him aside.

He stood up, and said, "Do you not know who I am? Have you not heard of Icarus?" He asked, walking to the edge. "It is my fate to make it across! NONE OTHER!" He yelled. "This is my test! The Sisters will grant me an audience, not you. You will die, white warrior! You will die-" He was interrupted as Kratos grabbed him by the shoulder.

"I will reach the Sisters of Fate, and I will use your wings to do so." Kratos said threateningly.

"The Sisters will not allow you, a fallen God, to bathe in their light!" Icarus shouted, climbing on top of Kratos's head.

Eventually, the two of them fell off of the sides. Twilight had forwarded time once more, but she was confused as to how Kratos had obtained wings. She got a pretty good idea, an accurate one at that, and decided to leave it at that.

Although, she hoped the wings did not come from any pegasi.

Icarus was screaming, falling into Tartarus. Kratos glided down, ignoring his screams. The massive hand that granted passage went back into place.

Soon, Kratos managed to break the chains that held the massive hand of the titan up to the ceiling of the Underworld. "Who breaks my chains of torment?" The titan boomed, grabbing Kratos between two fingers, attempting to squish him. It didn't work; Kratos held the two fingers off with his inhuman strength. "You are strong, but you are far too small, even for an Olympian, to be a God." He said, before he groaned. "Ugggh... Kratos." He let the Demigod into his palm, and chuckled. "Kratos, still the arrogant and foolish warrior. You have not changed. Hmm... and how do you plan to defeat the King of the Gods?" The Titan asked.

"By taking the Blade of Olympus back, and driving it into Zeus's heart! It holds the power I once wielded, as the God of War!" Kratos called out.

"The Blade of Olympus?" The Titan raised a brow. "I have not heard that name in many years." He said. "Since... since the end of the Great War. Bloodlust and power raged within Zeus. His desire to rule over mortals was intolerable... to us. The war between the Titans and the Olympians forged the landscape of the mortal world. This was a war we knew the Titans must win. If we lost, it would mean an end to the golden age of the Titan rule. Peace and prosperity for mankind would be no more."

A four-armed titan was shocked by electricity, as the war unfolded in Twilight's eyes. The same titan had two scythe-like blades puncture his chest, from Hades, God of Death. Poseidon, God of the Seas, electrocuted the Titan again as Hades pulled him to the ground, ripping the very soul from him. He released the blades, and the soul of the titan was absorbed by Hades. "The battle continued despite my capture. Then Zeus created a powerful weapon, to end the Great War. A weapon forged from the Heavens and the Earth; the Blade of Olympus."

Holding the blade, Zeus yelled, "I banish you to the darkest pits of Tartarus!" And strained as he drove the blade into the ground, a massive cyclone of immensely powerful energy forming around him. The cyclone was sucked up into the skies, and then sent down, exploding with a wave of energy, wiping out the titans.

"I awoke in the Underworld, banished to the darkest pits of Hades! I would have destroyed Zeus, if you had not put me here, slave of the Gods!" Atlas yelled.

"I no longer do the bidding of the Gods, Atlas. I have stomached their betrayal for the last time! Show me the way to the Sisters, and I will kill Zeus once and for all!" Kratos bellowed.

"What Gaia says is true, Ghost of Sparta." Atlas said. "You are a powerful warrior, and a worthy ally of the Titans."

"Then tell me how to find the temple of the Sisters of Fate." Kratos demanded. Twilight looked on, debating now who was in the right. Zeus for trying to rule with force? Or Kratos, forced on this road of vengeance? They both reminded her of the Discorded versions of her friends. It made it very hard to pick a side.

"None, not even the titans know how to reach the Sister's temple. But it is said, he who finds it, will wield great power." Atlas replied. "I have given you the last of my magic, Spartan. I can help you cross the great chasm, but that is all I can offer." He said, lifting his massive hand into the hole above. "May fate grant you passage, Kratos. For many rely on your success."

