• Published 4th Nov 2012
  • 792 Views, 7 Comments

And So Came Order - canonkiller

A first-pony account of a land before order, before acceptance, before magic...

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year one

mommy epona left tooday she told my sistar that i was to litle to be alon and that she has to wach me. i told her i was a big poni and she said no i wasnt. i got really made and ran away. cellis yeling for me to com out but i dont want to. im going to stay here forEVER.

celly fund me and brot me home. i ran up to my rom and sad i was never comig out ever. celly didnt com upstars until it was nite. she didnt say good nite ether. i hop shes not sooper mad at me.

celly sad that today she was gong to teech me how to writ like a big pony. she says that if i want to be a big pony i have to writ like on.

Celly told me how to use CAPITALS today. She says that I need them on her name, I and at the begining of sentenses. She also said that she was goig to find me a frend so I woodnt be lonly.

Celly was gon all day today. She left me a not that sad she wood be back by nite. I dont like it here all alon. Its to quiet. I thik this is wat lonly fels lik. I wondr wat kind of frend she will bring me.

Celly came back late last nite night without a frend friend. She said she wood would help me lern learn how to spell some new words insted instead. She's corectig correcting my spelling as I write!

I'm getting better at spelling! I practiced all night on a piece of bark I found! Celly said a lot of it is really good! She said I might even be a big pony now!

I wonder where Celly is. She left to go find me a friend again.

She hasn't come home yet. I'm kind of hungry.

I went outside and ate some grass today. It tasted dirty. Celly's not home yet.

I read a big pony book from Celly's room today. I didn't understand what some of it meant. Why would a boy lick a girl's cat? I don't get it.

Celly's not home. I thought I heard her at the door but it was a bird.

The bird isn't a good friend. It can't talk.

Celly's not home. I ate more grass. My tummy feels empty. The bird set fire to the rug by accident. I read a book today called 'dictionary'. It had a lot of words I didn't know in it.

Celly'shomeCelly'shomeCelly'shomeCelly'shome! She came in looking really tired and asked me if I was alright and she was sorry she was gone so long. She saw the burned rug but didn't ask about it.

I realized I forgot to ask her about my new friend. I'm sure she's doing a good job.

Celly left again today, but she left lots of food at the house. She said to not get worried if she was gone for a long time. I told her I was a big pony and I would be okay.

Celly's not home, but that's okay. I built a fort out of rocks from outside. They were really heavy. The bird didn't help.

I decided the bird's name is Philomena. I don't think it means anything, but it sounds pretty. I built more fort today.

Philomena was being really annoying today, so I poked her with a stick. The stick caught on fire when it touched her! I threw the stick outside into a puddle. I didn't know Philomena could set things on fire by touching them! She's never burned me!

Celly's still not home. I ate all of the rice cakes today and felt like a bad pony after. Celly loves the rice cakes.

I decided if Celly's not home by tomorrow, I'm eating all the candy apples.

She didn't come home. I ate as many candy apples as I could, but then I felt really sick and had to have a nap.

I wonder how Celly knows when it's bedtime. The sky is always the same color.

Celly's not home. I'm getting worried about her.

Celly's not home.

Celly's not home. I'm collecting sharp rocks to fight off monsters.

Celly's not home.

I'm going after Celly. I have a stick with a pointy rock stuck in it, I have a jacket and I have one of Celly's saddlebags. Philomena is coming with me too because she glows in the dark.

I'm in the forest now. The can see Celly's hoofprints, but they're old and dry. I know that because I brought a 'wilderness survival' book. I brought some food too, but I hope I find Celly soon.

It's cold today. There was some weird white stuff falling from the sky that was really cold. I ate some, and it turned to water. I wonder if it's poisonous.

I have named the stuff from the sky sno, because whenever I yell 'no' at it my shivers add an 's'.

Sno is a good name. I hate sno. It makes my feet cold.

I haven't found Celly yet, but I found a cave. The cave is nice and warm compared to outside in the sno.

The sno is still falling. I haven't seen Celly. I don't think sno is poisonous because I ate a lot of it.

I heard something walking around last night, but it was a mouse.

The bird flew away today, so the cave was dark. It was even colder too. I have to go out tomorrow, I need to find the bird and Celly.

I have my boots on and my bags and my pointy stick. I put some of the bird's feathers in my mane and they keep my ears warm. I should pay more attention to the bird. It's very useful.

I walked a long way today, but the bird's been shedding feathers so I can follow them. Or just shedding feathers. I've been picking them up and using them to line my bags and boots. The sno doesn't feel as bad now.

The sno is getting thinner here. The air feels crackly, like if magic was used. I remember how Celly used to get the air to warm up around her when she used magic, and I'm suddenly very worried.

The sno keeps getting lower and lower, and the air feels like before the sno started. The air almost sparks now.

The feathers are thick on the ground now. Maybe the bird is as lost as I am.

I woke up last night to a great ball of fire emerging from one of the feather piles. It was the bird! It set itself on fire! It looks a lot younger now, I wonder if the fire works like that mud Celly puts on her face.

I can see something white over there. I think...

I think it's Celly...