• Published 12th Oct 2012
  • 5,679 Views, 141 Comments

Earth and Sky - Metal Pony Fan

Rainbow Dash stays at Sweet Apple Acres while recovering fom a crash, but AJ's out of town.

  • ...

A battle of mud and wits

I can't believe it! I knew Mac had something planned, but I wasn't expecting this! He dyed my mane dark blue, except for the yellow stripe. It was kind of like the stripe in Twilight's mane. And he brushed my mane up and back and tucked it behind my ears in a slightly poofy, bookish look. I almost look like a historian. And in a robe without wing holes, I would look like an earth pony. It's perfect! I even dyed my tail to match. Although, I couldn't save the yellow stripe. But it doesn't look to bad solid, I look like a completely different pony. It would even fool Fluttershy! At least, it would if she didn't already know it was us.

Mac's disguise was a bit more simple, he had his green-dyed hair flat and messy and kind of slicked back. He was going for sort of a rock star look, since he was pretending to be a voice actor, and I guess he kinda pulled it off.

putting on our hats and robes, we we went over our cover stories one last time before exiting the bath. As we walked through the door, I took one last glance at the pool of pink water. Even if we were sitting on opposite sides of the bath, I think we touched in a more important way and I'm never going to forget it.

"YOO-HOO! Over he~re!"

I'm probably never going to be able to forget the rest of this either.

I looked away from the bath to see Rarity sitting in the mud pit, waving wildly to get our attention. It doesn't really make sense to take a bath before sitting in a pile of mud, but there's no way we're getting out of this now. I glanced over at Mac and he gave me a weak smile before walking forward. I hesitated a little before finally giving in and following him.

I hope these disguises hold up.

As we approached the mud bath, I could see that there were three other ponies in it with Rarity, all of them facing away from us. From right to left, there was Rarity, one shock of purple mane, that was Twilight. A respectable distance away was a mass of pink, Fluttershy, obviously. But next to Fluttershy, sitting very, very, very, very, did I say very? Well, sitting very close, was somepony with a short, messy, tan mane. Is that Pete?

Wow, Fluttershy must really like him, to be comfortable sitting that close to him in public. I wonder how long they've been together? I just found out about them yesterday, so it can't have been too long. But, then again, Fluttershy and I never talk about girly things like romance, so I have no way of knowing.

I'm a little jealous though. I would be be embarrassed to be sitting that close to Mac where anypony could see me. I'm surprised she isn't. Or maybe she is and just isn't letting it stop her. That's gotta be it. When Mac and I reached the mud pit, or mud bath as Rarity no doubt insists on calling it, he went and sat on the side opposite everypony else. He didn't get in yet, he just sat on the side and dangled his hooves into the mud.

I stole another glance at Pete and Fluttershy. They were whispering to each other. I couldn't make out what they were saying, but I noticed that they were sitting so close that their shoulders were touching. It looks like they really enjoy each others company.

I've made up my mind. If she can do it, then I can do it too! I sat down next to Mac at the mud pool's edge and scooted over. I think I moved a little too quickly, because I bumped into Mac's side kind of hard. He gave me that cute look with the raised eyebrow though, so it wasn't all bad.

Across from us, Pete and Fluttershy stopped whispering to each other and nodded. Fluttershy turned to face us and feigned surprise. "Oh, hello," I could see her smirk, "How was the bath?" Fluttershy never smirks, love sure has changed her. She's almost acting like me. Almost.

I'm still the best though.

I smiled and leaned against Mac. "Pink," I said, raising the pitch of my voice to mimic Rarity, "absolutely, wonderfully pink.

She didn't have to fake surprise this time. "What?" She glanced at Pete who shrugged and shook his head. I held back a snicker as Fluttershy turned back to me and whispered, "ok, I give up, what does that mean?"

"Nothing, darling," I said loudly, "absolutely nothing."

"Fluttershy," Rarity, who was silent up until now, leaned past Twilight to tap Fluttershy on the shoulder, "introductions?"