Soon, after many battles and puzzles, Twilight saw Kratos with his blade in his own ally's chest. "You?" He pulled the blade from his chest. It was the Spartan captain, who had been sent back to Sparta.

"My lord..." The captain muttered.

"I told you to return to Sparta! Why do you leave Sparta unprotected?!" Kratos bellowed.

"Sparta... is no more..." He replied dully.

"What treachery is this!?" Kratos demanded.

"... Zeus."

The image of this ‘Sparta’ now filled Twilight's mind, as the Spartan captain spoke. "He came under the cloak of darkness, into Sparta." On a post, stood a Spartan archer, warrior, and the captain. "Keep watch." The captain ordered. A massive lightning bolt struck the post, killing his men, but leaving the captain alive under rubble. "The people cried out for you, they begged for their God to save them. But you didn't come." Zeus stepped into the scene, and ripped a tower from the ground, being the size of a titan now. He hurled the tower, causing destruction in Sparta. He stormed around, taking a lightning bolt into his hand, striking the city with immense power. The image faded away.

"I was left with no choice. I had to seek out the Sisters, to change the fate of our beloved Sparta, for I am all that is left." The young captain coughed, and Kratos made it so he was facing him. "... now you, are all that is left... I have faith, that our brothers of Sparta... will live on... through the true... God of War..." He then coughed, and breathed his last.

Filling with a burning rage, Kratos yelled, "ZEEEEUUUUUUUUS!!! IS THIS HOW YOU FACE ME, COWARD!? I AM THROUGH DOING THE BIDDING OF THE GODS! COME DOWN HERE AND FACE ME NOW, ZEUS!" As he was yelling... Twilight froze in place. A gigantic beast had emerged behind him; a Kraken. Kratos turned around as the beast roared at him, not budging.

Then, after a small battle, Kratos struggled to get out of the Kraken's grasp, and he closed his eyes. Twilight watched with curiosity as the land melted away around him, replacing it with a hill, overlooking the ravaged Sparta. A woman approached him through the grass, and it was the woman that Kratos murdered in a blood rage, in the village, a long time ago. The one she couldn't make sense of. Kratos's eyes widened, and he shook his head.

"I am so sorry... my love..." He apologized to her.

Twilight gasped, and the spell broke, from both her fatigue, and from the pure shock of the situation. "Th-that was..." Twilight shook with realization. The blades in front of her...

Kratos had killed his love, his true love, with them.

Not being able to take it anymore, Twilight wept loudly. She cried for him; she now understood his pain. What he was hiding. Why he was so secretive. She was so, so sorry for him. It wasn't his fault! He didn't intentionally kill his wife, either. It was accidental! But now she felt so bad, she didn't even have his permission to see such sorrow and rage. Now she saw what Kratos meant. He thought it was too much for her to bear. And he was right. She should have listened. She should have!

Twilight, you silly pony! Why do you always think you’re in the right?!

She cried for what felt like hours to her, which it was. She was so tired afterwards that she could barely stand- let alone go to bed. But she did. And she curled-up in the bed, tears running down her face as she drifted to the sleep she needed so terribly.

"I-I... I'm s-so... sorry..."

- - - - Meanwhile, back in Room 14...

“Hey... are you sure giving Kratos a gun will be a good idea?” The author asked a gold shield. They both looked down at Kratos.

The shield somehow gave the Author a wicked smile.

Author's Note:

"All of my stories run on my theories, and my ideas. If you have a problem with them, move on, and have a good day. If you don't like it, don't read it. It's as simple as that.

"If you spot any grammatical problems, tell me. If you spot any punctuation problems, tell me. If you have a problem with the plot, I'll give you this and this only: It's my story. Not yours. If you want <insert your idea here> to happen, write it yourself, or stop bugging authors to make a story that they enjoy writing, into something that you would enjoy. In other words, your ideas are your ideas, and my ideas are my ideas. Don't try to force anything down my throat, or another's. Write it yourself, or it isn't going to happen."