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, I forgot. I didn't mean to, it's just that, I, um, oh, sorry." Fluttershy's voice that was barely above a whisper and her head was slowly lowering towards the mud. Yeah. Some things will never change. As much as Fluttershy can be confident at times, especially if it's just her friends around her, it doesn't take much for her to slip back into maximum introversion mode. "Um, well," she did her best to snap out of it, but getting her out of her shell usually takes a good deal of time. Or a small critter of some sort.

Neither of those things were present, so it looked liked Fluttershy would most likely be quiet for the rest of the spa visit. Poor Fluttershy, but at least our secret is safe. Scratch that, it's safer, but there's still a wild card. One by the name of Pete.

He smiled at Fluttershy and put a hoof on her shoulder. Then he looked over at us and shrugged. His grin told me that he was about to prove his wild card status. But how? I know nothing about him other than name, jobs, and Fluttershy's Coltfriend. I don't know his moves, his style, how he reacts under pressure, nothing. As an opponent, he's a completely blank slate and I have to be ready for anything. There!

He made his move.

He leaned over and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek. Just a quick peck, but when he turned back to us, he had a confident look in his eyes, like he knew it was his victory.

And it was.

Fluttershy popped up, kissed him on the cheek and started talking like nothing could stop her. "This is Pete, my special somepony." She turned and gestured to the other two ponies in the bath. "And these are my friends, Twilight," Twilight waved, "and Rarity." Rarity nodded. "Pete, girls," Fluttershy gestured towards Mac and I, "this is Mr. and Mrs. Dapple. They're friends of mine from Canterlot."

"Really?" asked Twilight and Rarity at the same time, "we'll have so much to talk about!"

"A-actually live just outside of the city." I looked over at Mac, hoping for some backup, but he was busy having a staredown with Pete. Looks like I'm on my own for now. "We're more the country type anyways."

"Oh, I can Imagine," said Fluttershy, girls? Did you know? Mrs. Dapple is an author."

"Really!" leave to Twilight, always perks up at the mention of something boring, "I love books! I live at the library, so if you ever need any I'm pony to see. But I don't think we have any of yours though. What genre do you write?"

Way to put me on the spot Flutters. Let's see genre? If I give her a specific answer, she'll back me into a corner. "This and that, dear, this and that. At the moment, I am working on a brief history of sports, rather Pegasus specific, but it's for a client." I know she doesn't follow sports, so this conversation should be over.

Fluttershy had other plans though. "Will the Wonderbolts be in it?"

I could feel my eye twitch behind my sunglasses. "Well, of course not deary. They've been done." I had to grind the words out through my teeth and I can only hope they didn't sound too mechanical.

Well played, Fluttershy, well played.

"Well, we have a friend named Rainbow Dash," said Twilight, "She's a pegasus and an expert on anything competitive like sports, racing especially. But if you talk to her during your research, do not tell her what you just said about the Wonderbolts." She gave me an apologetic smile. "She might take it the wrong way."

What the hay is that supposed to mean?

Fluttershy, I apologize for what I'm about to do, but you were asking for it. "I may speak to her at some point, but I need to catalogue contact sports. Racing and the like are a little too hooves off for my purposes."

"So, what?" asked Twilight, "hoofball? Cloud tag?"

"Actually," I fixed my gaze on Fluttershy, "I was thinking more along the lines of the martial arts. Things like karate championships and Dojos." That got her! Fluttershy's smile is fading. One more push oughtta do it. "I came to Ponyville because I heard there was a real-life ninja training at the local Dojo. Doesn't that just sound delightfully fascinating and mysterious?" Fluttershy started another slow slide into the mud. Game and Match! Winner? Me. Sorry, Fluttershy, you were a good opponent, and your defeat was an honorable one. I take no pleasure in this victory.

Oh, who am I kidding. I won! I'm awesome! Woohoo!

I didn't have long to bask in my victory before Pete came to Fluttershy's rescue. He put a hoof around her shoulders and pulled her towards him, resting her head on his shoulder before it could hit the mud. "Ya know, it's interesting that you bring that up." I saw his eyes flicker towards Mac. "I happen to know the stallion who runs the Dojo. Big red fella, a lot like your husband. Never has much to say. Speaking of which," He shifted so that he was looking straight at Mac, "Mr. Dapple, what do you do for a living?"

"Well sir," said Mac in his fake Trottingham," I am voice actor." That's it Mac. It's your turn now, but I'm rooting for you.

Pete tilted his head and very flatly said, "not a very good one." And just what does he mean by that? He's got Twilight and Rarity fooled, and I bet if you didn't already know, you'd be fooled too. "Now don't get me wrong," he put his free hoof up defensively, "the accent is perfect, but your dialect is all wrong."

"Dialect?" asked Fluttershy, perking up her ears. Looks like she's back in the game. She lifted her head off of Pete's shoulder and gave him an inquisitive look. "What's the difference?"

"Well, you see," Pete moved a bit away from Fluttershy and turned to face her. They sat face to face as Pete explained, "the accent is how he says the words, and is easily recognized. The dialect consists of the words that he uses. Words that are specific to certain locations. For example, when you go shopping, what do you put your groceries in?"

"Um, a grocery sack?" she answered.

"Right, but you lived in Cloudsdale as a foal. Somepony who grew up in Ponyville would just call it a sack or a shopping bag. In Canterlot, it's called a tote, Trottingham it's a paper, and in Las Pegasus, it's just a bag. See?"

"Oh," exclaimed Fluttershy," I see."

You know, Pete and Fluttershy sure go well together. I look at them and they just seem to fit. I wonder if anypony sees that when they look at Mac and me. Not that anypony's seen us together besides Pete and Fluttershy. Well, Twilight and Rarity have, but they don't know it's us. I glanced over at them. They had lost interest in us and were chatting about something between themselves.

I heard Fluttershy start giggling, "so that means that Mr. Dapple isn't from Trottingham?"

Sigh. Round Two! DING!!


These two are tough. Every time Rainbow and I get the upper hoof, they recover and hit back harder than ever. What's hurting us the most is that their teamwork is better than ours. Rainbow and I are gonna have to work on that. Heh. I like the thought of that.

"So," Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin, "if the Trottingham accent isn't Mr. Dapple's real accent, then that means he's not from there, right?" Fluttershy? You're destroying us. How can you keep asking those questions so innocently?

I still have Canterlot, Manehattan, Griffin Standard, and my own voice. I'll take a risk with Canterlot. "Excu-use me, but I never said I was from l, ugh, Trottingham." This is my best one, I copied it off some stuck up noble I met at a tournament. "How rude, to presume that I-"

"STOP!!!!!!!!" Aaaggh! My ears! What'd you go and do that for, Miss Rarity? "Just. Stop." She ain't happy. I'm pretty sure she's stomping her hoof under the mud. "That accent reminds me of somepony, and I will NOT be reminded of him during my time of relaxation. That means you will not speak in that manner while in my presence. Is that understood?"

Eeyup. "Yes, ma'am." I really liked that one too.

"Thank you." She leaned back with a smile and closed her eyes. "It's so nice of you to be so understanding." She's a scary one sometimes. I just hope Sweetie Belle don't turn out that way.

"Hey, you know what?" There goes Pete. You know, every time he opens his mouth, and I know that whatever he says, I'm gonna be the one who regrets it. "I have this friend, he's a local farmer, could you do his accent? Kind of a southern drawl, I bet it would be foal's play for an accomplished voice actor such as yourself." That's Pete, never one to disappoint.

I cleared my throat and dropped all the fake accents. "Ah s'pose, ya mean somethin' like this."

"That's perfect!" said Twilight. She hasn't really said much today. "You're copying Big Macintosh aren't you? He's my friend Applejack's brother. Though I've never really heard him talk much, so I'm not sure if you're copying him or somepony else."

"Trust me," said Pete, "it's just like the real thing." He started scratching his left ear. This isn't good. That's his tell, in everything from poker to sparring, that left ear doesn't lie. He's about to pull something big. "Say, I'm curious, what does the cutie mar-"

I grabbed Rainbow and jumped into the mud bath, splattering mud everywhere to the shrieks and laughter of the other occupants. Sorry, but there was no time to come up with a better plan. That was way too close, and now they've got us on the defensive.

Wait. Us.

I'm still holding on to Rainbow! I looked down at the mass of bright colors nestled in my fore-hooves. She was looking back at me, sunhat tilted just enough for me to see the shy smile gracing her reddening face. I let go of her, but instead of moving away, she leaned back against my chest.

Confidence renewed, I turned back to face Pete. "Ah'm sorry, Pete was it? Ah didn't quite get that." I feel like I could take on the changeling empire myself. Wait. Didn't the pony that say that die after four seconds of screentime?

Pete had wiped most of the mud from his own face and was helping Fluttershy. "I was asking what the cutie mark of a voice actor looks like."

"Ah, uh, Ah don't like to show it." I'm doomed. I got cocky, and now I'm going to pay the price. If I'd have just kept my big mouth shut, then maybe he would have forgotten about it.

"Why?" Pete narrowed his eyes. "What is it? Lozenges? A microphone? A script? I'm sure it's something interesting, so why don't you want to show us?"

"Ah, uh, well, ya see-" I've got nothing!

"We can't choose our talents or cutie marks," said Twilight, "there's nothing to be embarrassed about." I looked over at Twilight to see her and Rarity sitting next to a frozen wave of mud. What? Twilight noticed that my stare and glanced over at the wall of mud. "Oh, that." She started scratching the back of her neck. "Temporary suspended animation, I kind of panicked when you cannonballed. It'll wear off soon. Anyway, you don't have to be ashamed of your cutie mark. Besides, I knew somepony back in Canterlot whose special talent was ergonomics." She stopped there, but she must have noticed my blank stare. "He designed chairs. Really comfortable ones too, sometimes you just didn't want to get up once you sat down. Anyway, his cutie mark was, shall we say, less than fortunate. So yours can't be that bad, can it?"

"Well, uh, Ah guess, um, Ah- ACK!!" There was a sharp pain in my ribs. I looked down to see Rainbow glaring at me from under her hat. "Did ya just jab me?" I asked in a whisper.

"Pull it together, Mac," she whispered before turning to face Twilight, "actually, it's that little thing that hangs down in the back of the mouth."

Ew. But nice save.

Rarity gasped put a hoof to her mouth. "Oh, my dears you have my sincerest condolences." Her voice was filled with genuine concern and sorrow. "If you ever find the time, please come by the boutique I'm sure I could make a fine pair of pants that you will simply adore. Free of charge, of course."

"Why, thank ya kindly, Miss Rarity, but ya don't need to go through the trouble on my account."

"Oh, it's no trouble, none at all," she replied, "and let me help you with your hats." A brief look of concentration crossed her face and the hats disappeared in a flash of magic.

Fluttershy and Pete clamped their hooves over their mouths and started to sink below the surface of the mud. Bubbles started to rise from their muffled laughter.

Aloe came around with a tray of cucumber slices. She gave me and Rainbow an odd look, but she didn't say anything as she offered the tray to each pony. I'm guessing she noticed the change in mane color.

Rarity, who took two of the slices suddenly slapped a hoof to her forehead. "I almost forgot the sunglasses. They're quite stylish, but you don't need them inside."

Twilight started muttering something about her brother.

"Yeah I do, uh, I mean," Rainbow, had taken 2 cucumber slices, and I'm pretty sure she was just going to eat them, "they are quite helpful." She quickly stuck the slices behind the glasses. "See?"

Rarity's eyes went wide. "I never thought of that," she said with admiration, "it's brilliant! I have to remember it for next time." She put the cucumber slices over her eyes. "Fluttershy, this is why I like your friends, they're all so cultured. Except for Rainbow Dash, no offence to her, but she just does not take the time to enjoy the finer things in life. She would have just eaten the cucumber slices."

"Mac?" I heard Rainbow whisper, "is anypony looking?"

"Nnope," I whispered back. Rarity's eyes were covered, Twilight was talking to Aloe, and Pete and Fluttershy were busy plotting our downfall. "Yer safe."

Rainbow tossed her head back quickly and lifted the sunglasses straight up. The cucumber slices stuck to glasses for a second, but then fell into Rainbow's open mouth. She returned her head to its former position, put the glasses back on, and had the slices chewed and swallowed in about a second. "Thanks," she whispered.

"Yer welcome," I whispered back.

"So, Pete," Twilight had finished her coverstaion with Aloe and had turned her attention to the tan terror, "I've heard Fluttershy mention you a few, but what is it that you do?" Fluttershy started giggling. Uh, oh. That can't be a good sign.

Pete flashed a grin in my direction. "You know, miss Sparkle, I'm really glad you asked that." Whatever their endgame is, it's happening now. "I'm chief of police for district A-12. A.k.a. Ponyville."

What are you planning Pete?

"Since when did Ponyville have a police force?" asked Twilight. "And what about the Royal guard? It seems kind of redundant to have police when we have them."

"There's only three of us," laughed Pete, "as for the royal guard, they aren't from here, so they don't know the ponies or the places. Local police are members of the community. Also, most cities don't have a Royal Guard presence. We're pretty close to Canterlot and let's just say that Ponyville is a rather eventful place."

"That must make a lot of work for you," said Twilight.

"They're planning something," Rainbow whispered, "get ready to move."

Pete, reached a hoof to his mane. "We develop little tricks to make things easier for us," Pete pulled a small, dark grey puff out of his mane." this is one of mine." Twilight examined the item with intense scrutiny.

Rainbow gasped. "Mac?!" Her voice was a whisper, but it held a hint of panic. "What is he doing with a piece of thundercloud?!"

"He uses that for his shock tag," I whispered back, "don't worry, it's stabilized. Pete's a proffessional."

There was another sharp pain in my ribs and Rainbow fixed me with a glare. "So am I! I can tell it's stabilized from here, but what's he going to do with it? And what the hay is a shock tag?"

Pete clapped his hooves over the stormcloud and started rubbing them together.

"Time to go," I whispered to Rainbow. She didn't waste time responding, she just started climbing out of the mud bath. She was having problems though, her muddy hooves were slipping on the smooth tile and she couldn't lift herself out.

Pete suddenly pulled his hooves apart. "This is the shock tag," he said.

"I don't see anything," said Twilight.

I leaned towards Rainbow. "Sorry Rainbow, yer taking too long."

Rainbow looked at me in confusion. "What does that mea-WHOA!" I picked Rainbow up, taking care to avoid putting any stress on her injured wing. Wow, she's light. I tossed her up out of the mud bath. She landed gracefully and offered a hoof to help me out. "Don't you ever do that again," she snorted angrily.

I took the offered hoof, even though I didn't need it. I'm used to dealing with mud, what with the farm and all, but I really don't need to upset Rainbow anymore than tossing her already did. "Ah won't." I don't feel like diein' young. But we're out, and now we can-

"Whoa now! Don't touch." Pete started laughing. Twilight almost touched his hooves in her curiosity, that would not have been pleasant. "There's not much to see," he started bringing his hooves together, "but if you touch, there's a lot to feel." When they were about an inch apart, there was a crackle and a puff of smoke as blue electricity arced between his hooves. Then, suddenly, nothing happened. Huh! I got all worked up over nothin'. Too bad. You tried, Pete. Better luck ne-

"BEEP-BEEP-BEEP!!" He set off the fire alarm? "Fwissssshhhh!!" Why am I getting wet? I looked up. Oh, sprinklers.

He's trying to wash away the dye!

"Run!" I yelled to Rainbow.

"Duh!" she yelled back. Good, we're on the same page.

Pete climbed out of the mud bath and placed himself in our path. We started running around the other side of the bath. I was suddenly stopped by a yank on the robe I was wearing. I looked back to see Fluttershy holding down the ends of my robe and Rainbow's. Normally, she would have been dragged along like one of Winona's old chew toys, but we had no traction on this wet tile. Meanwhile, Pete started to make his way around the bath towards us.

Rainbow and I exchanged glances before discarding the robes. We were completely undisguised now. The sprinklers washed away the mud and dye and Rainbow had even lost her sunglasses somewhere along the way. I'm gonna have to buy Spike a new pair, but I can think about that later. Rarity and Twilight were too preoccupied by the sudden downpour to-


As suddenly as it had started, the sprinklers ceased sharing their water supply. Rainbow and I once again exchanged glances before deciding on a course of action.


We headed for the door, but the two unicorns were starting to look up. We're not gonna make it! We weren't even past the wall of mu-


Right. Temporary suspended animation. But we're hidden again! We didn't stop heading for the door, but I spared a glance back at Pete and Fluttershy. They were sitting beside each other at the far end of the mud pool. In unison, they each snapped both front hooves up and together. Then then bowed their head and snapped them back up with a shout of, "OSU!"

You two are in for it when I get my hooves on you! Rainbow and I made it through the rest of the spa and the lobby without incident, but as we ran out the door, the receptionist, whom I now know is Lotus, called out, "please come and visit us again!"

There could be only one possible response to that. "Nnope!"


This is fun. Running through Ponyville with Mac like our tails are on fire. I used to think he was boring, but I'm never going to forget this. And judging by everypony's stares, I don't think the citizens of Ponyville will either. Fortunately, we're completely covered in mud, so nopony knows it's us.

We kept running until we reached Sweet Apple Acres. I was surprised that Mac could keep up with me. He wasn't as fast as AJ, but he kept up a steady run. I stopped at the front entrance to the farm and turned around. "Hey, Mac, I-"

He ran straight past me and jumped over the fence with ease. Looks like Applejack's not the only rodeo pony in this family. I slipped through the gate and took off after him. I didn't have the momentum to make the jump, but I can still catch up with him.

I followed him past the barn and off to an undeveloped section of the farm that I am, honestly, not familiar with. I just hope he stops soon. No! Not because I'm tired! I could run like this all day! It's just, we're still covered in mud, and it's starting to dry, meaning it's starting to get uncomfortable.

Up ahead of me, Mac darted to the side and disappeared behind a dense grove of trees. When I turned the corner, I found myself in front of a large pond. It was almost deep enough to be a small lake really. The water was crystal clear and I could see small fish darting around the rock at the bottom. There were cattails near the bank and a large willow tree hanging over the edge of the pond. The willows branches stopped just short of the waters surface and every so often, fish would jump out of the water to nip at bugs that landed too close to the surface.

"Mac, this is awesome!" That's really the only way to describe it. "I never even knew this place existed."

Mac was sitting on a fallen cottonwood tree. At least, that's what AJ calls them. I don't get it really. I mean, cotton? Wood? You can't get two things that are more different than that. "Ya mean, ya never saw it while ya were flyin' around?"

"I don't really pay attention to the ground beneath me unless I'm about to crash." Maybe I should though. "But I really mean it, this place is really nice. Thanks for showing it to me."

"Yer welcome Rainbow." Mac scratched the back of his neck, flaking off some of the dried mud. "Ah'm glad ya like it."

I walked over and sat down on the log next to Mac. "But why did you run here so suddenly?"

"Well, Ah thought a swim would be better than a garden hose. And, uh," he tapped his hooves together a few times, "Ah'll go now, so you can wash up." He got up and started walking away.

I hopped off the log and followed him. "You think I'm just gonna let you watch me from the trees? Not happening."

He stopped and spun around. The look on his face was priceless, both eyes were as wide as saucers as he tried to stammer something in his defense. He couldn't even make sound come out. It's cute when he gets flustered. Not that I'll ever tell anypony, of course.

I sat down in front of him and crossed my forehooves. "If you're gonna spy on me, you're gonna do it where I can see you." I think something broke in that big red skull of his, because he completely froze. After a few seconds, I gave up on waiting for him to recover and took off for the pond. As I neared the water's edge, I yelled out, "last one in's a rotten-" I saw a reddish-brown streak out of the corner of my eye. I turned my head just in time to see Mac leap for the water.

He dove into the pond with an impressive splash, pelting me with water droplets and small fish. He didn't even cannonball. He turned to face me after he surfaced. Flicking his now-soaked mane out of his eyes, he gave me a playful glare. "Don't ya dare say apple."

I kicked the flopping fish on the.bank back into the water. "Wouldn't dream of it." I stepped into the pond and paddled my way over to Mac. Ya know, it's weird, I was all embarrassed and stuff being in the bath with him, even though it was just us, but here, I'm fine. I wonder if it's because the water's colder. Or maybe because we we're not behind closed doors. Or maybe it's just because I'm getting a little more comfortable with the idea of having somepony special. Whatever it is, it's kind of nice. "I underestimated you, Macintosh Apple. I thought you would be dumbstruck for at least another minute. I won't go so easy on you next time."

Mac scratched at his ears. "Ah'm sorry, there's mud in my ears. Did ya say ya want me to go easy on ya next time? Let me think about it."

"Hey! That's not what I-" before I could finish setting Mac straight, he lifted his fore-hooves out of the water and brought them down with a resounding slap. The resulting wave knocked me back and sent me under. I was about to right myself when I felt myself being lifted for the third time today.

When my head broke the surface of the water, I heard Mac calling my name. "Rainbow! Rainbow, are ya all right?" Whoa, he's strong. He's holding me up in the air like it's nothing. And he's tall. I was paddling, but he's just sitting on the bottom. "Ah'm sorry, Ah didn't mean ta-"

"Do you enjoy treating me like a stuffed doll?" I made sure to inject a healthy dose of sarcasm into my voice. "And calm down, I'm not gonna break that easily."

He blinked. "Huh?"

"That means put me down!" He jumped back, hooves releasing me from their grip. Through some quirk of my latent pegasi magic, I had just enough time to realize that I was still in the air before gravity claimed me.


"Ugh." That hurt. I floated on the surface where I belly-flopped, but it didn't last long before I started sinking.


"Rainbow?" I know she said not to worry so much, but she ain't coming up. Of course, she ain't done sinking yet. She's probably waiting to hit the bottom so she can push herself back to the surface. I could see her through the clear water and when she didn't push up after hitting the bottom, I knew something was wrong. That fall must have hurt worse than I thought! Hold on Rainbow! I wasted no time in diving under to help her. Please be all right.

She was at the bottom of the pond pulling her hooves under her. I saw that her cheeks were puffed out, most likely, she must have managed to get a good breath of air before she sank. She also probably would have made it to the surface in a few seconds.

That was a few seconds that I wasn't willing to wait. I stuck my head beneath her and gently lifted her out of the water. Then I walked back to the shore with Rainbow slung over my neck.

As I approached the fallen log, I felt something push down on the top of my head. "I thought I told you I didn't break easily," said Rainbow with some annoyance in her voice, "I would have been just fine on my own." She punctuated her words with light smacks from her hoof to the top of my head.

"Ah didn't know, and AJ would never forgive me if somethin' happened to ya." I took a deep breath before saying what was really on my mind. "And Ah wouldn't either."

She stopped smacking my head, but said nothing. I wonder what's going on in that head of hers. Is she mad at me? She has every right to be. Suddenly, she furiously rubbed her hoof side to side in my mane. Once she stopped, I felt her shift on my back. "Thanks, ya big lug." I could feel her stand up on my back. I was about to look back to see what she was doing, but before I could, I felt two hooves on top of my head. Then Rainbow's upside-down face filled my vision. "For everything, and I mean that." She hopped from my back to the log and sat down facing me. "I had a really great time today, Mac."

That's good to hear. "Ah'm glad ya did." I sat down where I was. The log was just high enough that
Rainbow and I were able to look straight into each others eyes. She has really nice eyes by the way. "Ah was a little worried that ya weren't too happy with how our date turned out."

"Wha- Ohhh-" She stood up quickly and almost slipped off the log. "Are you kidding?!" she yelled after regaining her balance. I knew it, she was just trying to be polite. I probably just destroyed any chance I- "That was the best date ever! I would say day, but that would just invite disaster. You know, we should really do that again sometime."

Another date? "Eeyup." I would love to!

"How about tomorrow? If you're not doing anything?"

"Eeyup." All I've got are chores, same as today.

"Sweet! It's a date then." A smirk crossed her face for a moment. "My second date, who would have guessed that I, of all ponies, would ever be dating somepony?"

"Me," I said, pointing out the obvious.

Rainbow blinked and tilted her head before falling of the log in a raucous fit of laughter. "Oh, Mac! That was great!" She laughed some more while rolling on the ground. It was nice to see her laugh, but I was worried that she would aggravate her injured wing. Eventually, she stopped rolling around and stood up. Wiping a tear from her eye, she flashed me a smile. "Thanks for making my first real date a memorable one."

I scratched the back of my neck. It's funny how itchy that particular spot's been lately. "Aw, shucks, Ah should be thankin' you fer the same thing."

"Wait, Rainbow pulled her eyebrows together, "that was your first date too?"

"Eeyup." If you don't count the love poison, but I ain't bringing that up anytime soon. "But, what do you mean by real?"

"Oh, um," looks like she's got the same itchy neck problem that I do, "back in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy had a crush on somepony in her remedial flight class. In an effort to give her the courage to talk to him, I may have gone on out with her brother."

"How'd it go?"

"He was as shy as she is." Why isn't she smiling anymore?

"Oh." I suppose that's to be expected. "Ah never knew Fluttershy had a brother."

She didn't answer, not verbally anyway. Her face told me what I needed to know. It was a face that said, "used to." It was a face I've seen too many times. I stood up and walked over to Rainbow. I don't know how close she was to this colt, but I know how close she is to Fluttershy and if that's any indication, then I just opened a wound that probably won't ever heal. I know mine hasn't. "Come on, let's get to the house. Ah can put together somethin' for an early dinner. Ya know, since we skipped lunch and all."

"Yeah, I guess." She managed a half-hearted smile before she started walking back to the farmhouse. "Hey, Mac? Do you have any bandages? Mine are all nasty."

"Eeyup." I walked alongside her, matching her uncharacteristically slow pace. "We've got plenty of medical supplies, most of it for me. Do ya need any help?"

"No, I can get it." We walked in silence for a few moments. "But, um, if you don't mind..." She let her words trail off without finishing her question.

"If Ah don't mind?" I prodded.

"Well, it's just um, you did a great job styling my mane. What with the dye and everything."

"Ah've got two younger sisters. Mah days've seen a lot of brushin'."

"Well, then you're probably sick of it, but, um, maybe just once, you could..." Once again, she didn't finish her question.

That's ok though, I'm pretty sure I know what she's asking. Leave it to Rainbow to be embarrassed about something like that. "I'd love to. And Ah'll be sure not to tell anypony." I don't have a hairbrush though, and I'm pretty sure that if she has one, it's a little out of reach. "You'll have to borrow AJ's brush though."

Rainbow shrugged with one shoulder while she walked. "What do you think I did for the gala? Just don't tell her."

"Ah won't."

"Thanks, Mac." We walked back the rest of the way in silence, but once we were within sight of the farmhouse, Rainbow shouted, "race ya!" and took off for the front door.

She was already on the front porch by the time I started running. She had already won, but I didn't care. I just ran to the porch anyways. Just because she suggested it. Just because of that beautiful mare who took what would have been a boring, normal day and made it something unforgettable. Just for that bright Rainbow. She was so sad earlier. I know how she felt, and that nopony can ever take that pain away, but just having somepony be there can help you live with it.

When I reached the porch, Rainbow was stretched out on the ground, feigning sleep. "Took ya long enough," she said, in between fake snores, "I thought I was gonna grow old here."

There's a thought. But one for much, much later. "Well, Ah'm here now, Rainbow. And if ya need anything, Ah'll be there, for you."

Confusion painted her face for a moment, but that quickly gave way to a warm smile. "Thanks, Mac. I may take you up on that."